Got Me In Chains

By alyssa-san

58.4K 1.7K 2.3K

LeoPika Fanfic The phenomenon with Kurapika and the Phantom Troupe is over. All 13 members were killed, inclu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 26

1K 25 11
By alyssa-san

After the surgery, Kurapika was asleep for four days, leaving Leorio with the crying Luca. Leorio stood up, his face covered with exhaustion and bags under his eyes. He hasn't gotten any sleep in four days.

Leorio paced back and forth with the crying baby boy in his arms, letting out a yawn. "It''s...okay..." he repeated once again, trying to keep his baby boy quiet.

Nothing worked though. He just wanted to barge into the room and give Luca to Kurapika. Kurapika woke up around 12 p.m. the next day, rubbing his eyes. "Is everything done?" He asked.

"Yes. You slept for four days. You may see your family now." Chidzu responded.

Kurapika sat up and looked at the scars and stitch marks left on his stomach. "Good." He pulled his white long sleeve on, then his robe. "Thanks, Dr. Chidzu" the blonde walked towards the door.

"Kurapika, wait." Chidzu stopped him.

Kurapika turned his head to look back at the female doctor. "Yes, what is it?" He asked.

"Never mind. Go spend time with your family. They miss you dearly." Chidzu said in a low voice.

Kurapika sighed, but nodded. He then heard the sounds of his baby boy crying, wondering what was going on. The blonde walked out of the room and into the waiting room, looking over at Leorio. "What happened to you?"

"Kurapika! Thank goodness!" Leorio shouted, Luca's crying instantly stopping as he saw his other father. "I've been up for four days with Luca. He wouldn't fall asleep, all he did was cry. We missed you..." he whispered.

Kurapika took Luca from him, carrying the baby boy. "I missed you guys too. Sorry you had to worry." He replied, looking down at Luca and caressing his cheek, much like Leorio would do to him.

"It's fine..." Leorio rubbed his eyes. "I just need some sleep...I'm exhausted..."

"Alright, let's go home. You can go sleep and I can go out with Luca and buy him some clothes." Kurapika said.

"Aw, but I wanna see Luca dressed in cute clothes!" Leorio shouted, but then sighed. "But I do need the sleep...I don't want to fall asleep while driving."

"Then get some rest here. You can't drive us home then. I would drive, but your arms and hands are probably tired from holding Luca and someone needs to hold him. I'll just go now." Kurapika kissed his cheek. "You can come buy clothes with him next time, alright?"

"Fine." Leorio said, sitting down in a chair and throwing his head back, falling asleep instantly. He was too tired and lazy to go to an empty room and sleep on a bed.

Kurapika chuckled quietly, holding the baby boy wrapped in a blue blanket close to his chest. "Alright Luca, we are going to go shopping."

Luca responded by a smile and different baby noises of happiness. Kurapika walked to a clothing store for babies that wasn't too far away, instantly looking at a outfit that interested him. It was much like the one he was wearing now, but the blue in the baby robe was light blue instead of dark blue, and it always had yellow.

"You can twin with me." Kurapika chuckled, grabbing a long sleeve white undershirt and white pants, then blue flats. But he picked out other outfits, a white and blue striped bodysuit and many different footsy pajamas. He couldn't help it. He almost wiped out his Hunter License just buying baby clothing. He even bought him a sailor outfit and a tuexdo, just because when he put them on Luca they all looked adorable.

After paying for everything Kurapika just took out one of the footsy pajamas he bought, putting it on baby Luca so he didn't just have a blanket around him. "There, how cute." He smiled, holding him with one arm carefully as he held the four bags of baby clothing in his other.

Luca giggled, burying his head into his father's chest and once again making gurgle happy baby noises. Kurapika made it back to the hospital, walking inside and looking at his asleep husband. "Why don't we wake daddy up?" The blonde said, looking at his baby boy.

Luca responded with baby noises, looking over at his father. Even though he was just a baby, he already had the high level of intelligence from Kurapika. Kurapika walked over to Leorio silently, sitting down in the chair next to him. The blonde put Luca onto Leorio's chest, and he made loud baby noises inside Leorio's ear.

Leorio instantly woke up, looking around for a moment. "What happened?!" He said, rubbing the side of his head.

Kurapika and Luca laughed at him. "We just wanted daddy up." The blonde said with a smile.

Leorio looked at Luca, holding him in his arms now. "He looks adorable in these pajamas." He smiled, his eyes widening and raising an eyebrow as he saw the four bags of baby clothing. "How much did you buy?!"

"A lot." Kurapika said and scratched the back of his head. "I couldn't help myself. There was so many cute things there. I only spent 300 dollars so don't worry."

"300 dollars?! Kurapika, are you insane?!" Leorio asked in a loud tone

"Hey, once you see them on him, you'll be glad I paid that much and bought so many clothing." Kurapika laughed, showing him the baby outfits he bought one by one.

Leorio sighed. "Well, I guess you're right. They are all awfully cute. I can't believe you found one almost exactly like your outfit."

Kurapika smiled. "Yeah, I know." He kissed his cheek, then stood up. "Let's go home."

Leorio nodded and stood up from the chair, holding Luca in his arms. The couple walked outside of the hospital and went into the car. Leorio handed Luca to Kurapika, then started to drive as soon as he gave his husband his son.

They arrived home a few minutes later, walking inside the house. Kurapika went to the bedroom to put the four bags of clothing down, then walking back out with Luca in his arms. "I'm going to work on dinner." He handed Luca to Leorio. "He's probably hungry, can you get him some milk?"


The two walked into the kitchen, Kurapika preparing a dinner for them. Leorio filled up a baby bottle with milk, warming it up in the microwave.

Leorio then walked into the living room, feeding Luca the warm milk. He then looked at a picture next to him, one of himself, one of Kurapika, one of their first kiss, one of their wedding, and another with Gon and Killua. "We need a family picture."

Kurapika nodded. "Yeah, we can do that sometime soon. And I can pick out the outfit he wears." He chuckled.

Leorio laughed, then turned his head back to look down at Luca. "Geez, he finished the milk that quick again? Must've been hungry." He took the bottle and put it down.

"Why you say that?" Kurapika asked while he was cooking.

"Because he did the same thing the day he was born." Leorio responded, patting his back so Luca would burp. Then Luca closed his eyes, falling asleep.

"Dinner is ready." Kurapika said, placing the dishes on the table.

"I'll be there in a second." Leorio said,walking into the bedroom and carefully putting Luca down in the bassinet. He kissed his forehead, then walked into the kitchen and sat down in a chair near the table. "Thanks Kurapika." He said, starting to eat.

"Your welcome." Kurapika said, then eating. He stopped for a moment, looking up at his husband. "Leorio, I love you. I just want to say don't blame yourself about what happened to me. I'm all healed and stitched up."

"Kurapika..." Leorio said, swallowing the food that was in his mouth and then looking down. "I was so worried. Seeing you in that pain, and you crying and your eyes scarlet just made me upset with myself. I had to blame myself. I thought it was all my fault. I never wanted to see you in that kind of pain again..." he explained.

Kurapika shook his head. "It isn't your fault. You didn't know you were going to get me pregnant, you thought it was impossible. And so did I. I'm feeling fine now, and I'm glad we have a healthy baby boy. I'm glad that I have a great family."

Leorio smiled, a tear running down his face. He was getting awfully emotional. After they finished dinner, the doctor grabbed his husband's hands, pulling him up from the chair he was on. The two shared a long kiss, their arms wrapped around each other.

"Kurapika, I love you so much." Leorio said, pulling him into a tight hug.

Kurapika hugged him, looking into his eyes. "I love you so much too, Leorio."

It was getting late, the couple returning to their bedroom and laying down on the bed. They fell asleep, cuddling with each other and enjoying their life as a married couple and new parents.

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