My Celebrity Housemate

By imperfectdreamer

2.5M 55.1K 6.2K

Katelyn Valentine isn't a stereotypical high school girl. She isn't the type of girl who would crush over boy... More

Important Author's Note (January 2016)
My Celebrity Housemate: Prologue
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Ten
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eleven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twelve
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fourteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Seventeen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Eighteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Nineteen
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twenty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Eight
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Fifty-Nine
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-One
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Two
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Three
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Four
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Five
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Six
My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Sixty-Seven
My Celebrity Housemate: Epilogue
My Celebrity Housemate: Credits and Extras

My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Thirty-Nine

26.6K 574 60
By imperfectdreamer

Hey guys :D

Sorry for not updating yesterday, if you're curious for the reason, I can easily tell you that it's because I was busy in a sushi-making competition that lasted the night, and did I win? Let's just say I wasn't the last xD and I swear, I am never touching another sushi for a very long time 8( sorry sushi lovers :P

Anyway, thanks for your support! :D <3 you all! Feel free to vote or drop a feedback comment, share the story, spread da newsss! Well, just saying xD but I'd appreciate all that!

May God bless you, imperfectdreamer.


Chapter Thirty-Nine

-Kate's P.O.V-

I woke up to another snowing morning. I was about to snooze until I remembered something: Christmas. Oh yeah, today's Christmas. What, was I supposed to sound enthusiastic?

          TODAY'S CHRISTMAS!!! YAY! :D

          Well yeah, I'm sure that's enthusiastic enough. Anyway, to be honest I'm quite glad that it's Christmas. I mean, I may not be able to spend Christmas with my family, but at least I can spend Christmas with someone else. Yep, you guessed it, Drake.

          I got dressed and immediately headed outside. Drake said to meet him here...

          "Good morning."

          "Oh." I spun around. "Drake, good morning." I beamed, obviously happy at the sight of his face. "Merry Christmas!"

          "Merry Christmas." He wished back. "So, are you ready?"

          "Yeah, you bet I am." I grinned. "Where are we going?"

          "We're going to some place exciting. You'll see." He took me by the hand and we left.

          We were walking down the streets, the same street that I took one year ago, except this time I wasn't alone. I was walking hand in hand with Drake. Every girl would die to be me right now, I swear. I can't believe that this is actually happening. I know I said that multiple times already, but seriously, I can't believe that I'm the girl who is holding Drake's hand right now. My cheeks started to burn, but I don't know why, but I didn't care why. I like it this way.

          We were walking for ten minutes until we reached a familiar place.

          "Oh." I stared, soon I started to chuckle. "You're kidding me, right?"

          "No, I'm serious." He beamed. "It'll be fun."

          "But the competition is for kids." I laughed.

          "Well, there's no harm being a kid for a day." He smiled. "The last time I built a snowman was when I was thirteen. Good times."

          "You love snowman-building?"

          "Well, actually I do." He said shyly. "It's something that not many know about. I know it's pretty ridiculous for a grown man to love snowman and stuff, but honestly though, it's something that will never die in me."

          "Nah, it's not that ridiculous. At least you built a snowman before. Oddly enough, I never did." I said.


          "I grew up in a place that doesn't have snow. I mean, yeah it's winter, it's cold, but there was never any snow. The first time I saw snow was two years ago, which was when I moved here."

          "Well that's great!" he exclaimed. "Then you get to build your very first snowman with Drake."

          "You bet I will." I gave him a warm hug. "Although, I still can't believe we're doing this."

          "Believe it then." I could feel him smiling as he hugged me back.

I could feel myself melting. Even though it was snowing, but the cold had no effect on me right now. I was blushing so hard that I didn't want to lift my head, otherwise he would know, then I'd blush even harder which is the last thing that I want to happen.

          "Hey c'mon, let's go sign up." He said a few moments later.

          To my surprise, a number of adults signed up too. There were families, old couples, young couples like Drake and I, and also kids which is still the most in percentage right now. Well, at least now I can feel less silly knowing that we're not the only ones.

          I sat on one of the benches while waiting for Drake to sign up for us. Apparently, the line is pretty long. Oh well, what's to rush? The competition doesn't start in thirty minutes, and it's not like I have any other plans anyway. It feels really good to know that you're free for the whole day. No homework, no chores, no worries. And to make it all better, I'm out on a Christmas-date with my loving boyfriend who I trust.

          Okay, fine, I admit that it's pretty corny, but it's not my fault that I'm born corny.

          I continued to sit there and look at different people. It's not everyday that I get to see so many people in this town. It's always so quiet and reserved, all the residents just seems to like sticking around at home, but I guess it is different today. It's been a long time since I've seen such a crowd.

          Just when I was about to get up and join Drake, my eye got caught onto something familiar...someone familiar.

          Oh my gosh. What is Alex doing here?!

-Alex's P.O.V-

Alright, I know what you're thinking: Aren't you supposed to stay at home, roast marshmallows and groom your dog? Well, change of plans. I decided to bring Shadow out and let him run around in the snow before I groom him.

          I was trying so hard to groom the furball. I tried holding him with both of my hands, it worked if you want him to stop moving, but I don't have a third hand to do the grooming. Apparently he just wants to play in the snow, which is exactly what I'm doing, I mean, what I'm letting him do. I brought him out, and now he's running around randomly, probably scaring some innocent kids and making them cry...again.

          "ALEX!" I heard someone scream for a distance. "Man dude, I knew that you'd come!"

          "Uh, just so you know, I didn't come here to support you and Carolanne in your snowman competition. I just came out here because my dog wanted to." I said.

          "See, I told you it was his dog." Said Carolanne brightly.

          "Alright, you win." Said Ryan in defeat. "So you didn't come out here to be our cheerleader?"

          "Cheerleader? Pfft, yeah right." I smirked. "But since I'm already out here, I might as well watch throughout the game. I think it'll be pretty interesting."

          "No." Carolanne corrected. "Since you're out here, you might as well watch the game and support a team."


          "So who do you wanna support? Us or those twin kids who were constantly throwing snowballs at Ryan?" she asked.

          "Those kids were throwing snowballs at Ryan?" I asked in return.

          "Frozen, solid, snowballs." Said Ryan while shooting the kids a death stare.

          "Well, in that case I'm voting for the kids." I beamed.

          "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" he snapped.

          "Don't worry Ryan. That gives us another reason on why we should win this competition, to make Alex lose." Said Carolanne.

          "I'm just kidding." I laughed. "You've got my vote."

          "Excuse me, but are you Alex Monreaux?" I heard a squeaky voice from behind. Man I sure thought that I'd never hear that sentence again.

          "Yeah." I turned around. There was a kid standing there with giant eyes, just staring at me.

          "Oh." He smiled suddenly. "My sister's a big fan of you, but she's too shy to speak to you so she sent me here to get your autograph."

          "Aw, how cute and innocent!" said Carolanne while admiring the little boy's cuteness. "Of course he would give you an autograph, right Alex?"

          "Heh, of course." I took the piece of paper from the kid and signed it. "Who's your sister?"


          "Eh?" Ryan raised a brow. "Did he just say Natalie? Natalie who?"

          "Natalie Sullivan." The kid said brightly. "She has bright red hair and I don't know why, but she wears a lot if make up."

          "Yeah, that's Natalie alright." Ryan muttered.

          "Uh, this is weird." I said quietly. I simply just pretended to not know anything and handed back the paper after signing it.

          "She's going to be so happy! Thank you Lexy!" the kid ran way.

          Dude, did the kid just called me Lexy?

          "Oh my gosh, the kid just called you Lexy." Ryan started to smirk while Carolanne stifled a giggle.

          "I know right?" I smiled wryly. "Sounds familiar though." I looked at Ryan.

          "Yep, sure rings a loud bell." He laughed.

          We were interrupted by a loud announcement. A lady with the microphone, who I assume is the announcer was beginning to read the rules and instructions of the competition.

          "Whoops, no time for chit-chat." Said Carolanne. "Looks like we've got a competition to win! See you later Alex!"

          Both Ryan and Carolanne gave me a wave before they left, and I just stood there like an idiot, not aware of anything that was happening around me.

          Did Natalie just send her brother to get my signature? She could've saved all that trouble and just ask me face-to-face. And did that kid really called me Lexy? Like, did he just happen to have mistaken my name from Alex to Lexy? Heck, Lexy's not even my real name, Ryan just used to when we were young. Is this weird or what?

          I began to walk further down the park. I just decided to have a better view of both Ryan and Carolanne as they build the snowman. I finally got a clear view of both of them, but that's when I realized they weren't the only familiar faces there...

          Is that Kate, with Drake?

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