I'll Make You Mine (Sting x R...

By NobleSenpapiChulo

150K 3.7K 1.2K

Book 1: I'll Make You Mine After 7 long years (Y/N) and the missing S-Class wizards have returned home only t... More

A Note
B1: Chapter 1 Pilot
B1: Chapter 2
B1: Chapter 3
B1: Chapter 4
B1: Chapter 5
B1: Chapter 6
B1: Chapter 7
B1: Chapter 8
B1: Chapter 9
B1: Chapter 10
B1: Chapter 11
B1: Chapter 12
B1: Chapter 13
B1: Chapter 14
B1: Chapter 15
B1: Chapter 16
B1: Chapter 17
B1: Chapter 18
B1: Chapter 19
B1: Chapter 20
B1: Chapter 21
B1: Chapter 22
B1: Chapter 24
Q & A
So this is happening...
B2: Chapter 1
B2: Chapter 2
B2: Chapter 3
B2: Chapter 4
B2: Chapter 5
B2: Chapter 6
B2: Chapter 7
B2: Chapter 8
B2: Chapter 9
B2: Chapter 10
B2: Chapter 11
B2: Chapter 12
B2: Valentines Day Special, This is an Actual Chapter
B2: Chapter 13
B2: Chapter 14
B2: Chapter 15
Teaser of My Up and Coming Book
B2: Chapter 16
B2: Chapter 17
B2: Chapter 18
B2: Chapter 19
B2: Chapter 20
B2: Chapter 21
B2: Chapter 22
B2: Chapter 23
B2: Chapter 24
B2: Chapter 25
B2: Chapter 26
B2: Chapter 27
B2: Chapter 28
Space in Between Two and Three
B3: Chapter 1
B3: Chapter 2
B3: Chapter 3
B3: Chapter 4
B3: Chapter 5
B3: Chapter 6
B3: Chapter 7
B3: Chapter 8
B3: Chapter 9
B3: Chapter 10
B3: Chapter 11
B3: Chapter 12
B3: Chapter 13/Epilogue
My Final Farewells
100k Special Announcement~!!
A little about Noble

B1: Chapter 23

2K 46 57
By NobleSenpapiChulo

"S-Sting?" I stuttered as he gently lifted me off the ground.
"Sting I highly advise that you get (Y/N) get out of here right now." Katsura basically shouted throwing lances pinning the guy to the wall.
"Right!" Sting shouted running still carrying me, thankfully it was dark because I'm just a tomato.

Back with Katsura and Rogue, 3rd Person

"Dammit and here I thought my day would be fine!" Katsura yelled slamming a fist into the mans cheek.
"This *beeping* sucks!" She shouted, throwing another punch.
"What's got you all worked up?" Tony asked sympathetically.
"Him." Katsura pointed at Rogue, she sat on the couch and covered herself in a blanket.
"What did he do?" Tony asked walking closer to the fuming Mage.
"He ruined my life goal." She proclaimed, Tony looked at her depressed before he was kicked in the head.
"Boy get this depressing mess fixed." Makarov gestured pointing at the curled up Katsura, sighing he agreed and walked over to her.
"This is no time to be sulking Katsura, we have work to do." Rogue spoke.
"Go to hell." She spat.
"I've been there it's really quite enjoyable." Rogue joked, he glanced back at Makarov and Tony who both were shaking their heads in disappointment another figure appeared face palming.
"Who are you?" Tony looked confused at the figure.
"I'm the author and I came to do this for my readers." The Author walked up to Rogue and slapped him with a pair of gloves.

"Stop with the sarcasm pretty boy, you're not funny." She sighed and whispered something in Katsura's ear instantly perking her up.
"Glad to be of service." Author stated vanishing in a cloud of glitter.
"I'm all fired up now!" Katsura shouted running out of the guildhall.
"Katsura where are you going?" Makarov asked running next to her.
"(Y/N) is in danger, as is Sting." She spoke quite a bit louder, instantly Rogue appeared. Katsura rolled her eyes, and quickly continued sprinting down the road.

Your POV

Sting quickly ran towards the stables, pulling me behind.
"(Y/N) get Crescent Moon and go, hurry."
"Why?" I asked.
Suddenly there was a loud crash, Sting ran to me.
"Go (Y/N), go!" He nearly shouted
"What's going on?" I questioned as I quickly strapped on a saddle.
"No time to explain." He stated, he lifted me onto the saddle, suddenly he kissed me.
"I love you remember that (Y/N)." He spoke as a tear slip from his eye.
"I love you too." My hand caressed his cheek wiping away his tear, I quickly snapped the reigns and sped out. I glanced back at Sting one last time, and saw his jacket fall.
"Come on Crescent faster." I cried as we kept riding farther and farther from town mansion.

(A/N: I just have the most awful timing for things don't I? I bet you had been thinking, I'm finally going to be with Sting. Well.... Physic bitches!
This was my friends answer:
How the hell are you not murdered every hour by a reader of yours?

~Back with your love *Wink* Gihi *Wink* In Sting's POV

I watched as she rode off, I smiled as I turned back around and removed my restricting jacket.
'I finally kissed her.' I cheered in my head, as the smoke gently cleared a figure emerged from the shadows.
"Guess who bitch?" The recognizable voice rang out.
"Akuno what a please surprise, I thought your demons killed you?" I chuckled.
"No just brought me back, now Sting please do help me understand. You've got such a fine lady but what ever shall I tell Lady about your moving on?" He questioned with an absolute smirk, I gapped shocked. I forgotten after everything happened, that things were said.
"Akuno, I have absolutely no idea what your babbling about." I claimed with a pulled smirk.
"Ah I see, now Tony is almost finished. I'll be taking my leave as well as Ms. Dreyer, good bye Sting." Akuno shouted running out.
"Wait come back here." I called running after him.

"Rogue!" I called out as I chased after Akuno.
"Yes?" He appeared running next to me.
"Where is (Y/N) and Katsura?" I sighed.
"Well Katsura went after (Y/N), and the members of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are all unconscious Rogue explained as we kept chasing after Akuno, suddenly Tony appeared and they vanished. Rogue and I stopped and glanced around, Katsura was tossed to the ground before us. In panic Rogue knelt down pulling her up into his arms, I looked over to his shocked face.

"Oh Sting let's play a game." I heard Akuno cheer, but I couldn't see him.
"Show your self coward." I demanded.
"I think not, you're in no position to order me around." Akuno laughed, then he appeared in front of me with a covered statue next to him. He pulled back the cover, it was (Y/N) she was tied up and scared looking.
"What do you want Akuno?" I snapped.
"Yes Sting, I thought you'd be interested once you've seen your angel in jeopardy." He smirked and grabbed a knife from his pocket, he gently placed it on her neck.
"Now let's play our game Sting." He spoke sounding delighted.
"I'm sorry Sting." (Y/N) cried, I noticed magic restraining cuffs on her wrists.
"Quiet girl." Akuno snapped pushing down on the knife, I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.
"This old trick again? Heh after that last whole event I thought you'd be smarter than this, eh Rogue?" I smirked glancing around, I didn't see Rogue anywhere. Oh boy.
"Wow Sting, I thought you'd be better at watching Rogue after last time." Akuno lightly chuckled.
"Rogue don't screw with me." I mentally began to panic, he still didn't show up.
"Now Sting let's play our game, Rogue and Katsura can't help you this time. Find us in one hour or else Lovely here is dead." Akuno cackled as they disappeared.
"You might want to hurry." His disgusting voice rang out in my head.

I ran everywhere searching like a madman trying to find them, after half an hour I stopped for a break.
"I'll give you a hint Sting, if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea. I'll sail the world to find you." Akuno proclaimed, I stood up and began running down the streets of Fiore.

After 15 agonizing minuets, I stopped for a breath and I sighed angrily.
'Why couldn't I protect her?' My conscious cried.
"Oh poor Sting, how about a second hint? London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down my fair lady." His excited voice made me worry as I ran towards the bridge.

Okay guys I thought you'd like this, so my friend Ren_Ritsuka and we just went through this hilarious fight today after disussing about how our OC's Date secondary characters. It went something like this.

Ren: Bixslow is hot as heck
Kiki: Not as hot as Sting
Ren: Bixslow is the hottest of them all!
Kiki: No
Kiki: No
Ren: Yas
Kiki: No *Sting and Bixslow awkwardly watching behind*
Ren: My Bixy is the hottest! *Bixslow blushes*
Kiki: No Fucking way, Sting is way hotter! *Sting Winks*
*Bixslow creepily smirks*
Sting + Kiki + Readers + Fan Girls: Creepy...
*Sting smirks at fan mob*

*Ren Creates a Group with our friend Crystalina*

Ren: Bixslow is the hottest
Kiki: No, Sting is!
Ren: No Bixslow!
Kiki: No it's Sting!
Ren: No Bixslow!
Kiki: Awww, I thought she'd fight for Freed.
Ren: Me too.
Kiki: Sting is still hotter.
Ren: No Bixslow!
Kiki: Oh my fucking shit, can we just call a truce or something?
Ren: Ok, their both hot.
Kiki: Let's just let hot be hot.
Ren: Okay.

So yeah, you guys all know I'm leaving and such. But remember, Sting is watching over us always! One more chapter and then, *Poof* I vanish.

Love you guys!

~Author K.

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