You Are Exactly Who I Think U...

By IM5erforever8

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Hey, i'm Alex Jones. I was just a normal girl before i moved to LA. I had to start a new life. On my first da... More

You are exactly who i think u r. ( Cole Pendery love story )
Chapter 2, NEW HOUSE
Chapter 3 New school, New life
Chapter 4 hai, im cole pendery
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 guy frends and devils
chapter 7 HOW?
Chapter 8 Jerk and a bully
Chapter 9 damaged
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 getting ready for prom
Chapeter 12 The Start Of Prom
Chapter 16 sleepovers
Chapter 17 your my gravity from here on out
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 HELP!
Chapter 20 the switch
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chpter 23 OMG ITS YOU!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 torture day 3
Chapter 27 love hurts
Chapter 28
Chapter 30 Home At Last
Chapter 31 Everything is Going Back to Normal
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Secrets and Lies
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Back to School
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Back To School..... Kinda.
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 dance class
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 explaining
Chapter 43 relaxing
Chapter 43 pranks
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 was it worth it?
Chapter 47
Chaprter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 Waking Up to Love
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Just Thinking
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
CHAPTER 59 trails
Chapter 60 part 1. Arrivals
Chapter 60 part 2
Chapter 60 part 3
Chapter 61 why did she bring us here?
Chapter 63 GALEXY
Chapter 64 Together at last
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 END

Chapter 29 Escaping

2.5K 40 3
By IM5erforever8

ARTHUR'S NOTE~ before I start this chapter, when the words are in italic, it means that they are talking through walkie talkies. So like if I said "hey", it is talking in real life but if I said "hi", it means I'm talking through the walkie talkie. Just to make it clear so you don't up get mixed up of who is talking to who.



"You guys ready?" Will asked

"Yeah." We all said in unison.

Will was on the wheels, Gabe was in the passenger seat telling him where to go. We went past the creepy forest, then under the tunnel, then we were just in a ally way.

"STOP!!" Gabe yelled

"What?!" Will said almost having a heart attack.

"We're here."

I looked out the window and saw a big creepy house in a ally way. Shit, I have to go in there?

"Guys are you ready?" Dalton asked

"Mmhm" I said.

Gabe gave us each a walkie talkie and then I put on the head piece.

"Testing testing" Alex#2 said.

"It works. We can all hear each other and no one can hear us." I said

"Ok, lets go." Will said while parking the car. We got out and we nodded in agreement.

We all went to look for the back door.

"Found it." Gabe said.

"Ok the plan is in action" I said

Dalton kissed me one last time before he left with Gabe.

"Ok, Im going to go look out to see if anyone is their before you start to pick the lock to get in." Will said. I nodded.

"Psh, Gabe to Will, I looked in and I see two guys sleeping. Over." I heard over the head phones.

"Ok Gabe. Over". "Girls, we are clear. Go go go." Will told us.

We unlocked the door and quietly snuck in. I took a left and then a right. I saw the door with a a lock on it. Alex#2 and Will were close behind.

"Jackpot. Okay guys, distract them. So we can get them out. We are in, I see the basement door." I said in whisper.

"Copy that" dalton said.

All of a sudden I heard banging and noises coming from What I think is the front door.

Will was watch out. I pulled out a bobby pin from my hair, messing up my side braid. I bent the pin to make a shape to unlock the door.

"Hurry up guys, dalton and Gabe won't distract them for long." Will said.

"Ok." I said.


Me and dalton are near the front door. We have our weapons out to make noises. The point is to not be seen and to make Alan and told think it is a random person. Cause they know how we look, they will automatically kidnap us.

"Jackpot. Okay guys, distract them, so we can get them out. We are in, I see the basement door." I heard Madison from the walkie talkie. I looked over at dalton and I know he heard her to. We both nodded in agreement.

All of a sudden I banged my butcher knife against the wall and it made a screeching noise while dalton banged his hammer against the metal hose connecter making a huge noise. I looked in the window and I saw Alan and Todd coming outside to see whats going on. I looked at dalton and we made a run for it around the opposite way where Madison, Will, and Alex#2 came in. We made more noise, leading the two guys out even more.

"Ok, guys, they are outside, hurry up and unlock the door and then run out the front door because we are leading them around the house." Dalton said.

"Copy that" Alex#2 said.

We just made more noise leading them around the house one time.


"Hurry up Madison" I said

"I'm trying."

"Ok, guys. Not to panic you but Alan and Todd are already halfway around the house." Will said while peeking out of the window.

"Shit.......... Got it!" Madison said.

"Great!!!" I said

I opened the lock and looked inside.

"COLE! DANA! ALEX!" I yelled and whisper.

"ALEX#2?" I heard Dana said


I heard them come up the stairs. I saw how bloody and hurt they were.

"OMG! how did you find us?" Alex said

"No time to explain, let's go before we get caught." Will said.

"We have them. We are getting out now. Lead them into the back so we can go through the front" I said while pushing the walkie talkie button.

"Ok!" I heard Gabe. Then their was noise coming from the back.

"Shit. We have to go!" I said to all of them, they all nodded and we ran out the front door. We made it to the car.

"Ok, Cole, Dana, and Alex stay here. We have to go help Dalton and Gabe now." I said to them.

"If anything happens, take the keys and drive back." Will said.

"We are not leaving you guys." Dana said.

"To bad, it's ether us or all of us." I said.

We close the door and went back to the house. I saw dalton and Gabe.

"I see you guys. Make a run for it" will said.

"Ok! I see you. We are coming but I think they are hot on our trail." Dalton said.

I saw they run to us and we all ran back to the car. I looked behind dalton and see Alan and Todd right behind him.

"Get in! Get in!" I screamed.

We all made it to the car and Will step on the gas and we were driving.


"Haha, we actually did it." I said.

I saw Alan and Todd chase after us but they stopped after we were to far away from them.

"Here!" I said while giving the backpack to Cole.


"OMG THANK YOU!" I said while taking out a water bottle and drinking the whole bottle.

"How did you guys find us?" Alex asked

"When Gabe and Dana were kidnapped, and you guys were doing the switch, they memorized the roads." Will said.

"Yes! I knew I would help in some way" Dana said

Me, Dana, and Alex drank some water, ate some food, put on some medicine, and changed into new clothes.

"Now what? What if they try to find us and hurt us again" Alex said.

"We won't let that happen. We will all stick together. Lets enjoy this moment right now" dalton said.

"We will explain everything when we get back to your house" madison said to Alex. She nodded. On our ride home, was peaceful for once. Alex was sleeping on me, Dana fell asleep on the window and then I fell asleep.


AUTHUR'S NOTE~ Yay they all made it out. Next chapter will explain everything if you didn't understand most of what was happening. VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE :)!

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