Not Ready

Od CissyItsMe

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After seven years in prison and a lot of thoughts, Dorian is impatient to start a new life with new goals, ne... Více

≈Note :
≈Chapter I :
≈Chapter II :
≈Chapter III :
≈Chapter IV :
≈Chapter V :
≈Chapter VI :
≈Chapter VII :
≈Chapter VIII :
≈Chapter IX :
≈Chapter X :
≈Chapter XI :
≈Chapter XII :
≈Chapter XIII :
≈Chapter XIV :
≈Chapter XV :
≈Chapter XVI :
≈Note :
≈Chapter XVII :
≈Chapter XVIII :
≈Chapter XIX :
≈Chapter XX :
≈Chapter XXI :
≈Chapter XXII :
≈Chapter XXIII :
≈Chapter XXIV :
≈Chapter XXV :
≈Chapter XXVI :
≈Chapter XXVII :
≈Chapter XXVIII :
≈Chapter XXIX :
≈Chapter XXX :
≈Chapter XXXI :
≈Chapter XXXII :
≈Chapter XXXIII :
≈Chapter XXXV :
≈Chapter XXXVI :
≈Chapter XXXVII :
≈Chapter XXXVIII :
≈Chapter XXXIX :
≈Chapter XL :
≈Chapter XLI :
Chapter XLII :
≈Chapter XLIII :
≈Chapter XLIV :
≈Chapter XLV :
≈Chapter XLVI :
≈Chapter XLVII :
≈Chapter XLVIII :
≈Chapter XLIX:
≈Epilogue :
≈Final Note :

≈Chapter XXXIV :

910 64 45
Od CissyItsMe

~Los Angeles,

•02/22 {Tuesday, 3:17 P.M}

~*~ Dorian ~*~

I checked the time on my watch and I sighed, leaning against my car. I looked around and didn't see him through the crowd of children and parents. I unlocked my phone and verified the school address, to make sure that I wasn't at the wrong one and I wasn't. 

"What is this lil' boy doing ? " I asked myself and suddenly there he was walking towards me with an aggravated face on. 

"Hey. Are you okay ? "

"This bitch ! " I was taken a little back by what he just said. He sounded really pissed, "I hate her."

"Hey, hate is a big word. What happened ? "

"I fought with this little bastard and I'm the only one getting suspended. Oh and here he's bringing his ass with his father." He rolled his eyes while sighing heavily and then crossed his arms. 

I turned around and this boy was effectively coming towards us, along with his father and the man looked mad. What the hell was going on ? Seems like no matter what, I always had to be in the middle of some type of drama. I planned to have a nice day today.

"Are you Ryver ? "

"Depends on who is asking, sir. Who are you ? " Docia told me that he was getting better with his attitude and was now behaving. Bitch where ? 

I beg to differ.

"Hey, you close your mouth and let me talk." I didn't want to be in trouble, nor want to beat somebody's ass today. And I was surely not about to get punched either. I could still remember the pain I felt when RJ threw his fist right in my eye a few months ago when we fought at the hospital and I promised myself to never let someone hurt me this way ever again. 

"I'm warning you, touch my son one more time and I will-"

"Excuse you ? " I frowned. This old man wasn't really threatening a twelve years old, was it ? That was ridiculous, "What kind of non-sense is that ? Don't threaten him. Are you dumb ? "

"I wasn't talking to-"

"But I am talking to you, sir. Don't threaten him or we're gon' have a problem or two and you don't want to have issues with me. Now, go back to your trashcan and go home. Like what are you trying to prove ? You're gonna fight with a damn kid ? Fucking weirdo, yo ! " I smacked my teeth and told Ryver to get in my car. I opened the passenger door for him and he did as I said.

"Your people-"

"Now, don't talk about my people. You and your ancestors will feel the fucking pain, this is a promise. I'm gonna repeat this one more time, go ! " I shoot him a dead glare and he left while his son was complaining. I shook my head sighing and got in my car as well. 

"I thought your ass calmed down with the bullshit. What happened ? "

"We were in class, working on some shit-"


"Sorry. So yeah, we were working and this girl asked me help with her math, so I helped her and suddenly this fat ass was coming at me, talking reckless and he tried to punch me, but I was faster and he missed my face and so since I was on defense mode, I did what was right next and so I defended myself and punched him right in his nose and it immediately began to bleed and then he was screaming and the teacher, Mrs. Johnson, came and she didn't even let me explain and-"

"Wow ! Pause. Time out ! Breath." 

"If I wasn't breathing, well you would know."

I smacked my teeth, "To resume the whole story, he tried to hit you and you just defended yourself but since that other guy was the one in pain, your teacher uh, Mrs.Johnson, thought you were being a trouble maker and then punished you. That's why you're suspended ? "

"I've been saying for the longest time that this bitch is a fucking racist." 

I looked at him like he'd grown two additional heads, "Your language ! Damn ! You were supposed to be calm now."

"I was, but then this big potato came at me the wrong way and because of him I'm in trouble ! My mother's gonna kill me. Auntie D too. They're gonna think that I'm a failure." He looked down at his lap sadly.

I sighed, "You're not a failure. If it can make you feel better, I can be there when you'll explain them what happened. I can be your lawyer." We chuckled. 

"Alright, I-" He got interrupted by my ringtone. 

I looked at the caller ID and then answered, "Something's wrong with the baby ? "

She kissed her teeth, "No ! Why every time I call one of y'all you ask me that ? Are y'all trying to kill my kid ? Be positive, please and thank you. What are you doing ? "

"Hanging out with a friend." Ryver smiled and nodded his head. Since he'd been asking about me, Docia finally got us in contact and he wanted to hang out, what wasn't a problem with me. At all. Being in Ryver's company felt like I was spending time with a little brother or a nephew. I knew that he hadn't his father presented in his life and like any other kid he needed a father figure for guidance. And I was willing to be a role model for him. Well, I'll try to do my best because I'm not perfect and meant to make mistakes as any other human being. I was going to teach him everything I knew and for some other things, we'll just be learning together. 

"Because you have friends now ? "

"I'm about to curse your ass out and with those hormones it won't take too long to make you cry. Stop playing."

She chuckled, "You can't get mad at me though. Yes, you've always been a sociable person, but RJ and Laylani were your only friends. All the others are just acquaintances."

"So you consider yourself one of my acquaintances ? "

She smacked her lips, "No ! I'm your annoying and now pregnant little cousin/sister. You and me, we'll be together until the end of time."

"Oh hell nah ! "

"Shut up ! You know you love me. Anyways, we're all going to hang out at Toys R Us. Are you and your friend coming ? "

Suzanne was now four months pregnant, eighteen weeks to be exact and everything was going well. Richard and Tinashe stopped being petty and they were now fully supportive. Once the choc passed, they got their shit together and talked with their daughter. RJ was by her side too, so life was ''perfect'' for her. Plus, the baby daddy --so her boyfriend-- was there through every step and his family welcomed Suz with opened arms. I was happy that she was now going through this pregnancy with all that stress off her head. 


"Okay, see y'all in a few."

"Bye." We hung up and I turned my attention back on Ryver, that had his head in his phone. It was crazy how everything was changing. At his age, I hadn't an iPhone and all that other technology that kids have nowadays. They are online 24/7 and also pulling themselves away from reality more and more. On one hand, the development of technology has its avantages because all of this stuff can actually be educative --on some parts; but on the other hand, internet is a wild world and there are a lot of bad people on it, what is a big disadvantage of the recent technology kids have access to now. 

"We're going to meet up with my cousins at Toys R Us, is that good with you ? "

"Do I really have a choice ? "

I nodded, "Yes since I'm asking you. So ? "

He shrugged, "Yeah, why not..." He sounded nervous when he said that. 

I finally began the engine, "Don't worry, they're very nice and funny. One of my cousins is having a baby."

"Oh okay...It's just that...I'm not really good at meeting new people. I'm kind of scared of judgment and people making fun of me." 

"I promise, they won't. And anyways, don't give too much attention to people and what they have to say about you. They're not perfect, they're not God, they don't know everything about life. Most of the time, people criticize just to criticize, it's not even constructive critics to help you to grown and be better, no they just want to talk shit about you. Sometimes, it's because of jealousy and other times they're just mad at the universe and so they think by taking their anger out on you things will improve. What is not the case. But hey, you have to get that I Don't Give A Damn attitude and stop paying too much attention to people's foolishness. Some do have wisdom to share and you can learn from the good, positive, realistic and wise persons, but other than that, keep your ears closed. Live for yourself, you're living for nobody else but you. The first person who got you is you. People are making fun of you ? You don't care ! As long as you love yourself and are confident with yourself, you're gon' be alright." I recited one of my grandma Peach's speeches, with some little modifications of course. 

He smiled, "Thank you."

After our long day of fun with my family, Ryver and I were tired and ready to go home. We said our goodbye's and I took him back to his mother's house, who wasn't here because she had a date. So Docia was babysitting him for the night. 

Ryver had fun with my cousins and I, and that's all that mattered to me. He had that huge smile on his face and his vibes were very positive. He wasn't thinking about his fight anymore. I could tell that he really had a lof of fun today and I was willing to hang out with him again. He just had to call me. 

"Thanks again for hanging out with him today."

I fanned her off, "Oh, it's nothing. He's a cool kid. How was your day ? "

"Well, today was my day off, so I relaxed and wrote a little." She answered as we were making our way back to the front door. 

Two weeks since we shared our very first kiss and I couldn't get the image out of my mind. I could even still feel the touch of her lips and whenever I was replaying that moment in my head, the butterflies were coming back and in full force. That night, I didn't want to let her go, but we had to go our separate way, so her to her house and me to RJ's crib. 

We didn't have the occasion to go on another date sine then, but we were texting all the time and were face timing every night. More the time was passing by and more we were getting closer. I was noticing more and more little things about her and she was knowing more details about me. We were really comfortable with each other and so everything seemed to go so smoothly with her. I never felt that good with someone before. 

"Oh...Can I read it ? "

She shook her head, "No."

"Would you let me read it one day ? "

She hummed, "Maybe." 

"Then you can forget my number." 

"No problem, homie. I have hundreds of niggas waiting just for me. I have a line full of them, waiting for me to give them some of my time." 

"And I have a ton of hoes, waiting for that one call. Peace, homie." I threw up the deuces and she began to laugh. 

"You're not that cute, next time lie about something believable." 

"And you look like a troll, so why are you talking ? "

"Oh so now I look like a troll ? First, I was a dinosaur, now a troll, what's next ? "

"Shrek ? " I answered and she chuckled. 

"Okay, now you're reaching the limits. If I'm Shrek, you are the Donkey." I acted like I was hurt and put my left hand on my chest.

"My feelings ! "

"You'll be fine." She pinched my cheek and I attempted to bit her hand, but didn't get it. She then playfully and slightly hit my chest. I grabbed her hand and brought her closer to me, staring at her pink glossy lips "Already addicted ? " She raised her brow and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Addicted to what ? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't do drugs."

"Okay, you can leave then. Leave me alone." She tried to get ouf of my grip, but it was useless since I was stronger than her. She managed to turn in my arms though and now her back was facing me. 

I hugged her from behind and placed my head on her right shoulder, then kissed the side of her neck delicately. She smelt amazingly and her skin was so soft. Being that close to her was warming my heart. I felt safe and completed. It was strange, and a little bit frightening, but I didn't want this to stop. 

"You really want me to leave ? "

She giggled, "Yes. You're bothering me." She kept playing and I tickled her a little. During one of our multiple late night conversations, she did tell me that she was a bit ticklish. She laughed and still tried to run away from me, but I got her locked in my arms. 

"I'm really bothering you ? "

"Stop, Dorian ! My stomach hurts ! "

"Auntie D, wh- EW ! What are you guys doing ? Oh my God, take my eyes ! Take them ! I don't need them anymore ! " He yelled and run back upstairs. 

We exchanged a look and burst out laughing, "This kid is something else." I commented and finally released her. 

"Definitely. Oh ! Before I forget. What are you doing on your birthday ? "

I slightly frowned, "We're still in February and it's in the end of April. Is it not too soon for me to already have plans ? "

"Nah ! " She waved me off, "It's never too soon for birthdays. So ? "

"What you got-"

"It's a yes or no question. Why you always have to be complicated ? "

"It's more like a I don't know question. I'll tell you another day. But if you planned to do something extravagant, please don't it. Like cancel."

She looked at me confusingly, "Why not ? "

She still didn't know about the reason of my incarceration. She still didn't know that I killed my own father to save my mother back when I was seventeen. And she didn't know that I was actually sharing my birthday with my dad. Yes, we were born on the same day and it was painful more than anything else now. Since the tragedy, I didn't like to celebrate what was supposed to be a special day for me.

"Because...I'm not extra. I usually don't really do things for my birthday. If you want to spend time with me on that day, we can just relax. I don't want a party nor a dinner or whatever. Please, respect my wishes."

"Okay. Sorry if I got you upset with that, you look angry and...guilty." 

"I just don't really like my birthday, that's all." I turned my head to avoid eye contact with her.

"I got it. It's like that for some people. Can we still have a diner though, but only with the two of us ? I can cook for you this time." She beamed and a smile appears on the corner of my lips. It was so weird and insane the power she had on my mood. 

"You're not trying to poison me, right ? "

She kissed her lips, "Now maybe I will ! You play too much, Do ! Let me be nice to you." She chuckled.

"I was just joking. I can't wait." I was about to leave, but she grabbed my forearm and stopped me, "I forgot something ? " I turned around as she let me go and then folded her arms. She walked to me, stood on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. 

"See you." 


Feel free to comment and/or to vote =)

A/N: It was a filler chapter lol Hope you still enjoyed it though. 


CissyItsMe 💋✌🏾❤️

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