bad || the housekeeper series...

By diamondprince

2.5M 38.9K 21.2K

They're back! After confessing their love to each other, Aliyah and Jacob have been almost inseparable! Jacob... More

Bad || the housekeeper series. (2)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
I'm DONE with this book x(
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Part One)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three (Finale)
?!?!?!?!?!trilogy?!?!?!??!?! and other news.

Chapter Nine

61.5K 824 409
By diamondprince


"Yes, it," I couldn't help it. I started laughing too. I mean, he had me. What was I freaking out about?

"No, it wasn't that bad."

I stopped laughing when the speakers started singing a very familiar song.

Oh, shit.

~Aliyah's POV

The song!

"Aye, this song is dope! Who sings it?" Roc asked, walking over to the speakers.

I frantically stood up and ran to the phone before he did.

I couldn't let them know that was my song.

My song. That I wrote, and sang with Kaylan.


Kaylan was ready, and I drove to Mike's in Jamal's car.

I introduced him to Kaylan, and told him why she was here.

he was down with it, so I taught her the song, and we both got in the studio booths.

*End of Flashback*

I still remeber every single word. It was called Fly. I originally wrote it as a poem, and when I got into the studio with Jamal, I decided to change it.

Kayln shot me an 'oh shit' look.

I reached her phone, and changed the song quickly.

"What was that for? That was a dope song." Roc complained.

"It's horrible," I lied. Why would I say shit on a song I wrote?

"She can't sing anyway."

"Are you deaf? She was great!" Princeton said in disbelief.

I had to try hard not to smile.

"That MC can spit,foreal." Roc said.

"Who is this by?" He asked.

"No one." Kaylan backed me up.

"Why can't you just tell us?"

"It doesn't matter."

"IT'S A SONG." Roc shouted/laughed causing Kaylan to get mad.

"That I don't like, so what's the point of listening to it?!?"

Really bitch. Come on now.

I walked inside to get a drink of water.

I grabbed a cup and heard the door open.

My back was turned to the door so I couldn't see who it was.

"Nice voice, you can really sing." A voice obviously beloning to Ray Ray said before going up the stairs.

"Thanks." I smiled, oblivious to what he said.

Hold the fuck up.

I was so shocked I choked on my water, and couldn't breathe for twenty seconds.

When I stopped choking, I walked upstairs so I could ask Ray what he was talking about.

I got up to Roc's room, and opened it slightly, like earlier.

He was on the phone, with a female.

I didnt know who it was,but I could hear him crying quietly, and saying 'I'm sorry, baby' over and over again.


Hearing Ray Ray cry like that made my heart drop. It didn't sound like earlier with the movie, it was sincere.

I don't know what happened,but it must be serious for him to cry like that.

I opened the door, and he looked back startled, and quickly wiped his tears.

"I'll call you back." He spoke into the phone before hanging up.

"Uh, you ok?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. It's nothin."

"You were crying."

"I wasn't crying. It's just raining on my face."


"I'm not lying!"



"Look, I'll make you a deal." If you don't tell anyone that the song that was playing earlier was mine, then I won't tell anyone about you crying."

He gave me a stank fae, and scoffed.

"Ali, I ain't scared of you." He laughed.

"Well then let me just pull out my phone real quick,"

"You're bluffing."

I turned the phone screen towards him so he could see my Tweet-in-progress.

@YaBoyRayRay aww, It's sooo cute to see u cry like a 2 year old! #Priceless! xD

"OK! Ok, damn. I won't tell anyone, blackmailin' bitch."

"What you just call me?"

"I ain't say nothing." And with that, he ran out of the room and back outside.

I followed him out, and sat by Jacob.

We both got bored after a half hour, and decided to head home.

"Kaylan, you coming?" I asked.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna stay. Have Jacob bring you home." She giggled, wrapping her arms around Roc.

"He bout' to GET IT!" Ray Ray laughed.

"Eww! Alright, I'm leaving, bye you two!" I said as I walked to the front with Jacob.

"Nasties." He scoffed under his breath.

We got in his car, and he drove to Kaylan's apartment complex, parking in the front.

"I had fun." I smiled.

"Me too."

He leaned in, and kissed my lips gently, with caress. 

The kiss was so gentle, yet captivating. We pull away, both breathless. 

What I did next I'll probably regret, but, I invited him inside.

As soon as the door closed we were body to body, kissing roughly. 

There was a spark, like nothing I'd ever felt before. I wanted to go all the way. 

All the way. 

He began to take my shirt off, keep our lips connected. 

He picked me up bridal style, and layed me on the couch. 

The kiss never stopped, Jacob exploring every part of my mouth with his tongue. 

He threw his shirt off, and-

*With the lights out, it's less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and-*






"Uh, you should check that, it could be important." I said, pointing to his phone that was on the floor. 

He groaned in annoyance, and went to go see who it was. 

"Shit, it's my Dad."  

He answered it, and I could hear yelling through the reciever. 

"Ok. Ok. Alright. Fine. I'm on my way. Whatever." Jacob said, hanging up his phone. 

He grabbed his shirt, and put it back on. 

I did the same, disapointed. 

"We'll continue this soon, alright babe?" 

"Yeah, alright." I smiled and pecked his lips. 

He grabbed his things, and left. I watched through the window as his car pulled out of the parking lot, and down the road. 

"Dammit." i mumbled to myself as i walked around the house, now bored out of my mind. 

I grabbed a half-pint of Cookies & Cream ice cream, and watched Jersey Shore until I fell asleep.

~Kaylan's POV 

I woke up the next morning to the sound of plates and silverware clashing together. 

I opened my eyes slightly, to reveal Roc in nothing but his boxers making eggs and Bacon.

I stretched, and got up off of the couch, realizing I was naked, which reminded me of last night. 

The night my innocence was taken by Chresanto August. 

I smirked to myself at the memory, and threw on my undergarments. 

"Good morning." I cooed. 

"Aye baby, you woke up late." He chuckled. 

"Yeah,I was knocked out." 

"That's what happens when you ride big daddy, I'll put you straight to sleep." Roc smirked as he placed bacon on my plate. 

"That's not what I was talking about, retard." I laughed. He placed some eggs on my plate, and I dug in. I shoved a forkful of eggs in my mouth, and spit it out in disgust. 

"What is this?" I exclaimed, shocked. This tasted nothing like Roc's cooking. 

"Happy Prank Week!" He exclaimed, kissing me on the cheek. 

Shit! I sooo forgot about Prank Week. 

The genders team up (boys against girls obviously) and whichever ends up with the most valid pranks gets crowned prank champions. A valid prank has to be an actual prank, of course, but you have to say "Happy Prank Week" after, or it's not valid. 

The girls have won all three years, so I couldn't blame Roc for that one. 

But I got him back. Three days later, I had Aliyah write a fake love letter to put in his locker.

Dear Chresanto, 

I have something to admit. I think I'm deeply in love with you. I can't hold it in any longer. I love everything about you, your hair, lips, eyes, chest, just thinnking about you arouses me. I'll understand if you don't feel the same, but trust me. You'll come around babe. And if you do, Kaylan doesn't have to know ;)

P.s: I loved last night. You're the best <3


Aliyah August (Dayum, that sounds cute!)

We hid it in his locker right before lunch, and when lunch was over I walked to his locker alongside him so I'd be there when he reads the note. 

"So, I was thinking about wearing my Red and black strapples skin tight dress you like to Emerald's ball, what do you think?" I asked as we walked down the hallway. 

"Yeah baby, wear that one." Adrenaline ran through my body as he spun the dial on his locker. I tried to think of something that pisses me off to get in the mood. 


He swung the locker open, and the note folded with a heart written on it fell to the floor. 

"What the hell.." Roc mumbled as he bent down to pick it up. 

I looked back to Aliyah's assigned spot at the bottom of the stairs. She gave me a thumbs up to indicate that she was ready, while Roc read the letter out loud. 

"Yo, what the hell is this?" I said, snatching it out of his hands. 

"Baby, I swear I didn't do anything with her." 

" I loved last night?!? Chres what the FUCK?" 

"Kaylan, I was at Jacob's last night!" 

"You lying ass! I can't believe this!" I exclaimed, tears forming in my eyes. 

Damn, I'm good. 

"I would never do-" 

"Save it. SAVE IT!" I yelled, a small crowd forming around us.

"Kaylan lower your voice!" Roc warned. 

"YOU WANT ME TO LOWER MY VOICE? IS THIS BETTER BITCH?" The small crowd turned into a large crowd, and there were alot of Ooohs and Damns errupting. 

"YOU KNOW WHAT?" I started, turning to the crowd. 

"LET'S LET EVERYBODY KNOW WHY I'M SO MAD, SHALL WE?" I yelled, holding the letter up. 

"DEAR CHRESANTO," I started, saying Aliyah's cue. 

She barged in, looking mad as fuck. 

"Hey! That was private for Chres, only!" 

"Look who it is, a tramp! The bitch that wrote this!" I laughed.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" And with that, she smacked my left cheek, causing a fullout brawl.

I tackled her to the floor, and fought for about twenty seconds when Chresanto and Jacob came in the break up the fight.

When I finally got off of Aliyah, Roc looked me in the eyes and said, "So you don't believe me?"

"Hell no." I replied, trying hard not to burst in laughter.

"Fine." I started to feel bad because I saw tears welling up in his eyes, as he walked away.

Right before he walked out the door, I yelled his name and he looked back.

"Happy Prank Week!" Aliyah and I sang simultaneously.

He had a confused look on his face, but as soon as he got it, everyone burst out in laughter.

I doubled over, and my stomach started hurting from laughing so hard!

"Oh you bitch!" He smiled as he ran to hug me.

'If you ever cheat on me, It'lll be waaay worse." I laughed as I pecked him on the lips.

What Kaylan didn't know, is that Chresanto was cheating on her.
And she was about to find out.


The tension was so thick in the air you could slice it with a knife as we got ready for the concert.
The auditorium was literally packed with students, ready for a good performance.
Everyone was either practicing their songs with their group, or in the bathrooms changing.
Aliyah and I had just finished our song, and walked into the hallway. (Outfits on side)

"We got this." I smiled, holding my hand out for her to high-five.
She high-fived my hand, and walked into the bathroom, only to bet met by-

"Oh my God! My hair! It's so ugly! Mimi come help me!" Yasmine cried, looking in the mirror.
Mimi ran over like a little servant with a hairspray can.

"I think your hair looks fine." Aliyah smiled.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to worry about your social rep!" She barked.

"Damn, Yas. Calm down." Emerald said, making a stank face as she walked out of a stall.

"Don't tell me to calm down, traitor."

She rolled her eyes, and walked up to Aliyah and I.

"Hey, we should rehearse. You guys look pretty by the way." She smiled.

"Thanks, uh, rehearse for what?" Aliyah asked, dumbfounded.

Oh, shit.

Emerald looked at me, and I sighed.

"Aliyah, I have to tell you something." I started.

~Prodigy's POV

"Where the fuck is he?" I said to Roc, pacing back and forth.

We're ten minutes before the concert starts, and Jacob isn't here yet. I need him for my first performance. We're supposed to sing/ rap Find Your Love by Drake. I have to sing that song, it's special. 
"Chill, he's probably on his way."

"I swear if he doesn't get here," I sneered.

I walked down the hallway and ran into Emerald, Kaylan, and Aliyah.

"Hey Craig, you look great." Kaylan said as she gave me a hug.

"Thanks, have you guys seen Jacob?" I asked.

"No." They all said in unison.

"Shit. Alright, good luck you guys." I said before walking off.

"Good luck to you too."  I heard her voice call after me.

Here comes that gushy stomach feeling. I honestly think I'm falling in love...

(a/N) That was bad /.\ I had writers block!
But awh, Kaylan & Roc. *Sinister face* Hahahaha.
Where's Jacob? :o
 35+ comments, 30+ votes? c: 
P.S: I don't know why that cast call is still up on the mobile version, buuut that cast call ended a loooong time ago. So if you still have that on your version, it's invalid. Sorry :(
~~Until Next Time


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