Imprinting is not always righ...

By evelyn_zavalat

341K 6.1K 499

Jessica Lahote is moving back with her twin brother Paul Lahote. After she phases and goes back to school aft... More

just great
other people get hurt too
You got to take risks
out of our land
I hate you
choose me or lose me
I don't hate you
shopping with blondie
Bonfire Saturday
That should be me
Club night
Can't Talk Without Arguing
Saved You
Second Chance
Hanging Out
We are Done
You Can Have Him
The Waterfall
To Good To Be True
Alphas order
The Most Powerful absolute Law
Looks Can Trick
I Lost Her
Christmas Day
a note from me
The Final Battle
My End
Second, Last note from me


5.1K 113 5
By evelyn_zavalat

"You told him about us. He is human the volturi will come for you and him" Alice says.
"Explain will you." Sean says.
"Of course. Alice he isn't human." I yell her.
"He looks human and smells like a human." She says. "Wait no he smile like a mutt. No, no, no he smells like us. What?" Alice says confused.
"He is half human half vampire. His mother was a mortal and his father imortal. He has two gifts first one is Sean can mask his smell with any species he likes. Second he can tell what species you are, and your gifts." I yell him.
"Really." Jasper says. "You already know what we are, Then what are our gifts?" He asks Sean.
"Easy. You can control emotions. Yiu used it to calm Jessica down a while ago. You can see the future." Sean responds.
"Impressive." Jasper says. "Half human half vampire what we are looking for. How old are you?" Jasper asks.
"122, or 21 years old." Sean responds. Rex sees they are no threat and leaves.
"Alice." Jasper says.
"We should take him and look for someone else." Alice says.
"Woah. You aren't taking him anywhere." I say standing infront of Sean.
"Sam hasn't called has he." Alice tells me and I sake my head. "Jessica, the volturi are going to Forks. They found out about Renesmee through Irine from the Denali coven. She showed him Renesmee and they think she is an imortal child but she is like Sean. She is no threat to the world. Bach home we are gathering as many witnesses as possible. More of your kind will be phasing." Alice says. I should've know that even if I had same promise me to contact me about any problem that he wouldn't.
"Did Bella survive? How big is Renesmee?" I ask.
"Bella is a new born vampire. She survived. Renesmee is as big as a 7 year old. She is smart and mature." She responds. "Sean what do you feed on?" She asks.
"Animal blood but I love human food." He responds.
"Alice, he is what we are looking for." Jasper says.
"Sean would you mind coming with us to witness as well as to answer questions about your kind." Alice asks.
"I will go." Sean responds.
"No you will not." I yell him.
"Of he goes he will stop a battle that can kill many." Jasper tells me. "The wolfpack are fighting. Your brother, Sam, Embry, Leah, Jacob." He says. Hearing his name hurt. I forgot about him and was happy. Now that he was mentioned my heartaches. A pull telling me to go to him.
"Fine. I'll go." I tell them.
"Sean will come with us to Brazil. There are tribes their, that might be able to tell us more. You, Jessica will go back your pack." Alice says. "Go pack a bag. Both of you." Alice orders us. Sean and I both go to our room.
"I already packed a suit case for each of us. So your set. I have to unpack and pack again." He says taking out two suitcases, his and mine. He uses his vampire to unpack and pack again. We chanhe into something diffrent. I put on one of his hoddies with his symbol/crest on it and a pair of jeans. I stand stand by the wall of glass looking out to the beach from here. The waves are big and crash against the rocks. I sigh. I don't want to go back but I have to. They need me. Sean wraps his arms around me, looking out the window as well.
"I'm going to miss this place." I tell him.
"As soon as it's over we will come back here." Sean promises.
"Time to go." Alice's says. Sean grabs a piece of paper and writes something down.
"This is the adress of the house I got up there. These are the keys." He says taking a key from his keychain. "Everything you need is inside. I sent your car over there so you can't drive that." We each grab our suitcase and go to the garage. "Take any other car, and take Rex with you." He says.
"I will." I grab the keys for the camaro, I leave the door open so Rex can get in.
"Why did you choose that one?" Sean asks curious.
"It will stand out but not as much as the other three." I respond. Jasper drove their car inside out front, and I move this one next to theirs. Sean secures the house and walks out.
"Jessica, when they ask you about us. Tell them that we just sent you over and didn't tell you where we were going." She tell me.
"Does anyone know about what Sean is?" Jasper asks.
"Yes Sam is the only one." I respond.
"I guess you can tell him what we are planning but have him keep what Sean is a secret. If they ask you where he is you will say that he couldn't come because he was needed in his company. Or that when we told you what was happening that you had him stay so he could stay safe." Alice says.
"Okay." I respond. Alice, and Jasper get in their car. Sean kisses me passionately, sweet, loving and caring. "I'm going to miss you." I tell him.
"I'm going to miss you too baby girl. All call when ever I can." He promises.
"I'll send him to you for Christmas as long as you send him back to us after." Alice says from the car.
"Okay." I respond.
"Stay safe." Sean says. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "I love you." He says getting in the car with Alice and Jasper.
"I love you too." I tell him. I get in the car. Rex is sleeping in the back. The gates open, we speed out and I look at mirror by my head and the gates are closed. I see Sean wave and I wave back. I keep this same fast speed but slow down when there is a police by. I play some music and put the top down letting the wind blow my hair and the music sooth me.

I'm back. Driving through the see of the tall green trees. I turn where the direction Sean leads me. I stop infront of a house I've never seen here before. Look at the keys he gave me and open the garage. There is an empty space beside my car. I get out of the car and Rex stays by my side. I take out the suitcase and walk past a 4×4 Grand Cherokee,a Chevy Avalanche and a Ducati motorcycle. I open the door that will get us inside the house. It's big and it's cabin like. Rex runs off and then is barking. I follow the sound of his bark and he is standing by a glass door that leads to the back yard. I open it and Rex runs on the dock. There is a motor boat with the name Nasquam Quies, with his family crest. I feel terrible. I miss Sean. I want him right here with his arms around me. My phone rings and I answer.
"Hello." I say.
"Hey Jess I was just calling to let you know that we have a problem and need you." Sam says.
"Okay I'm on my way." I tell him and I hangup. I call for Rex and we get in the car.

I stop infront of Sam's familiar house. "Rex this is Sam's house. My alpha's home." I tell him. I sit there not ready to go inside. Rex nudges my arm. Alright let's go." I say. Before I opened the door, Paul and Jared walk out. I swing the door opened and run to Paul. He doesn't hug me back until he notices who I am. He picks me up and swings me around. He puts me down and I'm a bit dizzy.
"I missed you so much Jessica." He says giving me a huge wolf hug.
"I missed you too Paul." I respond "Happy birthday." I tell him.
"You remembered?" He says.
"Why wouldn't I. It's also my birthday." I tell him.
"I missed you Jessica, and happy birthday." Jared says pulling me away from Paul and hugging me.
"Thanks Jare-Bear." I respond returning the hug.
"So didn't Sam call you just a few minutes ago?" Paul asks.
"Yeah but I was already here." I respond.
"Why?" Jared asks.
"Is came to celebrate our birthday." I say motioning to Paul. "Wait going to get something from the car." I tell them. On my way here I stopped at a store to get a present for Paul. I hand him a pretty big box. "A present for you." I tell him.
"Jess I didn't get you anything." He tells me.
"That's okay." I tell him. "Open it." I say.
"Yeah open it Paul." Jared says. Paul opens it and takes out the ice pack. Jared burst up in laughter. "What am I supposed to do with this?" Paul asks.
"It's so you can cool down when your temper gets to you." I say. "Yiu might have Rachel to calm you down, but she won't always be their for you." I respond.
"How come I never thought of giving Paul one of those before." Jared says and stops laughing so much. He takes out a bracelet that says #1 twin brother. He puts it on and fixes it to his wrist size. A wrist watch, a wallet, and expensive branded perfumes, with a great smell. "I wish you were my twin sister." Jared says looking at the presents.
"Jessica, this is too much." Paul says looking at me. "How did you afford all this?" He asks.
"I worked for it." I respond. "I got two more in the car I'll pass home to drop them off later." I tell him.
"You have more." They both say at tye same time.
"Yup." I respond.
"What happened to the gran torino sport dad gave you?" Paul asks looking at the camaro.
"It's in the garage. I drove this up here so I just drove it here." I respond.
"How about your furry friend." Jared says looking at Rex who stands next to me.
"Jared you know that when you phase you are furry too right, and we are friends." I tell him.
"Who is he?" He asks stretching his hand for Rex to sniff.
"Rex." I respond. "Let's go inside." I tell them.
"Everyone is here." Paul says.
"What do you mean by everyone?" I ask.
"Everyone. The two packs and some newbies." Jared responds.
"Jacob's here?" I ask nervous.
"No. Not yet." Paul says.
"Oh. Okay." I say in relief, but I'm going to have to see him later.
"Jesd, you saved us from going to potrol." Jared says.jared opens the door and Rex sprints in.
"Where did this dog come from!" I hear Emily yell. "Take him out right now." Rex comes running back out and hides behind me. So much for the big tough guard dog. Paul and Jared walk in and I hide behind them, and Rex hides behind me.
"You guys wouldn't believe who is here." Paul says.
"Let me guess." I hear Quil say. "Sarah." He says in disgust. Sarah? Why would she be here?
"Nope." Paul says. "Lahote number 2 is here." He says.
"Jessica is back." Jared says and they move from infront of me.
"Hey guys." I say waving at them all. Leah and Embry shoot out of their seats and are hugging me tight.
"It's really you." Leah says.
"The one and only." I respond.
"You look better then before you left. I'm guessing you leaving was a good for you." She says.
"Yeah." I look at Embry.
"Em what happened to the hair. I liked it how it was before. Combed to the side." I say putting my hand in his long hair like the fist day I meet him.
"Leah said she didn't like it so I grew it back." He says. I feel someone grab my leg and I look down and a girl around 6 is holding me. I pick her up and look at her.
"Is this Claire-Bear?" I ask.
"Yes it's me Jess." She says.
"Your so big." I hold her out to look at her better. I put her down and Quil is standing infront. "Ateara." I say.
"Lahote. What's up." He says. Instead of fist bumping like always I hug him.
"My turn Quil." Emily says pushing him away. "Jessica." She hugs me real tight.
"Emily I missed you too." I tell her.
"Was that your dog. I'm sorry I yelled at it and kikied him out." She says.
"It's fine. He should've not barged in like that." I say looking at Rex. He whines. Brady, Collin and Seth stand side by side.
"Jessica." They hug me from my, back side and front.
"Hey guys." I say. Their are four guys around Brady, and Collins age sitting on the couch that I don't know so they must be the newbies.
"Welcome to the pack. I'm Jessica Sam's Beta." I introduce myself.
"Hello, I'm Aidan. I'm with Jacob." The youngest looking of the three says.
"I'm Brian. I'm also with Jacob." The second one says.
"I'm Adam. I'm with Sam." One of the oldest says.
"I'm Ivan. I'm with Sam." The other oldest one says.
"Nice to meet you guys." I tell them and turn around to Sam.
"Hey Jessica." He says hugging me. "Where is Sean?" He asks looking around.
"Who's Sean?" Leah asks.
"Sam can we talk?" I ask him. "Outside." He nods and we go outside away from the house.
"What do you want to tell me?" He asks.
"It's about why im here. Right now and without Sean." I tell him.
"What's wrong?" Sam asks concerned.
"Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale found me in Long Beach. They told us what was happening up here last night. They sent me here. Sean left with them to Brazil to look for someone else that is like Renesmee and Sean to witness that she is no harm to the world." I tell him.
"Okay and." He says.
"No one knows about Sean and what he is. You have to keep this a secret. Alice said to cover it up I have to say that i wanted him away from this and he was needed in his company." O tell him. "Sean is coming for Christmas, and then leaving again." I let him know.
"But the volturi are coming in like a week or so after Christmas. And won't they know what he is when they get a sniff out of him? They will know he os a vampire." Sam asks.
"Sam he can mask his scent remember." I tell him.
"Will you be staying with Paul?" He asks.
"No, we where going to come before Alice arrived. He bought a house here and that is where I'll be staying. I tell him.
"Okay. Is that it?" Sam asks.
"Yeah. Let's go back." I tell him and we walk back to everyone.

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