Imprinting is not always righ...

By evelyn_zavalat

341K 6.1K 499

Jessica Lahote is moving back with her twin brother Paul Lahote. After she phases and goes back to school aft... More

just great
other people get hurt too
You got to take risks
out of our land
I hate you
choose me or lose me
I don't hate you
shopping with blondie
Bonfire Saturday
That should be me
Club night
Can't Talk Without Arguing
Saved You
Second Chance
Hanging Out
We are Done
You Can Have Him
The Waterfall
To Good To Be True
Alphas order
The Most Powerful absolute Law
Looks Can Trick
I Lost Her
Christmas Day
a note from me
The Final Battle
My End
Second, Last note from me


5.8K 112 7
By evelyn_zavalat

No nothing will stop me know. Hopefully. I put on a beige tanktop and a cardigan over. Baby blue jeans and a pair of white converse. I grab my phone. I dial my dad's phone number.
"Jessica are you okay?" My dad asks worried when he picks up.
"Yeah I'm fine. I only want to tell you that we should meet up in California some time. The problems over and I'm leaving in a few minutes." I tell him.
"Okay honey. I'm how about I call you later or tomorrow so we can plan it out?" He suggest.
"Sounds good." I respond. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs.
"So Paul has found his imprint and she happens to be your imprints older sister?" He asks.
"Yeah." I respond.
"How they doing? Has he told her? Is she good for him?" He asks question after question.
"They are doing great. Paul already told her and she took it well. She is very good for Paul. He can control his temper better then me. She is very nice and beautiful." I respond.
"I'll call you later I have to go to a meeting. Drive safely." He says.
"I will. Bye dad." I hangup and go back upstairs. I knock on Paul's bedroom door and he doesn't open so I open it and he isn't here. Must be at Sam's or Black's with Rachel.
I get in my car that already has all my stuff that I'm bringing. I drive to Sam's house lookimg around one last time around. Taking in the views that won't be the same until I come back.
I walk inside and everyone is inside. Well everyone that hasn't left the pack. "Hey guys." I say.
"Hey Jessica." They all respond.
"Sam, Paul, guys I'm leaving today." I tell them, as I play with the car keys in my hand.
"You can't leave!" Paul protests.
"I've made my choice and no one is going to stop me Paul. I only came yo let you guys know." I tell him.
"Sam stop her!" Paul tells him.
"No Paul. I won't stop her." Sam tells him. "She is free to go. It's her choice."
"I'm going to miss you." Emily says ingulfing me in a bear hug.
"I'm going to miss you too." I tell her. I hug everyone else, and we easy good bye. Brady opens the door. "Where you going Brady?" I ask him.
"I got to go do something."He says and leaves. Okay. I hug Sam.
"Thank you Sam. For everything you've done." I tell him.
"Your welcome Jessica. We will miss you. Stay safe." He says.
"I will. And that wedding better be getting planned." I tell him.
"It's slowly coming along." He responds smiling. I look at Paul and he looks, mad, sad, happy, hatred.
"I'm going to miss you Paul." I tell him.
"I'm going to miss you too." He responds and hugs me.
"I'll return. You'll see I'll come back." I tell him. He let's go and I dig I'm my pocket. "Here it's your's while I'm gone." I tell him giving him the keysl to my motorcycle.
"I'll take good care of it." He says taking the key and hugs me again. "I love you sis."
"I love you to bro." I respond. He let's go of me and I look at them once more. "I'm going you miss you all. But I'll return. Bye" I wave bye. Not good bye cause goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. And I'm not going to forget them. I walk out my car and Brady is coming out of the woods. "Bye Brady."
"Bye Jessica." He watches me leave before going inside. I drive past Forks, and farther away 4 wolves are standing on the road not letting me get through. I stop at the side of the road and get out of the car. They go into the woods so they aren't seen.
"Your leaving?" Jacob asks.
"Yeah." I respond.
"Without letting us know." Embry says.
"No I was going to let you know." I tell him.
"Brady told us you were leaving." Leah says standing next to Embry. So that's where he went.
"Bye guys." I tell them. Seth comes up to me and hugs me.
"Bye Jess." He says.
"Bye Seth. I wish the best for you and your imprint." I tell him hugging him tight.
"I wish the best for you too Jessica." He squeezes me one last time before letting go.
Leah and Embry both hug me. "I don't want you to leave but it's your choice." Leah tells me.
"Your not happy here. Go find your happiness." Embry say letting me go.
"Thanks guys. I'm going to miss you but we will keep in touch." I promise.
"Okay everyone go to the Cullen's now." Jacob orders them. They scowl at him before leaving us alone. "Don't leave Jessica." Jacob pleads.
"Why so you can hurt me some more." I snap at him.
"Jessica, I have changed. I'm not the same. Stay." He pleads.
"Jacob, I think all I need is distance. I don't know who I am or what I want." I tell him softly. "Who knows I'll probably back earlier then I thought." I tell him.
"Wherever you go you won't find who you are, or what you want. Cause, to find who you are, you have to be with me. Same goes for what you want." Jacob says holding me. "Admit it Jessica. Yesterday night at your front porch. I kissed you. I admitted my feelings for you. I kissed you cause I missed you and I want you back. Third times a charm right?" He says and that reminds me of Brady he also said that. Last night what I thought was a dream was real. I look at him dazed. "Jess are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking." I respond.
"Stay." He pleads one more time.
"I can't Jacob. I'll return. I know that for sure." I tell him.
"Then I want you to return Jessica. I want you to return as fast as you notice that what you looking for isn't there." He stands infront looking into my eyes. "But right here." He leans in closer, slowly. His hand holding my cheeck. He kisses me, passionately, gently, full of love.
"If two people are ment to be together, eventually they'll find their way back." I tell him. "Bye Jacob." I turn around and go to my car. I drive away from LA Push from my friends and family. From the guy I love but want to forget. To California to find who I really am. To see if maybe, just maybe there is someone that can replace Jacob.

Short Jacob P.o.v

I watch as she slips away from me. For a while, or forever. She might find someone better then me. I don't want her to, but she would be happy if she does. If I could go back to change my mistakes I would. I would cause then I'd have here, and she would never leave myside. I phase and run to the Cullen's. At least Brady thought that I could stop her. I could've if I probably put more effort in stopping her.

Following day

I drove around long beach looking for a hotel, or a motel while I find a place to live in while I'm here. It's a beautiful day here unlike the rez that is all gray. I pass a sign saying there is a beach up ahead. I've been driving for a while without stopping. I'm going to stop and take a break.
I find a parking and look in my suit case for a swim suit or shorts and a shirt that I can go in the water with. I find a bikini top and shorts that go with it. I grab them and go out to the bathroom to change. After I change I go back to the car to drop my clothes off. I hold my flip flops in my hand as I walk on the shore. My heart starts to ache a little. Damn imprint pull. My phone starts to vibrate in my hand and I answer.
"Hey sis, how are you." Paul says.
"I'm great, the imprint pull is starting to effect me tho." I tell him.
"I can't tell you anything other than you should come back." He says.
"I know." I sigh. "So,anything new happen?" I ask Paul.
"Bella came back to life yesterday." Jared answers.
"As one of them." Brady adds.
"They told her Seth imprinted on the child. Apparently she didn't like that." Collin informs me.
"Is Seth okay?" I ask.
"Yeah she pushed him into a tree the ground, but nothing big. So you can say he is fine." Brady responds.
"Hey can I talk to Sam?" I ask.
"Your on speakers and we are at his place. He has been listening." Paul tells me.
"Sam, if there is any problem don't hesitate in calling me to go back."
"I won't call if it's nothing big. In other words is we can take care of it without you I won't call." Sam says.
"Even if you can work it without me. Let me know." I tell him.
"Okay Jessica." He answers.
"Have you found a place to stay?" Paul asks.
"No not yet."
"Have you talked to Dad?" He asks.
"No not yet have you?" I ask him.
"Not since yesterday."He responds.
"Jessica I want to know if." He starts to say.
"Hey, watchout." I look up and a German Shepherd is running towards me. It jumps on me causing me to fall backwards. My phone slips out of my hand. The dog get off of me, and I sit up. That kinda hurt. I rub my backbone where it hurt but I heal fast so it will go away.
"Let me help you up." A hand is placed infront of me. I look at a guy with brown hair, and beautiful eyes. Wait what? I couldn't it's not possible. But maybe it is. I pit my hand in his and he pulls me.
"Thanks." I tell him.
"I'm very sorry about that. Are you okay that must've hurt?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine." I respond. I look at him again. Dazed. I look away, down at the sand. He bends down and picks something up from the water.
"I think this is yours." He says showing me my phone. I take it and try to see if it still works.
"Paul. Paul can you here me?" I say in to my phone.
"Hey why don't I make it up to you. I'll get you a phone and anything else you need." He says, the dog standing beside him.
"You don't have to do anything but can I use your phone to make a call?" I ask.
"Yeah if I had my phone." He responds. "Come with me to my house you can make your call there and you can stay for lunch." He says.
"Sure." I respond.
"I'm Shawn by the way." He says.
"I'm Jessica." I tell him.
"I like the name Jessica." He smiles at me. I can't resist to not smile so I smile back. "I walked here. Did you bring your car?"
"Yeah, it the one right there." I say pointing to my green gran torino sport.
"Nice ride. Hey cause you don't know where I live I'll drive. Or you can drive and I'll direct." He says.
"You can drive Shawn." I say giving him my keys.
"You don't mind having Rex in the backseat do you?" Shawn asks.
"No not at all." He opens the door and Rex the dog goes in the back.
"So what's your full name?" He asks.
"Jessica Lahote. How about you?" I ask.
"Sean McFaris. Where do you come from?"
"Why do you ask?" I ask Sean.
"You have two backpacks and a small suitcase that is sitting with Rex." He says.
"Oh. I come from the Quileute reservation up in Washington." I respond.
"Why did you come here?" He asks.
"I needed time away from there." I respond.
"Was the person you were talking to your boyfriend?" He asks quietly.
"No that was my twin brother Paul. He is over at Washington he called to check on me." I respond.
"So your single." Am I single?
"Yeah." Sure why not. He seems like a great guy. I might give him a chance after I talk to Sam.
"You have a twin brother cool. I'm guessing he is older then you." Shawn says.
"You guessed right. He is older by alittle." I tell him.
"Do you have a place to stay?" He asks.
"No I was looking for one tho." I respond.
"You can stay at my place. There are a few spare bedroom, and it's only me and Rex." He says.
"I'll think about it." I smile at him. He stops infront of a big beautiful house. Bigger then the Cullens. "You live here by yourself?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He opens one of the garages and parks my car next to a silver convertible 2015 camaro. Who knows what's inside the other garage. "Bring some clothes you might want to take a shower." He says. I grab one of the backpacks and follow him inside. Rex runs where only he knows. "Jessica you can shower here. He says opening the door to a big bathroom. He leaves and I close the door and take a shower.

I take out the clothes in the backpack, and there is a white skaters dress. (Picture above.) I got the wrong backpack. I can't get my other backpack. I put on the dress, and put on the shoes that I put in the backpack.
I walk out the bathroom nervous. Sean walks by, but stops and looks at me. "You look beautiful." He breaths out.
"Thank you." I respond.
"While you were taking a shower I took it as a chance to order your phone." He tells me. "It should be here maybe tomorrow or earlier."
"You should've not." I start to protest.
"Jessica, down this hall will get you to the living room. There is a phone on a table feel free to use it. I'm going to take a quick shower." He says before walking down the hall. I go the way he told me to and I see the phone. I take it and call Paul.
"Hello." Paul answers.
"Hey Paul." I say.
"Jessica you know if you didn't want to talk anymore You could've just said so instead of hanging up without telling me." Paul says.
"Paul I didn't hang up on you. A dog jumped on me and my phone slipped out of my hand and fell in the water." I explain.
"Oh, are you okay?" Paul asks.
"I lost an arm." I tell him.
"Seriously Jess." He says.
"I'm fine. But I want to talk to Sam. So I better not be on speakers." I tell him.
"Okay I'm handing him the phone right know." He says sounding farther away.
"Jessica." Sam says.
"Sam I'm not on speakers am I." I ask him.
"No." He responds.
"Walk away outside away where they can't hear." I tell him I hear him move outside.
"Okay." He says.
"I have a question about imprinting." I tell him.

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