No one left (UA civil war/Vig...

By lazycatqueen

32.8K 759 204

What if when Izuku was a kid something huge happened. Something that seemed to pass by quickly to others but... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 63

137 5 5
By lazycatqueen

Im back :) I almost wasn't going to update this week but i decided against that. sorry abt chapter 17 i just deleted some things, it's not a change at all.

Warnings : assaults almost? criminal-y (ness)?

Izuku's POV

The clicking of the tiles beneath his feet slowly echoed through the silent night and Izuku dashes swiftly, his dark silhouette was piercing against the bright full moon behind him. The bustling city was a light beneath him and Izuku's eyes scanned the dark alley ways where some monsters lived where others didn't dare venture.

The sounds of clicking tiles of a rooftop beneath his feet slowly fade into the sounds of concrete and Izuku crouched down lowering his center of gravity towards the rooftops. His feet fly as he continues to race and he slows once he starts to hear some noises of a disturbance. 

The main street is still hugging Izuku's side and he turned farther away from the bustling lights and lively sounds of the city to the darker quieter alleys where he heard the sound. There's a girl standing, partially hidden in the shadows and Izuku's eyes widden as he sees a man with a mask and stocky build and a small limp in his left leg approach the girl. The girl was pressing herself as far as she could into the wall to hide but the man already knew she was there and with predatory intent he moved towards her. 

Izuku has fought these types of villains before and he swiftly drops into the dark alley adjacent to the villain and then he rounds the corner into the dead end the girl was trapped in. 

The girl's eyes are a luminescent yellow as they widden in shock and fear as she sees him coming. She probably thought he was an accomplace to the villain. Izuku's smirk darkens as he reaches out and gently taps the villain's shoulder. The man whirls in suprise and one look at the other standing before him, the villain already knows who it is.

"YOU!" The man says.

"Me." Izuku says smirking.

The girl continues to tremble in the corner and the villain pulls out a knife from his pocket and with a dark snarl he rushes towards Izuku. With a wicked grin plastered on underneath his mask with his voice modifier, Izuku blocks the first thrust from the man's knife and swiftly ducks under the man's exposed right arm and thrusts his own knife up into the villain's armpit.

With smooth efficency, he twisted the knife further in and the villain almosft shrieks in pain but he closes his mouth shut tightly before he glares at Izuku and with his right arm he pulls out another pocket knife and thrusts upwards towards Izuku. Izuku's left hand was clasped around the villain's left wrist effectively blocking the downward strike and with that he was able to shove his own knife in.

The villain instead of leaping back decides to shove his knife towards Izuku much to Izuku's suprise. The knife slams home into his shoulder and he winces in pain as he feels the cold metal bite his shoulder and a thin trickle of blood bleed down his arm. 

Izuku's green eyes glow a radioactive green as he twists his knife even deeper again and once the villain's wincing in pain, he leaps back. (he takes out his contacts as Akari) The knife is still in his shoulder clotting most of the blood that would've normally been flowing out in great streams.

The villain smirks at him and Izuku calmly smiles back until he remembers he's wearing a mask and the villain can't see him smiling. With a sigh Izuku dashes towards the villain his center of gravity lowered until he's almost parallel with the floor and with a low sweep he fakes his sweep to the legs. The villain dodges to the side and Izuku is already in his face, a knife pressing against his throat.

"YOU?" The man asks confused.

"Probably me." Izuku reassures.

He normally didn't endanger anyone's life but with what as happening in his life recently, a small uncertain anger coated his vision red as he saw the villain. 

The knife pressed against the villain's throat harder and a small line of red appears.

"Please. Spare my life." The villain begs. "I - I  heard you weren't this kind of person. I'll go peacefully, I'll repent. Please just spare my life." 

Izuku sighs, the villain was right he wasn't this kind of person. He releases his death grip on the knife and massages his knecks. He prepares to knock the man out but the villain took his split hesitation and had lunged at the girl with a third pocket knife he produced out of his pocket.

Izuku's eyes burns a radioactive green again and he lunges forward and slams his own dagger into the back of the villain's head.  

The man's eyes widden as he slumps forward in a dramatic topple, his knife missing the girl by a inch. Izuku immediately drops down to feel the pulse of the villain and his eyes narrow as he finds nothing.

This isn't your first time doing something like this. Some dark part of his brain stated, This time I'll deal with it the civil way.

He turns towards the girl and motions for her to wait a second. He had to call the police first, then he would ask how she feeling.

"Police department of Tokyo (Mustafu) what's your emergancy?"

"It's me. I'm at XXXX (location)." Izuku says and the voice on the other side pauses for a moment before it says stifly. "Of course." 

The call ends and Izuku turns towards the man laying on the floor. He pulls out his pen from his pocket and scribbles messily: AKARI on a hankerchief before dropping that over the villain's head.

That was his new signature that he'd been using for a couple months for now. 

Finnaly he turns towards the girl and asks, "Are you okay?"

The girl steps away from the corner and under the full moon's light he can see her features finally.

Her pink hair framed her round shaped face, and horns protruded from them. She had black eyes and yellow pupils. As Izuku's shocked brain slowly analyzes her features, his eyes almost drop out of their sockets in shock. 


"I'm so sorry." She says to him, her eyes damp. "I didn't want to do this. I actually don't think what you're doing is too bad. Although you did just kill this guy... But, my teacher- my teacher he um - he insisted that this would be better and safer for everyone if I just helped them figure something out about you."

Something comes whirling out of the air and it knocks the dagger out of Izuku's hand that had appeared as soon as he saw Mina, his classmate.

Izuku's brain whirled, what was the meaning of this? 

What was Mina doing here? What did she mean? Who was the villain. He drops down quickly and pulls off the mask of the villain and he comfirms it isn't someone he recognizes. 

His hands tighten into fists as he stares at his classmate. What did this mean?

A trap. His mind whispers and Izuku almost laughs insanely. 

Mina was part of a trap that Aizawa had set up for him. 

A bright white strip of cloth comes rushing at him and he instinctively dodges it from all the training he did with Aizawa-sensei earlier that week.

A trap. He told himself. A trap made to catch him. 


1246 Words

Sorry. it's been slow this week, ive been rly busy and everything.

not too many edits bad grammar...

oh yeah i changed the title and the cover (art not mine!) sorry about that. 



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