No one left (UA civil war/Vig...

By lazycatqueen

33.1K 759 204

What if when Izuku was a kid something huge happened. Something that seemed to pass by quickly to others but... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 59

174 9 3
By lazycatqueen

I'm sorry about all the random notifs popping up everywhere. I've been trying to clean up the whole story.

Izuku's POV

When the screaming and fire started, time slowed to a crawled to freeze. The world stopped moving at it's normal speed and started to crawl in a molasses like way.

At least that was to Izuku's eyes. 

His mind worked quickly as it tried to analyze the situation. There was an attack that was taking all over the city, if the fire spreading rapidly indicated anything. 

But it wasn't just the fire, there was another variable, another type of attack that was causing all this screaming. Izuku could've sworn that almost everyone in the city was screaming their heads off.

And nobody would do that if the attack was just a fire.

No there was something else. Someone else?

Seeing as how the attack spread and covered the entire city, he could sum it up to "not a small villain just messing around." No this sort of attack would take meticulous planning of the details of the attack.

What villain groups did Izuku know? He thought it was the LOV.

Aizawa, Manuel, Iida, and him were all stuck in this back alley from where they were patrolling earlier, and collectively, everyone rushed out towards the main street.

From their little alley to the main road, there was a clear difference in the attacks.

Izuku's breathing came a little fast as he felt the corner of his vision darken. Taking the precious time to stop, he breathed in an out trying to fight off his panic to the best of his ability.

It receeded but didn't fade. 

The world returned back to it's normal time and speed. 

From the main street, he could see the full damage of the villain attack. Izuku had been right, there was another group that was terrorizing the civilians. There were several Nomu loitering around and attacking the civilians that crossed their paths. 

Along with the nomus attacking there were several fires burning through the city. It was no wonder that all the civilians were in chaos, running around and screaming their heads off.

It was smart for the villains to attack this city Izuku admitted. From what he remembered, Hosu was a largely populated city but it didn't have the luxury of being guarded by the big heroes like in Tokyo (Mustafu?) There were a lot of minor and smaller, less famous heroes here. At least those he saw on patrol while his group was on patrol.

At least Endeavor, Hawks, All Might. The big three weren't around this city usually so it would take them time to arrive at the sight of the attack. 

That meant that whatever the villains wanted, they had time to get.

"Let's move towards the center of the city," Manuel calls to the team, "There's a large condensed section of fires that burn from there which means the attack probably started there!"

Izuku nods and everyone starts sprinting towards the center of Hosu. 

What did the villains want though?

The sky was turning an unfamiliar shade of black as the sky swarmed with winged nomus.

An improvement from his last battle with a Nomu during the USJ incident, Izuku noted. These ones could fly.

Aizawa and Manuel led the way for their students as they rushed ahead towards the attack where the nomu were attacking civilians.

But as Izuku looked around, he couldn't see his class president anywhere.

Iida's POV

They'd all been running together, their intent on reaching the center of Hosu to protect the civilians there from the villain attack and Iida had been all for it. 

But as they were running towards the center, he saw a quick flash of a back alley like the one he'd just exited with his mentor, teacher, and classmate.

But this alley unlike Iida's alley wasn't empty. It housed two people in the back.

And from the quick moment he passed them, he could see a flash of someone laying on the floor, drained looking, and there was another person who was towering over the incapacitated person.

Red flags and an alarm started to blare in his head and his vision flashed red.

Could it be... could this be? 

Iida recalls the report about his brother's injuries as he darts away from Aizawa, Manuel, and Aoi without realizing it.

His brother, Ingenium, had been injured by a villain who called himself a hero killer, named Stain. The doctors told Iida that it was lucky that Ingenium had even got out of the encounter alive.

Iida could still remember what his mother had said the day she called during the UA Sports Event. He arrived at Hosu and immediately rushed to his brother's side.

Ingenium was paralyzed from the waist down, no longer able to be the hero he was before.

Iida had still believed that the villain was around in Hosu, and so for his internship he'd choosen to go to Manuel. 

As Iida dashed into the alley, he could see the person incapactitated on the ground was a hero of some sorts, and the villain who towered over the hero prepared to kill the hero had to be the hero killer, Stain.

His first roundhouse kick suprised Stain and hit the villain with a satisfying thunk. Iida positioned himself infront of the fallen hero, protecting him with his body. His second kick didn't connect and from there everything went worse for Iida.

Izuku's POV

Izuku had felt rather than saw, the moment Iida left his side.

He made sure to silently double back and as he was tracing their footsteps until he reached a point where he could faintly hear the sounds of a fight happening in a distance. 

Izuku had two choices ahead of him. The first being that he could rush head first into the fight to back up Iida without knowing what he was getting himself into and the second was that he could scale the buildings to peer over the rim of a roof to spectate the fight before going down to assist Iida.

Izuku decided to go with the second option. If he choose the first, it was most likely that he would have to fight whoever was attacking Iida himself.

And if Iida wasn't dead by then, it would mean the engine boy would witness the fight happening between Izuku and the villain.

Which would probably lead to Izuku getting questioned by his teacher about why he hid his abilities.

And so by the time the white haired boy scaled the building and looked over the rim of the roof, he could finally see Iida.

Suprise, suprise, Izuku was hoping that his class president could hold his own against a villain but logically he knew that Iida would most likely be harmed by the time he stepped in.

And indeed he was, Iida was out of breath and bleeding from several open knife wounds.

There was a hero laying on the floor paralyzed from the looks of itand Izuku watches with a dark look in his eyes as Iida barely dodges a sharp knife thrown at his head. The knife hit the wall with a dull thump before clattering onto the ground. The villain already had several bloodied knives in his hands and as he licked one, Iida froze.


Izuku earlier had looked into many things about his classmates.

He had recalled earlier in the week that Iida had left the Sports Festival early, and based on the information he was able to gather, he realized that Iida's brother the pro hero Ingenium had been injured by a villain, a hero killer, called Stain. 

Was this villain that was attacking Iida Stain?

With a sharp glint in the maybe-Stain's eyes, another knife was swept towards Iida. Iida couldn't dodge this one but it left a shallow wound, nothing major.

Izuku didn't have enough information yet so he continued to watch as the villain brought the bloodied knife to his lips and lick the blood clean off. 

The class president had tried to attack while the villain was licking his knife clean but to Izuku's suprise, Iida was frozen, paralyzed as the maybe-Stain slowly stalked closer before he pressed his knife to the throat of the class president.

Iida's POV

This was the first time, Iida had been stopped in his life. His whole thing was how fast he moved and you should believe it that the engine boy was always moving.

So when Stain froze him so easily by doing something, he felt the first tremors of fear coat his vision slowly replacing his rage.

The cool touch of the metal blade of Stain's knife pressed against his throat as the villain leans forward to whisper something in his ear.

"Is your brother the engine hero?" Stain asks.


"Well whatever it is, whoever your brother is I'm sure you're disgracing your whole family. I'm sure you're disgracing the heroes too. Even if you killed me now, did you think that the heroes would welcome you back with open arms and congratulate you?"

Iida stood silent fear completely racking his body as he was forced to continue to listen to what the villain had left to say.

"If you killed me, you would become a villain you know. Killing is something that heroes never do." Stain crooned softly, before adding after a thoughtful pause, "They never do in public of course."

The pressure from the knife to his throat slowly increased as a thin line of warm blood trickled down Iida's throat.

Izuku's POV

He watched as the blood trickled down Iida's throat before something clicked in his mind and he realized the villains quirk.

The noises of the city slowly bleed out leaving only silence in its wake as Izuku listened quitely to Stain's words. 

It was true what the villain was saying. Iida shouldn't have rushed here.

But enough was enough.

And that was enough.

And so Izuku prepared to drop down and fight Stain.


(1617 Words)

Its not as long as I would've liked actually, this whole incident was actually going to be one whole long chapter but I've decided to cut it up into two seperate chapters (or more)

Sorry about the bad writing, I didn't edit this one either yet.


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