The Way it's Meant to be

By dragonprincess1996

13.7K 483 7

Three years after the War Hermione has formed a friendship with Andromeda and Narcissa who are always doing t... More



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By dragonprincess1996


Walking down the hall I frown seeing Narcissa with Lucius Malfoy flirting with her standing to close, stepping behind him I grab his robes yanking him back "You will be respectful of my niece Malfoy while courting her" I hiss tossing him away.

He snarls jumping up fixing his robes "My father will hear of this" he says threateningly while I check Narcissa over.

Turning my head I bare my teeth while grabbing him and dragging him outside "You better rethink that threat boy because I have no problem with informing Cygnus that you are unworthy of my niece, you will not hide behind your father while making threats draw your wand or admit you are unworthy" I screech.

'Why is it the older we get the more we act like Bella did'

Seeing him lift his wand I give a slight bow enough to show respect for traditions but not him while he mimicks me, smirking I lazily twirl my wand ignoring him "You are unworthy and pathetic, hiding behind your tyrant father while disrespecting your heritage of magic let's see if your idea of pure blood will match up to traditions".

I chuckle blocking his spells never attacking him back "Poor baby Malfoy, maybe daddy should come fight for you since you use his reputation to hold power".

Laughing I block another walking closer to him "When I started here I built a reputation outside of my family I found Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, removed a basilisk from it, won an honor dual against two seventh year students, made wolves bane Potion, helped meditate a fair and peaceful meeting between creatures and wizards, and I helped give creatures equal rights what have you done to gain any reputation other than a whining child who cries to his daddy".

Stepping up I grab his wrist squeezing the pressure point forcing him to drop his wand before shoving him back "You have no wand Malfoy, how do you defend yourself now because your threats mean nothing to me, I would wipe the floor with your father taking everything he owns as mine you will be broke with nothing but your pathetic whining to catch attention".

Feeling his fist land on my face I smile lifting him by his robes laughing more "You are unworthy still, so you have two options either break the courtship and leave my niece alone or I teach you the real meaning of pure blood" I hiss before throwing him back watching as he lands on his back shaking "be in my classroom after dinner tomorrow or your courtship is finished, prove you are worthy and not a sniveling coward" I order before walking away.

My eyes narrow at seeing Andi duck around the corner, following after her I grab her robes stopping her "Nope, you will not be sneaking around with that boy, if he wants to date you then he needs to do so publicly not hiding behind closed doors".

"Aunt Aquila, he's not ready to date publicly" she says whining.

"He's not ready to date publicly, he's not ready to learn true magic, he's not ready to meet your parents or for you to meet his" I say in a mocking voice "Andromeda, it sounds like he is unwilling to learn about your home, like he's embarrassed by being with you, but you deserve someone proud to be with you and willing to learn more about your heritage not just you learn about his".

She huffs till I let go and rushes away from me, turning I walk away seeing Myrtle walking with a hand on her stomach about 5 months pregnant "Where's she off to?"

"To be with that Tonks boy, I don't think that relationship is going to last long" I answer linking our arms.

"How's your grumpy Moody?" I ask smirking.

"Oh leave him alone he's a good man and great husband, I know he will be a great father to our children" she says smiling while rubbing her belly.

Laughing I nod "I agree he is a good man and husband, and will be a great father possibly a little stern and paranoid but he hunts criminals while handling your insanity he even handled Bella when she started trying to train birds to obey her".

"I can't believe she got them to attack people" Myrtle says laughing.

Shrugging I smile at her "It's Bella if she sets her mind to something she finds a way to do it".

"Like when you turned the skies black fighting your brother"

Humming I nod looking at the necklace I wear seeing Myrtle shiver from the corner of my eye "Why must you wear that?"

"Morgana insisted on it to represent her line" I say shrugging.

"It's literally a necklace with bones reshaped to represent who each came from after you killed them in battles"

"Not true ones a tooth from Bella" I say shrugging.

She groans pinching the bridge of her nose "that you got when she was 16 and tried to challenge you and ended with you punching her in the face knocking her tooth out".

Smiling I nod "Yes and the brat learned not to challenge someone who's taught her everything she knows".

"You did it in the Great Hall" She screeches.

"I'd do it again to make sure she learned her lesson it's no different than when I threw Sirius out of the house into the Gnome pin for disrespecting Walburga and pushing Kreacher around"

"He was 13" she says frowning.

"Myrtle let it go, she's the one who cursed the halls so if you were bullying someone you had boils spelling out what you did across your faces" Pomona says laughing.

"They still haven't taken it off or asked me to" I say shrugging.

"Because they know you won't"

"I needed insurance that Albus couldn't claim it was boys being boys"

They hum nodding following me into the Squibs school I fought for, stepping in I smile seeing them walking around and talking happily "Professor Black".

"Hello, Mr. Filch," I say smiling at him.

"What's today's lesson?" He asks happily.

"I was thinking we could take a trip to see if anyone has a familiar waiting for them"

"But those are only for magically gifted"

"Technically someone without a magical gift can have a familiar it's just like muggles getting pets, they can provide a friend for anyone and can be taught how to help their partners, sometimes it takes time to find your own because the one meant for you hasn't been born or found it's way to you yet"

Pointing to the youngest group I smile "Can you tell me why being a Squib is such an important and special gift?" I ask.

Seeing one girl's hand raise I nod "Go ahead, Smith".

"Being a Squib is a gift because while we can not use magic we have magic cores that will give us a chance to continue a magical line if we have a child, our births help keep the magical world alive"

Nodding I smile "10 points Hufflepuff, does anyone else want a chance to gain points for your house?" I ask.

Seeing multiple hands raise I smile sitting on my desk "Why are your houses the same as the magical houses?"

Looking at the hands raised I point to one "Carrow" I say.

"Because we're part of the magical culture and the school is part of Hogwarts"

"10 points Slytherin" I say proudly "Now let's go see if anyone has a familiar waiting for them" I add getting up and leading them out with Filch walking beside me helping me lead the younger children.

"Filch your 16, next year you'll be able to test out of school, how would you feel about me recommending you to take over as caretaker of Hogwarts" I say looking at him.

"I'd like that Professor Black this place feels like home to me"

"I'll make sure to let Professor Dumbledore know" I say laughing when he hugs me "You will do great things, Argus, as long as you stay loyal to who you are never let jealousy or hate rule your life" I whisper to him.

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