No one left (UA civil war/Vig...

By lazycatqueen

32.8K 759 204

What if when Izuku was a kid something huge happened. Something that seemed to pass by quickly to others but... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 4

1.1K 32 5
By lazycatqueen

All Might's POV

Oh shit.

I'd dropped the villain somewhere. Somewhere earlier. When I was jumping around? From the roof? When that boy clung on my leg? When? 


That wasn't the problem. What I needed to know was where it was now. It was dangerous. 

I don't want to think about what could be happening to the poor innocent civilans right now. They need my help.

There's the familiar screech of sirens somewhere in the distance of the city anbd with no better idea, I prepare to jump there.

A small, "Nya." could be heard behind me as I start to jump off towards the siren sounds.

It was a police officer. Sansa. He was never noticed at all by the deep in thought hero. Or he was just plained ignored. Sansa didn't care though. He was glad that it was less work for him to do. 


I land barely making it to my location before my form gives out and I start coughing again. Into my hands of course. There's a smear of blood but I wipe that off onto my dark pants. Nobody can notice right? I don't know what to do. I'm here. I'M HERE! But what can I do?

My limit was reached? I couldn't go back to my form anymore! I push through the crowd and stare with wide eyes at the spikey, blond-haired teen that was struggling in the slime's grasp.

The pros who have gathered are trying to attack the slime villain but it has all fronts of attack covered. This was almost a hostage situation. 

"MOMPHFWASDFA!" Comes from the boy as a small crackling sounds come from his palms.

Was that his quirk? It was strong. Good. But it wouldn't do anything against the slime. 

What do I do?

What were the pros doing?

All the civilians watching could clearly see that their attacks and tactics weren't working. We were all just standing here watching the boy slowly suffocate to death. 


As I'm turning away debating whether to call for backup or to push my limit, I see a familiar green-haired kid push through the kid and start sprinting towards the slime and the villain.

Izuku's POV

After Izuku's encounter with his ex-idol, he managed to get down from the roof. It was some sort of apartment complex so that made it akward, but he manage to get to the ground floor and started walking home. Izuku couldn't afford anymore delays, he didn't want Mrs. to be waiting for so long.

As Izuku walks home, he passes a large crossing and sees that the road is blocked off. By polce, tape, a crowd, and -

were those pro heroes?

What in the world was going on?

A fight? A battle? Between heroes and villains?

On instinct Izuku rushes over there and start pushing through the crowd barely managing to get his analysis notebook out and preparing to take his notes. Except when he reaches the front he freezes from suprise.

It's that guy. No, Izuku decided. He really shouldn't decide people's genders like that. It was that thing- whatever it was. That slime-y thing from earlier. 


Didn't All Might have it in his pocket?

What happened?

It fell out, didn't it?

But when-





Oh. It was him. It was his fault. When he was clinging onto All Might's leg waiting, the villain must've somehow fallen down.

The pros weren't able to do anything and their attacks looked peeved and cautious.

Was it a hostage situation? Like the situation Izuku was in earlier?

Izuku scans the villain and realizes that the slime was holding onto something.

A person. Who looked awfully familiar.

Was it Bakugou?!

At that moment Bakugou lifted his head and his crimsom red eyes met Izuku's.

"MOMPHFWASDFA!" Bakugou screams.

Probably something along the lines of:


But his eyes.

Bakugou's eyes they look like they're calling for help. And as much as Izuku wants to turn away, he can't. After all being a hero means saving those that need it right? It wasn't as difficult or complicated as people made it to be. You saved people. No matter who, no matter what they were. You saved people uncoditionally.

With that thought in mind Izuku darts forward. Even though he's prepared of what he's about to do, he still feels the low swoop of his gut. His anxiety and nerves kicking in. Izuku forgot to make a plan. 




It didn't matter he was already moving. His feet flying towards his tormentor. Both of them actually. One of them a bully and one of them a villain. Izuku throws his backpack and then desperately tries to think of the next step. Behind him civilian and hero alike where calling him back. He tunes them out and tries his best to come up with a plan on the fly.



Sandman. Sandman! He couldn't hold his form when he was mixed with water right? So what if the same worked for this slime person. If Izuku was right the villain had the ability to absorb things. So-


The area was a construction site and Izuku dearly wondered why the villain decided to attack Bakugou here.

Maybe he was rudely dropped by an idiot hero hero and had no choice but to attack here?

Whatever it was, it didn't matter. Izuku would use everything he had at his disposal to his advantage. With a swift turn from his charge, he darts to the sand pile and stops with a screech.

There's a moment of silence as everyone wonders what the green-haired boy was going to do before there's an intake of drawn breath.

They watch in awe as they see in slow motion as Izuku picks up a pile of sand in his hands and chucks it at the slime.

It doesn't have to work. Izuku thought. Just to scare the villain and distract it.

That small amount of sand would have no impact on the villain.

But it's enough.

Enough for Bakugo to twist free and for the heroes to close in. Within seconds the pros finish off the fight and has managed to capture the villain. Bakugou is slumped, unconcious, on the floor. He couldn't breath a single full breath for minutes. He couldn't hold onto reality anymore and once he managed to break free he had fallen on his face, passing out.

The media team closed in on the incident too, taking/filiming a video of Bakugou being wheeled into an ambulance by paramedics. Just as they start taking a panorama video and Izuku manages to frantically motion to the camera crew that he didn't want to be shown on TV.

He's worried that they won't get the message but out of some pocket of kindness in the crew's heart they manage to avoid him. He was glad. Izuku walks towards where Bakugou and the villain were and pick up his backpack. Just as he turns around, he sees the face of pro hero, Death Arms, Mount Lady, and Kamui Woods.

Izuku flinches as they close in on him like a pack of woods and he braces himself to be reprimanded for his rash behavior. 

He deserved it after all.

(1126 Words-ish)

ERM. Yes this is going in the direction I kind of want it to do.

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