Queen of the Dragons [rhaeny...

By he4vymetal_lover

245K 10.6K 1.1K

What if another family survived the Doom of Valyria? Everyone knows the story of the Targaryens fleeing Valyr... More

The Maltheons
Meet the Maltheons
Lord Lannister
Rhaenyra Targaryen
One Ride
What a Night
The Bad Egg
I Need to Go
Two Years
Quite the Entrance
A Promise
Show Me
Confessions and Revelations
Allies and Betrayal
A Talk with Rhaenyra
The Prince
The Wedding
The Maltheon Children
5 Years
My Children
Ser Richard
Dragon Kings and Queens
You Scared Me
Tests of Loyalty
Honor and Tourneys
Rhaenyra and Rhaemont
An Eye for an Eye
Blood of the Dragon
Prince Consort
Maltheon Children (Grown Up)
Maltheon Adults
King's Landing
King Viserys
Prince & Princess of Dragonstone
Rhaenyra's Coronation
Storm's End
Delivering Messages
The Riverlands
Rook's Rest
The Lion's Downfall
The Dragons Rise
Questioning the Enemy
Maekara the Merciless
The God's Eye
Going Mad
A Dragon's Death
A Song of Ice and Fire
Thank You
The Families
Targaryen Kings and Queens
Maltheon Kings and Queens


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By he4vymetal_lover

The day they all dreaded arrived when Maekara and her family had to go back to Ashbourne to crown Maegon, and nobody was looking forward to their leaving.

Just before they would be leaving back home, Maekara and Ser Richard stood on the beach of the Blackwater. She looks back up at the Keep behind her and a sad smile curls at her lips.

"You will be back here in no time, Your Grace," Richard says as they both stare at the water, "We both know that as soon as Maegon wears the crown, you will come crawling right back here."

"You are not entirely wrong, Rich," Mae laughed as she looked at the sand and the way the water crashed so gently onto the beach, "Only I would not be returning a ruling Queen. I would be returning as simply just a visitor."

"Is that so bad?" Richard asked, "You would not have to receive criticisms as to why you are here and not in your own kingdom. I see it as a good thing."

"It is not a bad thing at all. I'm just already finding it strange and it has not even happened yet," Mae admitted, "The memories I've made here have been as Queen. I'm afraid I will miss it."

"You can always make new memories," Richard said, "The crown is no longer a burden for you. You are free to do as you please."

A few moments pass as Richard speaks again, "I have one particular memory about this place that always brings a smile to my face."

"And what is that?" Mae asked as she peered over at him. He tries to hide his smile and looks up at the sky.

"Forgive me if it is too cold-hearted, but it is right here where Ser Wyatt and I got rid of the biggest burden of them all," Richard told her and Mae raised her brow. After a few seconds, she realized who he was referring to.

"Do you mean Reid the Gloat?" Mae jested, "I haven't given him a single thought since I sentenced him to die for all the stupid atrocities he said about Rhaenyra."

"I know you held love for him at some point but I truly enjoyed ridding the Crown of that cunt."

"Are you kidding?" Mae asked, incredulous, "It felt unnatural to be with him and I quite literally gag at the fact that I ever shared a bed with him. But I had to marry someone."

"And you did," Richard reminded, "The finest swordsman in the Realm of Insanity: me."

"You are kidding yourself," Mae teased and Richard chuckled, "You are average at best. Our youngest son could best you."

"Are you sure that boy is even our child?" Richard jests, "He looks every like you and me, but that boy does not know his way around with a sword."

Mae shoved him as she can't help but laugh, "Don't be like that. Rhaemont may not be the best swordsman now, but he is still a boy. Give him some time. Were you the best at your craft at 8 years old?"

"At 8 years old I was playing with dirt," Richard said as Mae tightly smiled.

"Exactly. So you can't speak on Rhaemont's dedication and commitment to becoming just like his father," Mae scolded as she kissed his cheek, "When he was at his prime of course."

"I'm still really good," Richard says and Mae nods.

"Mm, average at best," Mae joked and Richard argued once again.

"Whatever," Richard mumbled as he turned to leave and switched his tone, "If you'll excuse me, I will be overseeing the traveling arrangements of the Princes and Princess...Your Grace." He bows and Mae smirks, waving him away.

She stays for a few more minutes and finally turns back to leave. As she is walking toward the castle, something shiny caught her eye. Mae furrowed her brows as she walked over to the shiny object. She jumped back a bit as she spotted a skeleton, washed up and sitting against the rocky wall of the Bay.

She bends down to see the skeleton as she realizes what had caught her eye. A silver ring with the Maltheon crest. To confirm her suspicions further, she flipped over the heavy jacket that was still on the corpse. The Maltheon sigil was on the backside of the person, and Mae laughed.

"My god," Mae said in disbelief, "Why if isn't the Gloat himself?"

She was staring at the skeleton of Reid. Washed up, half dressed, and slumped over on the farthest side of the Blackwater beach.

"You swore so badly that you were going to be above the people yet even in death you are below them."

She stared long and hard at the corpse, eventually getting up and laughing to herself.

One of the first tongues to go against Rhaenyra, and the first to die.

After saying their goodbyes, the only Maltheons remaining were Mikaela and Markus. Jacaerys, wanting to cheer up Corlys, who was upset about Rhaenys Targaryen's passing, appointed him as the new Hand of the Queen.

Lady Baela Targaryen also was to be joining the Maltheons on their journey to Ashbourne to be crowned alongside Maegon.

Parting ways was hard for both the Targaryens and Maltheons, but it was necessary. If Maekara was to return to King's Landing after passing the crown to her son, she would be returning as a Queen Mother. One thing was certain: Maekara wanted to see her child crowned before her eyes, unlike King Maekor I, who didn't live to see it. Mae didn't want to suffer the same fate and ordered her son's coronation be a month after Maegon's 16th nameday.

Maekara had worn the crown for nearly 27 years, and she was tired of the fighting, ruling, and insults she endured during her nearly 30-year reign. She felt she had prepared her son well enough for his own rule.

When the Maltheons departed King's Landing and arrived in Ashbourne, everything felt different.

Maekara had left Ashbourne with four children but returned with only three. She grieved the loss of her second son, tears streaming as she entered his empty and cold chambers. The pain intensified when she realized she'd never be able to lay his body to rest in his rightful place at Ashbourne.

Yet, she found solace in the thought that he was with his grandfather, who would have cherished him, enjoying endless snow in the heavens. The thought brought a bittersweet smile as she proceeded with Prince Maegon's coronation, which happened 3 weeks after arriving to Ashbourne.

They made a change to the Dragon's crown for the Prince, featuring both the Targaryen and Maltheon crests side by side, symbolizing their powerful union.

As the ceremony began, The Flamebourne High Priestess signaled to Maegon to offer his Valyrian blood on a burning stone, signifying his commitment to safeguard the realm and fulfill his duties as King.

Without hesitation, he pricked his finger with a sharp dagger's edge and allowed his blood to fall upon the stone. Then came the moment to crown him as King, to bless his reign henceforth.

As the ceremony came to its end, Maegon gazed at the  crowd, who bowed their heads in respect. He raised his chin as the High Maester spoke to the audience.

"All Hail King Maegon of House Maltheon, dragon lord of the highest seat, born from the blood of Old Valyria, and Ruler of the Skies. May the gods bless the blood of the dragon."

Following his mother's example, Maegon addressed the crowd, expressing his desire to be a symbol of hope for the kingdom. As long as he reigned as King, he vowed to be a beacon where the people could place their hopes and dreams.

A tremendous weight was lifted from Mae's shoulders as her son was crowned. Despite his initial doubts and insecurities about becoming a King, he was already showing his potential. Baela Targaryen was also crowned as Queen Baela Targaryen-Maltheon. As promised all those years ago, Baela was given Ashbourne's traditional Queen's crown, no longer Mae's to wear.

That evening, she approached her son for one last lecture.

"Now, you carry the crown," Mae began, gently touching the metal crown on his head, making him look up at her.

"My top priority as King," Maegon responded promptly, "is protecting the people."

"As long as you watch over them, their unwavering support will be your greatest strength," Mae reassured him, her eyes glancing at the majestic tapestries hanging in the large throne room. "But remember, if you ever turn your back on them, they will do the same."

"I promise to take that duty to heart," Maegon assured her as their eyes met again.

"I have complete faith that you'll be remembered through songs and tales for generations to come," Mae told him, gently caressing his cheek. "However, you should be prepared for opposition. Some will argue that your throne holds no true significance, and in a way, they're right."

Confused, Maegon asked, "What do you mean?"

"Sitting on a throne, wearing a crown, and calling yourself a king is just a front. The real power of a monarch lies in their character," Mae explained, their eyes locked. "This is why you must be the best version of yourself, empathize with your people's struggles, and confront problems that threaten your kingdom directly. Don't pass these burdens to others; I've made that mistake before, and it only made things worse."

"Be the king people would do anything for," Maegon recited.

"Though it may sound bold and challenging, it's the undeniable truth," Mae assured him as she carefully adjusted his crown.

"Don't worry, Mother," Maegon reassured her. "I'm determined to make you proud."

"I'm counting on it," Mae replied with a warm smile.

Mae felt isolated on the night her son was crowned, as if her life's purpose had concluded. She had already talked to her son and was returned to her old chambers when she found Maxine and Maegor enjoying a cup of wine.

"Sister!" Maxine welcomed her, raising her cup, "Come join us."

"I'd be happy to," Mae replied softly, serving herself a cup and taking a small sip. Maxine nodded to Maegor, who grabbed a scroll from his pocket.

"Maelora intended to give this to you before she left," Maegor explained, handing her the scroll, "But you know her, always forgetting things."

"Right," Mae said, accepting the scroll and giving it a quick once-over. It was written in sloppy High Valyrian, and she looked up at her siblings, asking, "What is this?"

"It's Father's prophecy," Maxine replied, slightly tipsy, urging her to read it again. "We just received it from Maelora, and we thought you should read it first. She insists you read it carefully, and you'll be satisfied."

Mae hummed in acknowledgment as she read the scroll.

It read as follows:

In realms concealed, a prophecy unfolds,
A young Dragon Lord, the story foretells.
From his bloodline, eight bearers rise,
Marked by dragons, destined ties.

Among these chosen, one shall lead,
Ruler of The Dragons, to fulfill the creed.
Their union forged 'gainst foes unseen,
The beasts who prefer green, in shadows keen.

In unity, they stand unbowed,
Guardians against darkness, strong and proud.
A tale of destiny, dragons entwined,
In union, their fates defined.

She read the scroll multiple times until it struck her: "Eight bearers rise." Her father had misunderstood. He had subjected his wife to the pain of bearing eight children to fulfill the prophecy when it was only meant for eight specific individuals in his bloodline to unite all the dragons in the world.

Maegor quickly snatched the scroll from Mae as she stared, deep in thought. It took some time, but eventually, they all grasped the revelation.

Maxine connected the dots. "Father was right," she said, her voice clear, "Everything aligns. The day you met Rhaenyra was the day this prophecy began to be fulfilled by us. We've all battled the "beasts who prefer green" and we've come out victorious! And!With the union of Mikaela and Jacaerys comes the union of our dragons. It all makes sense!"

"Are you saying—"

"We have fulfilled Father's prophecy," Mae said in realization.

"And he was also right about another thing," Maegor pointed out as he raised his cup to his youngest sister, "For you are the Ruler of the Dragons. As prophesied ages before you were even born."

"Everything that's happened, it's all because you chose to meet the Targaryens in person that day," Maxine said as Mae did not know what to say.

The Grand Prophecy of Eight had been fulfilled.

With their prophecy realized, Mae felt a sense of accomplishment despite having felt the opposite a day earlier. She had achieved what her father had obsessed over for so long, and it was almost surreal. When she looked in the mirror, she noticed the toll her reign had taken on her. Dark bags hung beneath her eyes, her gaze had grown somber, and her once-voluminous, thick, curly hair had thinned and lost its luster.

Under King Maegon's rule, the realm continued to flourish and thrive. The people adored their new king and his queen, bringing a genuine smile to Mae's face as well as her family's.

Maegon had been seated on the throne as his mother came in, a proud smile on her face.

"My King," Mae acknowledged as Maegon stood from the seat that had seen rulers come and go.

"Mother," Maegon said as he walked up to her and Mae grabbed his face, planting a kiss on his cheeks. He smiled as he took off his crown and wrapped his arm around hers, interlocking their arms.

"I summoned you because I wish to show you something," Maegon said as he walked with her outside. They made their way slowly into the gardens where the statues of each Maltheon King and Queen stood. There were a total of twenty-seven statues that stood proudly in the gardens made of fine marble and sculpted to perfection.

Maegon lets go of his mother and jogs over to what he wanted to show her. She catches up to him and stops in her tracks. Her son now stood beside a statue of herself, that was loads accurate.

"I had the sculptors work on it for quite some time," Maegon reveals as he stands next to his mother, "Do you like it?"

Mae walks up to the statue, tracing the intricate details and adoring it. She noticed how her sculpted arms seem to resting on the sword, Truefyre, the way she always stood.

"Good attention to detail," Mae notes as she turns back to her son who is smiling, "But is it not too early? These statues are to be made when the predecessor has passed."

"I wanted to do something nice for you," Maegon admits, "After all the nice things you have done for me." Mae cups his cheeks once again.

"It is my job as your mother to love and care for you endlessly," Mae said as she kissed her son's cheek, "I do not expect anything in return for simply loving my son."

"But you should, mother," Maegon insisted, "This war has taught me that not all mothers are like you....I used to resent the way that you hid things from us. But I know now that you were only doing it to protect us."

Mae frowns. "I'm sorry you felt that way, dear boy. But I truly was only protecting you. Protecting you all. I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes."

"I don't have to forgive you, because you did nothing wrong in protecting your children," Maegon said as Mae smiled.

"I also would like to show you something else," Maegor walks over to his mother and lifts her arm to trace the cloak of the statue.

She traces over to realize that it was covered in sigils of House Targaryen as well as the Maltheon dragon.

"It is to celebrate the union of the dragons in the world," Maegon points out as Mae puts her hands down and admired herself in statue form.

"I think it is wonderful," Mae says as she hugs her son, pushing his curly hair back and fixing the crown on his head, "Nyke daor umbagon syt se tubis ao issi naejot sagon scultaor se nykeōragon kesīr tolī." (I cannot wait for the day that you are to be sculpted and stand alongside us all.)

"I look forward to it too. But for now I shall rule the realm before my statue is to be sculpted," Maegon said as they both looked back up and Mae's eyes shifted to all the Dragon Kings and Queens before them, each with their own individual story of how they came to wear the crown.

Prince Rhaemont had  begun his new journey, now being trained as a squire for Maegon instead of his father, a role that filled the young boy with joy.

And as for the boy's father, Richard, he no longer possessed his once grand skill of sword fighting as he grew to be brittle and could now longer move the way he used to. He stay married to the Queen Maekara but saw other people with her permission.

As for Prince Steffon, he had chosen to join his cousin's new Kingsguard, enjoying the authority that came with it, particularly when guarding Maegon during his dragon rides. He took great pleasure in shouting down anyone who ventured too close to the king.

Maegor remained the King's advisor, a trusted presence by Maegon's side for as long as the young king would have him.

The people referred to the flourishing city as "Valyria Risen Again."

In King's Landing, Jacaerys and Mikaela resided on Dragonstone as planned, while Rhaenyra ruled with grace from the Iron Throne, guided by her loyal and wise council.

On Driftmark, Prince Lucerys and Lady Rhaena remained. Lucerys diligently listened to the wisdom of his grandfather, known as the greatest sailor of his time. His ambition to earn the title of Master of Driftmark and secure the Driftwood Throne spurred him to train ceaselessly.

Rhaena had also hatched her very first dragon egg, a pink dragon. As Rhaena presented Luke with the dragon, he choked on his tears as he saw it as the rebirth of Drējagon, the mount of Prince Matthew.

His dedication earned him the nickname "Prince of Driftmark." Prince Joffrey, meanwhile, wrote to Prince Rhaemont in Ashbourne, learning more skills alongside his dragon, Tyraxes, eagerly awaiting Rhaemont's return to the city.

Alicent isolated herself in her chambers, slowly descending into madness. Rhaenyra, in her final act of vengeance, adorned Alicent's room with green banners, knowing well her disdain for the color green.

Jaehaera Targaryen had been safely delivered to King's Landing by Rhaenyra and Mae before her departure and was well cared for, especially with the trauma she had endured.

Nettles was rewarded greatly for protecting Dragonstone and fighting for Rhaenyra's cause. She received her own plot of land on the Targaryen stronghold where she could care for Sheepstealer.

The sword Vigilence, having been recovered, underwent a transformation, melting away its old form to give birth to new blades that the Queen gifted to her sons.

A few months later, Princess Mikaela gave birth to a girl, and her entire family gathered to celebrate the occasion. The baby was a beautiful girl with yellow-blonde hair and dark blue eyes, much to Jacaerys's delight, who had predicted having a daughter. Mikaela, who initially thought she was having a son, was equally thrilled with their firstborn child. They named her Jacaela, with the Targaryen surname.

Mikaela was still in bed when her mother and Rhaenyra entered the room. Jacaerys laid beside his wife, tenderly caressing little Jacaela's chest. "I hope we're not intruding?" Mae asked, to which Mikaela welcomed them.

"Not at all," Mikaela replied, addressing Rhaenyra as "Your Grace." Rhaenyra held Mikaela's hand with a warm smile.

Mae gently brushed back her eldest daughter's hair. "Amazing job, my sweet girl. You have a beautiful daughter."

Mikaela beamed, and Rhaenyra kissed Jacaerys's curls. Mae turned to Jace, offering him a smile. "And you, my beautiful boy, congratulations on being a father."

"Thank you...mother," Jace said as Mae smiled widely at him.

"Mother?" Mikaela's voice turned Mae's attention back to her daughter. "Would you and Rhaenyra like to meet your granddaughter?"

"Can we?" Mae asked, and Mikaela handed Jacaela to her. Rhaenyra put a gentle arm around Mae, assisting in holding little Jacaela.

"She's perfect," Rhaenyra whispered from beside Mae as they gazed at the baby in their arms. She was the perfect blend of Mikaela and Jacaerys, with Valyrian features and Jacaerys's face.

Princess Jacaela Targaryen was the sign of how united the Targaryens and Maltheons truly were.

The Prince and Princess joyfully introduced their baby girl to the royal court and the lords and ladies of the realm. For weeks, the throne room was adorned with banners and flowers, creating a festive atmosphere.

Queen Rhaenyra, filled with pride, organized a grand celebration in honor of her grandchild. The banquet tables were filled with delicious dishes from across the Seven Kingdoms. Musicians played lively tunes, and the Keep was filled with laughter and happiness. Nobles from all over the realm joined in the festivities, setting aside their differences to celebrate the new addition to the royal family.

Jacaerys and Mikaela stood at the center of the celebration, cradling baby Jacaela. They graciously received well-wishes and congratulations from the court, who were charmed by the newborn's delicate features and the hope she symbolized for the future.

Jacaerys held his daughter while Mikaela received advice from the realm's ladies. Cregan Stark, who had remarried after the war, approached him.

"My Prince," Cregan greeted, bowing his head.

"Lord Stark," Jace replied, appreciative. "Thank you for being here."

"It is a great pleasure to come support a dear friend. Besides, the birth of your beautiful daughter starts the next chapter in this realm's history." Cregan smiled at the Prince as Jacaela babbled nonsense.

"I want to thank you for your grand advice as well as your service to the Queen. I heard that you and your men dealt with the last few traitors in the Riverlands," Jace said, to which Cregan nodded.

"We did. We wanted to ensure no one else challenging the reign of the Dragon Queen remained," Cregan said, his tone serious. Jace smiled with pride.

"The crown appreciates it. I appreciate it. More than you can imagine," Jace expressed his gratitude. Cregan then turned his attention to the baby in Jacaerys's arms.

Jace smiled down at Jacaela. "She's a lucky girl, born to two great parents. Congratulations, my Prince."

"Thank you, Lord Stark," Jace said once more as Cregan bowed and left, leaving the Prince humming and cradling his young daughter.

As day turned into night, the celebration continued with dancing and drinking. The birth of Princess Jacaela brought joy to the royal family.

It was a day that would be remembered in history as a time of great happiness and unity throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

Maester's Note:

After the celebration of her granddaughter, Maekara and her family had flown back to Ashbourne. It was around this time that Maekara would discover something that would change the course of her life, making her paranoid and weary of her future. With her son being crowned as King, she found herself feeling as if her story was finished. She decided to look through her old father's journals and small manuscripts, and found something that truly scarred her.

Whatever it was, it led to her flying back to King's Landing and pleading with Rhaenyra for them to "start" their life together. And that they were running out of time.

It was here that we used to not have many sources on what was said between them, but a journal later found in the Queen Mother's chamber revealed the truth of that night.

The night Maekara came to Rhaenyra on her knees begging for a life to start together.

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