The Wizarding World (And Othe...

Oleh jokermadhatter

173K 2.6K 416

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... Lebih Banyak

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime


1.6K 37 6
Oleh jokermadhatter

(Remember underlined is silenced)

"The Masters will be taken out for the next three episodes," Idris announced.

"Why?" Missy asked.

"This will show Yana and Harold and what you were thinking," Idris said. The door reappeared as the three Masters agreed, all giving Pansy a kiss on the cheek before walking out. Ella poked Theodor's side and pointed to beside him where some earplugs are. "Someone has ear plugs which will block out the sound once they need it," Idris said.

Nine and Warrior shared a look, 'Why would someone need earplugs?' they both think. Ten's eyebrows furrow, he changed before he could find out Harold's child. They had been sent to find Harold after he had disappeared and Pansy had told them she was pregnant. He saw a male teenager with curly brown hair putting earplugs in his ears. 'Was that him?' he thought.

"Cardiff," the Doctor says as they landed. The children and Padfoot were all in Asgard again, not because Luna had told them something, it was purely because Ivy was antsy, something was bugging Wolfie.

"Cardiff?" Martha echoed in a questioning tone.

"Ah, but the thing about Cardiff, it's built on a rift in time and space, just like California and the San Andreas Fault, but the rift bleeds energy. Every now and then I need to open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it to fuel," the Doctor says. Ivy was talking to Susan on the phone, apparently Jack had been toying with his vortex manipulator and disappeared, another Jack popping in briefly soon after to give her a necklace with what felt like time energy.

Three started smacking Jack, "Don't. Do. That. Again," she spoke between slaps. Damian snorts watching his parents and Four turns to face him, "You better not do that us either," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes mom," Damian said in a suddenly small voice. Conor then snickers as he was the one beside Damian and then stops when his mom gave him a look. 'She does it too, why is she judging me?' he thought and then saw his father giving her the same look the Susans were giving Jack and Damian. 'Ah, that's why,' he followed up his first thought.

"He said to tell you 'Harold Saxon is the Master mind behind the invasion' and then left, saying that I need to go to the EMP, and get Martha's brother and sister, he also said to set a Master code," she says.

"Oh, clever," Pansy comments.

"Exactly. Should only take twenty seconds. The rift's been active," the Doctor says behind her as Ivy tries to calm Susan down, this Susan did not like when she did not know what was going on, "Go to EMP and explain it to Pansy and the Weasley Twins, they might contact Wanda and Stephen to help. Be sure to tell Luna and Loki what you told me," she said calmly as she was urgently setting a code into the TARDIS, briefly hanging up the phone and running out to record a message while Martha questioned an earthquake they caused while ago.

The Doctor saw Jack on the screen running towards them, but he was a bit angry, the man messed with his vortex manipulator and ended up ditching his daughter, so he ignored the immortal man that was running their way. "Doctor!" he could see him yelling.

Jack's jaw dropped at the Doctor's actions while the Susans were all laughing. Some of the companions jaw drops. "What? You didn't know the Doctor could be petty?" Tony asked the companions.

"That doesn't really change," Bruce added.

He sets the TARDIS for a new course but a loud bang was heard and the Doctor shook his head, did Jack jump on?

Ivy came back out, 'I saw Jack, I'm angry at Jack, he might be clinging on to the TARDIS,' the Doctor mentally told his wife.

Jack looked at the screen in offense and looked back at the couple who seem to be ignoring him while the three Susans are laughing again. The Marauders snickering at the Doctor's actions.

'Are we scaring Martha?' was her reply. He just simply smiled while he tried to figure out where they were going,

"Really?!" Martha screamed and laughed. Mickey looked a bit amused, yeah, Jack can cause someone to freak out if he just falls dead. Martha saw her husband's amused face, "It's not funny!" she said and his smile drops as he nods.

"We're accelerating into the future. The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion. Fifty trillion? What? The year one hundred trillion? That's impossible," the Doctor said, looking at the screen in disbelief. "No, it's not," Ivy comments.

"Why? What happens then?" Martha asked in surprise.

The three were hanging on until they landed roughly, Jack's spirit walked into the TARDIS and looked at Ivy annoyed, knowing she could see him. His annoyed expression increased seeing that little smile of hers. That was when he knew they knew he was out there. "Well, we've landed," the Doctor stated the obvious.

"So what's out there?" Martha asked.

"I don't know," the Doctor said making the two women, and Jack's ghost, look at him in shock. "Say that again. That's rare," Martha teased, but also a bit worried.

"Very rare," people comment.

"Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We...should...really, really...go," his words got slower as they all looked at the door. 'Don't fucking ditch my body,' Jack's ghost spoke up making Ivy smile more. They all shared an excited grin before running out.

"Please don't ditch his body," Susans saw through their laughter.

"Oh my God!" Martha exclaimed, now seeing Jack's body lying outside the TARDIS. She rushes over to him and tries to feel for a pulse while Ivy and the Doctor just stood off to the side, "Can't get a pulse. Hold on. You've got that medical kit thing," Martha said, running back in.

"Hello again. Sorry," the Doctor says, looking at the body.

"No, you're not," Jack spat back, throwing his hands up in the air, making Ivy snort.

"No, I'm not," Ten confirmed.

"He's next to you, isn't he?" the Doctor asked.

Ivy nods and pulls out her phone as Martha returns, "Here we go. Get out of the way. Where did Jack come from?" Martha asks.

"I think he came with us," the Doctor said, nonchalantly.

"Really? You don't say!" Jack's ghost speaks up again.

"What, how?"

"Susan!" Ivy speaks up, "We found Jack," she says, pulling the phone away from her ear as some rather colorful language was yelled through the phone. Jack looking at the phone warily.

The Jack in the room was looking cautouslty at the third Susan while he heard what was on the phone.

"Well, Jack, he's dead," Martha said sadly, just as Jack was forcefully sucked back into his body, unfortunately for him, Ivy noticed he will die again today, judging by the gold date on his shoulder set for that day.

"Really?" Jack yelled at the screen.

Jack gasps awake, startling Martha. "Very dramatic, Jack," Ivy comments as Jack had also reached up to grab Martha.

"Hi," Jack greets Martha.

"Don't start," the Doctor said.

"I was only saying hello," Jack defends himself.

"I haven't done this yet!" Jack defended himself against Three or swung back around at him, Two doing the same thing.

Martha rolls her eyes and helps the man up, "How did you do that?" Martha asked, referring to him coming back to life. Ivy at the moment was hugging the life out of the newly resurrected man.

"That really should've told me you were Boe," Ten admitted to Jack.

"Ivy made me immortal so I could stay with Susan and I can't breathe," he says showing a black and gold Deathly Hallows mark on his collar bone when Ivy let go, "Wait, doesn't Luna have a gold one?" Martha asked.

"It's my mark, they are color coded from my three sides. Jack has a gold and black one for immortal human that died that I brought back to life, but he also time travels hence the gold. If it's green, it someone who's magical, you'll see on the Weasley twins, another way to tell them apart is Fred's has a little of black because I brought him back to life. Gold is they can see time, they are seers, Luna and someone else has that," Ivy explained, the Doctor looking at it suspiciously, he remembers seeing something like Luna's somewhere, but who had it?

"Wait, Tony has one," Bruce said.

"How do you know?" Clint asked.

"I've seen him wear tank tops, he's got a black one," Bruce said and they look at Tony, along with everyone else. Tony briefly looks at Ivy and sees her nod. "I briefly died in Afghanistan and Siberia," he said. Bucky and Steve shared a guilty look. "I had been reffered to as 'the Merchant of Death' for a reason. I'm the only one with a fully black Hallows mark," he said. There was also the fact he was a Peverell squib, but he wasn't going to mention it unless it came on the screen. Stephen knew, Peter knew, Ivy and most of the Doctors knew, Ivy's children, niece, and nephews knew, and he was fine with that. The rest of the Avengers, not so much.

"Who?" Martha asked.

"It was another Time Lord," Ivy says, making the Doctor think more. He was narrowing down the field to just Time Lords.

"Well, anyway," Jack speaks up, "Good to see you three."

"And you. Same as ever. Although, have you had work done?" the Doctor teased.

Jack looked a bit offended, "You can talk," he returns.

"Mmhmm, regeneration comeback, goody," the Doctor taunts a bit sarcastically, "How did you know where we were? You didn't have a portkey or else you would have appeared inside the TARDIS," he asked.

"Police box and the engine give it away," Jack said, "I've been trying to find you guys for a long time."

They started walking around, Jack telling Martha some more stories, the Doctor wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders, "What's wrong?" he asked, sensing something wrong. "Wolfie is antsy about something," was all she said.

"I used to be a Time Agent," Jack shows Martha his wrist, "It's called a vortex manipulator. The Doctor's not the only one who can time travel," he said.

"So can witches," Ivy comments.

"I have seen vortex manipulators, they are under lock and key in the EMP," Martha said, "Along with time turners," Jack nods along; he had seen what Ivy was talking about.

"Excuse me, vortex manipulators are not time travels. It's like, I've got a sports car and you've got a space hopper," the Doctor argues.

"Oh, boys and their toys," Martha comments, "No comment about the time turners?" she asked.

"I'm not stupid," was all the Doctor said about that, Ivy now wearing a grin on her face that showed that bit of Black blood in her veins. The Doctor wasn't risking his wife getting mad at him for something he said. 'Happy wife, happy life,' they say, it's true and it saves him from running from a stag the next time some people can be let out of there portraits.

James nods, both about 'happy wife, happy life,' and that it saved Ten from running from Prongs.

"All right, so I bounced. I was messing with it and ended up in 1869, this thing burnt out so it was useless," Jack said, holding up the vortex manipulator.

"You were gone that long?!" Three screamed.

"He told us," Four reminded her.

Three settled down, "Right."It wasn't a good episode for those with sensitive hearing based of the rubbing of ears.

"Told you."

"I had to live through the entire twentieth century waiting for a version of you that would coincide with me," Jack continued.

"But that makes you more than one hundred years old," Martha comments.

"Well, it gets me closer in age to Susan, just three hundred and something more years. I didn't even have the portkey, Susan had it, I couldn't get back that way," Jack says. "How angry is she?" he asks, knowing they have talked to her and that she also hates vortex manipulators.

"I don't want to know," Jack comments, already having an idea. Damian pats his father's shoulder in sympathy.

"Expect to be sleeping on the couch for a long time," Ivy says.

"You've got all the time in the world," the Doctor adds, in a teasing tone.

Martha looks in the distance while Jack groans in misery, "Is that a city?" she asks, making the other three looks. "A city or a hive, or a nest, or a conglomeration. Like it was grown. But look, there. That's like pathways, roads? Must have been some sort of life, long ago," the Doctor says, looking around. There was abandoned living space in front of them, it was cold and dark.

"What killed it?"

"Time. Just time. Everything's dying now. All the great civilizations have gone. This isn't just night. All the stars have burned up and faded away into nothing," the Doctor said. He also knew that would be when Ivy would stop existing, all the remaining civilizations would move to a different universe to start again, Ivy wouldn't be able to move. Just like the alternate universe situation, there would be a different Death.

Some companions spotted Thirteen wiping her eyes as Fourteen and Fifteen moved closer to him again. Ryan and Graham noticed Yaz's sad look while Dan (who they know unwillingly became a companion but stuck around after them) also checked on Thirteen. What happened to Ivy?

"They must have an atmospheric shell. We should be frozen to death," Jack notices.

"Well, Martha and I, maybe. Not sure about you or Ivy, Jack," the Doctor replied.

"What about the people? Does no one survive?" Martha asked.

"I suppose we have to hope life will find a way," the Doctor said.

"Well, he's not doing too bad," Jack pointed out a man who was running away from others.

"Human!" the Doctor and Ivy can hear in the distance.

"Is it me, or does this feel like a hunt?" the Doctor asked, "Come on!" they rushed out to help the man get away, "Oh, I've missed this," Jack said reaching out for the man, "I've got you," he says.

"They're coming! They're coming!" the man panicked. Jack pulled out his revolver, "Jack, don't you dare!" the Doctor warned. Jack shot rounds into the sky instead of at them, distracting the tribe from chasing them.

"What the hell are they?" Martha asked.

"There's more of them. We've got to keep going," the unknown man said.

"I've got a ship nearby. It's safe. It's not far, it's over there," the Doctor pointed to the direction of the TARDIS but then noticed the people on the cliff, belonging to the group that was chasing them, "Or maybe not."

"We're close to the silo. If we get to the silo, then we're safe," the man said.

"Silo?" the Doctor asked, Ivy looking around for more signs of life.

"Silo," Jack spoke up.

"Silo for me," Martha said.

They all ran for the gates, "It's the Futurekind! Open the gates!" the man shouts. The guards came up, "Show me your teeth!" one urgently asked.

"Show them your teeth," the man said.

Ivy quickly put up a glamour over teeth, sometimes her canines were a bit sharper, and Wolfie being agitated was definitely causing them to be sharper. Everyone showed their teeth and the guard yelled again, "Human! Let them in! Let them in!" normally the Doctor would have been amused that they let a non human in, but he was still trying to figure this out. The guards were shooting at the people behind them.

"Humans. Humans. Make feast," one of the people chasing them spoke up.

"Go back to where you came from. I said, go back. Back!" the guard commanded, holding up his gun.

"Oh, don't tell him to put his gun down," Jack sassed.

"He's not my responsibility," the Doctor said.

"And I am?" Jack counters.

"I will tell Susan," Ivy threatened, making the two shut up.

"Susan knows now," the three Susans say in unison making the two men look away from them.

The Doctor thanked the guards when the man they ran with asked, "My name is Padra Toc Shafe Cane. Tell me. Just tell me, can you take me to Utopia?" he asked desperately.

"Ohhh," Theodor mumbled. Ella grabbed his hand while Pansy checked on him.

"Oh yes, sir. Yes, I can," the guard replied. "Are any of you looking for someone?"

"Actually, my ship, it looks like a box, a big blue box. I'm sorry, but I really need it back. It's stuck out there," the Doctor said.

"I'm sorry," Padra apologized, "but my family were heading for the silo. Did they get here? My mother is Kistane Shafe Cane. My brother's name is Beltone."

Atillo, the guard, shook his head, "The computers are down but you can check the paperwork. Creet! Passenger needs help," he called. A young boy came up with a clipboard and Padra walked over to him, "Right! What do you need?"

"A blue box, you said," Atillo checked with the Doctor, making sure he got it right.

The Doctor nodded, "Big, tall, wooden, says Police," he listed off.

"We're driving out for the last water collection. I'll see what I can do," Atillo said.

"Thank you."

"Come on," Creet said.

"Sorry, but how old are you?" Martha asked the boy.

"Old enough to work. This way," Creet said, turning around to walk away.

"Is it just me, or are you getting the Teddy vibes from him?" Jack asked.

"Moony vibes," James and Sirius say with nods.

"I see it," Ivy agreed, the Doctor also quietly agreeing, inspecting the surroundings as they followed the boy. Creet and Padra were calling out the names of the two Padra was seeking.

"It's like a refugee camp," Martha commented, looking around at all the people surrounding them.

"Stinking," Jack said, then spotting someone, "Oh, sorry. No offence. Not you," he said.

"Don't you see that? The ripe old age smell of humans. You survived. Oh, you might have spent a million years evolving into clouds of gas, and another million as downloads, but you always revert back to same basic shape. The fundamental humans," the Doctor said, looking around with a big grin.

Creet called out the name of Padra's mother, "That's me," a woman said.

"Mother?" Padra said in shock.

"Oh, my God. Padra!" the two ran for each other. Ivy watching with a smile, she loves it when somebody can reunite with a family member. "Beltone?"

"It's not all bad news," Martha comments as another man stands up, possibly Beltone, "Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?"

"I will tell Susan," the Doctor says making Jack immediately turn back to him,

Jack winced from the three slaps he got from the three forms of his wife

"I need you to overwrite the code. Let's find out where we are," he continued. The two worked together to open the door, managing to get it open, only for the Doctor to almost fall out if Ivy didn't catch him. With her sensitive hearing, she could hear the wind all around the rocket they were in. Jack had also helped catch him with his fast reflexes, "Gotcha," Jack said.

"Thanks," the Doctor said.

"How do you cope without us?" Jack questioned sarcastically.

"Now that is one big rocket!" Martha comments looking out the space the Time Lord almost fell in.

"Well, I don't know about you, I'd be miserable without Ivy," he said with a cheeky grin and became serious again, "They're not refugees, they're passengers."

"He said they were going to Utopia," Martha said.

"Some Utopia," Pansy mumbled, not really wanting to see the people on the screen because of the effect they had on her spouse. It was Lucy controlling them, but it was still their voices.

"The perfect place. Hundred trillion years, it's the same old dream. You recognize those engines?" the Doctor said, asking Jack the last bit.

"Nope. Whatever it is, it's not rocket science. But it's hot though," Jack answered. They closed the door, "Boiling. But if the universe is falling apart, what does Utopia mean?" the Doctor questioned. An older man approached and Ivy's eyes widened, "The Doctor?" he asked Jack, who pointed at the other male.

Martha, Ivy, and the Doctor sucked in a breath.

"That's me," the Doctor corrected.

"Good! Good! Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good," he said grabbing the Doctor's hand dragging him away, "It's good apparently," the Doctor told the others as he was being pulled away by the man with a gold date matching Jack's on his shoulders.

"Woooow," people started mumbling when the date appeared.

"Is that the human Master?" Tony whispered to Stephen.

"It's possible, unless its another immortal human," Stephen whispers back.

'One of the mutated humans is on board,' Death says in Ivy's mind.

'Oh, why does he have to be here? What's going to happen? Why do we have to do this? Is this plan going to work? Is he going to believe it? Can we help him? WHERE THE FUCK IS HE TAKING OUR MATE?!' was Wolfie's rambling.

"Yeah, that's him," Stephen whispered to Tony.

"Whats wrong with Wolfie?" Lily asked quietly.

"Well, Harold, O, and Missy just left and it was implied he was hidden somewhere with the name Yana, maybe that was him," James assumed.

"This isn't good," Ivy said out loud, catching Jack and Martha's attention, "Why?" they both ask.

"Be careful of him, that man, he's not who he thinks he is. As soon as he starts acting out of character, don't face him," Ivy warned. 'Be cautious of him, please,' she mentally told the Doctor.

Ella feels Theodor's grip on her hand tighten.

'Why?' she heard.

'You need to figure out who he is, you do know him. I already warned Jack and Martha to get away from him when they suspect something. You three know I can only say so much,' she said. 'Okay, I'll be careful,' he said making her sigh in relief as they entered the room to see the Doctor already being shown some of the equipment, "Chan welcome tho," a woman who reminded Martha and Jack of a bug greeted them.

"She starts all her sentences with 'Chan' and ends with 'tho' by the way," Martha told everyone. The group of six that liked to make comments had zippers for mouths. Ivy wasn;t going to have people bad mouthing Chantho. She looked back at Steve to finally see him just sitting back and watching and not questioning the theories people are having.

"Now, this is the gravitissimal accelerator. It's past its best but it works," Yana, the older man explained. "And over here is the footprint impellor system. Now, do you know anything about end time gravity?"

"It's the human Master," was whispered around the room.

"He was under a fob watch?" Warrior asked Nine.

"I guess so," Nine answered.

"Hello? Who are you?" Martha asked the female.

"Chan, Chantho, tho," the female responded.

"But we can't get it to harmonize," they heard Yana tell the Doctor.

"Captain Jack Harkness," Jack introduced himself.

"Stop it," the Doctor called back.

"Can't I say hello to anyone?" Jack asked.

"Chan, I do not protest, tho," Chantho said.

"Sorry, Chantho I'm taken, I flirt but I'm not one to cheat," Jack said, making the Doctor give him a look of approval, knowing the man was loyal to his daughter.

Jack was rewarded with a kiss from Three.

Ivy looked at him with wide eyes, "You must be miserable," she teased.

Jack nodded, "I am," he answered.

"I'm gonna be. Especially as a severed head," Jack commented.

"Anyway!" the Doctor said loudly, he didn't want to hear that, "All this feeds into the rocket?"

"Yeah, except without a stable footprint, you see, we're unable to achieve escape velocity. If only we could harmonize the five impact patterns and unify them, well, we might yet make it. What do you think, Doctor? Any ideas?" Yana asked.

"Well, er, basically, sort of, not a clue," the Doctor eventually said.

"Nothing?" Yana said, losing a bit of hope.

"I'm not from around these parts. I've never seen a system like it. Sorry," the Doctor apologized.

"No, no. I'm sorry. It's my fault. There's been so little help," Yana said. The Doctor's attention was taken by Ivy's loud laughter, she inherited the bark like laughter from Sirius when she did fully laugh, "I can't believe you have that!"

The Doctor turned his attention to see the familiar hand being kept in a container, "Oh, my God. You've got a hand? A hand in jar. A hand in a jar in your bag," Martha spoke, shock and a bit of disgust in her voice.

"Isn't that the hand that got chopped off?" Rory asked.

"Yeah, I found his hand, apparently," Jack replied.

"But, that, that, that's my hand," the Doctor said, also in shock.

"I said I had a Doctor detector," Jack sassed.

"Chan, is this a tradition amongst your people, tho?" Chantho asked.

"Not on my street," Martha answered her while the others shook their heads, "What do you mean, that's your hand? You've got both your hands, I can see them," she looked at the Doctor's hands.

"Long story. I lost my hand Christmas Day, in a sword fight," the Doctor said.

"What? You grew another hand?" Martha asked.

"Yes, yes he did," Jack said, "But since I had been up there at the time and I know it would not be good if I crossed my own path, I grabbed the hand and made 'the Doctor Detector,' and found them," he said.

"Okay, I did that," Jack said to Rory.

"Kinda figured," Rory replied sarcastically.

"Might I ask what species are you?" Yana asked.

"Time Lord, last of. Heard of them? Legend or anything? Not even a myth? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling," the Doctor said, curiously. Jack and Martha were wondering why he said he was the last one, he had Susan and the twins, but a slight shake of the head from Ivy told them to be quiet.

"If he's dangerous you didn't want them to know you have children," Tony said. Ten pointed in Tony's direction to indicate he was right. River could be seen nodding, she doesn't tell people she has a husband and son for their safety.

"Chan, it is said that I am the last of my species too, tho," Chantho said.

"This is my good friend, Chantho," Yana introduced, not hearing that she had already introduced herself, "A survivor of the Malmooth. This was their planet, Malcassairo, before we took refuge."

"The city outside, that was yours?" the Doctor asked with a bit of sympathy.

"Chan, the conglomeration died, tho," Chantho said.

"Conglomeration. That's what I meant," the Doctor corrected.

"You're supposed to say sorry," Jack told him.

"Oh, yes. Sorry."

"Chan, most grateful, tho."

"You grew another hand?" Martha said, still surprised.

"Can't get over it, can you?" Mickey asked his wife.

"I'm still not," Martha answered.

"I've regrown the bones in my arm," Ivy comments, Martha now looking at her in surprise, "A perverted idiot was at fault there," she adds. Yana looked like he wanted to question what she was, but the flickering of gold eyes made him a bit scared for some reason, along with her white hair.

"Can I kill Lockhart?" James suddenly asked.

"He's got no memory from an oblivate gone wrong, only good thing Ronald ahs done over there," Ivy said, not even looking as Ron stood up in a threatening way only to be faced with all the Doctors raising their sonics, River and Jack had guns, and Ivy's magical family holding their wands in his direction, he slowly sat back down. Ivy smirked smugly.

The Doctor held up both of his hands, "These are both my real hands, but so was that," he said.

Martha just looked at him, "all this time and you're still full of surprises," she says, then turning to Ivy, "I'm not really surprised with you," she adds, making Ivy start laughing again.

"Chan, you are most unusual, tho," Chantho comments.

"Well—," the Doctor is interrupted before he could continue.

"So what about those things outside? The Beastie Boys? What are they?" Jack asked.

"We call them the Futurekind, which is a myth in itself, but it's feared they are what we will become, unless we reach Utopia," Yana explained.

"And Utopia is?" the Doctor asked.

Yana looked surprised that he didn't know, "Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?"

"Bit of a hermit," was the Doctor's excuse.

"A hermit with friends?" Yana motioned to the others. Jack took quick notice that the Doctor and Ivy were hiding their rings again, Martha was going to comment but Jack motioned her not too.

"And you don't let them know your married," Tony added with a nod. It's not like he went through that. The public still think he was single and Peter is just his intern.

"Hermits United. We meet up every ten years and swap stories about caves. It's good fun, for a hermit. So, er, Utopia?" the Doctor continued.

Yana motions him over, "The call came from across the stars, over and over again. Come to Utopia. Originating from the point," Yana explained, pointing out the spot on the screen he was showing them.

"Where is that point?"

"Oh, it's far beyond the Condensate Wilderness, out towards the Wildlands and the Dark Matter reefs, calling us in. The last of the humans scattered across the night."

"What do you thinks' out there?"

"We can't know. A colony, a city, some sort of haven? The Science Foundation created the Utopia Project thousands of years ago to preserve mankind, to find a way of surviving beyond the collapse of reality itself. Now perhaps they found it. Perhaps not. But it's worth a look, don't you think?"

"Oh, yes," the Doctor started to continue talking, but Yana was beginning to hear a beat, not as if they knew that though.

At that point Theodor's earplugs had blocked the sound causing him to startle a little.

The Doctor was very well aware something was bugging the man, but he wanted to see what happened, if he would just snap out of it or not. "And the signal keeps modulating, so it's not automatic. That's a good sign someone's out there. And that's, oh, that's a navigation matrix. So you can fly without stars to guide you," the Doctor was saying, but then finally decided to see if he could snap the man out of his trance. "Professor?" no answer, "Professor?" still no answer, "Professor?" he said a little bit louder and more stern.

Theodor could hear again when Yana snapped out of it.

Yana finally snapped out of it, "I, er, ahem, right, that's enough talk. There's more to do. Now if you could leave, thank you," Yana said, excusing them. The Doctor, Martha, and Jack remembering Ivy's words started being more cautious, not knowing if this was what she meant. They couldn't exactly ask Ivy, she seemed to having an internal debate with herself, the three of them thankful neither Yana or Chantho were noticing her sharpened canines and flashing eyes, telling them Wolfie was acting up.

"That is odd," Clint said.

"Wait till they see the floating fat," Donna said quietly. Ten's eyes immediately widened and he looked down at Padfoot, then Sirius, and then James before sinking in his seat just hoping that it wasn;t shown.

"You all right?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. And busy," Yana said, a bit agitated.

The Doctor looked around again, "Except that rocket's not going to fly, is it? This footprint mechanism thing, it's not working," he concluded.

"We'll find a way," Yana stated.

"You're stuck on this planet. And you haven't told them, have you? That lot out there, they still think they're going to fly," the Doctor continued.

"Well, it's better to let them live in hope," Yana replied.

"Quite right, too. And I must say, Professor Yana, this new science is well beyond me, but all the same, a boost reversal circuit, in any time frame, must be a circuit which reverses the boost. So, I wonder, what would happen if I did this?" the Doctor sonics the end of the cable, and flipped the switch, giving it a big power boost that spreads all through the machines around them.

"Chan, it's working, tho!" Chantho said excitedly.

"But how did you do that?" Yana asked in disbelief.

"Oh, we've been chatting away, I forgot to tell you. I'm brilliant," he gloated. He wasn't meaning to be arrogant, he was attempting to cheer up his wife a little, and he internally celebrated seeing the small smile on her face. He was keeping in mind whatever signs Yana was giving for somebody he would know, one person stuck in his mind, but he was dead, it couldn't be him, right?

"Wrong," Ten muttered even though everyone knew who Yana was from Harold's earlier outburst.

Chantho and Martha had gone to help give out supplies. Jack and the Doctor stayed with Yana, both keeping an eye on him. Only the Doctor knew what Ivy was doing, she was trying to find somebody from outside that had gotten in. Ivy did manage to find the woman; she was tracking Martha and Chantho, probably recognizing Martha when they got there. Keeping that in mind, Ivy went into an empty corner, and used her cloak to turn herself invisible so she wouldn't be recognized and she was too frazzled at the moment to change her hair color. She walked out going right past the woman, putting a special tracker she created on her, and immediately finding out the woman would fall victim to the special tracker. When she made herself visible again, she met up with Martha and Chantho, to find the TARDIS was now in the room.

"It'll activate something when she does something," Ivy explained vaguely before anyone could ask.

"Oh, am I glad to see that thing," Martha comments.

"Chan, Professor, are you all right, tho?" Chantho asked.

Feeling his wife's questioning glance, 'He went into a trance again, seeing the TARDIS,' he mentally told her. That narrowed down the list of people a bit but not really.

Theodor's earplugs are silencing the noise again and he didn't think it would come back on for a little bit.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine. Just get on with it," Yana said.

"Connect those circuits into the spar, same as that last lot. But quicker," Jack commanded.

"You don't have to keep working. We can handle it," the Doctor told Yana.

Yana shook his head, "It's just a headache. It's just, just noise inside my head, Doctor. Constant noise inside my head."

The Doctor knelt down next to him, knowing this was another clue, Ivy's wide eyes from her spot with Chantho and Martha gave it away. "What sort of noise?"

"It's the sound of drums. More and more, as though it's getting closer," he said.

"When did it start?"

"Oh, I've had it all my life. Every waking hour. Still, no rest for the wicked," Yana says.

Theodor could hear again and Ella informed him of anything important.

Ivy was overhearing Chantho and Martha talking about Chantho's slight crush on the Professor and how she speaks. She didn't really speak much, she's been keeping unusually quiet this time and she knew the others were noticing.

Yana was then talking to Atillo on the computer, but the signal kept going out, the last thing that needed to be done, was to attach some bits in a really hot room together. Since Wolfie was acting up, and Wolfie was her Time persona, she was getting flashes of what was to come. She could see the woman she put a tracker on starting to destroy things, the Doctor standing outside the really hot room with Jack in, Martha running down the halls. The one that kept changing was whether she was in the room when Yana pulls out a watch. She sees Yana crawl in the TARDIS, glowing with an orange like light, but there's a version she sees with herself unconscious in the TARDIS, then he would also find about magic as a result, and intend to harm Ivy with seeing what she left.

"What happened to make him do that?" James asked, worried for his daughter. She called Harold her unnofical trouble child, so what was he going to do if he wasn't in his right mind.

Ivy snapped back into reality, the power to the ship malfunctioning. Ivy's shadow separates and she can see the woman from outside had tensed up as the tracker took effect. When she sets off the tracker, it can cause a sensation of the Crucio curse, but you can't call for help, eventually if it's not taken off, you die. Ivy also senses another man die from burning.

"Radiation's rising!" the Doctor warned.

"We've lost control!" Jack said after.

"Jack, override the vents," the Doctor said all of them trying to stop the damage that had been done. Jack saw Ivy look down at the cables, "Was I suppose to die again today?" he asked. Ivy nodded, and when he turned around, he missed the sad look she had on her face. The Doctor, however, didn't miss her flinch when Jack connected the two cables, causing him to die from electrocution.

"That didn't look fun," Jack commented watching himself get electrocuted.

"It's not," Tony agreed making people look at him, "Everytime I change the arc I get electrocuted cause it's making my heart function properly," Tony explained.

"Aren't you immortal because of the mark?" Steve asked curiously.

"I also have a giant hole in my chest, damage to my heart, damage to my lungs, my ribs had to be replaced from a certain hit of something big and heavy that split my ribs in half when it cut through my suit, immortality can't fix everything, it's make me more comfortable," Tony explained. Steve quieted down, not seeing Tony give Bucky a small smile, telling him he's not blaming him. He can eventually forgive Bucky for killing his parents as he knew he wasn't under control, but he couldn't forgive Steve for practically him ujnder his own free will. He will work with Steve, but he won't forgive Steve.

Ivy and the Doctor stood off to the side, Jack becoming a ghost again, appearing next to Ivy, "You know what Yana is, right?" he asked. "Two blinks yes, one blink no," he adds, receiving two blinks.

"Does the Doctor know?" Three blinks, which confused him, so he reworded.

"He knows, but doesn't?" Two blinks.

'You can't say anything about it?" Two blinks. That was all he could ask as he was being pulled back into his body. "Come on, come on, just listen to me. Now leave him alone," the Doctor was saying, trying to pull Martha off of Jack, "It strikes me, Professor, you've got a room which no man can enter without dying. Is that correct?" Oh yeah, the man in the control room died.


"Well," the Doctor paused, taking off his glasses for dramatic effect, Jack gasps as he came back to life, "Dramatic much?" they hear Ivy whisper, missing a slight flinch from Yana. "I think I've got just the man," the Doctor continues.

"Oh no," Jack said, turning to Ivy, "What are they going to make me do?"

Jack, Ivy, and the Doctor, left the room running down to the control room. Chantho found it odd, Ivy had put a gun in her pocket and with a note, 'He's not who he says he is and will be unstable, I'm sorry, Chantho, so sorry,' it said. And right below it, it read, 'Hide when Martha runs out.'

"Lieutenant, get on board the rocket! I promise you're going to fly," the Doctor told Atillo. "The chamber's flooded," was the response he got from the man.

"Trust me. We've found a way of tripping the system. Run!" the Doctor ordered. The man left, and then Jack was taking some clothes off, "What are you taking your clothes off for?"

"Why not?" Jack returned. Then he ran in.

The Susans were checking out on screen Jack and weren;t hiding it. "I probably didn't want to burn my clothes. Those can't regenerate," Jack said.

"Doctor, are you there?" they heard Martha.

"Receiving, yeah. He's inside," the Doctor answered.

"And still alive?" she asked.

"Oh, yes."

"But he should evaporate. What sort of man is he?" they heard Yana.

"I've only just met him for the second time. The Doctor and Ivy sort of travel through time and space and picks people up. God, I make us sound like stray dogs. Maybe we are," Martha said.

'Padfoot would be offended,' Ivy sent to her husband, the two smiling in amusement.

"I am offended," Sirius confirmed, his animal counterpart staring at the screen with his jaw dropped.

The amusement vanished when they heard, "He travels in time?" from Yana. The Doctor thought he said it as if it sounded familiar to the man, Ivy on the other hand could hear Wolfie's rambling again, 'Shit, shit, shit, shit, he's going to do it. He's going to fucking do it.'

Jack and the Doctor were rambling back and forth about the adventures Jack had gone on. Death was still separated from Ivy and giving her and Wolfie updates, at the moment as soon as 'Bad Wolf' and 'time vortex' are mentioned, Yana gets emotional. He's hearing the whole thing about her being Bad Wolf, although she knows they are not specifically mentioning her.

"But Susan is doing okay?" Jack asked.

"She was distraught about you disappearing, then cursed you out about it being because you were messing with that vortex manipulator, and then she was wondering when you would be coming back," the Doctor said. Susan hadn't told him about another Jack appearing.

Back in Yana's lab, Martha notices the man's distressed state, "Time travel. They say there was time travel back in the old days. I never believed. But what would I know? Stupid old man. Never could keep time. Always late, always lost. Even this thing never worked," Yana said, pulling out a pocket watch. Martha took one look at the watch and remembered something. She was looking through artifacts with Ivy and came across it something like it, "It's called a fob watch. It's how a Time Lord can become human. They won't remember a thing unless they finally open the watch. That's why the Doctor wouldn't come in here with us to explain, he didn't want to set it off," she had told her.

"Can I have a look at that?" Martha asked. Somehow not jumping at a shadow that was nodding to her, she knew it was Death, she just hadn't experienced Ivy's shadow separating much. "Oh, it's only an old relic. Like me," Yana said, holding it closer to him, Martha also remembering that Time Lords got possessive over the watch if it was in there possession.

"Where did you get it?"

"Hmm? I was found with it," Yana realized.

"What do you mean?"

"An orphan in the storm. I was a naked child found on the coast of the Silver Devastation. Abandoned, only with this," Yana said, looking back down at the watch.

"Have you opened it?" Martha asked.

"Why would I? It's broken," Yana said, Martha didn't push it, keeping in mind how wary Ivy seemed to be and the warning she gave. She gently touched the watch and turned it over to find the familiar inscription that she knew was Gallifreyian, it was on the watch she had seen before, "Listen. Everything's fine up here. I'm going to see if the Doctor needs me," Martha said and ran out of the room. Not keeping in mind that when Yana shifted uncomfortably there was a faded gold deathly Hallows mark. Chantho's eyes widened and she started searching for a place to hide.

"I hope Chantho makes it," Narcissa whispered to her sister who nods in agreement.

The Doctor was giving orders to Atillo after Jack had finished the job, "Doctor, it's the Professor. He's got this watch. He's got a fob watch. It's the same as the one I saw before. Same writing on it, same everything," Martha said.

The Doctor froze while Ivy quickly explained to Jack, "It rewrites the biology of a Time Lord, turns them human," she says. The Doctor continues flipping switches when Death returns, 'He's opening it, Chantho is hiding,' she said, becoming Ivy's shadow. The Doctor thought back to what Boe had told him, 'You Are Not Alone,' 'YANA' was what he realized. But who is it?!

The Doctor, Ivy, Martha, and Jack, ran back, "Not to worry, my dear. As one door closes, another must open," "Yana" tells Chantho, she was still hidden.

The silo's defenses were turned off, "Chan, you must stop, tho. Chan, but you've lowered the defenses. The Futurekind will get in, tho," Chantho said.

The others are getting the control doors open, "Chan, professor, I'm so sorry, but I must stop you. You're destroying all our work, tho," Chantho says, standing up, pointing the gun.

"Oh. Now I can say I was provoked," "Yana" argues happily holding up one of the cords that electrocuted Jack. "Did you ever think, all those years standing beside me, to ask about that watch? Never? Did you ever once think, not ever, that you could set me free?"

"Chan, I'm sorry, tho. Chan, I'm so sorry," Chantho said.

"You," he sneered, "with your "chan" and your "tho" driving me insane."

"Chan, Professor, please," Chanto pleaded.

"THAT IS NOT MY NAME! The Professor was an invention. So perfect a disguise that I forgot who I am."

"Chan, then who are you, tho?" Chantho asked.

"I am the Master," he says and throws the cables at her, not noticing she had moved something in front of her, he had been too busy to check if she was actually dead, just weak from the bit of shock she did feel.

"He's not in his right mind, it should explain what makes them go a bit crazy," Pansy said to everyone.

"Oh, thank goodness she's alive," Narcissa said. None who knew the truth of the fate of Futurekind wanted to tell her what would happen to Chantho, they would find out soon.

"Let us in!" the Doctor was screaming, banging on the door, everyone trying to get the door open. Chantho lifted her hand up, with the gun and shoots him as the others run in, breaking through the door. The Doctor was trying to unlock the door, 'Theta, stop, he needs to go. He's a part of history. I have a plan, we can help him,' Ivy mentally told him, trying to heal Chantho.

"Killed by an insect. A girl. How inappropriate. Still, if the Doctor can be young and strong, then so can I. The Master reborn," he hears making his eyes widen. A gold light shines through the TARDIS along with a new voice laughing insanely. "Now then, Doctor. Ooo, new voice. Hello, hello, hello," Ivy rolls her eyes, 'It's a Time Lord thing apparently,' she thinks, placing a portkey on Chantho, sending her to the ship. "Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me. I don't think,"

"Hold on. I know that voice," the Doctor hears Martha say, keeping in mind that if he is a part of history, it's from Martha's time.

"Use my name," he says.

"Master," the Doctor cringes, his wife is the Mistress of Death, that's too close, "I'm sorry," he says genuinely.

In the TARDIS, the Master pauses seeing flashes of times when the two were friends, "Tough!" he snaps.

"I can't hold on much longer," Jack informs the others, he was holding the door shut.

'Track it, let him go, I can use magic to get rid of them but not in front of him,' the Doctor hears. He did as requested and watched as the TARDIS dematerialized.

James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus relaxed as Ivy was still conscious on the screen and not with Harold.

The Master, however, was startled when a hologram popped up in the console room, he thought he had gotten the whole TARDIS under his control. It looked like the white haired woman the Doctor was with, the one that kept making him flinch, "Unknown Time Lord energy detected. Time Lord: The Master," it looks right at him, green eyes changing gold with gold markings on her face, just like when he looked into the Untempered Schism, "In case of this emergency, memories will be remembered. Harold Saxon, Koschei, be aware of your surroundings, we can help the drumming," it says and disappeared.

Theodor briefly flinched at the mention of drumming and Pansy squeezed his shoulder while Ella remained holding his hand.

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