Born Again/The Christmas Invasion

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Ivy kissed Nine one last time before she got up and Ten was childishly opening his arms up in excitement and she sat down with him, arms wrapped around her. Ten was now looking at the screen dreading how he was going to act, he couldn't remember much of his high after regeneration either.

The new Doctor was flicking some switches around the console. Rose seemed to be a bit curious as to why Ivy looked shocked and surprised by his new appearance, more than Rose should be. But then again there was Susan. "6pm...Tuesday...October...5006...On the way to Barcelona!" he mumbled to himself.

He straightened up and turned to Rose, looking very pleased with himself, "Now then...what do I look like?" Rose was about to reply when she was interrupted, "No, no no, no no no no no no no. No. Don't tell me," he held up his hands to stop her. "Let's see...two legs, two arms, two hands..." he circled his wrists, "Slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle," his hands flew up to his head, "Hair! I'm not bald!"

"Oi!" Nine exclaimed, offended.

"Oh, shut it Dumbo!" Ten said back.

Rose stood shocked as he ran his fingers through his hair, she was surprised he hadn't noticed Ivy yet. "Oh, Oh! Big hair!" he felt his side burns, "Sideburns, I've got sideburns! Or really bad skin. Little bit thinner..." he slaps his stomach, "That's weird. Give me time, I'll get used to it," then he changes his tone and held his head up, still not noticing Ivy, who was trying to smile but cringing when right side of her face (that got hit with the chain) lifted, "Between my shoulders, there's a mole," he rotates his shoulders like he's trying to find the mole, "That's all right. Love the mole."

Finally he had turned, "Ivy!" he exclaimed and quickly acted like a shy little boy, "Hi Ivyyyy," the Doctor blushed, he actually blushed.

Ten was hiding his face in Ivy's shoulder, she was smirking like she was attempting to do on the screen, and he was definitely blushing again.

Ivy attempted to smile again but cringed so it looked like a smirk, the Doctor's happy expression went away seeing the cut, she had still been in her natural form, making the cut show more. He held her chin and looked at the cut a bit more, Ivy also happened to be leaning on the railings more. "Cancel Barcelona," he suddenly said, "Change to...London... the Powell Estate...ah...let's say the 24th of December. Consider it a Christmas present, there," he looks at Rose as she hesitantly came closer to the console, he had a hidden bit of anger in his new set of eyes.

"I'm going home?" Rose hesitantly asked.

"Up to you. Back to your's all waiting. Fish and chips, sausage and mash, beans on, Christmas! Turkey! Although...having met your mother...nut loaf would be more appropriate," Rose was trying to hide a smile.

"Was that a smile?"


"That was a smile," he said knowingly.

"No it wasn't."

"You smiled," he teased.

"No I didn't,"

"Oh, come on, all I did was change, I didn't..." he gets cut off by gagging. Ivy's head jerk up, alarmed. Rose seemed to figure out this was it was going to go wrong. Especially since the TARDIS shuttered. "What?" Rose questioned.

"I said I didn't..." he gagged again and the TARDIS shook a bit more violently. The Doctor kept making retching noises and grabbed Ivy who had almost immediately fallen when the TARDIS shook. He managed to stop for a bit, "Uh oh," was all he said.

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