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"The Masters will be taken out for the next three episodes," Idris announced.

"Why?" Missy asked.

"This will show Yana and Harold and what you were thinking," Idris said. The door reappeared as the three Masters agreed, all giving Pansy a kiss on the cheek before walking out. Ella poked Theodor's side and pointed to beside him where some earplugs are. "Someone has ear plugs which will block out the sound once they need it," Idris said.

Nine and Warrior shared a look, 'Why would someone need earplugs?' they both think. Ten's eyebrows furrow, he changed before he could find out Harold's child. They had been sent to find Harold after he had disappeared and Pansy had told them she was pregnant. He saw a male teenager with curly brown hair putting earplugs in his ears. 'Was that him?' he thought.

"Cardiff," the Doctor says as they landed. The children and Padfoot were all in Asgard again, not because Luna had told them something, it was purely because Ivy was antsy, something was bugging Wolfie.

"Cardiff?" Martha echoed in a questioning tone.

"Ah, but the thing about Cardiff, it's built on a rift in time and space, just like California and the San Andreas Fault, but the rift bleeds energy. Every now and then I need to open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it to fuel," the Doctor says. Ivy was talking to Susan on the phone, apparently Jack had been toying with his vortex manipulator and disappeared, another Jack popping in briefly soon after to give her a necklace with what felt like time energy.

Three started smacking Jack, "Don't. Do. That. Again," she spoke between slaps. Damian snorts watching his parents and Four turns to face him, "You better not do that us either," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes mom," Damian said in a suddenly small voice. Conor then snickers as he was the one beside Damian and then stops when his mom gave him a look. 'She does it too, why is she judging me?' he thought and then saw his father giving her the same look the Susans were giving Jack and Damian. 'Ah, that's why,' he followed up his first thought.

"He said to tell you 'Harold Saxon is the Master mind behind the invasion' and then left, saying that I need to go to the EMP, and get Martha's brother and sister, he also said to set a Master code," she says.

"Oh, clever," Pansy comments.

"Exactly. Should only take twenty seconds. The rift's been active," the Doctor says behind her as Ivy tries to calm Susan down, this Susan did not like when she did not know what was going on, "Go to EMP and explain it to Pansy and the Weasley Twins, they might contact Wanda and Stephen to help. Be sure to tell Luna and Loki what you told me," she said calmly as she was urgently setting a code into the TARDIS, briefly hanging up the phone and running out to record a message while Martha questioned an earthquake they caused while ago.

The Doctor saw Jack on the screen running towards them, but he was a bit angry, the man messed with his vortex manipulator and ended up ditching his daughter, so he ignored the immortal man that was running their way. "Doctor!" he could see him yelling.

Jack's jaw dropped at the Doctor's actions while the Susans were all laughing. Some of the companions jaw drops. "What? You didn't know the Doctor could be petty?" Tony asked the companions.

"That doesn't really change," Bruce added.

He sets the TARDIS for a new course but a loud bang was heard and the Doctor shook his head, did Jack jump on?

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