Evolution of the Daleks

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"These humans will be like me. Prepare them for hybridization," the human Dalek announced. The Doctor snuck behind some equipment as he watched Martha and Frank getting pulled away by pigmen. "Leave me alone! Don't you dare!" Martha was screaming.

Mickey snatched Martha up and was now holding her close. He could understand why Ten ahd sent him away at the time. Martha was in danger and Ten didn't need to worry about Mickey revealing himself and Ten trusted Mickey around Ivy to not piss her off.

The Doctor randomly played some music catching the attention of everyone, "What is that sound?" the human Dalek asked.

"Ah, well, now, that would be me," the Doctor said, putting down his radio next to a Bunsen burner and stood up, walking towards the human Dalek, "Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera," he added.

River blinked, "Nice reveal."

"I have my moments."

"Doctor," the human Dalek said.

"The enemy of the Daleks," a Dalek said.


"Wait!" the human Dalek yelled, surprising the Doctor.

"Well, then. A new form of Dalek. Fascinating and very clever," the Doctor noticed as he was looking over the hybrid in front of him.

"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter," he replied.

"How did you end up in 1930?" the Doctor asked.

"Emergency temporal shift."

"Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, huh? Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world, but instead you're skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. All of which results in you," the Doctor theorized.

"You really like taunting them," River spoke, stating the obvious.

"Favorite passtime that doesn't risk me running away from a stag," Ten sassed. James smirked.

"I am Dalek in human form," the being in front of the Doctor declared.

"What does it feel like? You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. it is Dalek Sec, isn't it? That's your name? You've got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you're thinking right now," the Doctor partly taunted and partly asked out of curiosity, he thought it was absolutely disgusting what they did, even though he had merged with the Watcher and Ivy had merged with Death and her animagus gained its own personality. But, the Watcher merged to save his life after his Fourth had that big fall and Death had merged with Ivy and did it carefully. The Daleks were brutal about it, so much that Death herself threw up.

"And Death's Magical third's mother to throw up too," Martha pointed out.

"Don't remind me or I'll do it again," Lily groaned.

"Right, you merged with a Watcher," Harold remembered, partly because they were reason it happened.

"So did I," Three couldn't help but mention.

"Wanted to be included?" Two asked Three.

"Of course," Four answered for Three.

"I feel humanity," Sec admitted.

"Good. That's good."

"I feel everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such a genius for war," Sec continued.

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