Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.

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By timbegs

"We'll have Aurors stationed in all Cities all over Britain. If Sebastian Sallow flees to one of them. We will know about it." The Head of the Auror Department informed Headmaster Black in his office back at Hogwarts, with Sean and Ominis sitting in front of the man. 

"I never would've suspected that Sebastian Sallow would fall to pieces like that. I mean... you had to see that... Monster. That... Demon." Black said.

"You mustn't blame yourself, Headmaster. Some Wizards just turn dark for no apparent reason." The Auror replied. "I must get back to the Ministry. Hunting down Sebastian Sallow is our top priority." He then turned to Sean and Ominis. "Gentlemen." And he departed.  

Sean shook his head at the ignorance of the Head of the Auror Department. Sean didn't even bother to learn his name. Sebastian did have a reason for falling to pieces. And placing Sebastian as the top priority where Ranrok and Rookwood were still the threat.

"Well... that's that." Black declared to Sean and Ominis. "Though... I seriously doubt that Mr. Sallow will remain in a city since he's just used Blood Magic. And not to mention... fleeing over the Sea. Such a waste." 

Sean raised an eyebrow. 

"Sallow is a powerful Pureblood Family. For them to fall like this." Black said. "That is a real pity." 

"A Real Pity, sir?" Sean asked. "Headmaster... what happened out there-" 

"Was out of our control." Black interrupted. "Much as I would love to throw you out of my School for even being in league with Sebastian and be done with it, Celt. I don't have evidence that you were involved in any of the unforgivable curses that he used. Were you involved?" He asked. 

"No. I wasn't." Sean answered. "I was trying to prevent Sebastian from using that Dark Magic." 

"Really? Well, you failed." Black sarcastically replied. 

Sean didn't deny that. He did fail Sebastian. And he paid the price for it. The Spirit of the Wolf was right. 

"Oh... I never thought things would come to this. Not during my tenure as Headmaster as Hogwarts. Why did it have to be at mine? The Prophet is going to have a field day and my legacy could be disgraced." Black said. "But let it be said that I'm... sorry you got mixed up in all of this, Ominis." 

"Headmaster... what will happen when the Aurors... find Sebastian?" Ominis asked nervously. 

"Why would you care to know?" Black asked confused. "You still consider Sallow your friend after what he did?" 

"Why... yes I do." Ominis answered hesitantly. 

"Yes, well. Still being in shock will do that, I suppose." Black replied. "After all, you are blind and therefore didn't see the kind of Monster that Sebastian had become." And then he sighed. "Very well, Mr. Gaunt. Mr. Sallow has been expelled of course. And the Ministry will hunt him down and bring justice to him." He answered.

"Do you mean... bring him to justice?" Ominis asked. 

Sean noticed that too.

"I do not." Black answered. "The Ministry of Magic has ordered for him to be eliminated. No Wizengamot Trial, no Azkaban, just straight up Elimination." 

Sean had mixed feelings about it. He knew that Blood Magic was an incredibly Dark Art. But the Mental State of Sebastian had not been taken into consideration at all. Nor did the Ministry care about why Sebastian acted in the way that he did. If they knew the truth... there might be some level of mercy. At least that's what Sean thought. 

But then again, this was the Ministry. They were passive when they should've been aggressive. And aggressive when the situation for a problem could be solved with diplomacy. The Ministry was that dumb. 

"Now, we can set everything straight for the Greater good. And all is well again." Black declared. 

"All is well again?" Sean asked in disbelief. "How can you say that, after all of this?! Sebastian is gone! Solomon is dead! And Anne is going to die alone! All is not Well!" He yelled out. 

"I beg to differ." Black countered. "Thanks to your exploits, a dangerous Blood Wizard has been routed from our prestigious school." 

"That's all you really care about, is it?!" Sean asked. "You don't care about the welfare of the students at all!" 

"Of course I care about it! I am Headmaster of this School! What did you expect?!" Black shot back. "Clearly Celt... you're angry, and you're exhausted from your fight with the Blood Demon." And then he clapped his hands. "And I am willing to let bygones be bygones if you agree to my terms." 

"And what terms would that be?" Sean asked. 

"You will stay away from anything having to do with Dark Arts again." Black answered. "You and Mr. Gaunt. For your efforts in standing against the Blood Magic, mercy is in order and it is granted. You will not be expelled out of Hogwarts. But next time, I will not be so lenient." He warned.

Sean sighed knowing that there was too much at stake. "Fine." 

"Headmaster... what's going to happen to Anne now?" Ominis asked. "With her Uncle killed and Sebastian-" 

"I've discussed that with Miss. Sallow already." Black answered. "She wishes to stay at Hogwarts until she... dies. Which shouldn't be long now. In the meantime, I will be sending letters to your families about the incident. Since you don't have a family, Celt. I won't bother. Neither with the Lizard. Though, there will be letters to the Gaunts and the Parkers about what's happened." He then looked at the two. "You're dismissed."  

And Sean started to make for the door, disgusted by what he was seeing out of Britain. "Oh... and Celt..." 

Sean turned his head to face the Headmaster. "For a Man who accuses me of not caring for the welfare of others, you're one to talk." Black said.

"Excuse me?" Sean asked.

But Black smirked. "If you cared for the welfare of others... you would've killed Sallow when you had the chance before he killed anybody else." 

And Sean got so mad that he walked away and slammed the door shut behind him. 

Sarah and An-ru waited outside for Sean and Ominis. "I'm going to go see Anne." Ominis informed. "I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this, Sarah." He said as he walked past Sarah.

"It wasn't your fault, Ominis." Sarah assured. And a part of her blamed herself. If she hadn't broken up with Sebastian, perhaps she could've tempered his rage and things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. Then she saw Sean approach her and An-ru. "What did the Headmaster say?" She asked.

"We're not getting expelled." Sean answered. 

"Well that's a relief." Sarah thought out loud.

"He is sending a letter to your parents though." Sean pointed out.

"Oh, perfect." Sarah muttered. Her parents would kill her for this.

"What of Sssssebasssstian?" An-ru asked.

"He's been expelled. And marked for elimination." Sean answered.

"By God." Sarah thought. "Sebastian..." 

"He used powerful Blood Magic, Sarah." Sean informed. "According to the Ministry. That's grounds for elimination." 

"What a nightmare." Sarah commented. "How did things get so messed up so fast?" 

"It was my fault." Sean admitted. "I should've stopped Sebastian when I had the chance. I never should've let it get this far." 

"And now, Anne will be on her own. No one left to be by her ssssside when sssssshe diesssss." An-ru added. But then realized that he was looking at Sarah and Sean and wasn't helping matters. "Sssssorry." 

"We'll be by her side." Sarah said. "And then... pray that God takes Anne to his side when that time comes." 

Sean looked down. 

An-ru looked back at his Sacred Water. "If it wassssss not for my vow. I could...." 

"You could what?" Sarah asked. 

"Nevermind. It doesssssss not matter now." An-ru answered. 

Sean walked back and forth through the Trophy Room they were now in. 

"Oh, Sean... there's something you should know." Sarah said. "Everyone in Hogwarts is talking about how Sebastian went insane and turned into a Blood Demon. You're the talk of Hogwarts again. Word spreads fast." She informed. "I just thought-" 

"Sarah. I don't care for the gossip." Sean interrupted.

"Right." Sarah nodded. 

"What do we do now?" An-ru asked. "With everything that hassssss happened..." 

But Sean knew what had to happen now. Sebastian was gone. But they didn't have time to let it all soak in about what had just happened. Ranrok was still out there. And he didn't waste time thinking about Blood Magic. He was drilling his way to the Repository right now. And all the Ministry was thinking about at the moment was chasing Sebastian. Which meant that Ranrok now had nothing in his way. 

Nothing except for Sean. And he knew now that he had to put on a game face. "The Goblins are moving quickly." He said. "We need to reach the Final Repository before Ranrok does. We're the only hope for protecting Hogwarts now." 

Sarah gulped. That was certainly a lot of pressure. "And Ollivanders?" She asked.

"We head there, straight away." Sean answered. "Sarah. Maybe you should sit this one out. I've already gotten you caught in my messes more times than I can count. You should take this time to get some rest." He suggested.

"Maybe I should." Sarah agreed. "With everything that's happened... I..." 

"Get some rest, Sarah." Sean insisted.

"What about you?" Sarah asked. "You should get some rest too after-" 

"I don't have time to rest." Sean answered. "We need to stop Ranrok before he reaches the Repository. And these pieces-" He pulled out the pieces he retrieved from the Keepers. "Are the key to getting inside." 

"Going by yourself?" Sarah asked.

"I will be with him." An-ru assured. And that seemed to reassure Sarah.

"Okay. Just be careful." Sarah requested.

"We'll be fine. It's Hogsmeade. What could happen?" Sean asked. And then he stopped. "Okay... lots of things. Now that I think about it." He corrected himself. "An-ru. Let's get going." 

Sean was able to ride the Lord of the Shore all the way to Hogsmeade. With An-ru riding beside him. 

"We do not have Beasssssstssssssss like thisssssss in my Homeland." An-ru commented. 

The Graphorn roared at that. 

"An-ru is a Lizardfolk, Good Lord." Sean explained. "He comes from lands of Jungles, swamps, marshes... I don't think you'd like it." 

The Lord of the Shore made a roar sound which Sean took as a shrug or something to that effect. 

"I don't see a lot of other Graphorns like you around. Are you... the last of your line?" Sean asked. 

The Lord of the Shore nodded. 

"Then that's something we have in common." Sean informed. 

"I am one of the lassssst Lizard-folk too." An-ru added. "Ssssso we've all got that in common." 

The Lord of the Shore roared at that too. An-ru was another one to treat the Lord of the Shore with respect. 

Finally, they had arrived at Hogsmeade. And Sean had gotten off. "Okay, Lord of the Shore. Back in the bag." 

The Lord of the Shore just looked at Sean like he was crazy. 

"Look. I'd take you into the Village with me, but I... don't think they'll be thrilled if I bring a Graphorn right into town. You know how some humans in Britain can be." Sean explained. 

The Graphorn had shrugged its head again as if to say: 'Yeah, I suppose that's true.' But then he pointed his front right claw right at An-ru. 

"They've seen An-ru before." Sean explained. "He won't be as big of a shock as you. Besides you couldn't fit through some of the alleyways." 

The Lord of the Shore sighed. 

"Yeah. I know. Human Town designs suck here." Sean replied. 

And then Sean sucked the Lord of the Shore into his bag. 

"You never get that in your homeland, do you?" An-ru asked.

"No. Everything is much more simple in Ireland." Sean answered as they walked through the streets. 

"Who issssss thisssss Ollivander exactly?" An-ru asked as they walked past the shops. 

"He's a Wandmaker. He makes wands for Hogwarts Students in this Country. Apparently, he comes from a long line of Wandmakers. Since the days of the Gallic Tribes, back when they inhabited Britain. He even crafted my wand." And Sean showed off his own wand. "As you can see... it clearly grew." 

"Hm. How odd." An-ru commented. "Normally a wand sssssstayssssss the exact length. But yourssssss it appearsssssss hasssss only grown in length." 

"Yeah. I guess my wand must be one of a kind." Sean figured. "Come on. Let's go see Ollivander." 

"Are you sssssssure he'll help ussssss?" An-ru asked.

"I'm sure." Sean answered. "He did help me get a wand after all. And I'm fairly certain that he has no love for Ranrok, and any of his allies." 

Sean walked into the shop, the bell above ringing. "Mr. Ollivander?" He asked. 

Ollivander had reappeared from behind the counter. And exactly as Sean remembered him. His white balding hair, his crazy moustache, and his glasses. "Ah, Mr. Cormag! How wonderful to see you again, my lad." He greeted. "And how terrible you look too." He also noticed.

"It's been a long day." Sean said. "With the..." 

"Blood Demon. Yes. I heard." Ollivander replied. And then he noticed An-ru. "And is that... a Lizard Folk?"

"Yes. This is An-ru. I saved him from Horntail Hall." Sean introduced. "He has his own wand already. So... no need to get him another." 

An-ru presented his wand. 

"How peculiar." Ollivander noted. "A Wand made of the Sacred wood of the Vines of the Jungle Trees of Borneo. I've never seen a wand with this make before." 

"Well they are powerful to ussssss Lizard Folk." An-ru replied. 

"So I see." Ollivander gave the wand back to An-ru. 

"Unfortunately, we haven't come to discuss An-ru's wand with you. We require your help with something." Sean informed.

"Yes!" Ollivander exclaimed. "Professor Fig sent an Owl informing me that you'd be coming." 

An-ru was watching outside the door as if to look for something funny.

"He was a bit... cryptic to say the last." Ollivander admitted to Sean. "He said that you needed a special wand crafted. And that you'd bring me the materials." 

"Right here, sir." Sean placed them on the table desk. 

Ollivander looked at the materials like they were a priceless treasure. "Oh, my. How extraordinary. Remarkable design." He said.

"Can you craft a wand with these materials?" Sean asked. 

"I will be honest, Mr. Cormag. I have never crafted a wand in this fashion." Ollivander answered. "I've repaired broken wands of course. But this is something else entirely. Keeping me on my toes, aren't you?" He asked. 

"Oh... you know me." Sean replied sarcastically. 

"I think I can work with what you've brought me." Ollivander informed. "It may take a while. But I'll see what I can do." 

"How long are we talking?" Sean asked.

"A day I reckon. Two at the most." Ollivander answered. 

"Alright. The faster we get this done, the sooner we can-" Sean started.

But An-ru started to make a hissing sound. Danger was coming. "Gentlemen. We've got company. And not the good kind." He warned.

Sean moved over to the window. And he looked right outside. He could see after taking away the frost from the window a man with a top hat, and dark hair and blue robes. He knew who it was. "It's Rookwood!" He exclaimed, his blood boiling.

"Oh dear." Ollivander said in alarm. 

"What'ssssss he doing here?" An-ru asked.

"His spies probably followed us." Sean figured. "He must know we're here in Ollivander's for a reason." He knew that now was the time for action. "Mr. Ollivander. Take the materials to the back room. An-ru, guard him. He might send his forces to kidnap Mr. Ollivander." 

"Kidnap an Ollivander?" Ollivander asked scandalous. "That'll be the day." 

"We can't take the chance." Sean replied. 

"Very true." Ollivander agreed.

"What about you?" An-ru asked. 

"I'll deal with Rookwood." Sean answered. And he started walking to the door, right as Ollivander carried the materials to the back room. With An-ru standing guard. 

Sean walked outside the shop, to see Rookwood just waiting for him. To his great surprise. The whole Hogsmeade Street was deserted. The whole Village looked deserted. 

Rookwood grinned. "Hello, Mr. Cormag." He greeted. "Been quite a while." 

"Rookwood." Sean greeted back with a stone cold expression. "What are you doing here?" 

"Same as you. I suppose." Rookwood answered pulling out his wand. "And as you can see. No one is here, but us." 

"Your work, I imagine." Sean figured. 

"Yes." Rookwood confirmed. "I've ensured that we have a moment to ourselves." 

"Good." Sean drew out his wand. "Then that means I don't have to worry about innocents getting caught in the crossfire." 

"Oh... come now, Mr. Cormag. No need for theatrics." Rookwood said as he presented himself to be a peaceful man. Which he was not. "I want to to talk with you. I came to a conclusion after Ranrok turned his Mechs and the rest of his armies on me. Throughout my alliance with the Goblins, I couldn't help but shake the feeling through it all that Ranrok would likely turn on me the first chance he got. My feelings were correct. And now... he has knowledge of a power he shouldn't have."  

"Get the to point." Sean told Rookwood. 

"Well. We can't let him have it. Surely a Ravenclaw such as yourself sees the logic in that." Rookwood explained.

"You're not wrong that Ranrok shouldn't have it." Sean confirmed. 

"And I realized that in all of our struggles. I overlooked one crucial thing." Rookwood continued. And that made Sean raise an eyebrow at him. "You." 

"Me?" Sean asked. 

"Yes. You. As it turns out. Our interests are aligned." Rookwood answered. "I've come to make you an offer." 

"You and I have different interests, Rookwood." Sean shot back. "And I'm not interested in any offer you'll make me." To him, Rookwood sounded like a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Gets right into the flock. Creates a Poison and then he strikes. He was no fool. 

"Oh, I think you'll reconsider when you hear what I have to say." Rookwood insisted. "We can't let Goblins take what is rightfully ours. And we certainly can't let them destroy Wizardkind. The Final Repository belongs to us. To Wizardkind. We would be fools not to work together." He explained. 

"We'd be even more foolish to work together." Sean shot back. "And just what would you do if you got to the Repository?" He asked. 

"Other than taking my birthright. I would use that Repository to bring the British Isles back to their former glory." Rookwood answered. "A Power not seen since the legendary House Peverell." 

But Sean knew what that meant. "You want to rule as a Tyrant." He accused. 

"Not a Tyrant, per say." Rookwood countered. "But I will be honest that I will take that instead of an incompetent Ministry. And I'm quite certain that everyone else would agree." He then looked at Sean. "Oh... right. You are a Celt so you must not be up to date on events in the British Wizarding World."  

"I'm slow to understanding how Foreign Politics work." Sean admitted. 

"Especially the Ministry." Rookwood said. "You see, Mr. Cormag. My goal is not to destroy Wizardkind as Ranrok wants to. My Goal is to simply destroy the very institution of corruption and bigotry. The Ministry of Magic itself. For nearly the past 180 years, our world has been become a cesspool for corruption, and mucky politics. Filled with schemers for politicians who care more about their office positions, taking pictures, and their own reputation. Is that truly who should be in charge of Britain? Not to mention their Prison System. They just chuck whoever they fancy off to the Dementors. No matter what punishment it is. Does that sound like Justice? It's Human abuse. It'll only be a matter of time before their Government brings our great land to ruin. They even try to absorb and corrupt your own people." He explained. 

Sean didn't respond. 

"Yes. You know I'm right." Rookwood smirked. "There hasn't been a Democracy that hasn't committed suicide. By my estimates, the Democracy that has been established will become so corrupt, that it will be beyond saving. We cannot let that happen. What the Wizarding World needs... what Great Britain needs is a strong centralized government. Led by a Strong Leader... one who will not let that tragedy come to pass. Me." 

"So what would you be? A Wizard King?" Sean asked. 

"Correct." Rookwood answered. "A Wizard King. A title that has not been bestowed since the Early Middle Ages during the reign of the Anglo Saxon, and the arrival of the Vikings. Nothing to impede progress. If you wish to see the fate of Democracy, look at the Ruins of Greece." 

Sean remained silent. 

"King Victor Rookwood. Has a nice ring to it too." Rookwood added. "But... why should I be the only one to reap such great rewards? You can join in this new power too." He offered.

"What?" Sean suddenly asked stunned. 

"How would you like... to win it all?" Rookwood continued. "You wish to hold the power of the Ancients? Yours.  You don't want to have to deal with the incompetence of the Headmaster? No longer will he be your concern. The ability to wield all the magic you want in whatever way you see fit? I can make it happen. Ireland under the complete control of the Celtic Clans as it was always meant to be? No problem. Your Clan, the mightiest of all of your Tribes? Consider it done with a snap of a finger. Everything you ever wanted and more... it can all be yours." He offered.

Sean still was silent while he stared at Rookwood.  

"How could a man like you refuse that? And a Ravenclaw no less. Look at it logically." Rookwood asked. "All you have to do, is step aside. Let me take what you found from the Keepers Trials. And in exchange. I'll name you Lord of Ireland. Name you to my Court! And we will tear apart corruption on this island. Forever. What do you say?" 

But Sean already knew what his answer was. "You want me to submit to you. To submit to a Foreign King." He said. And then he looked at Rookwood in defiance. He could smell the rat inside of Rookwood a mile away. "Well, I tell you this now. I am Sean Patrick Cormag of Clan Cormag! And I tell you this now. No Celtic Clan will ever submit to a Foreign Ruler!" He declared. 

Victor started to laugh at the Celts defiance. "Then every Celtic Clan shall die." He informed. "Starting with you. Oh... I should've known better than to try and reason with a child of all people." 

Sean still had his wand pointed at Victor. "Have it your way, Sean Patrick Cormag. Of course. I have other means of persuasion if you don't want to cooperate. Harlow... will make sure of it." Rookwood went on. "And I've always said children should be seen and not heard." He added. 

In that moment. It felt like Sean's mind had just stopped thinking of anything else but those words that Rookwood had just said. "What did you say?" He asked. 

"Children should be seen and not heard." Rookwood repeated. "Wouldn't be the first time I've said it. The last Child I've said it to paid the price most severely-" 

Now it was clear. Sean had heard those words before. It's exactly what was said to Anne Sallow before she was cursed. But it didn't come from a Goblin. It came from... Victor Rookwood. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And Sean ran headfirst to tackle Rookwood to the ground. But that was when Rookwood quickly apparated away with Sean attached to him.

The next thing, both men knew... they were now inside a Castle Ruins. So much so that it might as well have been an arena. 

"Argh!" Rookwood grumbled as Sean already got to his feet. Now he was in full war mode. 

"It was you all along!" Sean yelled. "You cursed her!" 

Rookwood then got to his feet. "Kill him!" He ordered a force of Ashwinders that were on standby. 

And a gigantic force of Ashwinders had surrounded Sean. But Sean had a plan for that. He brought out the Nab-Sack. And the Lord of the Shore came out. And that made all the Ashwinders all back up. 

"Merlin's Beard." Rookwood commented.

"Lord of the Shore." Sean said as he stared straight at Rookwood. "Kill them all! That one is mine!" He ordered as he pointed to Rookwood.

And the Lord of the Shore charged at all the Ashwinders. While Sean walked towards Rookwood very calmly. 

"Say your prayers, Celt! Avada Kedavra!" Rookwood has blasted a beam of Green Energy right at Sean. 

But Sean had simply countered it. "Expelliamus!" He shot shooting out a beam of Red Energy. It's power resonating more powerful than Rookwood's blast. The Wand launched right out of Rookwood's hands. Now there was nothing to hold Sean back. He created a whole tornado of Fire and he shot it right at Rookwood. 

"Ah!" Rookwood felt the heat of the flames on his face. And it was right as the Lord of the Shore had bashed its head and slashed its claws at the remaining Ashwinders and throwing them all into the air like Ragdolls. 

"Arresto Momentum!" Sean shot leaving them all in the air. "Accio!" He shot at the all the Ashwinders in the air and bringing them close to him. It was as if he was bringing them into a giant ball of bodies. And then he called down Ancient Magic and struck them all with lightning burning their bodies. 

Rookwood looked in stunned horror. 

And there was now fire in Sean's eyes. "YOU BURN ALONG WITH THEM!" Sean told him. He then thrust himself close to Rookwood. He kicked the wand away from Rookwood's grip again, right as his fingers closed in on the wand. "Incendio!" He shot straight at Rookwood and letting the fire sear onto his face. 

But Rookwood had managed to shadow magic his way out of the grip. And then back at his wand. "Avada-" 

But the Lord of the Shore rammed Rookwood off of his feet. 

"Confringo!" Sean shot as Rookwood flew into the air. But he wasn't done. Because he slammed Rookwood to the ground. Over and over again, and again, and again. 

"Gah!" Rookwood struggled to get to his feet. 

"ANNE!" Sean yelled as he shot Diffindo right at Rookwood's arm, severing it from his body. 

"AH!" Rookwood yelled in pain while on his knees. 

"Anne!" Sean repeated while severing the other arm off. "You were the one who cursed Anne Sallow!" 

Rookwood was in so much pain and misery. He was gasping for air. "Now..." He finally said. "Now that's the one thing I don't regret. Anne Sallow was a nosy girl!" He spat out blood. "She interfered and stuck her face when she shouldn't have." 

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Sean asked in a quiet rage. "Is that what you say to justify your barbaric actions?" 

The Graphorn had roared straight at Rookwood's face. Its claws ready to pounce if need be. "All this time, Sebastian blamed the Goblins for what happened to his sister, when really it was YOU!" Sean went on.

Rookwood laughed again. He had nothing to lose anymore. "I did, what had to be done. I serve my family in the Old Ways." He informed. 

"The Old Ways ask a heavy price." Sean pointed out. 

"That Repository..." Rookwood said. "You don't deserve it, Celt! That power! It is mine! It is my Birthright! To hold the power of the Gods! Do you really think they will favor you over me?! Me who should BE KING?!" He shrieked.

But Sean looked right at Rookwood. "I have my Gods." And then he shot Diffindo right through Rookwood's neck, severing his head off from his body. "Now face yours." He told Rookwood's head as it limped out through the Snow. Now being covered in blood. 

The Graphorn approached Sean. And it was Sean's turn to sigh. He looked at the Graphorn. "It is finished." He said. And then he got on the Graphorn. "Let's get back to Ollivanders." He said. And Sean and the Lord of the Shore had left. Leaving the bodies outside to rot. 

That was it. Victor Rookwood was dead. All this time, all of this time. And it was Rookwood all along. He who cursed Anne Sallow. He who sent Sebastian's life out of sorts. And he who caused the rise of Blood Demon incident. And also who sent out the Poachers and the Ashwinders. Hopefully now, deprived of their influence, the Ashwinders would scatter in fear. He rode The Lord of the Shore right into town. Then he entered Ollivanders. 

"An-ru? Mr. Ollivander?" Sean asked opening the door. Only to find a whole body count of Dead Ashwinders. And An-ru standing above them completely unharmed. 

"We're okay, Ssssssean." An-ru assured. And then he laughed. "Not much for ssssssubtlety are they?" He asked. 

"They tried to kidnap you and Mr. Ollivander while I was busy talking to Rookwood?" Sean asked. He should've been surprised. But he wasn't. And this confirmed his theory. Rookwood wasn't really going to offer him what he desired so much. He was going to use Sean for his own benefit. 

Ollivander was in the back room. "I... take it that Rookwood made you an offer." He figured.

"He did, and I refused." Sean answered. "Looks like he tried to kidnap you, too." 

"And he would've had it not been for An-ru protecting me." Ollivander confirmed. 

"Well, you won't have to worry about the Ashwinders kidnapping you. In fact, you won't have to worry about the Ashwinders... ever again." Sean assured. 

"What do you mean?" An-ru asked. 

"I killed him." Sean answered. "Rookwood is dead. By my hand." 

An-ru approved of that. He nodded his head. "Then it isssss over." 

And Ollivander breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Yes. This is good news, Mr. Cormag. With Rookwood dead. I'm fairly certain that the Ashwinders will be scattered and in need of new leadership." He said. "But now... the people of the Hogwarts Valley will be safe. And the nightmare that has plagued us for the last year or so, will finally be over. Of course, there is only one I can think of who could possibly take Rookwood's place as leader." 

"Right." Sean agreed. "Theophilus Harlow. He's the Brute Force of the Ashwinders. And he's responsible for blackmailing nearly everyone in Hogsmeade and beyond. Including the kidnapping of young Archie Bickle." He then turned to An-ru. "It's nearly over. But at least Anne can finally have peace knowing that her attacker is dead."  

"Attacker issssss dead?" An-ru asked confused. 

"That was another thing he told me before I fought him." Sean answered. "The Goblins weren't the ones who cursed Anne. They had nothing to do with it. It was Victor Rookwood. He said the phrase that Children should be seen and not heard. The same phrase he used when he cursed Anne." 

"Then that meansssssss...." An-ru started to say. 

"Sebastian was mad at the wrong party the whole time." Sean finished that sentence. "We need to go tell Ominis and Anne, right away!" 

"I agree. They need to know the truth." An-ru agreed.

"Mr. Ollivander. Keep working on the Wand." Sean urged.

"Will do." Ollivander replied. "I'll send you an Owl when it's complete." 

Sean and An-ru journeyed back over to the Castle Grounds. And along the way, Sean had explained to An-ru what Rookwood tried to offer him. "He wanted to make you Lord of all of Ireland?" An-ru asked.

"That's what he told me." Sean answered. "But I'm pretty sure that he only told me that so I would cooperate with him. I don't think he was being sincere on that part." 

"Well... it doesssssss not matter now. He issssss dead." An-ru said. And he could swear that everything was starting to sound brighter after so much doom and gloom. 

However, it was a peace too good to last. 

"SEAN!" A voice yelled.

Sean and An-ru got off The Lord of the Shore again. Only to see Natty running at them in a full sprint. 

"Natty?" Sean asked. He had never seen Natty in such hysterics before. 

"You need to come with me to the Great Hall right away! Both of you, quickly!" Natty insisted. 

"Why? Issssss everything okay?" An-ru asked.

"I'm afraid not." Natty answered. "It's Harlow. He's struck again!" 

This was just what Sean needed right now. "Who's he blackmailing this time?" He asked.

"No one." Natty answered hesitantly. "Harlow... he's... he knows what we've been doing. He's calling you out now. And what's worse is that he's..." 

"What? What's he done?" Sean asked. 

"Harlow has the Parkers. Sarah's Parents. He has them hostage." Natty answered. "And unless you surrender yourself to him, he'll kill them." 

Sean's entire world was shaken upside down. The Parkers took Sean in to live under their roof since the day he accidentally arrived in Britain. They were in many ways like a second family to Sean. And now, Harlow had them hostage. But another thought crossed his mind. Sarah. Sean could only imagine what she must've been going through. "Where's Sarah now?" He asked. 

"In the Great Hall." Natty answered. "She knows about the kidnapping. I'll take you to her, right away. Come." And she led Sean and An-ru to the Great Hall. It would have to be till later for Sean to break the news that Rookwood was dead. 

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