Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.

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By timbegs

Getting to the Feldcroft Catacomb was simple and easy enough by Floo Powder Network. And there was a Floo Powder station near the Tomb. 

"Sebastian's not in his right mind." Ominis commented. 

"I should've stopped him when I had the chance." Sean said. 

"What was he thinking?" Sarah asked. "And how did Inferi get inside the Tomb?" 

"We can get through those easy enough. We'll just burn everything in our path." Sean assured. "Including the Inferi." 

"You're not worried at all about the Inferi?" Ominis asked.

"No. I just see them as annoying." Sean answered. "And they can burned very easily." 

The party had entered the Tomb, which was lit by candles. "Last time we were here, this place was crawling with Spiders." Sean commented.

"We're about to face worse." Ominis said. "Let's find Sebastian quickly." 

He wasn't in the first room which was empty. And it was also very quiet. Usually when entering a Tomb or another cave, there were at least guarded by a group of Spiders. "You didn't see any Spiders down here, did you, Ominis?" Sarah asked.

"I can't see anything." Ominis reminded.

"Right." Sarah remembered. "Sorry." 

"I don't even hear them crawling on the walls." Ominis added.

"Well... we did clean them off good the last time Sebastian and I were here." Sean admitted.

"Where wassssss Ssssssebassssstian when you and Anne found him, Ominisssssss?" An-ru asked. 

"Just ahead. In the Great Room." Ominis answered.

An-ru looked confused. 

"The room that looks like a giant circle." Sean clarified.

But as they walked into a chamber. A group of Inferi were suddenly rising out from what looked like Sarcophagus. All screeching and trying to get at Sean and his friends. 

"Incendio!" Sean shot blasting a massive surge of Fire all around him and burning the Inferi like he was a Human Flame Thrower. "Everyone stay behind me. There might be more ahead." He advised.

"Thisssss doessssss not look like the Great Room." An-ru commented. 

"Because it isn't." Sean replied. "This is just one of the Chambers. If the Inferi are here now, then there might be more ahead. Stay alert." 

They traversed through another Room, where Spiders had laid dead on the ground. But it wasn't from Arania Exumai. That was for certain. Especially as Sean examined the bodies for dead marks. "Dead at the source. These look like Cuts from Humans." 

"It must be the Inferi." Ominis figured. "I never thought I would ever feel bad for Spiders but... here we are." 

"Let's keep looking for Sebastian. I hope the Inferi haven't killed him." Sarah suggested. 

"No. Sebastian can handle Inferi. It's what he's doing with the Inferi that's making me sweat." Ominis admitted as they crossed into another room that was empty. Except for the sounds of crawling up and what sounded like Zombies moving on the floor in the next room. 

Sean ran down to the next room, which was the Great Room. With the stairs and a table in the center. And surrounded by a whole swarm of Inferi. "That might be a problem." Sean admitted. 

"There weren't this many Inferi before." Ominis commented. 

"And there's no sign of Sebastian either." Sarah added.

The Inferi started crawling out of the dirt. 

"No matter." Sean commented as an Inferi charged at him. He blasted the Inferi using Confringo and the other Fire Balls blasted a few other more of the Inferi. Which made them very easy targets for his friends to strike down. 

Sarah also shouted out Fire Spells. Along with Ominis. 

An-ru in the meantime, blasted the Fire Balls from a safe distance. "I prefer Ice." He said.

"Yeah, we know. But The Inferi are vulnerable to Fire. And Ancient Magic." Sean pointed out as he burned another Inferi.

"Ah!" One had grabbed Sarah's leg. "Get off me!" She yelled blasting the Inferi with fire, and severing the arm from the body. She quickly grabbed the hand off and burned it up. 

"You okay?!" Sean asked.

"I just got struck in the ankle with a dead arm." Sarah answered. "Other than that. I'm doing-" 

Another Inferi struck at Sarah. "I am trying to speak here!" Sarah yelled blasting the Inferi with fire. 

"Lesssssss talking and more fighting." An-ru commented.

"Leviosa!" Ominis shot at the remaining Inferi levitating them. 

"Incendio!" Sean had shouted blasting them all down. "Okay... that's all of them." 

"Where is Sebastian?" Sarah asked.

Sean looked at the archway of skulls that he and Sebastian had made in their previous journey here. "I have a feeling he's through there." He answered. 

"Well how appropriate." An-ru commented. 

"Do we have a choice?" Sean asked as he started to move inside. But Ominis had suddenly stopped. 

"Ominis. Come on!" Sarah insisted. 

"Hold on a moment." Ominis realized getting a thought in his head. "I was so worried about Sebastian. I didn't even realize- Anne's gone to get Solomon!" 

And that was when Sean brain shattered. "Well, crap." 

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked. 

"When Anne first saw the Inferi, she thought Sebastian was being attacked. But then he showed her the relic and said he'd learned how to use it." Ominis answered.

"He learned to use it?!" Sean asked outrage. "Then those Carvings on the Relic were... Inferi?" 

"Apparently." Ominis answered. "I couldn't tell you."

"So does that mean that Sebastian... created the Inferi?!" Sarah asked horrified at the thought. She had seriously hoped that Ominis would say: "Of course not, he's not that stupid." But no such luck would come that day. 

"Not exactly." Ominis answered. "He's controlling them. This is powerful Dark Magic. Creating Inferi is incredibly difficult, but controlling them- As Anne and I barricaded the Inferi to keep them from Escaping, Sebastian kept mumbling about healing Anne. And it didn't sound like he was-"  

"Like he was what?" Sean asked.

"Like he was human. He spoke as if he was a demon." Ominis answered. 

"The Relic. It must be consuming him into Darkness." Sean realized.

"So what do we do?" Sarah asked.

"We stop him before it's too late is what we'll do." Sean answered. 

"I have to get to Hogwarts." Ominis said. "I must get to Professor Black first before Solomon does. Twist the story a bit to make him think it was a Family Fight." 

"Why is that?" Sarah asked.

"Because if Professor Black learns of what Sebastian is doing... he won't be merciful." Ominis answered. "Go. Get Sebastian! See if you can talk some sense into him." 

"We're on it." Sean replied. "Go!" 

Ominis had run off. 

"We have to hurry." An-ru said. 

That left Sean, Sarah, and An-ru to head into further into the Catacomb. "Speaking as if he was a Demon?" Sarah asked. 

"I don't know what kind of dark power the Relic Contains, but it can't be good." Sean admitted. 

"No Dark Power is ever good." Sarah replied. But another thought occurred to her. "Sean?" She asked.

"Yes?" Sean asked.

"What if we're too late? What if Sebastian is too far gone like Isidora was?" Sarah asked.

"I pray to the Spirits that he's not." Sean answered.

"But what if he is?" Sarah asked. "Will you be... will you do what you have to do?"

Sean didn't answer at first. He breathed in heavy. If Sebastian was too far gone, and was replaced by a demon. Then... there would be no turning back. He would have to be stopped before it was too late. Finally after a while, and few more Flame Throwing from Sean against the Inferi that blocked his path, he finally gave his answer. "Yes..." He answered. 

All 3 continued down the hall and approached a ledge that led into another room. But Sean had created an Ice Stairs to let him, Sarah, and An-ru go on.

And there he was... Sebastian just standing there with all of the Inferi standing around him. But they were not attacking. It was just as Ominis had said. Sebastian was controlling the Inferi. And the Dark Relic was in his hand. Glowing a dangerous red. And Sebastian acting like he was being fed with power. 

"Sebastian!" Sean yelled. 

Sebastian turned to see Sean, Sarah, and An-ru approach him. "Oh, Sean. You're actually the guy I wanted to see." He greeted very casual. "So... I take it the Keepers didn't talk on ways to help Anne. Can't say I'm shocked really. Professors always do like hiding their power so." He said as he held the Relic in his hand. "Also, you don't really have to shout, you know." 

"Sebastian... what are you doing?" Sarah asked horrified. 

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Sebastian sarcastically asked. "I'm saving Anne. The Relic is the answer." 

"What do you mean?" Sean asked.

"I've been trying to reverse the Dark Magic that injured Anne, but this will allow me to control it." Sebastian answered boasting in his power. And then his expression turned dark. "Just as I can control the Inferi."  

"Control the Inferi?" Sarah asked.

"Pretty cool, right?" Sebastian asked.

"It is not cool. It is not cool at all." Sarah shot back.

"We literally had to fight the Inferi on our way to you." An-ru added.

"Okay... so.... a few of them got a little out of control. But... for the most part-" Sebastian denied.

"A few of them?!" Sarah asked outraged. "Do you not hear yourself?! You're acting insane!" 

"No... Sarah. For the first time in my life, I am fully sane." Sebastian replied. "I can use this power to save Anne. She'll be saved. She'll be back in Hogwarts. In her Dormitory in the Slytherin Common Room. We'll tell jokes, we'll laugh, we'll play games. It'll be just like old times." He said it in happiness too. "You and I, and Ominis... and Anne. Sarah, this is good news." 

"This isn't the answer." Sarah cried.

"Why?" Sebastian asked sounding almost disappointed again. "Why should we fear to use it? It's people like you that are so afraid of Dark Arts, you choose to label it as forbidden magic, when sometimes, it's the only choice we have. Case in point, the Unforgivable Curses. The Torture Curse saved me, Sean, and Ominis from sharing the same fate that Ominis's Aunt did. The Imperious Curse saved Anne when she was attacked at Feldcroft. And the Killing Curse. Is it murder if you wish to give someone a painless death? Or a mercy killing to save someone from a painful death and take away their pain? How is that Unforgivable? To me, it sounds like the most honorable form of death, and certainly a lot less painful than killing someone and ripping them limb from limb. Though, if that's what you plan to do to Ranrok. I wouldn't blame you. Wish I could do it." 

"They're forbidden for a reason, Sebastian. It consumes you. It tears you apart. It's evil!" Sarah answered in a desperate attempt to turn Sebastian back. 

"There's no such thing as evil." Sebastian grinned. "There is no good or evil. There is only power. And those too weak to seek it. I choose to seek it. But not for selfish goals, obviously. I'm going to use it to heal, to help. I won't lose Anne." 

"Sebastian. Don't do this. We'll find another way to save Anne." Sean offered.

"Will we?" Sebastian asked. His expression changing again to anger. "Because it seems to me, Sean. That other ways simply DON'T WORK! Should I just look the other way? Tell my sister Anne to let go and die and embrace darkness for the afterlife? Should I let her wonder the afterlife deaf and dumb, never to feel loving embrace again!?" 

"Sebastian. That would never happen. God would never-" Sarah started to say.

"God isn't here!" Sebastian suddenly yelled. The Inferi started stirring. "And he can't help me, nor Anne!" 

"Sebastian-" Sarah started to say. 

"I will not stand by and watch as my own Twin is taken from me from this life to a fate she does not deserve." Sebastian interrupted. And then he turned to Sean. "While those who have the knowledge to save lives choose instead to keep it to themselves!" He was now starting to sound like Isidora Morganach.

"Sebastian. The Pain that Isidora took-" Sean tried to say. 

"The Light Arts have failed us, Sean! Everything else other than the Dark Arts has failed us! Even you must see that!" Sebastian interrupted holding up the Dark Relic. "Isidora could take away the Pain! You saw what she did-" 

"She didn't just take away the pain! She took all emotion!" Sean suddenly shouted.

"What?" Sebastian asked confused. "It can't be. You're lying!" 

"I saw the Memories, Sebastian. All of them." Sean quickly explained. "Isidora did take away the memories, yes. But by doing so in the process. She also stripped her Father of any other Emotions. And she didn't stop there. She also did it to students. Turning them in nothing but Tranquils. She was so consumed into madness she couldn't stop. That led to her death." 

"Tranquils?" Sebastian asked horrified. "But then... that means that..." 

"Even if the Keepers did tell me how to remove pain... Anne would be nothing but an empty shell of herself." Sean answered. 

"Then everything has been for nothing." Sebastian quietly said as he fell to his knees. "He's truly abandoned me." 

"Who?" An-ru asked.

"God." Sebastian answered while sobbing on his knees. "He's truly left me on my own. He's left me without a twin in my life. He's left me nothing but the darkness inside of me. It's why I turned to the Dark Arts. It's why I've done all of... this. Why has he abandoned me? Why has he abandoned Anne?" 

"Sebastian." Sarah stepped forward. "God hasn't abandoned you." 

"Yes he has." Sebastian shot back. "If he didn't. He wouldn't let all this suffering... this... happen to me." 

"I can't speak for his intentions, Sebastian." Sarah admitted. "But I know that he hasn't abandoned you. He works in mysterious ways. And I know that Anne won't be left to be embraced by darkness." 

"How do you know all of that?" Sebastian asked as the Relic suddenly became an afterthought.

"I keep my faith." Sarah answered. "Sebastian. Dark Magic won't save Anne. Believe me, I know. We can find another way. And even if we don't... she won't be abandoned. She'll go to place where she won't suffer any longer." 

Sebastian looked up at Sarah. The Woman he loved and then threw it all away in his obsession. "I'm afraid." He admitted. 

"I know." Sarah replied. "But please... let it go... please... come back, Sebastian. Come back to being the man I fell in love with." 

Sebastian looked at the relic. He closed his eyes. And for a split second, it seemed like he would do it.

But life is very cruel. "What have you done, BOY!?" A voice had suddenly yelled. And it had come from a very angry Solomon Sallow. And he thrust Sarah out of the way and into the wall.

"Sarah!" Sean yelled running up to her. 

"YOU!" Sebastian yelled at his Uncle. 

"I should've known you would do this, boy." Solomon growled. "That you would divulge in such Dark Magic. That you of all people would create THESE!" He pointed to the Inferi.

"I... was saving Anne!" Sebastian countered. "I can control the darkness in her like I control the Inferi!" 

Sean knew it was in that moment that Sebastian was diverting back to his old self. The self that Sean had been desperate to avoid. And Sean could swear that a Dark Ancient Magic was now swirling inside of Sebastian. 

"I've told you countless times, Sebastian!" Solomon snarled. "She cannot be healed! But you don't listen. You never listen! You're just like you're father! And now look what you've done!" He then reached out for the Relic. "Accio Relic!" And he grabbed it right out of Sebastian's hands. Then destroying it. 

"No! The Relic!" Sebastian yelled as his last hope had shattered. He then looked at his Uncle in a new fury. "That was her only hope left." His eyes glowed dangerously bright. 

"There was no hope, Boy." Solomon shot back.

"Uh... Mr. Sallow?" Sean started to ask as Sarah was still unconscious. 

The Inferi all suddenly started to move towards all living parties in a hostile manner. But not any of them were moving towards Sebastian at all. "Get out of my way, Old Man." Sebastian demanded to his Uncle. And then started to cut himself on the arm using a knife. 

"You've gone too far, Sebastian! And taking pity on you has been my greatest mistake. I'm going straight to the Headmaster! And then I'll see you rot in Azkaban for the rest of your-" Solomon started to yell.

A Beam of Red Energy shot right at Solomon as if he was struggling just to move. Like he was fighting his own body just to move. 

Sebastian had just grinned with dark energy swirling all around him. "Taking Pity on us?" He asked dangerously, but speaking as if had the voice of a demon. "I knew it. I knew that you never loved me or Anne. That's why you say there is no cure! That's why you would see her suffer! That's why you failed her! You and every other bloody person in this world!" His anger had grown to dangerous level.

"Oh... crap." An-ru commented. 

"Sebastian... you can wield..." Sean stood in shocked horror. "...Blood Magic?" 

"Very observant." Sebastian answered with a wicked malice. Then he turned back to his Uncle. "It enhances my Magic. THIS will give me what I need to cure Anne. She won't suffer anymore." His wand now aimed right at his now unmovable Uncle. 

"You lied about that too?" Sean asked.

"I had no choice." Sebastian answered.

"Sebastian..." Solomon tried to say knowing what was about to go down. "...don't..." 

"But I require more Blood to complete what I need to do." Sebastian said swaying his head back and forth. "And you're blood will provide a great offering, Uncle. Thank you ever so much for volunteering." 

"Ugh..." Sarah started to open her eyes again. "What?" She asked. But now she was looking at Sebastian. "Sebastian, no!" 

"Avada Kedavra!" Sebastian yelled blasting his Uncle dead. The Beam of Green Energy, just as Bakar had done to Isidora in the Pensieve Memory had shot straight and true. "Thank you." He thanked. And then he grabbed the body of his Uncle. And he blasted it right open releasing a whole flood of Red Blood. It swirled all around Sebastian. 

"Sebastian? What... what have you done?" Sarah asked horrified. 

Sebastian cracked his head towards Sarah. His eyes blowing bright red now. "Ah... Sarah...." He said in his demonic voice. "So nice of you to wake up. And as for what I've done. I've made my Uncle finally useful. He brought this on himself. He's interfered with my plans to save Anne for the last time!" He then looked at all the Inferi who he was now controlling even without the Relic in his hands to circle him and bow to him. "Now... let us begin the healing process." He declared as the Blood all glowed a powerful red light. "Grant me the powers of the Dark Arts to save my sister from certain doom! And if it changes me forever... so be it!" 

"NO!" Sarah yelled, but to no avail.

In that moment, Sebastian had opened the Gates of Hell. 

The Inferi all started dissolving into Shadow and now swirled right around Sebastian. A Great Wind had started picking up, despite the fact that there were in a Catacomb. The Shadows now combined themselves with the Blood Magic, creating an impenetrable barrier around Sebastian. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" He shouted all around him.

And it was also in that moment that Anne had entered the Catacomb. Limping in pain, but having her wand drawn and expecting a battle. But what she did not expect to find, was her twin brother standing above their Uncle's Corpse having lost all of its blood. 

"Sebastian?" Anne looked on in horror as the Magic had now surrounded Sebastian enveloping him and glowing dangerously bright. "Uncle?" She now ran over to Solomon's dead body and began to grow tears in her eyes. 

"Sean?! What's going on?!" Sarah yelled.

"The Blood Magic is surrounding all of Sebastian! He's becoming... he's becoming a Blood Demon!" 

When the Glow had died down. Instead of Sebastian. It was a Demon, thrice the size of a Normal Man. Covered completely in Shadow. It's glowing Eyes on its Horned head. Its big claws now stretched outward from its hands. "Now at long last! The power to save Anne is all mine!" And Sebastian's voice now sound demonic.

(Sebastian's Demon Form.)

"Sebastian?" Anne asked horrified now starting to stand back. 

"What's the matter, Anne. Don't you recognize your own twin?" Sebastian asked laughing as if it was a joke. "I wouldn't worry too much about the Old Man if I were you. He's made a much more powerful use to me now. As fuel for the power to save you." 

"AH!" Anne screamed as she ran for the exit.

"Not so fast, Anne!" Sebastian reached out for her and grabbing her in his hand. "You've been suffering pain for so long. Our dear Uncle who took pity on us would see you suffer even more to your death. But you won't suffer any longer. You will be saved. And now it's time to heal you! And we will be together for always! No longer will we be restrained by the shackles of any more interferences in our lives." 

Anne screamed even louder as she struggled more to get free. "You're not my brother! You're a monster!" 

"A Monster?" Sebastian asked. "Would a Monster see you suffer when you're in pain? Would a Monster go to such lengths to find a cure? I don't think so." He answered his own question. "You're coming back to me, Anne!"  

"Diffindo!" Sean shot at Sebastian.

Sebastian turned to face Sean. 

"Put her down, Sebastian!" Sean ordered. 

"You've outlived your usefulness to me, Sean." Sebastian replied. "But thank you for giving me this great power which I will now use to heal Anne! Now... if you are wise, you will stay out of my way." And he began to shoot a blast into the ceiling. 

Meanwhile. Headmaster Black was on his way to investigate reports of Sebastian using Dark Magic in Feldcroft. "Ugh... I can't believe I have to go all the way to Feldcroft due to a Family Fight. Again..." He grumbled under his breath. "Don't I have better things to do with my time, Scrope?" 

"Oh, most certainly, Master." Scrope agreed. But he was more of a Yes Man to Black. As always.

"Headmaster, this really isn't necessary." Ominis had tried to stop. He had been trying to delay Black for as long as possible.

"Yes... you are right, Mr. Gaunt." Black admitted. "But someone needs to tell the Sallows to cool it and then we can get back to our regular lives. Speaking of which... wasn't Solomon leaving today with Miss. Sallow?" He asked. 

"That's right, and they're probably long gone. So there's no need to go. So... let's get back to the Castle." Ominis suggested. "I'm quite certain that Sebastian and his Uncle are making their peace right now." 

But Ominis spoke too soo. Because the massive Demon that was Sebastian had emerged from the Catacomb and he carried Anne in his hand. 

"Merlin's Beard! What is that thing?!" Black asked horrified. 

"No one will separate us again, Anne!" Sebastian yelled as he jumped up and then down to the ground. He then turned his attention to Feldcroft. 

"Was that... did that sound like Sebastian?" Ominis asked horrified.

Sean had run outside the Tomb with Sarah and An-ru. He turned to look at the destruction and rampage as Anne was struggling to get out. "Oh... no." He said. 

"Great. Now he issss a demon." An-ru noted. 

"Dammit, Solomon." Sarah commented. "We were so close to dragging Sebastian back to his senses. Why did he have to come in at that moment?" 

"Sarah..." Sean started to say. 

Sarah looked in horror. "He's... he's become... he's become a demon." 

"Not just any demon. A Blood Demon." Sean explained. 

"That'ssssss obvioussssss. Now how do we ssssstop it?" An-ru asked. 

"I don't know. A Blood Demon is one of the most powerful monsters in all of the World. One is so rare that..." Sean answered trying to figure something. 

"Well, we have to do something, Sean! He's going to hurt Anne!" Sarah exclaimed. 

"Guys!" Ominis yelled running over to where Sean, Sarah, and An-ru were. "I tried to stall, but..." 

"We have a problem, Ominis." Sean informed. 

"What kind of problem, did Sebastian-" Ominis started to say. 

"Celt!" Black roared running over. 

"Headmaster!" Sarah realized and she was horrified. "I can explain-" 

"Can you explain what the hell is that thing?!" Black asked horrified as he looked at the Blood Demon.

"It's Sebastian Sallow." Sean answered. "He's turned into a Blood Demon." 

"That's Sebastian Sallow?" Black asked horrified.

"Oh, We're in Trouble." Scrope commented.

"Not now, Scrope." Black demanded. He then looked at Sean. "How did that happen? Mr. Gaunt told me that it was a family squabble." 

"And it was. At first." Sean answered. "But Sebastian... he went crazy. He became obsessed with trying to find a cure for Anne. He began looking at Dark Magic to look for a cure when all others failed him." 

"Idiot." Black commented. 

"So he began looking for a new source of power. One in Blood Magic." Sean added.

"Blood Magic?!" Black asked horrified. "Not even my prestigious house would use such a dangerous Dark Art!" 

"Sebastian... he..." Sarah said. She couldn't hold it in anymore. "He killed his Uncle with the Killing Curse. He used his Uncle's Blood to transform into... that!" 

"Merlin!" Black commented in horror. "Never in all my years as Headmaster-" 

"He issssss moving for Feldcroft!" An-ru announced. 

"Spirits." Sean said realizing the dangers is Sebastian reaches Feldcroft. He might take more blood of innocents just to cure his twin. "If he heads for Feldcroft-" 

"You've got to stop him." Ominis quickly told Sean. 

"How?" Sarah asked. "We... we..." 

"Damnit. We have no choice now." Black declared. "The Use of Blood Magic in the Wizarding World is a punishable offense by elimination. He won't stop until he kills, feeds on blood, and continues in a rampage. We have to end this madness. We have to kill Sebastian Sallow!"  

Sean shook his head. He couldn't believe it had come to this. But he had no choice. Sebastian had descended to a path of darkness to which there was no return. "I'm sorry. I tried." He said. He knew what he would have to do. "An-ru... keep Sarah back. I'll deal with Sebastian." He informed. 

An-ru nodded. 

"What?! And leave you alone with the massive Demon?! Well... okay!" Black called. "Say... maybe I'll get lucky and the Celt and Sebastian will destroy each other." He thought to himself.  

And Sean had took off. 

"You're not going to help?" Ominis asked Black.

"And put myself in harm's way with that thing? No thanks." Black answered.

"Oh get in there, you!" Ominis yelled and pushing Black towards the fight that was coming.

Sebastian had taken Anne to Feldcroft. And Anne was screaming. Both in pain and in horror. "We're home now, Anne." Sebastian said. And right as Villagers were walking outside to see what the commotion was. Only to scream in horror as the Blood Demon now stood before them. And they started running away, going on brooms, and also apparating away.  

"There's no need for alarm, Villagers." Sebastian informed while laughing. "Two of your own have simply returned. Permanently this time." He then looked at Anne who was shivering scared of her mind at the sight of Sebastian. 

"Put me down, Sebastian! Right now!" Anne begged. "This isn't you!" 

"But it is me, Anne." Sebastian replied. "I feel more like myself than I ever have before. I now have the power that will save your life. Bring you back to me. Stay with me, Anne. Stay forever."  And he created a giant sphere of pure magic and placed Anne in. It floated in the air. 

"Sebastian! Let me out!" Anne yelled as she struggled to bang on the door.

"I will, Anne. As soon as the pain is removed from you." Sebastian replied. And he began blasting beams inside of the Sphere and they struck Anne. Causing red mass to grow on Anne. Starting with her legs. 

"AH!" Anne screamed in pain. "Sebastian! You're hurting me!" 

"Oh, one should feel pain in order to remove pain, my sweet sister." Sebastian explained. "It will pass soon enough." 

"Sebastian!" Sean had yelled from behind Sebastian. Sebastian turned his demon head to stand and look down upon Sean. 

"Ah... so you've decided to join us, have you?" Sebastian asked. "And I see you've even brought some friends. Good. They can be witness to our greatest triumph. One where I return Anne to what she was before she was cursed." 

"Sebastian Sallow! I demand that you stop this madness now!" Black demanded while he cowered behind Scrope. 

"Madness is this? What's so mad about a brother helping his sister?" Sebastian asked.  

"Listen to yourself, Sebastian!" Ominis begged. "It doesn't have to be this way." 

"It has to be this way!" Sebastian countered. "Anne is withering away- inside and out. And Solomon has never been there for us. Not truly. Well now he is. He gave up on Anne. You gave up on Anne! You all did! But I have not. And I have turned to the most powerful Magic in the world to heal her where you have failed!" 

"How did you even learn Blood Magic anyway?" Ominis asked. 

"You know that answer, Ominis." Sebastian answered. "We Slytherins are nothing if not resourceful. And I have my ways. I do not fear power as you do. Did you hear that, Anne?!" He called out to Anne.

Anne yelled out in pain again. 

"Put her down, RIGHT NOW!" Sean demanded. "I won't tell you a second time!" 

"You won't get the chance." Sebastian declared as he stomped his foot and blasted a whole wall of black and red spikes that shot straight at Sean, Black, and Ominis. Sean got out of the way. But Black and Ominis were knocked down. 

"Don't try to stop me, Sean." Sebastian warned. "Not that you can now!" 

"Sebastian! Look at Anne! You're hurting her!" Sean demanded. 

Sebastian grinned his sharp teeth as Sean. "Because you say so." He said.

Sean sighed. Sebastian was too far gone to reason with now. He had to save Anne. 

Sebastian sighed. "If you stand in my way, Sean... then I guess I'll have to destroy you." He said. 

"Not before I end this madness." Sean replied. "I tried to reason with you. Sarah tried to reason with you. But you've transformed into a Monster!" 

"Will everyone stop calling me a Monster?!" Sebastian had suddenly roared as an energy field surrounded them both separating them away from everything. "I AM NO MONSTER!" And he roared down crushing his massive arms right on where Sean had stood. 

Sean had protected himself though through stopping the arms with rising Earth. 

Sebastian stumbled back. And his eyes glowed even more red. He then looked at Anne as the energy now spread all over her legs, and her fingers were now starting to glow as well. "Are you listening, my twin? I can give you a show as the pain leaves you! A little one act play I call: Death to the Interferer! Now wasn't that funny?! You always did have a sense of humor!" 

Sean pointed his wand at Sebastian. 

"So be it, Sean! Prepare to be destroyed!" Sebastian declared as he charged at Sean again. He picked up a massive boulder and threw it right at Sean.

"Diffindo!" Sean shot slicing the Boulder in half. But the proceeding to break up that Boulder and break it into smaller pieces aiming them right at Sebastian. 

Sebastian was thrown back to his knees again. But then quickly got back up. His arms glowed up red and then shot a full blast of energy right at Sean. Sean dodged them all. From left to right, to right to left. "Confringo!" He shot his Fire Spell right at Sebastian in the Torso.

"I never wanted it be like this!" Sebastian yelled as he shook off the hits. "You could've shared this power too!" He then struck as Sean again. Sean bringing up Protego to protect himself from the blows. "I could've taught you the power of the Dark Arts! Spells that could've saved you!" Sebastian struck again. This time he knocked Sean right into the Energy Walls. But Sean had picked himself up. "But you chose to ignore them! You chose to stand against me!" He blasted again. But Sean had pushed himself up with Wind Spell. 

"Bombarda!" Sean yelled blasting Sebastian with a powerful version of it and blasting Sebastian right in the chest. "I don't regret it!" 

"ARGH!" Sebastian shouted out. He then charged like a raging bull at Sean attempting to swipe his now sharp claws at his former friend. 

"Look around you, Sebastian!" Sean demanded. "Your sister is in pain!" 

"She can handle it!" Sebastian shot back. "I know my sister like I know my own mind! You're just a stranger who got lucky!" And he summoned a force of Inferi to strike at Sean.  

"Incendio!" Sean fired at all the Inferi as they charged at him. But he wasn't done. "You want the Inferi? All yours!" He fired them all at Sebastian like they were Fire Balls. Which in a way they were. Sebastian had attempted to shield himself with his arms. Which he did on the first two. But Sean had quickly conjured up Ice Barriers to Restrain Sebastian's arms in place. 

"Gah!" Sebastian Roared to get himself free. And that left Sean to fire as many Burning Inferi as he wanted right at Sebastian. Which he did. And then proceeded to launch Ancient Magic right at Sebastian's head. Even going as far as to slam it to the ground. 

Finally. Sebastian broke free of the Ice, and felt his head spin. "NO! I won't let you undo all my hard work!" He blasted more gigantic Volts of Pure Energy right at Sean. "Who are you anyway to deny me?!" 

"Sean..." Anne had whimpered now in pain as the energy had surged to her upper torso.

"It's almost complete, Anne." Sebastian grinned. Then he turned to Sean. And he shot another massive volt of Pure Energy right at Sean. But Sean had used Wind Magic to propel himself upward.  And then create some Ice Shards aimed right at Sebastian's head. They smashed off his skull. And did get into his eyes. "My Eyes!" 

And then Sean shot another surge of Ancient Magic at Sebastian. 

But Sebastian had recovered. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" He declared, and launching a whole Meteor Strike coming down straight at Sean's head. 

"Oh, that's not good." Sean commented. And he quickly created a shield around him. Made out of Earth like it was a bunker. 

"You've interfered long enough!" Sebastian yelled. "And you've wasted enough of my time!" 

"Sebastian! Please... stop this!" Anne begged as the surge of energy now reached her face. Consuming her in darkness. 

"Yes! YES!" Sebastian yelled. "Now there is nothing that can stop this! At long last! You will be removed from pain!" 

Sean had emerged from the rubble unharmed. He quickly blasted a wind burst while Sebastian wasn't looking and then blasted him out of the way. He then looked at Anne who was squirming around like she was going through epilepsy. "Help me..." She begged.

"Anne!" Sean yelled as he quickly blasted out spells to get the Sphere to crack. To no avail. "Come on!" There had to be a way to get the Orb open. Bu then he looked at Sebastian. He had created the power of the Sphere. And only his Magic could remove it.  

Sebastian was slowly getting back up. "You're too late, Sean!" He roared in laughter. "The Pain is being removed from her now! And-." But he suddenly stopped to look at his work. "Hm?" 

It didn't look like Anne's pain was leaving. If anything... more was being pushed on her. She yelled out in horror as she glowed a dangerous red glow covering her entire body. 

"It's not working." Sebastian realized. "WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?!" He asked.

"Because all it is is Dark Magic, Sebastian!" Sean answered. "Dark Magic doesn't create life, it doesn't control! It only Consumes and Destroys! Blood Magic can't be used to heal. It only takes away life!" 

A blast coming from the Orb had now struck at Sean and sent him flying back. And Anne unleashed her loudest scream in pain yet. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" 

But in that last fatal scream. It had now given Sebastian his remembrance of the first time he heard Anne scream. He remembered it now. It was when Anne had seen a Dark Mongrel when they were 4. The pack had started to see Anne as a tasty snack. But Sebastian. He ran over to protect his sister. "Don't hurt her! I won't let you!" He declared as he smacked down the Mongrels away. It was his first use of Magic without a wand. It was at that moment, that he declared that no one would ever hurt Anne again. No matter what.

"Sebastian?" Anne asked.

"I'm okay, now, Anne. No one will harm you." Sebastian answered.

"I love you, Sebastian." Anne said hugging her brother. 

Sean then noticed a little crest that had fallen out of Anne's Sphere and fall to the ground. 

That was when Sebastian noticed the crest fall too. "It's her crest." He realized. He walked over to the crest and placed his hand on it. Completely ignoring Sean. The Crest that he and Anne had shared. They could contact with each other with them. "We made these to stay together when our parents died. I... I swore I would never let anyone harm her. Never let anyone cause her pain." He now sounded very ashamed of his actions. The eyes were now not glowing hard anymore. The Monstrous form of Sebastian was now starting to turn back to human form. "My Sister..." He said. Tears now flowing in his eyes. "I'm... I'm causing her pain." 

The Sphere around Anne was now evaporating and Anne had fallen to the ground. She wasn't glowing anymore. She was back to normal. Well, as normal as she would've been otherwise. 

"Mother. Father. I'm causing my own twin, pain. My sister. The one I-" And suddenly the shadowy Demon form had dissolved, now leaving Sebastian to return back to his human form. And Sean kept his wand pointed at Sebastian. 

"The one I swore I would never let anyone harm." Sebastian finished while looking at Anne. He then pulled something out of his pocket. A little drawing of both Sebastian, and Anne. As very young. With their parents. On the top it said: 'Our Family. Daddy, Mommy, Me, Anne.' "I remember drawing this. Before they died..." He said. "I tried to save her. But I only caused her pain." 

Ominis and Black were just standing there looking at the whole scene play out. Sebastian looked at them. Ominis had stood by him through thick and thin. He warned Sebastian of the dangers. 

But Sebastian had been too stubborn to listen. He looked at Sarah and An-ru who instead of staying where they were had seen the whole fight play out. Sarah. The Woman he loved for so long and he threw it all away in his own arrogance. And then to Sean, and Anne. Both had tried to show him the error of his ways. And he caused Anne so much pain. He nearly killed Sean.

Finally, Sebastian looked in a nearby broken mirror. He didn't see his reflection. Instead... he saw him in his Blood Demon form. He didn't recognize himself. "I truly am a Monster." He said. 

Then he transformed into a Shadow and flew away using Shadow Travel. But not before shedding a tear as he fled South East across and into the Sea to an unknown fate.  

The Barrier had fallen down. And Sarah had run up to Anne. "Anne!" 

Sean had picked Anne up in his arms. 

"He... he made his choice." Anne whimpered.

"He did." Sean agreed. 

"Are you okay, Sean?" Sarah asked wondering is Sean was okay himself.

"I'm... better now, I think." Sean answered. But he wasn't sure if was okay. At least, emotionally. 

An-ru had now walked up to Anne. "Ssssssshe needssssss to go to the Hossssspital Wing." He decided.

"Yes. Let's go." Sean agreed. 

Black just looked at all the destruction. "This... is definitely going to require another report." He said. 

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