Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.

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By timbegs

The Month of January had come and gone just like that. And Sean was still shut out from the Map Room. A fact of which he had found annoying. Now it was February. And Sean had continued with trying to be a student. And continuing to manage his business with the Magical Beasts. Now it was Valentine's Day in the school. But Sean didn't participate. He had no relationship at the moment. And he certainly had bigger fish to fry than trying to find love on that day. 

And people were eagerly awaiting the return of the Quidditch Season which would be tomorrow. All thanks to Sean. "Thank you for returning Quidditch back to the people, Sean." Sarah thanked one say at breakfast. "I think everyone is thrilled that Black in his drunken mess he was in let Quidditch Back." 

"Couldn't he jussssst ban Quidditch again?" An-ru asked. 

"He could. But he doesn't want to look bad changing his mind a third time." Sarah answered. "At least that's what Madam Kogawa explained to me in Flying Class. Of course, Quidditch will be different this year." 

"In what way?" Sean asked having never been experienced in a Quidditch Season before. 

"Well, normally it's a full season of 6 games. Between 2 houses. And 3 games for each house. Whoever accumulates the most House points at the end of a season wins." Sarah explained. "But this year instead will be a tournament Gryffindor will play Slytherin, and Hufflepuff plays Ravenclaw. The winners play each other for the Trophy. And the losers play each other for 3rd Place." 

Sean nodded. Then he overlooked Sarah's shoulder. Someone was coming towards them. "Looks like we have a visitor." He said.

Sarah looked behind her to see Garreth walking up to her with a grin on his face. And a rose behind his back. "Hello, Sarah. Happy Valentine's Day." He greeted offering her a rose.

"Thank you, Garreth. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well." Sarah thanked and taking the gift.

"Hello, Garreth." Sean greeted.

"Oh, hi. Thanks again for the return of Quidditch, Sean." Garreth replied. "I can't wait to get out there and destroy Slytherin tomorrow."  

"I'm sure you'll be great." Sarah told him. 

"I will be when we win the Quidditch Cup." Garreth said with a grin. "You know, Sean. The way you beat Imelda's record. You should join the team. I'm sure the Ravenclaws could use someone like you. They're all a bunch of foolish players who can't tell the difference between a Quaffle and a Bludger." 

"Thanks, but no thanks." Sean had shot down. He may have brought Quidditch back to the school. But he wasn't a Quidditch Player not by a long shot. Especially with what was coming.

"Alright, your choice." Garreth figured. But then he turned to Sarah. "In any case, Sarah. I thought that it being Valentine's Day, if you'd like to do something with me today. I know our last date was because of a favor, but... if you'd like to give it another go..." He offered Sarah.

Sarah started nodding. It was just one date. And Sarah would want to make sure that her date going well the last time wasn't a fluke.

"I'd love to." Sarah said.

"They will start talking about us, you know. A Pureblood Wizard with a Muggleborn Witch." Garreth pointed out. "And the Daughter of a Clergyman no doubt." 

"Let them talk, I don't care." Sarah shrugged off. "My family isn't like others that vilify people like you and me." 

"That's nice to hear." Garreth replied. 

"Why should I vilify a people I don't know, and simply for existing?" Sarah asked. "I shouldn't." 

"Well, that explains why you're so comfortable around An-ru here." Garreth said to An-ru. 

An-ru nodded.

"We may not agree on certain things." Sarah admitted. "But... I suppose we'll just have to work to tolerate others, instead of forcing our ideals on each other." 

Sean agreed with that as he continued to eat his eggs. It was at that moment when Madam Kogawa had walked up to Sean. "Excuse me, Mr. Cormag?" She asked. 

"Yes, Madam Kogawa?" Sean asked standing up.

"At ease." Kogawa assured. "I wanted to speak with you specifically. About an urgent matter." 

Sean nodded maintaining a cool attitude. He wondered if Madam Kogawa knew that Sean had impersonated the Headmaster. 

"I understand that you broke the record of Imelda Reyes on two courses." Kogawa started.

"I did. Yes." Sean confirmed. 

"Yeah. You should've seen it, Madam Kogawa. He was incredible." Garreth commented.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley." Kogawa replied before returning to Sean. "As I was saying. Is it true that you have frequented the Coast?" 

"I've been there a couple of times." Sean answered. 

"You are not the only one, it seems." Kogawa informed. "Miss. Reyes traversed into the Coastlands 2 days ago. And no one has seen her since." 

"She went alone?" Sean asked in disbelief.

"I am afraid so. She asked for more people to join her at the Coastlands for possible Quidditch Training. It appears she is the only one that went." Kogawa answered. "I fear that Girl's Ambition to be on the top has caused her some... trouble. The Goblins as well as the Ashwinders hold a stranglehold on the region and Imelda may have run into them as a result. Because you have experience dealing with such matters, I'm asking you to help me look for her." She explained.  

Sean nodded his head. This was something that he knew he had to do. If Ranrok was involved with something bad to happen to Imelda. It was something he had to stop. 

"An-ru. You should take my broom with you." Sarah had suddenly offered. "It's a Good model. And it'll serve you better than the ratty school brooms. No offense." 

"None taken." Kogawa assured.

"Come on, An-ru. Let's go." Sean said.

An-ru grabbed a fly with his tongue and swallowed it up. 

"Are you going to finish your breakfast, Sean?" Garreth asked.

"Take it." Sean answered.

"Sweet." Garreth replied eating up the rest of Sean's breakfast.

Sean had taken to the skies patrolling around the Coastlands. An-ru flying next to him. Kogawa was following close behind. "Where are you, Imelda?" Sean asked. He looked around near the shore line by the East. "Revelio." All around him, Sean could see loads of items on the ground. It appeared to him that casting Revelio revealed more around him then on the ground. But it wasn't the time to pay more attention to it. He looked more toward the shoreline. And saw something moving in the waves onto the beach. It looked like a body. He went in for a closer look. 

Sean had gotten off his broom. It was a girl who was the same age as he was. Dark Hair, Ponytail, and ripped up and wet green robes. And he had a bad feeling about who it was. 

Nevertheless. Sean turned the body around revealed the face of Imelda Reyes all battered and bruised up. He got on his wand using Contactu. "I found her!" He informed as he dragged her body more onto the sand. 

An-ru and Kogawa landed near them. "Oh, God." Kogawa commented.

Sean checked Imelda's neck for a pulse. He found one. "She's still breathing." He said. 

"Stand back." Kogawa took out her own wand. "Enverate." She shot at Imelda.

Imelda opened up her eyes very slowly. Her body was moving slightly. "What... what happened?" She asked as she tried to stand up but was weak.

"Hey, try not to move so much." Sean told her. 

"Celt." Imelda grinned a little. "You're nothing if not full of surprises." And she tried getting up but her arms and legs felt like they got run over by a train. 

"Miss. Reyes. What happened?" Kogawa asked. 

"I... I got jumped, Madam Kogawa." Imelda revealed very reluctantly. "Quite embarrassing really." 

"Nothing's embarrassing about being jumped, Miss. Reyes." Kogawa replied. "Especially seeing as how you've been missing for 2 days." 

"2 DAYS!?" Imelda yelled. "It's February 12th. Isn't it?" She asked horrified.

"No. It isssss February 14." An-ru informed. 

"Oh no... the Quidditch Match with Gryffindor is tomorrow." Imelda complained. 

"Let's not worry about that right now, Miss. Reyes." Kogawa assured. "You were just jumped. I think for the sake of your own safety, that takes first and center stage. An-ru. Give her some water." 

An-ru had grabbed some water from the shore and started placing a healing like Magic on Imelda. "Sssssshe will be okay." He assured. 

"Who did this to you?" Sean asked Imelda.

"Ugh..." Imelda sat up a little. "I was... I was practicing my broom flying around the coast. And working on my technique. I was doing pretty good too. That's always been my... style. Training to be... to be the best... as I was finishing off..." 

2 Days Earlier. 

Imelda had just completed her stretch. With the Quidditch Season about to begin. Imelda would take this time to train herself. It was a bit far off from the castle. And evidently too far off for most classmates. She thought it was pathetic. And she would no doubt take her training seriously. Competitive also ran in her family. Given that her Grandfather played for Puddlemere United. And her Father had played as Chaser for Slytherin. But a curse to the knees from the Gryffindor Beater and POW! That was it. Imelda on the other hand. She fell in love with flying the first time she touched off the ground on a broom. And her plans to try out for her Favorite Team. The Holyhead Harpies after graduation. "I'll be sure to get accepted at this rate. I am my Father's girl after all." She said to herself. 

"Then he'll be sad to know that his little girl went back to him in a pine box instead of on a broom." A voice had suddenly interrupted. 

Imelda turned around to see Victor Rookwood and Theophilus Harlow standing behind her along with some Ashwinder Guards. "Victor Rookwood?" She asked horrified.

"Imelda Reyes, is it?" Rookwood asked. "I thought you looked familiar. Quite a distance from Hogwarts Castle. And on your own, too."  

"I'm... I'm just out here training for Quidditch." Imelda answered. "A bunch of the other students out here are cowards not to go this far." 

"Cowards? Or just smarter?" Harlow asked with a smirk. 

"Now, now, Theophilus." Rookwood insisted acting civilized. "Training for Quidditch, eh? Is that what you call this?" He asked Imelda. 

"Y-Yes. Nothing more." Imelda answered starting to stand back and take out her wand. 

But Rookwood and Harlow didn't believe Imelda. "You really thought that you could come into our territory whenever you fancied. And didn't think we would take notice of it?" Rookwood asked. 

Imelda pointed her wand. "I'm not intimidated by you and your little cronies, Rookwood." She said. 

"It's not us, you need to be worried about, sweetheart." Harlow smugly replied. Then he snapped his fingers.

Several Goblin Mechs had arrived. And it made Imelda's eyes widened. Two Mechs grabbed Imelda by the arms. "Hey! Let me go!" Imelda screamed. "This is not dignified!" 

"I'll take that." Rookwood grabbed Imelda's wand. 

"That's my wand." Imelda tried to get out the grip. "Give it back!" But she clearly saw that she was not in a position to make demands. "Just give me back my wand! And I swear I'll never come back here again. You won't see me anywhere on your turf. Honest." 

"Oh, we're past that point, my dear." Rookwood replied. "Children always seem to think that they can get away with whatever they fancy without consequence. Wouldn't be the first time either. And we also know about your little acquaintance with the Celt." 

"What about him?" Imelda asked. "He's a fairly decent Broom Rider if that's what your-" 

"Shut it!" Harlow ordered slapping Imelda's face. 

"Oh, I know all about the Celt and what he's good at. But he'll be dead soon enough." Rookwood replied.

"Dead?" Imelda asked wondering what Sean did to get at Rookwood and Harlow's bad side. 

"You on the other hand need to be taught a lesson, Miss Reyes." Rookwood declared. "Harlow!" 

Harlow had proceeded to shoot a basic cast on her in the stomach like Imelda had just taken a punch to the stomach. And all the Goblin Mechs proceeded to beating up and kicking Imelda down. And then tossing her towards the shore water. 

Back to the Present. 

"They took my wand... and as you can see... they did a pretty good number on me." Imelda informed. "I was prepared to fight against those Ashwinders or possibly evade them. But once those Metal things showed up. I figured that I was screwed." 

Kogawa transfigured up a stretcher for Imelda. "You're very lucky to be in one piece, Miss. Reyes. You could've died!" 

"Yeah. Message received." Imelda grunted in pain. 

"Do you know where Rookwood and Harlow are now?" Sean asked.

"No idea." Imelda answered. "It was two days ago. Not how I wanted to spend my Valentine's Day." 

"We'll take her to the Hospital Wing. She can get better there." Kogawa informed. 

But Sean knew that retreat was not an option. He could see another presence was around him. "An-ru. Go with Madam Kogawa and Imelda. I'll stay here." He whispered to An-ru.  

"You're not coming with ussssss?" An-ru asked.

"Later." Sean answered. "I need to see something first."  

And with that, An-ru, and Kogawa turned and took Imelda on a stretcher that she transfigured up for Imelda on her broom. Sean started to follow before immediately turning his back and staying at the shore where Kogawa's back was turned.  

Sean was left to deal with the sound of the surf and with the other presence. "Another life in danger because of me." He said.  

"You needn't blame yourself, Celt." The voice of Lodgok replied. 

And Sean turned to see Lodgok behind him. 

"I unfortunately arrived too late to help Miss. Reyes. The only thing I could do was fish her right to shore. Early in the Morning as the sun rose." Lodgok explained. 

"Well thanks for at least saving her, Lodgok." Sean replied. "Rookwood and Harlow aren't going to get away with this. I need to find out where they're hiding themselves. And then I'm going to kill them." 

"Don't bother." Lodgok told him. Which made Sean look at Lodgok. "I can tell you where Rookwood and Harlow went." 

"Where?" Sean asked. 

"They're at one of the Factories. Just north of here and to the East of the Lake. This one carries a Drill, a big one. Along with his Spider Driller Mechs. I intend to destroy it. I'm tired of reasoning with him. And... I may need your help." Lodgok said. 

"I'll help you." Sean declared. "But maybe we should wait and bring Sarah and An-ru with us-" 

"No, Sean! This has to happen now! If we delay then we-" Lodgok had suddenly interrupted. "Just come with me, okay." 

Sean seemed skeptical. But it appeared that he had no choice. If he wanted to appease Lodgok. "Alright. But I'm contacting An-ru before we go." He thought. And he quickly got on Contactu. "An-ru. It's Sean. I'm heading with Lodgok to check out a Mine where Ranrok is drilling. Head for The Northeast Shore of the Lake. There should be a Goblin Mine around your area." 

And with that, Sean had journeyed with Lodgok out to the entrance of the Mine. "Here we are." Lodgok informed. 

Sean looked at the entrance to the mine. It looked like the entrance to a Train Station. "No Guards." He noticed. "Seems odd." 

"I don't believe they want to attract attention." Lodgok assumed.  

Sean entered the tunnel. "Are you sure this is the right place, Lodgok?" He asked as he saw an entrance to his right that led into the entrance to the mine. 

"This place is hiding a dark secret, my Celtic friend." Lodgok informed. "It's always the places that you would not likely suspect that is always the last place to look." 

That made sense to Sean. The last time he attacked a mine, it was heavily guarded by Ranrok's Mechs. The more security it attracted, the more of a target the Mine made. But then again... there could possibly a whole army inside waiting for him or any other intruder to arrive for that matter. "We should do some recon first." Sean suggested.

"No time. We need to reach Ranrok now." Lodgok denied moving fast into the Mine. 

"What?" Sean asked in disbelief. "Lodgok. Wait." And Sean had to move fast if he wanted to keep pace..

The entrance to the mine started out as a typical cave entrance with rocks all around him. But the further Sean went into the mine, the more he realized how big it was inside. And very vast as he saw the Mine was similar in style like the last mine Sean had entered. Above him were Mine Cart Rails. It reminded him a lot of the entrance to Gringotts. But no sign of Lodgok. "The one Goblin who I actually want to keep pace with and he's too fast." He thought. 

But as Sean continued into the Mine. He could see at least 2 Mechs standing guard. He quickly casted Disillusionment on himself. And he hoped that the Mechs wouldn't take notice of him. And then he snuck from up behind them, blasting them both in the back with Confringo. And both Mechs blew up. "That's those two. But there's no sign of Lodgok." He looked around to see what appeared to be something locked in a massive cage. "What is that?" He asked. But that was when he saw Lodgok onside of what looked like a transport cart. And the Lodgok zoomed away on it. 

"Damn." Sean thought. But then another transport cart had appeared in front of Sean. "Nevermind." The rails had dislocated themselves allowing access for the cart to Sean. 

He got on the cart. Like he was riding a motorcycle. "What level, please?" A cool and calm voice above him asked. 

"Um..." Sean started to say. "Wherever Ranrok is..." 

The grates behind him had closed. And the cart pushed forward at incredible speed. "Woah!" Sean yelled. He moved past groups of caves, and networks of falls, and other factories containing Goblin Mechs. He couldn't really make out good looks of it. But he also passed some drills as well a Spider Mechs. Metal Grates were moving past him. And then moving up the rails like it was a roller coaster. 

"Hey! Who was on that cart?" A Goblin asked as Sean passed a group of Goblin Miners.

"Probably, just some Ashwinder on a Joy Ride." The other Goblin figured. "Humans are so oddly satisfied." 

Finally moving past some networks of more caves and tunnels, the cart had stopped. And it stopped hard. Banging and tossing Sean into a wall.  

"Oof!" Sean had grumbled trying to get back up. 

"Careful as you step outside the transport." The Voice informed.

"Shut up." Sean grumbled as he felt some pain in his chest. "I hope Lodgok came this way." He said to himself.

"He didn't." The Voice replied. "He went down another cave entrance as a matter of fact." 

"Then take me to him." Sean ordered.

"That's not going to happen now. One way only." The Voice replied as the steel grates shut completely into a sheet of metal. 

"Unbelievable." Sean commented annoyed. But he now found himself in an even deeper part of the factory. With pipelines, and carts above. As well as Goblin Mechs being moved on a conveyer belt above his head. "More Mechs." But he couldn't destroy them, not without letting Ranrok know that he was here. "Well, at least there's no guards in this area." He said as he continued walking down a hall. He saw a boiler to his right. And a pipeline that went to a floor above him. He shot a fireball at the fire below the boiler. The water above the boiler flowed through a pipeline that led to a switch next to a door.  "Okay... that's got the door open. Just got to get up there now." And he saw a path of stairs. "That way could work." And he walked up the stairs to his left. And a gap was also there. With a Metal lift that went forward and back. Sean shot Accio at the lift and then used Accio again to bring himself to the next hall. 

The next phase was going over a metal bridge. But this time, there were Guards. Both Goblins, and Mechs. Patrolling over the bridge. Sean took cover behind a brick wall. He casted Disillusionment on him. "There's too many to take down all at once." He thought. "I'll need to go into stealth mode this time. Not kill anybody." And he moved quickly and quietly as he passed through the Mechs and Guards as they took a turn. "Hm..." He looked around the room. There were at least three directions he could go. One down another Goblin Tunnel. Another tunnel had led to a ledge. And one more through a door behind a stone wall. That was when 2 Goblins had emerged from the door. 

"Ranrok's down there with the Spider Mechs." One Goblin reported to the others.

"Still?" A Goblin asked. "He spends way too much time down there. Makes you think if his brain is taking in rocks." 

"Oh, shut up. I need some Mushroom Tea." The other Goblin told him. And they walked. 

"Hm. If Ranrok's down there. Then that's where I'll go too." Sean figured. He walked through the other room opening the door and then closing it. 

"Hey! Did that door just open and close on its own?" A Goblin asked. 

"Must've been a shaft in the wind. Lot of steam blowing." Another Goblin figured. 

Sean closed the door, turning to the next hall. More Goblin Mechs moving down an assembly line. Next to him was another boiler. He lit that on fire. And that seemed to activate a shaft which went diagonally down. He got on and then went down. And moving down the long shaft to where he would go next. Goblin Mechs were right next to him. Not activated. "Where are they all going?" He asked. 

The shaft had suddenly stopped to the next floor. This area was now basically used for mining. Sean could now see Driller Mechs digging. As well as Goblins observing. Still too many for Sean to take on alone. If that had been anyone else. They would've killed others. Sean still had his Disillusionment Charm on him. "Let's not attract attention just yet." 

He quickly moved into the next room. And he shut the door behind him. There was only one Mech by a nearby Boiler. 

"Damn." Sean thought. He couldn't activate the boiler without attracting the Goblin Mech. And to attract the Goblin Mech, he would need to make noise. And making noise, would attract the other Goblins to his presence. But then it occurred to Sean. A Charm that could silence one room. And not attract noise from the outside. 

"Muffliato." He chanted around the room. He then got behind the Mech. Shooting a Fire ball at the back of the Mech's tanker, blowing it up.

"That worked." Sean grinned. But he didn't want to wait to attract attention. He casted Incendio of the boiler. A door had opened to an elevator. And the elevator had gone up. 

As the elevator went up though.. a thought had occurred to Sean. He hoped that Lodgok was okay wherever he was. He had run quite a distance. And Sean figured that he must've gone down another tunnel while Sean was stuck with going down the heavily guarded path. But then again. This was the path to Ranrok. He asked the lift to take him to Ranrok. So that's where he would go. 

And to think... Ranrok would be right in front of him. A new thought had suddenly occurred to him. 

If he could take down Ranrok. He could end this threat for good. There would be other stragglers and survivors of Ranrok's cause. But if they were deprived of his influence. It would only be a matter of time before they all faltered away. 

A new momentum had swung for him. His desire to bring Ranrok down. "I can end this for good. Then I can take down Rookwood and Harlow." It was all coming together for Sean. 

The lift had now reached its destination. Sean had run up a flight of stairs. 

Now entering a rocky part of the cavern. And he could hear the banding of pick axes, and drilling. He moved towards a massive open cave. And he was right. A whole batch of Goblin Mechs, Driller Mechs, and Goblin workers, all heavily armed were all there. 

Above, overlooking all projects was Ranrok himself. In his attire, and the Helm of Urtkot on his head. 

"Ranrok." Sean sneered. 

"Another Drill is complete! And more Mechs are built my brethren!" Ranrok had announced. "The Wizarding World will crumble." 

The Goblins were all cheering. And raising their fists up. The Mechs all saluted. And Sean could also see a Drill that was drilling to the surface.  

Sean would have to kill Ranrok first. And once that was done, he could take out the drill. He looked to see supports holding the weight of the ceiling. "Oh, yeah. That will do." But he looked now at Ranrok. His opponent through thick and thin. 

"Give me strength Father, Mother. And let me triumph over my enemies." Sean prayed. He then readied a Fire Spell aimed right at Ranrok. Then fired away.

But Ranrok could feel the heat of the fire from behind his face. And he got blasted into the cave wall. 

"What? What just happened to Ranrok?" One Goblin asked.

"This!" Sean answered and he blasted the Goblins back with Depulso and right into some of the Goblin Mechs Tankers blowing them up. 

But Sean didn't have time to waste. He needed to deal with Ranrok and finish the job. "And so it finally ends, Ranrok." He declared pointing his wand at Ranrok who was still on the ground. 

"Did you think your attack on my village would go unpunished? Did you think that I wouldn't avenge what you did? Well, you were wrong. One Celt of my clan still remains! Me! And now your day of doom has come." He declared.

"I don't think so!" Ranrok suddenly shouted and blasted Sean off of him and into a wall. 

Sean got back up from getting hid. Ranrok had now gotten up, and the remaining Goblin Mechs had walked up next to Ranrok. 

"You've got some balls to show up here, in my turf, Celt." Ranrok taunted. 

"Good. Now we're even!" Sean shot back as he pointed his wand at Ranrok.

"Either my security is getting worse... or you're far smarter than I give you credit for." Ranrok continued. "No matter. You're about to enter whatever afterlife you Celts believe in." He declared. 

"Not a chance, Ranrok!" Sean yelled. And he shot a massive Fire Blast right at Ranrok. 

But Ranrok had created a shield made of pure energy around him that saved him from the flames and then deflected it towards a wall. "Too slow!" He taunted. More Mechs all drew out their weapons. As well as the Spider Driller Mechs. 

Sean knew there was no choice now. He would have to fight. That was fine with him. 

"You've been the bane of my existance long enough, Celt! This ends now!" Ranrok declared as he sent in the Goblin Mechs first. 

One had run right at Sean and brought its axe down on Sean. But Sean had created Protego around. "Protego!" Sean shot and the axe bounced off the shield. "I'm getting better at that." He noted. 

But he would then have to dodge another axe that swung at Sean's neck. Sean had ducked and he then launched the Mech back into the rock wall. Crushing the tanker and blowing up the Mech. 

But he was struck by a gigantic shadow fist that came from Ranrok. He had used his Shadow Magic to create a massive shadow fist. "What? Did you really think that I'd send in the Mechs to fight by themselves?" Ranrok asked.

"I should've figured you'd play dirty." Sean answered. "Well, fine." He charged straight at Ranrok. 

Ranrok charged at him. 

Sean had went first blasting wind spells and then creating a fog around the area. Then launching fire at Ranrok. 

But Ranrok was prepared for that. He stood his ground against the wind blast. And then he also grabbed the fireballs with his hands and blasting them back at Sean.

Sean protected himself with an Ice Shield. Then he broke off the Ice Shield turning it into water, and then launching it right at Ranrok. 

"Argh!" Ranrok was knocked off his feet. But he quickly recovered, he then proceeded to run over, using his metal claws and enhancing with shadow magic making them bigger. Then using them to carry him right at Sean. He had launched himself right at Sean. 

But this time, it was Sean who was able to launch Ranrok back with Depulso. And right into one of the pillars that held the tunnel up. Ranrok was starting to get up. 

"Leviosa!" Sean shot at Ranrok making him float in the air. "Bombarda!" He shot at Ranrok. 

But a Goblin Mech had suddenly thrust itself in front of Ranrok, taking the hit and getting destroyed. Through the smoke, Ranrok struck at Sean again. His claw swiping right at where Sean's face was. Sean was however able to bring up a shield rather quickly. But all it could do was protect Sean's face. Right as soon as the claw made contact, the shield shattered and Sean was thrust back into another pillar. As hid body was thrust back. The Pillar fell down. 

"Gah!" Sean felt the pain in his back. But he still got up as his back stung all around. 

"Did you really think I wouldn't see you pulling out your Elemental Magic, Celt?! I saw everyone of your little spells when you fought my Super Mech!" Ranrok shouted. 

2 more Goblin Mechs charged at Sean. Both were coming at him. Sean had used his magic to teleport to another area to the side. The Mechs both chased after him. He looked to where was standing. Another Pillar. "Bombarda!" He shot bringing the pillar down. And then using Earth Magic to make the ceiling above collapse on the Goblin Mechs. Then he also used the Earth Magic to blast at Ranrok. 

"Oh... Crap." Ranrok commented as he quickly used his Shadow Magic to shatter every stone and rock that was launched at him. 

"That's a little something new!" Sean shot back. He then used his Earth Magic to cause the ground to crack underneath both him and Ranrok. And then using Fire to flood the cracks. "Time for hot feet!" 

"Woah! Woah!" Ranrok could feel his feet getting hot. And he was getting angry. "Enough out of you!" He blasted a massive Shadow Blast right at Sean.

Sean had dodged out of the way, and he slid to the right quickly using his wand to blast rapid magic missiles right at Ranrok. To which Ranrok had shielded using a Shadow Shield. 

However the Shadow Blast had hit the final remaining pillar. The Earth above had landed right on the Big Drill and causing it to be crushed and explode. The Drill stopped working. 

"My Drill!" Ranrok shouted. "You little insect! You're gonna pay for that!" He commanded his Driller Mechs to move forward and kill Sean. 

But Sean had created Earth Pillars which moved below the Mechs up and squished them right into the ceiling squashing them like bugs. "Looks like it's just you and me now!" Sean declared. 

"Looks that way doesn't it?" Ranrok asked. "But it changes nothing! You won't stop my plans to destroy the Wizarding World! Goblinkind will answer to no one!" 

But Sean shook his head. "I could care less about your politics. I just want you dead!" He blasted his Ancient Magic right at Ranrok and knocked him right into a wall and then blasted him with Lightning. And he charged ahead ready to strike and Ranrok and end it. 

"Finite Incantantem!" A voice had shouted knocking Sean to the ground from behind him. Sean sliding down on the dirt. He tumbled up to see more Goblin Mechs arrive. Almost 25 of them. Followed by more Goblin Warriors.  As well as Rookwood and his Ashwinder minions, several more heavily armored Poachers. 

Sean had gotten him up to his feet. He pointed his wand, but in all directions he was surrounded by wands, swords, axes, crossbows, and all sorts of other weapons. 

Rookwood grinned. "I'd say it's nice to see you again, Sean Cormag. But it's not." He greeted. 

"Rookwood." Sean sneered. "Where's your crony, Harlow?" He asked. 

"Not here." Rookwood answered. "He's attending to another matter." 

Sean looked all around him. Trying to find a way to get out of this. Nothing it seemed so far. Yet...

"Don't bother." Rookwood informed as he snapped his fingers for 2 Goblin Mechs with Lodgok in-between them to come forward. 

Lodgok was pushed right next to Sean. "Are you okay?" Sean asked.

"Argh." Lodgok grunted in pain. "I'll be fine." 

"Not for much longer." Rookwood grinned. "Nobody's that creative to get out of this mess. And... it would also be wise of you to stand down. Truly that Ravenclaw brain of yours understands this." 

Sean put his wand away. 

"Ah... Lodgok." Ranrok smirked. "Now it's a party." 

The Mechs all started to march forward.

"No." Ranrok ordered. "Leave him to me." 

The Mechs stood down. "So... have you come to make amends, little brother?" Ranrok asked. 

"What?" Sean asked in disbelief. Did he hear that right?

"I came to stop this, Ranrok." Lodgok answered as he held up a book. 

"And what's that in your hand?" Ranrok pressed.

Lodgok stood back trying to keep the book in his possession. But Ranrok made a motion to give it to him straightaway. 

"Mechs!" Ranrok ordered and they now approached Sean.

"Don't hurt him!" Lodgok insisted as he gave the book to his older brother. 

"What's with the book?" Sean asked. 

Ranrok ignored Sean as he opened up the book. He looked right at the contents, his eyes going wide. "It cannot be." And he slammed the book down hard. His eyes turning to that of anger. 

"What cannot be?" Rookwood asked just as confused as Sean was.

But Ranrok turned again to Lodgok. And in anger. "All this time. You knew. You knew where it was!" He accused. 

"Wait a second..." Sean said. "Bragbor's Journal." He realized.

And then Ranrok slammed Lodgok to the ground with a blast. 

"NO!" Lodgok yelled. 

"I'll never understand you, Lodgok. You're so Gullible. Always have been." Ranrok scolded. "That witch didn't consider you an equal. She, like all Wizardkind, sought only to use you." 

"Go to the Dubnos, Ranrok!" Sean sneered. The Dubnos being the Celtic version of Hell.  

"You're wrong!" Lodgok accused Ranrok. 

"The young ones are especially deceitful. They are cold ruthless animals, taught to hide their disgust for us as they exploit us." Ranrok went on. 

"Astonishing that our ancestors ever trusted each other." Rookwood commented. 

"You started it, Ranrok!" Sean pointed out. "You attacked my village and killed my parents." 

"Oh... that." Ranrok replied without a care in the world. But he then began to look at the journal. Him getting angry again.

"I meant to give it to you, Sean. I'm sorry." Lodgok apologized. 

"We'll discuss this later." Sean figured seeing as how this was not a good time to bring it up. 

"All this time..." Ranrok sneered. "Looking everywhere for the Final Repository- searching in vain for Bragbor's last journal! Wasting my time dealing with a Celt. And my little brother knew where it was all along." 

Sean took another look at Ranrok and Lodgok. And he realized that they did indeed look alike. Their facial structures, skin, suddenly, replace all the good things about Lodgok. And you would have a spitting image of Ranrok in Lodgok. "You two are brothers?" He asked. 

"Unfortunately...." Lodgok answered very ashamed. 

Rookwood just looked at the whole scene observing. 

"But now..." Ranrok suddenly said. "I don't need you." He then turned to Lodgok. "I don't need any of you! And to think, My Brother was helping a Surviving Celt!" 

"Uh... boss?" One of the Ashwinders asked. 

"Now... Ranrok. Let's be reasonable." Rookwood argued. Though he quickly started whispering to his Ashwinders. "First chance... take them out." 

"Which ones?" An Ashwinder asked.

"All of them." Rookwood answered.

"It had to be done, Ranrok." Lodgok suddenly said getting a burst of courage. "What you're doing... what you did... it's wrong!" 

"I was protecting our kind!" Ranrok shot back angry. "You heard the Seer just as well as I did! That a Celt would destroy everything we worked so hard to build!" 

"Huh?" Rookwood asked confused. "What Seer? You never mentioned a Seer, Ranrok." 

Sean then got flashbacks of his burning village. His parents screaming our for him. It had been over a full year since the destruction of his home. Since he was forced to come to Britain, to go to Hogwarts. And Ranrok was the cause of it all. "RUN!" 

Sean had turned his attention back to Ranrok. "What Seer?" He asked repeating Rookwood's question. 

"What?" Ranrok asked. But then he suddenly laughed. "You mean you didn't know, Celt?! Did my wretched brother not tell you?! Did he not tell you the truth?" 

"What are you saying? Is this why you attacked my village? Because a Seer told you so?!" Sean asked getting angry. 

"Not exactly..." Ranrok admitted his arms glowing a dangerous red. "But no matter. The truth can die with you both!" And he blasted it right at Lodgok blasting him into more Stone. A fatal shot right to the heart. 

"Lodgok!" Sean yelled. 

"And now that he's out of the way..." Ranrok glowed a dangerous red. "I can finish what I started a year ago. Your Father is dead. Your Mother is dead. Tonight the bloodline of Clan Cormag dies here! And I will take the power of the Repository and rule as King of the Goblins!" 

Sean readied a defense. But that was when Rookwood and the Ashwinders drew their wands at Ranrok. "Not so fast, Ranrok. The only King that will rule here is me." Rookwood declared. "But as a Wizard King. The first Wizard King in the British Isles since Uldred the Conqueror himself." 

"Wizard King?" Ranrok asked. "Don't make me laugh." 

"Oh, this is not a laugh, Ranrok." Rookwood smirked. "My House is that of the House Rookwood. We've lived in the Shadows of the other Houses for far too long. But now... they will fall. The Ministry will fall. Democracy had its chance-" 

"How about this instead?" Sean suggested as he suddenly struck his wand into the Earth. "I bury both Kings!" And with all of his might... the Ground all began to shake. As thousands and thousands of Rocks and other Stones were all dropped from the ground and falling on everyone. 

"You fool!" Ranrok yelled. 

Sean had quickly grabbed Lodgok on his back. "Bombarda!" He blasted at a Rock and moved to a quick escape that was right to his left. 

"Avada Kedavra!" Someone had shouted. Sean couldn't tell where it came from. It didn't matter though. He was out of there. He quickly found a Cart that could get him out. He put Lodgok on it. 

"Get us out of here!" Sean yelled. 

"Urgh..." Lodgok grumbled in pain.

"Lodgok..." Sean sighed placing a hand on Lodgok. "Stay with me." And they both started to zoom out of there right as the Tunnels all started collapsing. Sean could also hear explosions all around him. 

And then the rails had snapped from behind him. "Come on... Come on!" Sean yelled as the cart moved as fast as it could. 

"Urgh..." Lodgok has said.

"We're almost out-" Sean tried to say. But another explosion happened right in front of Sean. The Cart had stopped moving. And then began slowing down and falling back. "No..." 

To make matters worse, the rails in front of Sean all collapsed under rock and earth. Even if he could cast Reparo, he would still have to move all of that rock. But another problem was beginning. He was falling back down. 

"No! No! No! No! NO!" Sean had yelled as cave wall was falling down upon him. He quickly grabbed Lodgok to try and shield him, and he closed his eyes. And then... just like that... he was saved as he was placed in what felt like a darkness and tightness of air closing in on him. He was apparating himself and Lodgok out of the Cave. 

Sean's body had now touched solid ground. Sand and Water now splashed at him. He felt numb, and he struggled to pick himself up. He wasn't splinched which was a miracle on itself. 

"Spirits curse me." He looked around. There was sunlight now, and it was setting. But Sean couldn't admire it. "Where's Lodgok?" He looked around looking for his Goblin ally. And he found Lodgok lying on the sand. And murmuring in pain.  

"Lodgok!" Sean yelled limping over to him. He had to put healing magic on the Goblin and fast. 

"No..." Lodgok stopped Sean as he coughed. "No. It's too late... You can't... you can't heal me now. Sean Cormag... Celt... Listen to me. There is not much time. You need to hear." He coughed again. "You need to understand." 

"Understand what?" Sean asked. "And what were you and Ranrok talking about when you mentioned a Seer?"

"That is what we need to discuss..." Lodgok coughed again. "Ranrok and I were... we were brothers. We grew up as Second Class Citizens to Witches and Wizards. All of our lives. Ranrok, wanted to change things. At first they were for the better. He tried to make contact with some Wizards by returning a wand. He hoped to establish friendly relations. The effort did not go as planned." 

Sean remembered that story from rescuing the Uncle of Adelaide Oakes back earlier in the year. 

"So... Ranrok..." Lodgok continued. "He decided that the only way to get Goblinkind their future, was by bringing in a new era by tampering with the Ancient Magic of the Keepers. He searched in vain for the Journal of our Ancestor, Bragbor... who had delivered stores of Goblin Silver to give to Isidora Morganach. He would use that power on your kind. Consumed by power and madness. The more he searched, the more desperate he became, the more desperate he became, the more power he collected, the more power he collected, the more he sought, the more he sought, the more fanatical he became. At one point, he kidnapped a Seer from her home. He demanded to know what the future would bring."  He coughed in between. 

Sean shook his head. Power corrupted, absolute power corrupted absolutely. "And what did the Seer say? Did it involve... did it involve my people?" He asked. 

"It did." Lodgok answered. "The Seer warned Ranrok that she had seen his death. A Celt. A Druid of Ireland would rise to stop him. The True 5th Eagle. Ranrok was determined to change his fate. Determined to prove the Seer wrong. But I don't believe even the Seer could predict what he would do next." 

Sean knew where this was going. "He attacked my Village. He killed my Mother and Father." 

"Personally." Lodgok added. "And I know... because... I was there when it happened." 

Sean's eyes widened. His thoughts drifted back to the village. All on fire. Fire all around him. And he grew angry. Very angry.  

"I tried to reason with Ranrok. But he was consumed by the flames of war. And for that, I am truly sorry, Sean. Yes. I lied to you." Lodgok coughed again. "Your anger for Goblins is something I understand, Sean." 

"Hrrrrr." Sean hissed in anger. "You should've fought harder. You should've stopped him!" He yelled.

"I know. And that will always be my greatest regret." Lodgok admitted coughing again as he looked at Sean. "Sean..." He coughed harder. "Don't let... don't let Ranrok destroy any more innocent lives. You need to... you need to save Hogwarts, Save Britain... they..." He coughed again. "They need you... The 5th... Eagle."

And then Lodgok lied still. Very still, the light had left his body. His body fell numb. And he fell dead. 

Sean breathed in heavy. Trying to find his balance between anger, frustration, sadness, desperation. Sean felt all of those things in that moment. And he fell to his knees. He then heard the hissing of a Lizard. And the flapping sound of a Thestral. Sean had his back turned. He didn't see the An-ru behind him. Nor the Thestral that An-ru had ridden on.

"Sssssssean! There you are!" An-ru yelled running up. "There wasssssss an explossssian at the Mountain!" 

Sean didn't answer. He didn't look. 

"Sssssso..." An-ru went on. "I... wassssss able to track your movementsssss knowing your sssssscent. I got on a Thessssstral and we found you here." 

Sean again did not answer, nor did he look at An-ru. 

An-ru realized that something was wrong. "What happened to Lodgok?" He asked.

Sean just looked at the dead Goblin. And remained silent.

"Sssssean?" An-ru asked. 

Sean suddenly stood up. And he took the body of Lodgok in his arms. He walked past a stunned An-ru. "He drinks with the dead." 

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