Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?

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By timbegs

Taking away pain from a person. The Portrait of Isidora refusing to be shown. The Triptych scattered all throughout the Hogwarts area. Why were the Keepers not telling him? What would he find? 

These were questions that ran all throughout Sean's head. And he needed to ask them fast before Sebastian turned to Dark Magic from which there would be no return. He ran down the hall and down the stairs to the Keepers Room. Only to find the entrance to the door locked. 

"What?" Sean asked in disbelief. "Locked!" And he banged on the door. 

"You won't have much luck with that I'm afraid, Sean." Fig informed behind him. 

"Professor Fig. What's going on? Why can't I get inside?" Sean asked.

"Professor Bakar believed that he and the other Keepers needed time to decide if you should see the final memory... alone." Fig answered. "I tried my best to convince them that you were worthy... but... they would hear none of it." 

"Damnit." Sean grunted. "I really needed to talk to them about something important. Professor. I found another memory." 

"Another memory of the Keepers? Without a Trial?" Fig asked in disbelief. "And what happened to Miss. Parker and An-ru?" 

"Okay. To answer your questions in order... Yes. Yes. And as for Sarah and An-ru, they traversed up to the Room of Requirement to see something after we saw the memory." Sean answered.

"Then what happened in the memory you saw?" Fig asked.

"It was the same memory that I saw in Rookwood's Trial. Except, this time was different. It was Isidora's Memory. I found a Triptych and placed the pieces together and it formed a portrait." Sean explained. 

"A memory of Isidora Morganach." Fig realized. "Did you see her in the Portrait?" 

"No. There wasn't a person inside the portrait at all. It was empty." Sean answered. 

"An empty portrait? Why?" Fig asked.

"I can only guess that the Keepers wanted to keep Isidora quiet. There's more to this story other than the Professors simply disagreeing with Isidora taking away pain." Sean informed. 

"I agree with you on that one, Sean." Fig agreed. "And I bet the final memory will show what really happened. In the memory that you saw... what was... different?" He asked. 

"Well, Isidora took away her Father's pain and placed the magic in a jar. This memory showed me how she did it. She used Goblin Silver. From a Goblin trader named Bragbor." Sean explained. 

"Bragbor?" Fig asked surprised. "That's a well known name. He was one of the most famous Goblin Metal Workers and Traders in the Middle Ages." 

"Yes. And Isidora contacted him about needing a stash of Goblin Silver. Something to contain all the magic that Isidora was storing. Something... much bigger. She didn't tell him why, and what for. Only that it would contain the power until Isidora could convince the Keepers of the power." Sean continued. "Like..." It had now clicked for him. "The Repository at Rookwood's Castle!" 

"That's what Bragbor built for Isidora?" Fig asked. "No wonder Ranrok wants it back so badly. Goblins built the Repository, and Ranrok would want it back due to the oath of the Goblins." He realized. "But if that Repository at Rookwood's Castle was already found, why would he keep drilling for more?" 

"There's another Repository. Even bigger than the one we already saw. We just... don't know where it is. Neither of us." Sean answered. 

"Well, then I guess we'll have to keep our eyes open for any more movement. And beat Ranrok to the Repository." Fig declared. And he looked at Sean. "Sean. Maybe you should go up and get some shut eye. You look exhausted." 

"I'm fine. All I did was trek up a mountain. It's not like I fought the Balor." Sean assured.

"Yes, but you're still a human being." Fig pointed out. "Take this time to rest." 

Sean sighed. "Okay..." He said. "Maybe I will take a rest." He admitted. But before he did, he suddenly stopped. "Professor?" He asked.

"Yes, Sean?" Fig asked.

But Sean decided that now was not the best time to ask this question. He could ask it tomorrow. "Nevermind." He said. And he went up to bed. 

Meanwhile, An-ru was flipping out books from the Room of Requirement. "For a Room that givesssss the perssssson what it needssssss, I can't ssssssseem to find what I'm looking for right away." He hissed. 

"An-ru... just relax." Sarah tried to say as she dodged another book that was falling down. "What are you looking for anyway?" 

"When I sssssaw what that woman did, Ssssssarah..." An-ru started. "It wassssss not natural. It wasssss familiar. To remove an emotion like pain like that. Or any other Emotion for that matter." 

"Where are you going with this?" Sarah asked.

"Isssssssidora removed her Father'sssssssss pain, true. But I have a theory that in doing ssssso... ssssshe alsssssso removed the love her Father had for the child. One doessssss not remove pain without removing love. Love and Pain are linked together. The more pain you feel. The more you remember the love you once had. One cannot exisssst without the other." An-ru answered. He finally took a look at one book. "Here it isssssss." And he slid down the ladder back to the surface. 

Sarah took a look at the book. "The Book of Tranquility?" She asked looking at the blue book with silver linings and etched in silver. 

"The Book of Tranquility?" Sean asked looking at the book as he saw with An-ru and Sarah at breakfast the following morning. "Why would you grab this?" 

"An-ru seems to be under the impression that this book of Tranquility and Isidora taking away pain are linked." Sarah answered. 

"Hm." Sean had looked over the book. Tranquility meant to be at peace. Though... he remembered his Clan from many years ago strictly forbidding the practice of Tranquility. He didn't know why. All he was told was that it was banned and for good reason. Whenever Sean asked. The subject was changed. He meant to ask Professor Fig about this the other night, as he was a Magical Theory Teacher. But this book could do the job just as well. And Sean opened the book. And he read the lines. 'The Art of removing Emotion.' 'A life of peace.' 'Only to think Logical.' Sean kept reading and reading. Getting so lost in the book.

"What have you got there?" Sean heard a voice above him as he slammed his head on the book.

Sean looked up to see Natty above him. "Natty? Oh, sorry. Just reading... a book." He explained. "And getting lost in it." 

"Typical Ravenclaw to bury yourself in books." Natty chuckled. "So what kind is it?" She asked. 

Sean showed off the cover. "The Book of Tranquility?" Natty asked confused. "Why would you want to know that?" 

"There's been something on my mind, Natty. Do you know this type of Magic?" Sean explained.

"Of course." Natty confirmed. "It is a practice that is used by the Shaman of Africa. But... it is not a practice to take for granted. Why do you ask?" 

"What would happen is someone were to remove an emotion? Like pain? Emotional pain after a loved one has been lost?" Sean asked. 

"To remove an emotion from a person is to make them a Tranquil." Natty answered.

"A Tranquil?" Sarah asked. "I've never heard of that before." 

"It is a...... not so much as a Dark Art. Though, I wouldn't put it past the Ministry here to call it so." Natty said trying to find the right words. "But it is very dangerous to practice. It is why only the oldest and wisest Shaman practice it in Africa. And only for them alone. And used in extreme cases." 

"Why is that?" Sean asked. 

"Becoming a Tranquil is to remove emotions. It starts with one emotion, but if not controlled. It can find itself expanding to other ones as well." Natty answered. 

"Does it have to be pain or any other emotion?" An-ru asked. 

"It can be all kinds..." Natty answered. "Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Courage, Shyness, Pain. You name it. For example, you remove an emotion like pain from someone after they have endured a loss of a loved one for instance. If left unchecked and uncontrolled, the act of Tranquility spreads to all of the person and eventually all emotions are expunged, and the person becomes like a lifeless Zombie." 

"All Emotion?" Sean asked in disbelief. 

"All Emotion." Natty answered. "The body is still there. As is the soul. But it is a lifeless soul. The African Shaman only use it on the worse of the worse criminals. Rather than throw them in Azkaban. They turn those into Tranquil. Void of all emotion. You would live but you would forget how to live." 

Sean's eyes widened. An-ru and Sarah were thinking the same thing he was. Shock and fear. 

Natty sighed. "I've never had the need to use Tranquility. Even after Father died. I still never wanted it." She informed. 

"How did your Father die?" Sean asked.

"Sean." Sarah hissed fearing that it would incense Natty.

"It's alright, Sarah." Natty assured. But then she explained herself to Sean. "It was a beautiful day. My Mother had gone to tend to a neighbor who was ill. So my Father and I galloped all over the Savannah."  

"Your Father was also an Animagus?" Sean asked. 

"He could become the most majestic giraffe- and he would carry me on his back, my arms around his neck. We were on our way home when we surprised a group of British Bandits who had robbed our village. One of them saw me just as he removed a scarf from his face. He shouted and then aimed his rifle." Natty explained. 

"He didn't want you to identify him." Sean realized. 

"Yes." Natty nodded sadly. "In an instant, my Father bowed his neck to protect me and was hit. As he fell, my Father changed back into his human form. When the bandits saw this, they turned and ran in fear. Magic terrified them. They were Muggles, you see. But my Father, my Father was gone. And it was all my fault." 

Sarah covered her mouth with her hand in sadness. Sean just stayed there in silence. While An-ru had crossed his arms. "I'm sorry." Sean said. "But how was it... your fault?" He asked. 

"He died protecting me. If I had been capable of protecting myself, he would still be alive today." Natty answered. "My Mother and I tried to go on without him, but it became too much for us here. And without my Father to ease the tensions between the British and my own people, my Mother and I moved to Scotland. And Mother accepted a teaching job as the Divinations Professor." And then she looked beyond the students sitting down. "That's why I don't erase my pain, Sean. That's why I don't go the way of Tranquility. So I can protect those who are not yet capable of protecting themselves. And being capable of defending myself. If I let it go. What would I have to fight for? Men like Harlow. They won't show mercy. And I am capable of defending myself. That is what I will do. My Father and my Mother raised me to believe that it is a privilege to be able to fight for those who cannot. I'm glad that you understand, Sean." 

"I do." Sean confirmed. "My Father once explained to me that it is the duty of the Chief to protect his clan. To Guide, to Lead, to Protect. So that's what I'll do. And it's why I plan to avenge my Father, avenge my Mother, and kill Ranrok. Oh... and I also plan on bringing Harlow and Rookwood down as well." 

"On that final front. We are of the same mind." Natty replied. "Speaking of which, did you know that people have been talking about you since you've saved me?" She asked.

"No, and I don't care." Sean answered. "I don't seek out the spotlight and I don't seek out fame." 

"So humble." Natty nodded her head. 

"Natty... how does your Mother feel about all of this?" Sarah asked. 

"Well, she worries a great deal. She is an excellent Seer. But I think it bothers her to this day that she did not see my Father's death coming." Natty answered. "She misses him, as do I. So I believe on some level she understands my need to seek justice in a small way." She then smirked up to Sean. "But that doesn't mean that she likes it." 

Sean chuckled. But then he got back to his senses again. "You must miss him, don't you?" He asked.

"Yes. He was truly extraordinary." Natty answered. "And thank you for your kind words. We all have our burdens. Rain does not fall on one roof alone. My Father once said that. But soon, you and I will put an end to the Ashwinders, beginning with Harlow. And once he is gone. We will turn our attention to Rookwood. We are making progress, and we will succeed." 

"Yes. We will succeed." Sean agreed letting Natty take her leave. 

"Well, Sean. I'll stand by you and do everything I can to help you take down Harlow." Sarah declared. "And we don't need Tranquility to ease our pain. Not like the way that Isidora evidently did." 

"Thank you, Sarah." Sean thanked. 

"I'll fight with you, Sssssean." An-ru added. 

The day continued much like this. Taking classes, more work, more lessons. And Sean had mastered spells such as Accio, Depulso, Flipendo, and the other Transfiguration Spells. He had been a quick study. Even if his mind was now shifted to stopping Ranrok and his loyalists. Not caring at all about O.W.Ls because he would be damned if he worked for an incompetent Ministry. 

At the end of studying the properties of a Niffler during Care of Magical Beasts class, Sean had walked out. 

"You okay there, Ominis?" Sean asked Ominis.

Ominis was limping. "I'm... I'm fine, Sean..." He assured.

"I warned you that leaving out a shiny metal chain by your pants pocket was a bad idea to do in front of Nifflers." Sean said.

"Well, I didn't know that it was shiny. I don't know what is Shiny and what isn't. I'm blind." Ominis reminded pointing to his eyes. 

"Where is Sebastian anyway?" Sarah asked. "I didn't see him at all during Class. Come to think of it. He wasn't in any of the classes." 

Sean had noticed that as well. He never saw Sebastian even once. 

"He's probably down in the Undercroft again." Ominis figured. "He's getting even more desperate with trying to find a way to cure Anne. I received an Owl from her 2 days ago." 

"You read it?" Sarah asked.

"No." Ominis answered. "Since I can't read, I have this little spell that helps me hear the words instead of reading it." 

"Oh, right. Sorry, Ominis." Sarah apologized.

"It's quite alright." Ominis assured. 

"How long does she... how long does Anne have?" Sean asked. 

Ominis took a deep breath. "Until June at the most." He answered.

Sean was afraid that Ominis would say that. "No wonder Sebastian is getting desperate. I tried to ask the Keepers about a cure for Anne... but... they've shut themselves out until further notice." Sean informed. 

"I fear that Sebastian's going to turn to Dark Magic to cure Anne. He's already used 2 Unforgivable Curses as is." Ominis said. "I just hope he doesn't go as far as to use something even worse." 

Sarah gulped. "What could be worse than the Unforgivable Curses?" She asked. 

"An Ancient Dark Magic known as Blood Magic. Magic powered by Blood." Ominis answered. 

"Blood Magic?" Sarah asked.

"It isssss a rare and powerful Dark Art." An-ru answered. "Many Humanssssss usssssed them to conquer and enssssssslave my people in my home land." 

"But what is it specifically?" Sarah asked. 

Sean being a member of the Celtic Clans knew all about Blood Magic. It was one of the most evil forms of Magic. "Blood Magic is a dangerous type of Magic, Sarah. It taps into using blood to fuel powerful magic. Usually by Murder. It's always used for Dark purposes. The more Blood you use, the more powerful the spell becomes.  The use of blood magic often allows a Wizard to cast spells that would otherwise be beyond the abilities of any wizard. With a price of course." He explained. "It all goes back to power. Greed, and that can lead to suffering, pain, and violence." 

"Sean is right, Sarah." Ominis agreed. "The use of Blood Magic is enough to initiate the Death Penalty according to the Wizengamot." 

"Does Sebastian know how to use Blood Magic?" Sean asked nervously.

"I don't believe so, no." Ominis answered. "Thank God. Now then... I should be off. Sarah, An-ru." And he left. 

Things were going from bad to worse. "Sean. What are we going to do?" Sarah asked. She couldn't stomach all that was happening. 

"I don't know... I need to get to the Keepers as soon as possible. I need to speak to them about Anne." Sean answered. "And... get the final memory and whatever they're guarding before Ranrok does." 

"Excuse me, Sean?" Poppy asked walking up. But then she stopped when she noticed him, Sarah, and An-ru all talking together. And An-ru was fiddling something in his pocket. But Poppy didn't say a word. "Is... is this a bad time?" She asked. 

"What is it, Poppy?" Sean asked.

"Well, you remember when I said that I would look in the Library for anything about the Golden Snidgets?" Poppy asked. "And Moonstones?"  

"Yeah. Did you find anything?" Sean asked. 

"It took a few hours and some eye-watering maps, but I think I was able to find the cave that Dorran told us about." Poppy admitted.

"Nice work, Poppy." Sean said. Happy to have finally received some good news. Especially with how little information Dorran gave him and Poppy. 

"Well, I'm still not sure of the cave. But it did seem the most promising." Poppy admitted. "I also stumbled across some folklore about a cave in the area that people avoid. Seemed the perfect place to hide something of value. It's a bit of a leap, I confess. But might a mysterious item such as a special moonstone be hidden in an equally mysterious cave?" 

"It's certainly possible." Sean answered. 

"I just think that I'm desperate for anything at this point." Poppy confessed. 

"Why do people avoid the cave?" Sean asked. 

"Ridiculous really. Or... if we were to encounter a boggart, Riddikulus." Poppy joked at that. "Okay... moving on... Rumor is that the cave drove people mad. I couldn't find any account by someone who had been in that cave, though." 

"So either it's a rumor- or anyone who went in wasn't in any state to speak of it afterwards?" Sean asked.

"Exactly." Poppy answered. 

"Then I think it's high time we investigate that cave." Sean figured.

"Agreed." Poppy agreed. 

"An-ru? You in?" Sean asked. 

"In." An-ru answered. 

"So am I. I'm out there with you guys this time." Sarah said not hesitant. 

"I'll take you to the cave now. Follow me." Poppy ran for the cave. 

"After you..." An-ru insisted to Sean.

"Way to bring up the support, An-ru." Sean sarcastically commented. 

Sean, Sarah, An-ru, and Poppy had reached the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. And into a cave that would lead to the Moonstone Garden. 

At first glance the Cave itself looked like another man made Catacomb. Except for the Sunlight that had shown from the ceiling. There was silence all around them. "You don't think the rumors about the cave are true, do you, Poppy?" Sarah asked. 

"I suppose we'll find out, won't we?" Poppy asked. 

"Well, Sarah. Look at it this way. If you hear a strange and screaming sound coming from your mouth without realizing it... that means you're going mad." Sean informed. 

Sarah just looked at Sean in bewilderment. "How much time are you spending with Sebastian?" She asked.

"Enough to know that he probably bothered you with questions like that." Sean answered as he blasted open a door to another room. The door had led to another Catacomb area that was filled with green weeds and sunlight. "At least this is a nice change of pace compared to darkness and despair." He commented. 

"I bet this is where we'll find the Snidgets. They don't like being in enclosed dark and damp spaces for long periods of time." Poppy figured. 

An-ru looked around at a bit of a green bush. It was rattling. There was something inside of it. And it looked like it had red eyes, and lashing out a giant tongue. Right at Sean and Sarah. "Look out!" He yelled. And he pushed Sean and Sarah out of the way.

The Cottongrass Dugbog had latched at An-ru and grabbed him in the air whirling him around. 

"An-ru!" Sean got up.

"It's another aggressive one!" Poppy shouted.

"Get off me!" An-ru yelled as his wand was thrown out of his hand. 

"Sarah! Get him out of that!" Sean ordered. 

Sarah was trying to get a clean shot at the Dugbog. "Diffindo!" She shot. But it hit the tongue and sliced off the Dugbog's tongue and An-ru fell down. 

"Incendio!" Sean shot fire right at the Dugbog burning it to death. 

"Thank you." An-ru thanked as Poppy got the tongue off of An-ru. 

"What is going on with these Dugbogs?" Poppy asked. 

"I don't know. I'm not a Magizoologist." Sean answered. "Accio." He pulled the doors to another room open. "But from the look of things. I reckon that he was hungry." 

"Yeah? Well, then the appetite for Lizard Folk here mussssst be... big!" An-ru declared angrily as he kicked the Dugbog.

They ran down another stone hall that all lit up torches. This next hall was circular. And a flock of purple like Birds had flown into the room and towards a tree in the center of another room. And also singing. 

"Fwoopers!" Poppy realized. 

"Excuse me?" Sean asked. 

"The Creatures. Fwoopers." Poppy clarified. "This must be how the rumor about the cave started. The Fwooper's song is said to drive anyone who hears it mad. If the Moonstone is here and so are Fwoopers, then it must be being protected." 

"By the Fwoopers?" Sarah asked.

"That would be my guess, Sarah." Poppy answered.

"At least we'll have an advantage of knowing what we're up against." Sean pointed out. "Poppy? Any chance that we have something that won't drive us mad?" 

"Hm." Poppy thought. "As a matter of fact, yes." She answered. "Here." And she landed out a charm on her friends ears. "This'll protect us from the effects of the Fwooper songs." 

"Nice thinking." Sean commented.

"It was your idea, Sean." Poppy said. 

The next hall they entered was lined up with more blocks that could be moved with Accio. And a grated door.

"Hm... that's new." Sean noted. 

"Why am I not surprised?" Poppy asked. "First the Fwoopers and now this." 

"This is no problem. It's better than encountering a living corpse like I encountered when getting the Helm of Urtkot." Sean assured. 

"Sean! Look!" Sarah pointed to what appeared to be a Butterfly Statue on the side of the Gate.

"A Butterfly Statue." Sean said. 

"How do we ssssssolve it?" An-ru asked.

"We need to find Metal Butterflies and place them on the statues.

"And how do we do that?" Poppy asked.

"Like this." Sean matched up a couple of the gates using Accio. One wall had fallen down to reveal a Butterfly Pedestal just waiting there.

"How did you know there would be a butterfly behind that one wall?" Sarah asked.

"Um... Celtic Instincts." Sean answered.

"You guessed." Poppy smirked.

"Okay. I guessed." Sean admitted. And he casted Lumos for the butterfly and placed it on the turning pedestal. 

"There's another door over there." Poppy pointed.

"I'll get it." An-ru said matching up the symbols with that on the door. The door opened and revealed another butterfly. Which Sean placed on the other pedestal. 

"Okay... so now what?" Sarah asked. "Shouldn't the grates have opened?" 

"No. There's another step to this." Sean answered. "Hm..." He had to think back to how he solved this type of puzzle the first time. He had done it with Depulso. "I remember now! We have to use Depulso to turn the Statues. The grates should open." He figured. 

"Okay. Let's try it." Sarah figured. "Same time." 

And she and Sean both launched Depulso at the same time. If Sean had done it alone, he would've had to use Arresto Momentum to hold one open while he dealt with the other one. 

But both grates were opening. "It's working!" Poppy exclaimed. 

And the grates had opened to another room. "Open Sesame." Sean commented. 

Only to open to another room with another puzzle. A gap where a bridge should've been. "Another Obstacle." Poppy realized. 

"No matter. We can deal with this easily." Sarah assured. "Now we just need to find more Iron Butterflies." 

"Well, I think we might be able to sssssstart with thisssss." An-ru suggested as he grabbed one of the butterflies from the other room. Casted Lumos and ran over the side to a Butterfly Pedestal. Sean saw another Butterfly pedestal to his left side. He got the other butterfly from the other room and placed it on the pedestal. He shot Depulso with it creating a bridge. 

"Ladies first." Sean insisted.

"Then what doessssss thisssssss do?" An-ru asked as he shot Depulso at the pedestal right next to him. 

Right next to the bridge, as Sarah and Poppy ran over, was a platform that raised a third Butterfly. "I've got it." Poppy said as she casted Lumos over the butterfly flocking it next to her. She casted it to a butterfly door with 3 empty slots. The first Butterfly locked in place. 

"I've got this one." Sean assured running over with the second butterfly. And locking it into place. 

"Catch!" An-ru tossed his wand still lit with Lumos over to Poppy. The Butterfly followed the light. And then An-ru jumped up with a summersault. "Thank you." And then he placed the third Butterfly in the third slot. 

The door had opened. And into a circular room that only led into one direction. With a Dugbog waiting. And it looked very aggressive.

"I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this again." Poppy commented. 

"So did I, Poppy." Sean agreed.

"Sean! There's a Jar of Oil." Sarah pointed out next to her.

"I've got it." Sean aid as he lit up the jar. And he threw it at the Dugbog killing it. 

The floor had led out to a flooded room. Filled with water. "Dead End?" Sarah asked disappointed.

"No." Sean answered as he looked over to the bubbling water in the corner of the room. 

"How odd that the water's bubbling." Poppy commented. 

"That would be a water tunnel." An-ru informed. "I believe that if we travel through it, it might lead to the next area." 

"You sure?" Sean asked.

"There issssss only one way to find out." An-ru answered. And he jumped right into the water. 

Poppy and Sarah removed their School Cloaks and jumped into the water. Sean kept his Dragon Cloak on with him. And then pulled up a bubblehead charm on his face then headed into the water. "You'll need to use the Bubblehead Charm, Sarah." Poppy informed as she pulled her own bubblehead charm on herself. 

"Right." Sarah said as she casted the charm on herself. "How come An-ru-" 

"He's a Lizard Folk, Sarah. He can breathe underwater." Poppy informed. 

"Right then." Sarah said as they all swam through the water. And through a series of tunnels. 

An-ru took point. His swimming was more natural then the others. He rose up his head as he found a water cave into another section. Sean, Poppy and Sarah all stuck their heads out. "You okay?" An-ru asked.

"Yeah. We're fine." Sean answered. 

"Thisssss way." An-ru insisted taking in the long stroke. 

Finally after a bit of a swim... they had finally reached their destination. A tree on top of a rock hill. The sun shining through it. Like it was an oasis in an otherwise dark cave. 

"Merlin. It's even more beautiful close up." Poppy commented as she walked up. 

Sean also could see a waterfall to his left. It almost made everything peaceful in that moment. 

"You know, given what Fwoopers are known to do. I never thought I'd be so happy to see this many of them." Poppy added. 

"Good thing for those charms you gave us." Sean said. 

"I was also thinking how it's proof that the Poachers haven't been here- assuming this is where the Moonstone is." Poppy replied. "Which means we're one step ahead of them." 

Sean had climbed up the rock hill to the base of the tree. And he could see something glowing inside the tree trunk. Glowing bright blue like it was a precious gemstone. He picked it up. "This is it. This is the Moonstone." He realized.

Sarah looked at it in awe. And so did Poppy. 

An-ru was looking at the tree. "Jusssssst like the sssssacred Hissss Tree." He said. 

"Well, Poppy. You were right about this cave." Sean said. "Nice work." 

"A good thing too. We need every advantage over the Poachers if we're to get the Snidgets first." Poppy replied. 

Sean had noticed that Poppy was now looking more radiating in the sunlight. And her words becoming even more blurred. Until An-ru snapped his fingers. 

"Huh. What?" Sean asked. 

"Are you okay, Sean?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah. Sorry. Got... got distracted is all." Sean said. "You were saying, Poppy?" 

"What was I saying?" Poppy asked. 

"The Poacherssssss and the Ssssssnidgetssssss." An-ru recapped.

"Oh, yeah. That." Poppy blushed a little bit while looking at Sean. He looked rather handsome in the light as well. "We should do as Dorran suggested and bring the Moonstone to the henge." 

"Then shall we?" Sean asked. 

"We shall." Poppy answered. "If we leave now, we should make it there by nightfall." 

"Then we leave now." Sean replied. "Come on. Let's go." 

It was nightfall by the time that Sean, Poppy, Sarah, and An-ru had made it to the henge. All covered in Snow as the snow was falling. Sarah and Poppy shivering as they had left their cloaks behind. An-ru just warmed himself up with fire magic. Same with Sean. An-ru also transfigured up a cloak for Sarah.

"Here. You can use mine, Poppy." Sean gave his Dragon Cloak over to Poppy. 

Poppy felt herself feeling much warmer now. "Sean... th-thank you." She thanked. "But what about you?" 

"I'll be fine." Sean assured. "We Celts are warm blooded. Very warm blooded. Especially in Winter Time." 

"That's nice." Poppy smiled. Her beaming at Sean. "And over here is the henge. Precisely where Dorran said it would be. But now that we're here. I'm not entirely sure how to feel. Well, other than cold." 

"In what way?" Sarah asked.

"We knew we were at the cave for the moonstone, but Dorran didn't tell Sean and I what to expect when we placed the stone in the henge." Poppy answered.  

"Whatever it issssss. It had better do with Ssssssnidgetssssss." An-ru hissed. 

"The clock is ticking in that regard, isn't it?" Poppy asked. "Let's make our way down. We're nearly at the end of this." 

The four had journeyed down to a stone henge. "How's your Gran doing by the way?" Sean asked Poppy. 

"Nothing keeps Gran down. She set up a Caterwauling Charm and threatened to make a coat out of the next Poacher that set foot on her doorstep. See how they like it." Poppy answered. "But I still feel terrible that I'm the reason they went there." 

"That wasn't your fault, Poppy." Sean tried to reassure. "Stop blaming yourself for what happened." 

"I'm sure your Gran will be pleased you've gone after the Snidgets, Poppy." Sarah commented.

"I hope so." Poppy replied. "Gran understands how important it is to- protect those who need it." 

"That we agree on." Sean agreed. He kept thinking about his progress against the Poachers and the Ashwinders.

"Rumor around Hogwarts is that the Poachers and Ashwinders are pushed out of the North and into the Coastlands." Poppy commented. "Your work?" 

"Yes. I've built a powerful monopoly in helping out Magical Creatures and giving them homes. The Coastland Creatures are still in danger though. And the enemy will most likely hunt them down to extinction." Sean answered. 

"Then I suppose the Coastlands would be your next target." Poppy figured.

"You figure right. Though that might be easier said then done." Sean admitted. "Your Gran seems like a very smart woman to think that way." 

"She is." Poppy stated as they headed up to the henges. 

Right in the center, there was a giant whole. Large enough for a Moonstone to fit inside. Sean thought he could safely assume that was where the Moonstone went. 

Sean placed the moonstone inside. Right as he did, a surge of energy surging on the henges. And a Mooncalf suddenly stepping up right to Sean and Poppy. Sarah and An-ru stood outside the henge.

"What are they doing?" An-ru asked.

"Sh." Sarah hushed wanting to see what would happen. 

A whole swarm of Mooncalves had now run up. "I don't believe it." Poppy said.

"Believe what?" Sean asked. 

And all the Mooncalves started moving around, releasing a glowing energy where they went. All running in a swarm. As if they were spreading down a group of leaves. A pure Nature Magic as they ran around the henges. And it was then that Sean realized what they were doing. And he started laughing. "Sean... do you... still have your flute?" Sarah asked from beyond.

"Yeah." Sean answered taking out his flute. And he started to play it. And right as he did, the Mooncalves began dancing with the tune of the flute. Running and dancing around. Creating more surges of nature magic. Bathing the ground in a green glow. 

"Heads up." Poppy said as she laughed while Sean got a laugh as he played his flute. And they had stopped running as Sean finished the song. And then left. 

"What was that?" Sean asked. 

"That was a Mooncalf dance!" Poppy answered. "Do you know how rare it is to see even one?" 

"I imagine very rare." Sean figured. 

"They only ever happen under a full moon- though I suppose the moonstone allowed it to happen now." Poppy explained. 

"Is the pattern they left behind on the ground- normal?" Sean asked. 

"All part of the dance. Not one pattern is ever the same though. We'll need to draw this one to get a better sense of it." Poppy answered.

"I'll get it." An-ru quickly pulled out a sheet a paper and also took out a quill with ink. 

"Oh... just wait till I tell Gran about this. That'll be two mooncalf dances I've seen." Poppy commented.

"You've seen a Mooncalf dance before?" Sean asked intrigued. 

"It wasn't like the last time. That was all just pure luck. When I first met Highwing." Poppy admitted moving close to Sean. "But I'll never forget seeing such wonder. I wish you could've played your flute to that one." 

"I bet it would be nice." Sean admitted. He then looked at Poppy. "You know... Poppy... I don't think I've even seen a girl like you around Hogwarts before." 

"What makes you think that?" Poppy asked.

"None of the other girls have a love for Creatures, or nature for that matter. And they don't seem to appreciate that. Not like you and I do." Sean answered.

"So I'm unique in a good way, am I?" Poppy asked. "That's good to know." She pulled herself closer to Sean. Near his face. And she pressed her lips against Sean's. 

It felt good to Poppy at that moment. Only to realize that maybe it wasn't the best call. Because she retracted her kiss back. "I'm... I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have done that." 

Sean still stood there in shock. He wasn't sure if he even had the feelings for Poppy just yet. 

"An-ru... can I... did you complete the drawing?" Poppy asked.

"Here." An-ru answered as he gave the drawing to Poppy. 

"I... I need to go." Poppy suddenly said taking off. 

"Poppy. Wait. Poppy, where are you going?" Sarah asked following her. 

That just left An-ru and Sean on their own. "What just happened, An-ru?" Sean asked.

"Poppy kissssssed you." An-ru answered. 

"Yeah." Sean replied slowly. "Yeah, she did." 

"Oh... humansssssss are ssssso weird." An-ru grunted. 

"What about the sketch?" Sean asked. "What did it look like?" 

"The Pattern had a bird sssssshape to it." An-ru answered. 

"Hm." Sean said. "I seem to recall the journal saying: 'The key to finding the Snidget lies in the moonlight.'" He looked at the moon. "Unfortunately, we have no way of getting to the Centaurs at this hour. Let's head back to the castle and figure our next move." He suggested. And in secret. He would ravel his mind as to what the heck just happened with him and Poppy.

Poppy had started running towards the School ground. With Sarah following her. "Poppy, wait. Hold on a second." Sarah insisted.

Poppy did indeed stop. She was so ashamed of what she did. "I'm an idiot, Sarah. I knew I shouldn't have kissed him. It was wrong to do that. I'm... oh, I'm just an idiot." She said.

"It's going to be okay, Poppy." Sarah tried to say. "Look. Why don't we just give Sean some... time. I'm sure that once things calm down, we can forget this whole thing ever happened. And maybe..." 

"I couldn't help myself, Sarah." Poppy admitted. "He just looked so... well, he's like a dream come true. In terms of looks, his lifestyle, his ways with Magical Creatures. It's just... love can really turn people into idiots." 

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