Queen of the Dragons [rhaeny...

By he4vymetal_lover

245K 10.6K 1.1K

What if another family survived the Doom of Valyria? Everyone knows the story of the Targaryens fleeing Valyr... More

The Maltheons
Meet the Maltheons
Lord Lannister
Rhaenyra Targaryen
One Ride
What a Night
The Bad Egg
I Need to Go
Two Years
Quite the Entrance
A Promise
Show Me
Confessions and Revelations
Allies and Betrayal
A Talk with Rhaenyra
The Prince
The Wedding
The Maltheon Children
5 Years
My Children
Ser Richard
Dragon Kings and Queens
You Scared Me
Tests of Loyalty
Honor and Tourneys
Rhaenyra and Rhaemont
An Eye for an Eye
Blood of the Dragon
Prince Consort
Maltheon Children (Grown Up)
Maltheon Adults
King's Landing
King Viserys
Prince & Princess of Dragonstone
Rhaenyra's Coronation
Storm's End
Delivering Messages
The Riverlands
Rook's Rest
The Lion's Downfall
The Dragons Rise
Questioning the Enemy
Maekara the Merciless
The God's Eye
Going Mad
A Dragon's Death
A Song of Ice and Fire
Thank You
The Families
Targaryen Kings and Queens
Maltheon Kings and Queens


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By he4vymetal_lover

It was the next morning, cloudy and slightly windy. Mikaela woke up in her bed, feeling refreshed and slightly tired. She turned to Jace who slept peacefully beside her and a smile tugged at her lips.

She stretched her arms, and got up to look outside the window. A bad feeling suddenly overcame her as she stared at Sōna, who lay on the sandy beach of Dragonstone.

Mikaela looked over at Jace, who began to stir awake. She walked over to him, "How was your sleep?"

"Best sleep I have had in ages," Jace muttered, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hmm. I bet it was," Mikaela jested as she ruffled his hair, planting a kiss on his cheek, and walked over to the bathroom.

They spent the next hour readying themselves before they would go and see their parents. They walked hand in hand with each other where they found Mae and Rhaenyra talking to each other where the Conqueror's war table stood.

Mae looks over at them, "Ah there you two are. Why Breakfast is ready for you when you are." Jace and Mikaela smile at the mention of food.

"Perhaps when you are done we can discuss your traveling arrangements?" Rhaenyra asks them, and she observes the confused look on their faces, "For your honeymoon?"

"Right!" Mikaela exclaimed, as she rubbed Jace's arm, "We will be back to discuss it." The two walk out of the room, and Mae and Rhaenyra smiled at them.

"Hopefully they pick Dorne or something," Mae joked, "It's somewhat closer." Rhaenyra smacked her lover's arm.

"We will allow them to go where they want, that includes across the sea," Rhaenyra said firmly, and Mae playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yes, of course," Mae told her. They continued to talk to one another, enjoying each other's presence, the way they have both wanted to for years.

Unbeknownst to the Maltheons and Targaryens, on one of the loneliest parts of Dragonstone, Prince Matthew was settling on the saddle of his pink she-dragon Drējagon.

He had just fed her some meat he found, and prepped her for a short flight to King's Landing. He was determined to spy on Queen Alicent and the Greens. Since his visit, he has felt that there was more to the story and he made it his mission to find out more.

But he would never have expected what was waiting for him in King's Landing.

Matthew arrived in King's Landing, in Blackwater Bay. He commanded Drējagon to sit and wait for him on the beach, hidden from sight.

The first thing the Prince observed was how quiet the castle was. He quickly made his way to the Red Keep, where he also noticed the amount of guards that were patrolling the grounds. Matthew flipped on his hood and continued to sneak past the patrol guards.

He made his way inside, creeping in. He quickly did his best to run through the crowds of people who had gathered.

"Did you hear that the King may be dead?" A servant whispered to another woman, as Matthew stopped dead in his tracks. His stomach dropped as he walked up to the woman, "Excuse me, what did you say?"

"It is only rumor and speculation," The lady quickly said, "We are awaiting the Queen's word." Matthew slowly nodded. He kept a hand on his sword as he continued to make his way through the Keep.

He continued to pace through the halls when he reached an open room. He sighs, as he takes a break. He takes a few deep breaths, hands on his hips. He looks up to exhale a large breath and is startled when he realized that there was a body hanging above him. Matthew's eyes fill with tears as he realizes who it was.

It was Lord Caswell.

Caswell was a kind man. The man was heavily devoted to Princess Rhaenyra. Matthew bit his hand, holding back tears, as his breath began to pick up. As he held his chest, a thought clicked in his head.

Caswell was loyal to Rhaenyra. The King has probably passed. And waiting for Queen Alicent's word? He tried to connect the dots but was shoved against the wall again, and it was Ser Erryk.

Matthew rolled his eyes, "What is it with you and your violence towards me?"

"Why are you here?" Ser Erryk spat at him, "You should not be here!"

"Why what is happening, Ser? Why has Lord Caswell been hanged for everyone to see? Is the King dead?" Matthew asked so many questions that the knight simply shushed him.

"The King is dead. The Queen has planned to install Aegon as King," Erryk explained, "You really should not be here, my Prince!"

"But Princess Rhaenyra is heir!" Matthew argued.

"Exactly, my Prince," Erryk put a hand on his arm, "Which is why we need to get out of here. But there is someone we need to retrieve first." Matthew also observes the cloak that the knight has in his arms and his brows knit together.

"Is somebody being held against their will or something?" Matthew asked as Erryk began to drag him across the halls and up some stairs.

"Something like that," Erryk told him as they made it to a door. It was being blocked by some people and Erryk screams at them.

"Out of the way!" Erryk shouts and they quickly shuffled out of his way. The knight unlocked it and there was Princess Rhaenys, sitting on the bed, looking stoic.

She turns to the door where Ser Erryk, burst in, handing her the cloak.

"With me, Princess," Erryk advises, "I cannot let this treachery stand." She gets on her feet and looks past him to Matthew.

"Prince Matthew? What are you doing here?" Rhaenys asks as she puts the cloak on, flipping the hood to conceal her hair.

"I came to spy on the Greens," Matthew explains, "Only to find that they are all a bunch of fucking traitors."

Rhaenys's face drops, "Does your poor mother know you are here?"

"No," Matthew said, "But there are more grave matters at hand we must deal with, Princess."

"Right," She muttered as she put a hand on his shoulder. "You will stay close to me and Ser Erryk at all times. Please lead the way, Ser."

They all begin to carefully weave their way through the castle, passing the body of Lord Caswell. Matthew looked away as Princess Rhaenys looked up at it, her concern now visible on her face. The Prince follows close behind as Erryk led them through more twisted pathways eventually leading them to the chamber where Balerion's colossal skull was on display.

Matthew looked up in awe at the skull, never having seen it before. Rhaenys also shifts her gaze to it, an artifact that her cousin, Viserys, would always spend his time looking at.

They hurry after the knight, who leads them to a balcony with stairs that went down to the city.

Rhaenys looks down, "Where are we?"

"Just south of King's Way," Erryk answered, he reached for her arm, "The Blackwater's this way." Realizing that he could no longer go back the way he came from, Matthew sighed. As they hurry down the steps, Erryk is rushing them, "Come on, my Prince. Princess!"

Erryk managed to guide them down to the buildings in the city, through a narrow alleyway. Matthew kept looking back to see if anyone had been following them. Rhaenys is wrapped tightly in her cloak, "I won't leave Meleys." She tells the knight, who keeps staring forward, "If I could get to the Dragonpit, then—"

"No," Erryk sternly says, "They'll expect you there, Princess. You won't get past the gates." They stop for a second, staring back. He grabs her and Matthew tightly.

"Now come. You and the Prince must make for the riverfront and find a ship. Before they know you've gone."

They hear shouting from the end of the alleyway and Matthew begins to panic.

"This way!"

"Keep moving!"

Gold cloaks are ushering the small folk telling them to go one way. As Erryk makes several turns, his grip on Rhaenys and Matthew breaks, separating them all.

"Rhaenys!" Matthew shouted as everyone began to push him forward. Erryk looks back trying to reach them.

"Wait no," The Prince stutters as he tries to go back to the Princess. They all pushed and shoved to go one way and panic begins to set in for the three of them. Instead, he just follows the crowd, frustration growing inside him. Rhaenys watches as a royal carriage passes by, most likely Aegon being transported inside.

After some time, the hundreds of people are being pushed inside the Dragonpit, Matthew shoved his way inside, trying to get a look, as the bells ring loudly.

The Prince catches a glimpse of Rhaenys who stands watching as Otto begins to speak.

"People of King's Landings, today is the saddest of days!" His voice booms throughout the large room, "Our beloved king, Viserys the Peaceful, is dead!"

Everyone begins to murmur and speak to one another. Matthew manages to reach Rhaenys as she sighs in relief. She puts an arm around him, "Stay with me. I'm sure your mother would want you back in one piece."

Matthew nodded as they both watched Otto give a speech, "But it is also the most joyous of days for as his spirit left us. He whispered his final wish that his firstborn son, Aegon, should succeed him."

They both watch with tight expressions as everyone around them, whispered and murmured once again. But all they got was a round of applause, and Matthew looks around at all of them. They all turn to see gold cloaks and knights marching.

"What's going on?" Matthew asks Rhaenys, who looks stone faced.

"They are usurping the throne, that is what's happening," She responds as they see Aegon walk underneath the raised swords of the guards. They lower as he passes them. He seems to be crying and Matthew can't help but roll his eyes.

He hears Otto once again, "It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city, a new day for our realm. A new king to...lead us."

Aegon makes it to the steps, as the guards lower their swords and raise it to their chests. He looks up at them as Alicent walks over to her son, cupping his face and gingerly kissing his forehead. The guards march away.

Aegon kneels as he rests his hand on Blackfyre, the Conqueror's sword. The older septon comes and dips his finger in a bowl, rubbing his finger across his forehead. Rhaenys looks to the side, and ushers Matthew forward.

"Come on," She tells him as they make their way to the side.

"May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom."

The older septon marks his forehead several times. Rhaenys and Matthew slip away from the crowd. The crowd watches in silence as the septon hands Criston an iron crown. He bows his head as he lifts the crown to the people of King's Landing.

"The crown of the Conqueror! Passed down through generations," He tells the people. Aegon's face tenses as Criston lowers the crown. He sets it on his head and Aemond looks over at Larys, who flashes a creepy smile at him.

Criston's voice booms again, "Let the seven bear witness. Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." The men and women in the crowd shift their weight, swap looks and nod.

Aegon's jaw tightens as the septon helps him up, bowing. Ser Criston bows his head to Aegon. He looks over at his mother, who also bows her head. Aegon now looks over at his siblings, and Helaena gives him a low curtsy. Otto bows to Aegon, before he can turn to look at him. He seemed to like the attention and the power, even though just an hour before he had been crying to his mother that he did not want to be King.

The Prince had even said, "My sister is the heir, not me! What sort of brother steals his sister's birthright?" But he was ultimately pushed to become King when Criston convinced him, "Whilst any trueborn Targaryen yet lives, no Strong can ever hope to sit the Iron Throne," Cole said. "Rhaenyra has no choice but to take your heads if she wishes her bastards to rule after her."

And now here was Aegon standing before the people, with the Conqueror's crown, basking in the glory that came with being crowned King.

"All hail His Grace, Aegon, Second of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"Aegon the King!"

He slowly turns to face the crowd as he is met with silence. All of a sudden the applause and cheers came. He sweeps his gaze across the ocean of people as he whips his sword from his sheathe. He raised the sword overhead and pumps it repeatedly. The crowd cheering in unison to him raising Blackfyre.

Aegon's face firms as he raises his arms up, a smile growing on his lips. Alicent cracks a smile as they listen to the cheers.

"Aegon the King! Long live Aegon!"

But the glory and cheers do not last long, when the floor erupts beneath the people. Stone fragments and dust flying through the air. An immense dragon climbs the hole, hidden by the dust. The thousands of women and men flee as Meleys uses her tail to whip people out of the way.

She roars as her wings spread, and Criston looks up in horror, pulling Alicent back. Hundreds try to flee but the guards begin to close the doors. The dust begins to clear and it reveals Princess Rhaenys and Prince Matthew sitting on Meleys's saddle. They both wear Targaryen armor as they both stare at the Usurper and the Greens.

Standing in front of Helaena, Aemond eyes her. Aegon's face draws tight as the gold cloaks begin to shut the doors.

"Open the doors!" Otto screams, "Open the doors!" Rhaenys turns around to look at the closing doors as Alicent shoved Criston away and walks to Aegon, shielding him.

"Get Helaena!" She tells him.

She steps between Aegon and Meleys as she got closer and closer, lowly growling. Her steps shake the Dragonpit. Alicent and Rhaenys look at each other, as she shuts her eyes. Matthew watched as Meleys roars loudly, screeching and everyone looks away as the hot breath hits them. Aegon hides his face in his mother's shoulder as she looks up at the Princess.

"Long live the Queen!" Matthew shouts and Rhaenys turns her dragon as she flies through the doors. Alicent hangs her head.

Things were about to take a turn now that Princess Rhaenys and Prince Matthew knew that Aegon had usurped the throne from Rhaenyra.

Luke found himself over at the Conqueror's table. His eyes shifted between all the different places in Westeros until his gaze landed on Driftmark. He puts a hand over it, tracing the letters and sighs to himself.

He is interrupted when Rhaenyra walks in, "There you are." He looks up at her as she approaches him. She has a hand over her belly and walks up to the table.

"The Sea Snake is going to die, isn't he?" Luke asks his mother. Her brows knit together as she tries to speak.


"I can't be Lord of the Tides. Grandsire was the greatest sailor who ever lived. I get greensick before the ship even leaves the harbor! I'll just ruin everything!"

He stops, as Rhaenyra looks down.

"I don't want Driftmark. It should have passed on to Ser Vaemond."

"We don't choose our destiny, Luke. It chooses us," She tells him. But Luke continues to argue.

"Grandsire let you choose whether you'd be his heir. You told us so." Rhaenyra has a tightened look on her face as she continues to walk toward her son.

"And do you want to know the truth of it? I was frightened....I was four-and-ten...Same as you are now...I wasn't ready to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But it was my duty. And in time, I came to understand I had to earn my inheritance."

Luke exhales, and shakes his head, "But..I'm not like you."

"In what way, sweet boy?" She asked him.

"I'm not so....perfect," Luke mutters and Rhaneyra smiles at him. She cups his cheeks and kisses the side of his head, "I am anything but.."

Footsteps approach them as she continues to comfort her son, "My father looked after me and helped prepare me for my duties. Your mother will do the same for you."

Luke smiles at her as the knight addresses her.

"Good morrow, Princess."

"Good morrow, Ser Lorent."

"Princess Rhaenys has just arrived on dragonback. She urgently requests an audience with you, Prince Daemon, and the Queen."

Luke shifts his weight and glances down. Rhaenyra gives him a significant look and cups his face.

Maekara was summoned to meet with Daemon and Rhaenyra as they waited for Princess Rhaenys to arrive. But what she wasn't expecting was for her son to be walking behind her. He wore armor with the Targaryen colors and he looked stunned and in a state of panic.

"Prince Matthew Maltheon and the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen."

"Thank you, Ser Lorent."

The Queen moved toward him and hugs him, "What's wrong? What happened?" She cups his cheeks, kissing him multiple times. He struggles to gets his words out as Rhaenyra looks at him concerned. Everyone looks back at Rhaenys and Rhaenyra immediately addresses her aunt.

"Princess Rhaenys, might we hope for news of Lord Corlys's recovery?"

"Viserys is dead," Rhaenys blurts out and Mae looks up from her son. Matthew is breathing heavily as he clutches onto his mother.

Daemon turns to look at his cousin, "I grieve this loss with you, Rhaenyra. My cousin, your father possessed a kind heart."

Rhaenyra gives a stiff nod as Rhaenys walks closer to her. As she gets closer, so does Ser Lorent.

"There is more," Rhaenys mutters, "Aegon has been crowned as his successor."

Rhaenyra's face drops as she clutches her belly, she gives a small whimper. Mae paces over to her as she winced once again.

"They crowned him?" Rhaenyra says in disbelief. Daemon comes up behind her, his brows furrowed.

"How did Viserys die?" Daemon asks Rhaenys.

"I could not say," Rhaenys answered. He grips his sword as Rhaenyra continues to wince, "How long ago?"

"A day past, perhaps two. I was made a prisoner in my quarters," She responded, "While the queen made her preparations."

"No that can't be..all that occurring and we were celebrating a wedding.."Mae whispered to herself.

"Viserys has been slain," Daemon told them. Rhaenyra's eyes shine with tears, "Alicent demanded you declare for Aegon."

"She did." She gives them a steady look, "I refused her."

"And yet you are alive," Daemon regards her sharply.

"The High Septon crowned Aegon in the Dragonpit. I witnessed it myself just before I fled on Meleys with Prince Matthew." She turns to the Prince whose face was pale with anxiety.

Maekara looks stone-faced and silent as she listens to the Princess. She tightly grips Truefyre that sat at her hip, already thinking about how to murder the Greens.

Thinking of how they should die..a traitor's death.

"They crowned him before the masses.."

"So that the masses would see him as the rightful King."

"That whore of a Queen murdered my brother and stole his throne and you could have burned them for it," Daemon spits out.

"A war is like to be fought over this treachery to be sure," Rhaenys says, and Daemon glowers, "But that war is not mine to begin. I only rushed this warning to you out of loyalty to my husband and my House."
Her face strains.

"The Greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra. And for your children. You should leave Dragonstone at once," Rhaenys warns them and she begins to walk over.

Rhaenyra winces and doubles over, and Mae looks down at her, concerned.

"What's wrong, Princess?" She asks and Rhaenyra stares forward. She reaches under her dress and lifts it, her hand covered in blood. Maekara's eyes widen as she realizes that Rhaenyra is going into labor.

She looks over at Daemon, "Help me get her to her chambers." He hurried over and held Rhaenyra as they both escort her to her chambers.

Visenya was coming.

Rhaenyra groans as she paces the room. The midwives all watch as she continues to refuse their help.

"Her term is far from complete," Maester Gerardys tells the Queen, "This should not be happening."

"It is fucking happening!" Rhaenyra leans into his face, glaring at him. Mae has to push her back a little, comforting her. The midwives surround the Princess.

"Keep your head about you, Princess. Come."

"We've done this five times before. Keep your spirit and the sixth will not be any different."

"Get off! Get off me!" Rhaenyra screams at them and they all look at her, worried. They turn their heads to Maekara who follows her, trying to get her to sit down.

"Please, my love," Mae tries to sit her on the bed.

"Please, Princess. Let us help you!"

"GET OUT! Get out! Get out! Get them out!" She screams in pain as Mae steps over to Elinda, holding her hands, with a look of apology.

"Please stand by for now. I will take care of the Princess," Mae reassured them all as they hesitantly left the room. Rhaenyra puts her hand on the wall, resting her forehead on it.

Mae strokes her back, "Nyra. I know it hurts but come on. You must sit." Rhaenyra looks up weakly as she takes the Queen's hand and they walk to the bed, where they take deep breaths together.

"No matter what happens, we do this together. Okay? You are not alone, my love," Mae reassured as Rhaenyra nods followed by screams of pain.

Daemon flinched at the sound of his wife screaming. He had begun to plot his war with the Black Council, everyone trying to ignore the screams of pain.

Maegon ran to the beach, where he saw Jace, Luke, Rhaemont, Mikaela and Maia dueling with swords, all except for the youngest one.

"Siblings! Our mothers mean to speak to us!" He shouts at them as they all quickly run through the soft sand, trying to get to their mothers.

They find their mothers clutching each other, as blood oozes out of Rhaenyra. Maia eyes the blood and immediately grabs Rhaemont, turning him away, "Come on, brother."

"Wait, what's going on? Is Mother hurt?" Rhaemont asks as he is pushed out of the room.

"Your Grandsire, King Viserys,  is dead," Rhaenyra mutters to them as Mae looks down.

"V-Viserys?" Luke questions and his face twists into that of shock and panic. Maegon and Mikaela exchange looks, and Maegon places a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Aegon has been crowned King," Rhaenyra tells them. Jace's lip trembles slightly before he lifts his chin, "What is to be done about it?"

"Nothing yet."

"Where is Daemon?" Jace asks his mother.

"I don't know. Gone to madness. Plotting his war..."

"Hm..Leave Daemon with me," Jace said as he turns to leave, Luke sprints out of the room.

"Jace..." Rhaenyra calls out to her eldest son, "Jace! Jacaerys!" He stops just before the door.

"Whatever claim remains to me, you are now its heir."

Jace nods firmly as he leaves the room and Rhaenyra rests her head on Mae's shoulder, holding her belly.

Mae rubs Rhaenyra's hand, as she addresses her children, who watch their other mother in pain, "I am going to assign a job for each of you. So, listen carefully."

Mikaela and Maegon nod their heads as they listen, "Mikaela...I want you to accompany Jace in preventing Daemon from plotting his war with reckless abandon. If he refuses, you call me."

The Princess nods, leaving as she flinched at Rhaenyra's scream. The Queen holds Rhaenyra's hand tightly, her eyes fill with tears as she looks to Maegon, "You will go to your Uncle Maegor and Aunt Maxine. Tell them that the Greens have claimed the Throne for themselves. They will know what to do with those words."

Maegon nods, a single tear falls on his cheek, as he looks down at Rhaenyra.

"G-Go," Mae stutters as she dismisses him and he sprints out of the room.

Daemon stands at the Conqueror's table, his eyes scanning it, "I'll fly to the Riverlands myself and affirm Lord Tully's support."

"You will do no such thing," All heads turn to Jace and Mikaela who stride in, "My mother has decreed that no action be taken while she is abed." Daemon casts him a long side look, as Jace stands upright.

"It's good you are here, Young Prince. You as well Princess," Daemon said as he turns back to the table, "You are needed to patrol the skies on Vermax and Sōna."

"Did you hear what I said?" Jace firmly asks as Daemon turns to him.

"With all due respect, Uncle Daemon," Mikaela begins to say, "We must think all this over once the Princess is well and can think straight. You must make your decisions together."

Rhaenyra's screams could be heard as Mikaela looks up at the Prince. Daemon stares at her as he glances back at the lords, who all await his answer, "The ravens, Lord Bartimos."

"I shall see it done."

"Summon, Ser Steffon. Our Kingsguard are needed on the Dragonmont," Daemon orders, he inches closer to the Prince and Princess, "Come with me. I'll show you the true meaning of loyalty."

Mikaela and Jace share looks as they follow after the Rogue Prince. He leads them to a rocky ledge outside of the castle, the two knights staring up at Daemon while Jace and Mikaela stand aside. Daemon looks down at the knights, "You swore an oath as knights of the Kingsguard."

"As do all who wear the white cloak, my Prince," Ser Lorent answers.

"To whom?" Daemon asks them, not daring to break the tense eye contact.

Ser Steffon speaks first, "I swore first to King Jaehaerys, my Prince. And then to His Grace, King Viserys, when he succeeded him."

"Do you acknowledge the true line of succession?" Daemon asks them.


"Yes, my Prince."

Standing above a rock, Daemon meets the Prince and Princess's eye as he looks back at the knights.

"Do you recall who King Viserys names as his heir before his death?" The two Kingsguards peer at him.

"Princess Rhaenyra," Ser Lorent answers and Daemon nods slowly.

"Hm..I'm grateful for your long service to the crown. So, I'm presenting you with a choice." Mikaela shuts her eyes as she gets goosebumps at the sound of Caraxes approaching them.

His unique whistle making the two Kingsguards and Jace look up at the large dragon, who creeped closer. His long neck leans forward as he roars at them.

The two knights flinch back. Jace's eyes flutter as he watches the dragon.

"Swear anew your oath to Rhaenyra as your queen, to Prince Jacaerys as the heir to the Iron Throne. Or if you support the usurper, speak it now and you will have a clean and honorable death. But if you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks....know that you will die screaming."

Maekara and Rhaenyra sat in silence together. The room was quiet, the light barely shined in through the windows, as the Princess rocked her daughter.

The Princess had wrapped the babe in a blanket the Queen had given her, and cradled Visenya. The two women were both covered in blood, as they sat on the floor.

Mae stared ahead as she sat behind the love of her life, stroking her shoulders, as Rhaenyra rocked Visenya in her arms.

Maekara hummed the Valyrian song the way she always did to all of her children. Regardless of the fact that Visenya was stillborn, she still sang the beautiful song to her youngest daughter. Mae peered over the Princess's shoulder and Rhaenyra's focus stayed on the babe, weakly smiling.

"Our little princess," Rhaenyra mumbled, her voice cracking with exhaustion, as she cradled the babe. Mae put a hand on Visenya, rubbing her thumb on the blanket, "Powerful princess she is."

Mae gets up from behind Rhaenyra, and nearly slips on the blood. She kneels in front of her best friend, the woman who fought so hard, and who now sat in defeat.

"Would you like to get up and have a bath?" Mae asked, "I could ask for t-the...preparations for Visenya to be made for you. You don't have to go through that if you don't want to."

"I don't want to get up just yet," Rhaenyra whispered and Mae nodded, "Can you stay with me a little longer?"

"Always," Mae says, and she sits on the bed after fixing the blanket on Visenya. She watches Rhaenyra with a sad smile on her face.

Daemon walks through the corridor, entering the room. He observes the room, his eyes land on Rhaenyra and Mae sitting together, covered in blood and rocking the stillborn babe.

But it did not matter to them, Visenya was their child and she was loved despite what happened. Daemon hangs his head low as he realizes that he was not here to comfort Rhaenyra, having let his anger take over.

Mae feels the presence of another, and slightly turns her head towards him. She gestures for him to come in, but he glances away, and turns around, leaving them alone in the room.

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