Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.

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By timbegs

Sean was so angry at the Ministry, that he continued his rant up into the Room of Requirement. "There are laws, there are rules. Oh, yes. Laws and Rules that are corrupted!" He shouted all the way up. 

Sarah was already up there and feeding up the Thestrals. She had seen Sean kill before, which was how she could see the Thestrals. "Here you are." She said to the Thestrals. And Sarah also never understood why people considered the Thestrals bad luck. 

That was when Deek came into the habitat. "Sarah. Sean's back. And he's... well.... he's..." He started to say. 

"Oh, he is." Sarah said jumping up to go see Sean. "Sean how did it-" 

But Sean had walked past and slammed a door. "-go...?" She asked. 

An-ru also walked into the room. "Sssssssean had a bad day." He informed.

"Well, can you blame me?" Sean asked. 

"What happened?" Sarah asked nervous. "Is Natty... is she-?" 

"Natty's fine." Sean assured. "It's that idiot, Officer Singer!" He shouted. 

"Well what happened?" Sarah asked. 

"Natty and I were looking for evidence of Harlow blackmailing. He grew quite the record of blackmailing people around Hogsmeade." Sean answered. "And then... Natty got kidnapped. So, An-ru and I rescued her. And we also rescued a Mr. Rabe... who was kidnapped by HARLOW! AND THEN... we ran into Officer Singer. And we told her... who was kidnapped... can you guess what she said?" He asked. "Seriously. Ask what she said." 

Sarah could tell how eerily calm and sarcastic Sean was being. A clear indication that he was about to lose his mind. "Um... okay... what did she... say?" 


"Sean. Calm down." Sarah said.

"Easier said than done, Sarah." Sean snapped. "You're not the one who ignores all the evidence when it's right in your face and you say that it is just a few items." And then he fell onto a chair. "Not to mention that she tells us to stay out of the affairs of the Aurors. Though... I'm the one who's doing all the work." 

"We're doing all the work." An-ru corrected.

"You know what I mean, An-ru." Sean replied. "Our lands have laws, rules." He also sneered in a mocking tone. 

"Sean. I understand that you're upset-" Sarah started to say.

"You don't know the half of it." Sean interrupted. "I'm the one who's taking all of the hits. I'm the one who saved Archie Bickle, I'm the one who's saving the Beasts, I'm the one who- well you get the idea. And if there are 'proper' authorities to handle these issues... where are they?" He then stood up and walked around the room. "Where was the Ministry when the Goblins built their Mechs? Where was the Ministry when Feldcroft was attacked? Where was the Ministry when Beasts are getting attacked? Where was the Ministry when Mr. Bickle was killed?" He asked. "Where were they? Twiddling their thumbs and doing nothing!" 

"I don't know what to say, Sean." Sarah answered. 

"Then don't. It's a rhetorical question." Sean replied. "By the time they do get around to handle it, it'll be too late. A hundred years will go by, and the Ministry will still make the same mistake then, as it does now." 

Sarah sighed. She couldn't blame Sean for acting this way. In a way, she could feel that was what a lot of politicians these days did. Nothing until it was far too late. Sometimes, one would have to act and fast before the conflict could be avoided. Perhaps if they did, the Goblin Rebellion would not be getting out of hand like it did.  

"If we waited for permisssssion then the Hogwartsssss would already be in a sssssticky messssss. The sssssafesssssst handssssss are ssssssstill our own." An-ru commented. 

"Well said, An-ru." Sean praised. 

"Sean?" Deek called.

Sean looked at Deek. "Yes, Deek. What is it?" He asked. 

"You have a letter that came from Mr. Sebastian Sallow." Deek informed. 

"Ugh." Sarah grunted. 

Sean read the letter. 'Sean. I wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn't have reacted so bitterly about your Goblin friend. I hope that we can finish what we started with the triptych. Meet me at the Southern Coast on the Eastern side of the Marunweem Lake. We can search for the final canvas piece there. Sebastian Sallow.'

Sean found it a little strange. "Sebastian apologizing?" He asked.

"That's a first." Sarah commented. "And the Triptych?" 

"I'll explain more on the way, Sarah." Sean assured. "Looks like we're heading for the Southern Coast." 

"That meansssssss going by the sssssea." An-ru commented. 

"Oh, the Coastlands!" Deek exclaimed. "Deek knows about that area."  

"Anything we should know?" Sean asked. 

"Oh, yes. Plenty." Deek answered. "Could Sean bring up the Field Guide." 

Sean displayed the Field Guide and pulled out the map.

"The Coastlands lie here. Past the South Sea Bog on the other side of the Mountains. The only access point is through the Coastal Cavern. It will bring you right into the Poidsear Coast." Deek explained. 

"Poidsear?" Sarah asked. "Isn't that the Scottish word for Poacher?" 

"Unfortunately." Deek answered. "Sean and Sarah may have taken care of business in the North, but the Southern Coastlands are crawling everywhere with Rookwood and Harlow's forces. And Ranrok's too for that matter. In fact, Deek also learned that the only way through is to go through a tunnel through the East South Sea Bog. But it's guarded by a whole mess of Ranrok's forces." 

Sean remembered hearing reports of a large concentration of Goblins around the Eastern Sea Bog. "And you're sure that's the only way into the Coastlands?" He asked.

"Unfortunately." Deek answered. "And security is powerful tight in the area." 

"Well that complicates matters. We'll stick out like sore thumbs. Stealth isn't an option." Sarah commented.

"Then we'll just have to kick in the front door." Sean declared. He then looked at the brooms in the area. "Are goblins... skilled at air travel?" He asked. 

"I don't believe so. No." Sarah answered. 

"Good." Sean grinned. "Because we're going to be getting to the Coast land and taking care of the defenses... from the air." 

"Could that work?" Sarah asked.

"Well, it's just a theory." Sean answered. "A good one though. All this time, we've fought the Goblins ground to ground. Well, let's see how they handle an air attack. Now get your broom. An-ru. You ride with me." 

"Got it." An-ru said.

But then Sean remembered. He forgot to ask Sarah what she wanted to do. "If... that's okay with you, Sarah." 

"I'm in." Sarah decided. "Someone needs to make sure that you and Sebastian don't do anything stupid. Again. Besides. It'll be good practice to try out my new Broom." 

"Thank you." Sean replied. 

Sean, Sarah, and An-ru had departed for the Eastern Sea Bog. "Am I right to assume that all of this happened as Garreth and I were on our date?" Sarah asked. 

"What?" Sean asked.

"Your incident with Officer Singer." Sarah clarified. "I saw you go into the Three Broomsticks asking about someone. And then you went upstairs." 

"Oh... yes." Sean answered. "That's when it happened." 

"How did that date go anyway?" An-ru asked. 

Sarah had remained silent for a while. "You know... in all honesty... I really thought that I would hate it." She finally answered. 

"And?" Sean asked.

"And I did." Sarah answered. "At first... but then, Garreth and I started laughing at the same jokes, we talked about similar topics, Garreth told me about some of the Potions that he was working on. And some funny stories about his family. We talked about things we liked. What we didn't like. We agreed too. And... it was... nice." She explained. 

Sean didn't expect that answer. He wondered if it was a part of him telling Garreth to treat Sarah good as gold. "Well... I'm glad it worked out for you in the end, Sarah." He said.

"I'm glad too. Maybe Garreth and I will go on another date." Sarah suggested. 

An-ru grinned. "If you enjoyed it, then you sssshould." He said. 

"Okay. Enough chatter. I can see the Sea Bog." Sean informed as he looked at an entire ground force of Goblins on patrol, along with armored Trolls. No Goblin Mechs, which Sean thought was interesting. "Hm... no Goblin Mechs?" 

"I guess not." Sarah answered. "Unless Ranrok is keeping them in reserve."  

"The Goblins won't have time to bring them out." Sean declared. "Now listen up, we're going to zoom in fast and hard. They won't have time to react." Now he was going into game face mode. "An-ru. I'm going to fly around and swing with fire spells. You're our support. Use Ice Spells and blast them around. I'll keep swinging for more passes, so you'll have to make your shots count."  

"Sssssoundsssss eassssy enough." An-ru commented. "I jusssst hope that your fancy flying doesssss not make it too difficult." 

"Ha ha." Sean sarcastically said. 

"And me?" Sarah asked. "I'm not much of a flying dueler."  

"You stay on your broom and cast spells. And also fly." Sean answered. "It's easy." 

"That's reassuring." Sarah thought to herself. 

"Ready?" Sean asked.

An-ru nodded.

"Let's go!" Sean yelled. 

The first the Goblins on guard heard was the sound of brooms zooming towards them. 2 Brooms. "What is that?" One Goblin asked. But then he looked up, for a massive Fire Ball to be hurled right at his face. One that was launched from Sean.

"It's an Ambush!" One Goblin yelled. 

The Trolls all started to look up. And they all foolishly started swinging their clubs as if to swat flies away. The only problem was that Sean, An-ru, and Sarah were all flying above. 

"This is easy." Sarah commented and she started to shoot down the Trolls using Confringo right on their heads. All the while, An-ru was thrusting in some Ice Spells right into the skulls. 

"Take out the Trolls first." Sean ordered. And he zoomed around while also causing the Earth underneath to shift underneath the feet of the Trolls. And he also began to summon up his Ancient Magic and discharge a lot of force right on the Trolls. Making sure that the Trolls were all hammered down into the ground. 

The Goblins were starting to recover from their surprise though. They all started to load up their crossbows. 

"Coming through!" Sean yelled. And he quickly shot Expelliamus at the Crossbows, and then taking all of the arrows out of the crossbows. "What say we call a little death from above?" He asked. 

"My pleassssure." An-ru agreed. He grabbed all of the arrows in the air. "Who sssssaysssss that death doessssssn't rain?" He asked. Then letting the arrows all pierce the Goblins. 

All raining down death on them. The Goblins all started to fall back inside the Large Tunnel. 

"Don't let them get away!" Sean yelled zooming after the Goblins and blasting fire, and then jumping down in front of the enemy, and then proceeding to create an Ice Wall around the Goblins. 

"I have an idea!" An-ru declared. He then landed down in front of the Goblins. And he then took out his wand. The Goblins all readied out their weapons. But instead of pointing the wand at the Goblins, An-ru casted behind his back. "Diffindo!" The Spikes were all cut off his back. "AH!" He screamed. 

"Oh... that's got to hurt." Sarah commented squinting her eyes. 

But An-ru proceeded to pull the spikes over his head. And then thrust the spikes right at the Goblins piercing their armor and killing them. 

"Urgh. That getssssss painful everytime." An-ru commented. 

"Are you okay?" Sean asked.

"I am fine." An-ru assured as the spikes on his back regenerated. "Lizardfolk are powerful regeneratorssssss." He explained. "I can even grow back an entire limb. Watch." 

"Oh, that's not necessary, An-ru. We'll take your word for it-" Sarah started to say.

But An-ru had cut off his own hand using Diffindo to do it. And then growing it back. 

"Oh, that is not going away anytime soon." Sean commented. 

"Well, sssshall we?" An-ru asked walking inside the Tunnel. 

And Sarah and Sean followed the Lizard. 

Walking through the tunnel inside of the mountain was easy enough. As Sean walked inside, it all looked like a train station inside. With the Metal Floors, and also the brick walls. A bright light had shown from the other side. And wind. 

Sarah could smell something salty. "It smells like the sea." She said. 

Sean could smell it too. "Is that what it smells like?" He asked. And he walked more towards the light with An-ru and Sarah. And immediately, it was as if he entered a different country, divorced from the Northern Half of the Hogwarts Area. Whereas the North was surrounded by snow. The Coastlands on the other side of the mountains were covered in grass, trees with green, but also Sean could see Sand, and see the waves of the sea, the pounding of the shore even from here. A whole new frontier appeared before him. He also felt the breeze of the sea on his face. 

"The Coastlands." Sarah noted. "From a distance, you could almost think that no Dark Forces would be in this land." 

"Indeed." Sean replied. "But looks can be deceiving. If this is where Ranrok, Harlow, and Rookwood have their bases of operations, we'll be sure to kick them out. But first. Let us deal with Sebastian Sallow. And by... deal, I mean... let's help him." 

"I know what you meant." Sarah assured. 

And they continued more into the Coastlands dispatching a few Poachers and Goblins along the way. Also traversing the Lake Marunweem shores. 

And there was Sebastian. By one tree along a set of bedrock. "If it wasn't for the Goblins, this coast would be pleasant." He said to himself. 

"Sebastian?" Sean called.

Sebastian turned to look at Sean. "Oh, hello, Sean." He greeted. "An-ru." And then he noticed Sarah. "Sarah? You're here too?"

"I'm here because of him." Sarah pointed to Sean. 

"I received your letter." Sean informed. 

"And I am glad you came." Sebastian replied. "I spotted droves of Ranrok's Loyalists coming up from the coast. Overheard one of them say they're headed to another cavern. Like the one we found."  

"Of course they would." Sean commented.

"I still don't understand how they're still one step ahead of us. They can't know about the Triptych." Sebastian pointed out. 

"My guess is that Ranrok's been around the Coast for months, even years now. He's had more time and hands to look around the area than we have." Sean assumed. "Though... I should probably tell you something. I saw another memory. Of one of the Keepers. Headmistress Fitzgerald." 

"Headmistress Fitzgerald..." Sebastian started to ponder his head. "Oh... yeah. I think I remember now. Saw her portrait in Headmaster Black's Office once. So what did you find?" He asked. 

"A Memory." Sean answered. "She was unnerved by Isidora's use of Ancient Magic. How it connects to Ranrok remains to be figured out. To be honest. It's very frustrating." 

And Sebastian apparently thought the same. "These 'Keepers' are playing games with you. You need to press them for more information." He told Sean. 

"They're not games, Sebastian." Sarah pointed out. "I'm sure that the Keepers want to keep this stuff hidden for good reason." 

"And it doesn't work like that either." Sean added. "To access these memories, I have to complete a trial. It's not as easy as you think. The last one alone had me fight Death itself and its shadows." 

"Wait, what?" Sarah asked. "You fought Death?" 

"Yes, I fought Death." Sean answered. "Using a Wand, a cloak, and a stone. I fought straight up Death. Plus, they're showing me the memories in a particular order."  

Sebastian blinked his eyes. "Here's what I just heard. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Something about death, and a particular order." He recapped. "Either they don't trust you or you don't care enough about Anne to ask the difficult questions!" 

But now it was Sarah's turn to get mad. "Don't even say that we don't care about Anne, Sebastian!" She scolded. "We do! Anne was like my sister! But it's more complicated than that! Not that you care about that! You never did! And if you don't like it, you're more than welcome to leave. No one's stopping you!" 

"That's- that's not what I meant. I-" Sebastian started to stammer. "I- we're just not getting answers. I need answers. For Anne. And I'm running out of time." He begged. 

"Then let's stop wasting time and find out why the triptych led us here." Sean suggested. 

"Fine." Sarah replied while scowling at Sebastian.

"Agreed." Sebastian agreed. "Let's go before we're spotted." 

And so, the journey up the mountain had begun. "How did you get past the Goblins guarding the Pass, Sebastian?" Sarah asked.

"Um... Disillusionment Charm. Snuck right past the Goblins. Stealth takedowns on a lot of the Goblins inside the tunnel. I... tossed their bodies down into the sea." Sebastian answered. "I was hoping that I could reach this area before the Goblins could. But I was too late. Some of Ranrok's crew moved off the path just ahead." 

"Why's that?" Sean asked.

"Raiding parties." Sebastian answered. "The Mountain used to safeguard local hamlet valuables. But it's been abandoned since Ranrok took hold of the coast.  

"Then we'll have to push them back." Sean declared. "Revelio." He casted. There were at least 3 Goblins. "3 Goblins and 4 of us." He whispered. "Quiet as a Jobberknoll." 

"No Mechs?" Sarah asked.

"None." Sean answered. And they all casted Disillusionment on themselves. And all 4 had taken down the Goblins. "I don't think they were guarding the entrance." He said.

"They weren't. Must be a garrison on the path." Sebastian suggested. "Continues up the left." 

"So we follow it." Sean declared. Right as he said that, a couple of Thestrals had flown overhead. 

"Oh, Thestrals." Sarah commented. 

"Some consider them a bad omen." Sebastian said. 

"They're not a bad omen." Sean replied. "It's just popular belief. I find them very comforting companions when one has seen death." 

"I know that." Sebastian grunted.

"No need to get snippy." Sarah scolded. 

"I'm making small talk, Sarah." Sebastian countered. "I'm not going to trek up this mountain in silence. You should know that I don't even walk through halls in silence if I can help it." 

"Oh, is that what you call it?" Sarah asked. "Small talk." 

"You're the one who sounds snippy." Sebastian shot back. "You know, you've got an attitude just like Anne does. No wonder you two get along so famously." 

"And you do what exactly?" Sarah asked. "Go looking for dark relics when you know it's wrong." 

"It seems the only option left." Sebastian replied. "You know, I would think that you of all people would also be as desperate to save Anne as I am." 

"There's a difference between desperation and obsession, Sebastian." Sean interrupted. 

"I can regenerate my limbsssss." An-ru said breaking the tension. 

"Can you?" Sebastian asked. "With magic?" 

"No." An-ru answered. "It isssss an ability that all Lizardfolk have." 

"He chopped off his own hand to prove it and it grew right back." Sean added. 

"Oh, well that's good to know." Sebastian commented. "Say... An-ru. Can you also grow a third arm... or is it just the two arms, the two legs, and the tail?" He asked. 

"That issssss it. No third arm." An-ru answered. 

"That's a rip off. I wish I could go a third arm." Sebastian said. "What about you, Sean? Do you want a third arm?" 

"No. What would I even do with a Third Arm?" Sean denied. 

"What wouldn't you do with a third arm?" Sebastian corrected. "No imagination." 

"I'm being practical." Sean shot back. "In this circumstance."

They continued conversations like this right up the mountain slopes. But Sean could hear a sound. "Kill any who trespasses." That was the sound of Goblins. 

"Goblins...." Sean sneered. 

"Let's go." Sebastian declared drawing out his wand and charging right at the Goblins.

"Sebastian! Excuse me!" Sean started to yell.

"Unbelievable." Sarah grunted. And she also drew her wand. As did An-ru. They wouldn't have to do much though. 

Sebastian had already engaged the Goblins. Using Expelliamus on one Goblin, then throwing the axe right at the other Goblins head. "Confringo!" He shot at the first Goblin. And then using Bombarda to blow up the Goblin. "Heh. Only two of them." He laughed. And that only earned a scowl from Sean. 

"What the hell was that?" Sean asked. 

"Dead Goblins." Sebastian answered.

"You know what he means, Sebastian." Sarah sneered. "You can't just go charging in there head strong like you own the place. You could've gotten killed." 

"But I didn't." Sebastian replied. "Now do you want to argue all day, or do you want to continue on?" He asked. He looked up another path up the mountain. "Looks like Ranrok's Loyalists were heading further up the path. I say we continue to follow." And he started heading up the path. 

Meanwhile, Sean and Sarah were both looking up at Sebastian's new share of determination. The way he was acting. His focus on the mission, his apparent lack of what Sarah had said. Even what Sean had said before. "Sean?" She asked. 

"I know." Sean answered immediately. "And I've got the feeling that we're starting to become a means on end for Sebastian." 

Sebastian just continued up the path, until Sean had caught up and stopped him. "Not so fast, Sebastian. We have to be smart with how we go up the mountain. This is Ranrok's turf and he knows it well." He advised.

"Then what do you propose?" Sebastian asked.

Sean knew just what to say. "An-ru. Scout ahead." He ordered.

An-ru nodded and he started climbing up the walls of the mountain. He saw two Goblins waiting by a torch. "Ranrok's going to make everyone pay." One Goblin had said.

"Anything made from Goblin Silver belongs to us. Whether it's a sword or a repository- whatever that is." The other Goblin agreed.  

And then An-ru proceeded to kill him and the other Goblin with Ice Picks from the head. "Clear!" He announced. 

Sean nodded. He, Sarah, and Sebastian had heard everything. "Did you guys hear that Goblin?" Sean asked. 

"Ridiculous notions of ownership." Sebastian commented. 

"I mean with the Repository." Sean corrected. 

"Oh... that..." Sebastian realized. 

They then proceeded to climb up some cliffs. And then up some more cliff sides up more paths up the mountain. The dirt and grass being replaced with stone. 

An-ru crawled up ahead. He could see more Goblins. "Only Good Wizard's a dead wizard. Ranrok's got that right -and I'll be most keen to help him achieve his goals in that regard." 

All of the Goblins were concentrated in a large cave entrance. Along with some Goblin Mechs. "We've got sssssome Goblin Mechssssss." An-ru reported. "They haven't ssssseen me yet." 

"How many Mechs?" Sean asked.

"There'ssssssss only three." An-ru answered. 

"Then take them out first." Sean ordered. "We'll deal with the Goblins on the ground."  

"Got it." An-ru replied. He would only get one shot. The Mechs could easily recover from their surprise. He jumped down, causing the Earth to shake. "Bombarda!" He shot at the back of the Mechs, and one had blown up.

"Go!" Sean had charged forward. He quickly shot Depulso at one of the Goblins sending him flying down a chasm. 

"Leviosa!" Sarah shouted. And then using her basic casts to throw some Goblins over the Chasm. 

"Get them!" One Warrior yelled. A Ranger had from up a staircase had started to take out his crossbow. But Sean had shot another Earth Spell dispatching the stairs off and turning it into a ramp, making the Goblin fall down and lose his balancing, the crossbow bolt had fired, but right into the eye of the Goblin. 

"Now that's just faulty manufacturing." Sean commented.

"Confringo!" Sebastian yelled striking several Goblins with the Fire Balls. 

The 2 other Goblin Mechs in the meantime were busy fighting An-ru, An-ru rolling down like a ball under the legs of one of the Mechs, then appearing from behind, blasting at the giant tank off of the Mech blowing that up. 

"I'm calling this!" Sean declared. He shot his Old Magic right at the remaining Mech and then proceeding to smash it to pieces.

"Maybe next time, lead with that." Sebastian suggested. 

When the smoke had cleared, Sebastian was now looking at what was left of the stairs. And leading to what looked like a door to a ruined tower. "This must be it." And he ran for the door.

"Woah. Sebastian. Hold your horses." Sean halted. 

"Hold my... what?" Sebastian asked in disbelief. "What for? Why are you suddenly so cautious?" 

"Were you not listening to what I said outside earlier? You're going to get yourself killed!" Sean scolded.

"No. I'm trying to get results done." Sebastian countered. 

"You never do like admitting that you're wrong, do you?" Sarah asked. "And didn't we all decide that we're after the same thing?" 

"I thought we wanted the same thing." Sebastian corrected. "But I guess you and your Goblin friend feel different." 

"Not all Goblins are like Ranrok, Sebastian!" Sarah had suddenly shouted. "I doubt Lodgok was even at Sean's village during the attack! And he has insights into Ranrok that we don't." 

"He told us that Ranrok knows about the Keepers and is searching anywhere connected to each of them." Sean added. But that was when it suddenly clicked for him. "That's why they're always a step ahead of us. That's why we're second place in a two person chase. And you are not helping matters! So either fall in line! Or I cut you lose!" He threatened. 

"Fine. Fine." Sebastian finally caved in. And then started taking rapid deep breaths. "I'm sorry. I'm letting my emotions get the better of me. And I have been for a while." He admitted. And then revealing one big bombshell he had yet to reveal to Sean, An-ru and Sarah. "I do trust you, Sean. And Sarah too. I don't think I can help Anne without you. To think that Uncle Solomon will just... take her away-" 

"Take her away? What are you talking about?" Sarah asked. 

"I've talked with Anne again." Sebastian answered. "I've contacted her with the crests. She tells me that she and Uncle Solomon plan to leave Feldcroft and go off to who knows where. Anne says she'll buy us time. The point is... well... you know. I have to save Anne. I have to see this through. Or everything I've worked for will be for nothing." He turned around in a circle looking at Sean. "So what's your plan, Sean?" 

"Well for starters, we need to be careful and do this right. Not just go charging in." Sean began. "Now... I'll take point. And you'll follow my lead." And he began to head into the caverns of the Mountains.

"Agreed." Sebastian agreed. Though Sarah did keep an eye on him. There was certainly more that he wasn't telling Sarah, or Sean for that matter. And it involved the Dark Relic.

Sean had lit up Lumos in the cave. "So far so good." He said.

"Charming." Sebastian commented.

"You got a problem with me?" Sean asked annoyed. "If so, say it to my face. Don't be so cloak and dagger." 

"Oh, not you. But this has to be Cave Number I've lost track." Sebastian said. "And what is it with caves? Why not a forest?" 

Sean didn't say anything seeing as how he had journeyed into the Forest before with Poppy. Right as they entered a part of the cave, it was then that they encountered Spiders. 

"Oh... look at that. More Spiders." Sarah commented.

"I know the drill." Sean grunted. "Arania Exumai!" He shot at the Spiders who were all killed. "One Shot, one kill." And then he used his Old Magic to shrink another Spider and then stomp on it. "Come on." They continued onward through the Mountain Caves.

"What's next? Giant Snakes?" Sarah asked.

"They ssssseem to be alwaysssss determined to make a meal out of usssss." An-ru added. 

"I'm sure we'd taste better than a Goblin dinner." Sebastian pointed out. 

"I'd rather leave that in theory all the same." Sean said as he killed off two more Spiders. "And aren't Spiders supposed to eat insects? I'm not sure how they feel about human meals." 

"I'm going to assume that they think we're particularly fat and juicy flies that can't ironically fly." Sebastian replied.

"I wouldn't blame them." An-ru suddenly commented. He ate a fly using his tongue. "I mean, it would be the crunchy and tasssssty flavor of it. Though, Fliesssssss are not asssssss juicy assssss one might think." And that caused everyone to look at him in disgust. "I'm a Lizardfolk, what do you expect?" He asked. 

"Arania Exumai!" Sean shot at another Spider. "Oh, I don't know. I thought you would enjoy the meals at Hogwarts more. That's arguably the best part of that School." 

"I will not argue that." An-ru said. "I admit that the Food at Hogwartsssss issssss the bessssst I've ever eaten. Though... it won't ever beat the food in my homeland. The Candied Grubsssss, the- Arania Exumai!" He shot at one Spider before continuing. "Honied Fliesssss, Brainssss of the Acromantula, glazed in a creamy coat." 

"You have weird taste buds, An-ru- Arania Exumai!" Sean informed as he shot another Acromantula. "We are trying to have conversations here!" He yelled. And then he just started to create Incendio and then blasted everything with fire. Including all the spider eggs. All of the Spiders were lit on fire. And then Sean blasted with basic magic setting all of the Spiders into a massive explosion. And he breathed heavy. Those Spiders were incredibly annoying. Only a fool would question it. 

"You feeling better?" Sebastian asked. 

"Now I am." Sean answered. One thing one had to know about Sean. He had a very short fuse. And he walked into another area of the cave. Which contained some man made stone with a staircase leading up. He found it strange. "Who builds a staircase right inside of a Spider cave?" He asked. 

"Beats me." Sebastian answered. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here for ages." He casted fire on some Spider webs. 

But the path was blocked up by some fallen boulders. That wasn't a problem for Sean. "Bombarda!" He casted and unlocking a new path forward. "Everyone watch your step. You never know what we'll find in the next room."

It may not have been the next room. But Sarah did feel something sharp on her hands as she touched the wall. And her foot crunched on something. "An-ru... was that one of your spikes?" She asked.

"No. But it might be that." An-ru answered. 

Sarah looked down to see that she was standing on a skull. And she looked at her hand to realize that she was touching bones, human bones on the wall. "Oh, God!" She screamed. 

"Might want to close your eyes, Sarah." Sebastian suggested.

"You're not bothered by all of this?!" Sarah asked in disbelief.

"I've seen worse." Sebastian answered. 

"You mean with the Catacomb?" Sean asked.

"Well, that." Sebastian admitted. "At least the Skeletons aren't coming up to life.

"That's even worse." Sarah commented.

Forward and ahead out of the tunnel, and the crew were in an even bigger entrance. Like it was a tomb, with runes on sides of the walls. A stair that led to a closed door like it was an alter. And two large massive statues of Hooded Wizards on either side of the stairs. 

Sebastian was fascinated. "Look at this place! Not really my style, though. A bit much if you ask me."

Sean looked up at the runes. He knew this kind of puzzle. "Getting through the Cavern isn't the only challenge. It's these runes." 

"Well, Sean. Do your thing." Sarah said.

"My pleasure, Sarah." And Sean located all of the Runes. Shot at them all, and the door up to the stairs opened. 

The door opened to another room that was lit up by torches. Which was an amazement that they were still burning according to Sean. And there was also one opened up stone crate covered in grime, and a roll of parchment sticking out. Sean picked it up. From the writing, it appeared to be another journal entry. From Isidora. 

"What did you find?" Sarah asked.

"A Journal Entry. From Isidora." Sean answered. And he read it. 'I have had a breakthrough. The power that I honed with my Professors, with which I conjured and build such pretty pillars, must be tempered substantially for the much more delicate endeavor which I now undertake. It feels somewhat like removing a memory, but the magic is wholly different. As I withdrew the merest whisper of pain from just above the heart, a faint haze appeared and then just as quickly seemed to dissipate. I sensed a surge of peace myself, as though I knew instantly that what I was doing was right. I wonder now if the haze may be contained. If memories can be stored in a Pensieve, sure these extractions can be kept safe for further study.' He then turned to Sarah. "This must be how Isidora was able to extract the pain away. But... there's still... there must be more." 

"Let's keep looking for more journal entries." Sarah suggested. 

"Why couldn't she have kept all of her journal entries in one place?" Sebastian asked. 

"I don't know. She was weird." Sean answered. But his eagerness had turned him to look for more Journal Entries. He did admit that Sebastian had a point. It would be quicker to keep all of the entries in one place. Unless, someone with evil intentions like Ranrok was also looking for them. And Isidora would want to keep them away from the hands of said evil. 

"Perhapssss we'll look for more through the hole in the wall." An-ru suggested as he pointed to a massive whole in a stone cut wall that exited into another room. 

"Talk about convenient." Sean commented. And he slid down into the hall. 

But it was too good to be true. Because, right as Sarah, Sebastian, and An-ru also slid down the dirt slide, the ground had started to rumble under their feet. Something big was coming. 

"What was that?" Sarah asked nervously. 

Her question was answered soon enough though. A Large Troll had emerged from the other side. A Club in its hands. It roared at the heroes. 

"They have a Cave Troll." Sebastian commented. 

"Gear up for a fight!" Sean declared readying his wand. 

The Troll had used its club to smash a part of the pillar it was next to, and the floor above it. But as it did, the rubble from the second floor had all collapsed right on the troll, burying it and then killing it under the weight. 

"Huh... nevermind." Sean shrugged his shoulders. That was a lot easier than he thought. 

Sarah looked to her right. "And I do believe I've found where to go next." She looked up the broken stairs. 

"Not a problem. I'll make us a lift." Sean assured. 

"And I can climb up." An-ru added as he crawled up the stone, while Sean made an Earth lift up to the second floor. 

"I am so glad that you know Earth Magic now." Sebastian commented. 

"Me too." Sean agreed. "I'd use Reparo. But, in case the Troll might still be alive." He explained.

"Yeah... good call." Sebastian agreed. 

The Room they had entered looked more like a supply room. "This place looks as tidy as the Room of Requirement before I moved in." Sean commented. And he could see rows upon rows of stacked cauldrons, suitcases, crates, ladders, unfocused stacked books, barrels, and other knickknacks. 

Sarah had looked around. "Who would leave all of these supplies behind?" She asked. But then she looked below her and she saw a piece of paper. Another Journal entry. "Guys! Another entry!" She informed. 

Sean, Sebastian, and An-ru all joined Sarah as she read the letter: 'Such joy I felt helping my father after all these years. To hear his voice again- I cannot begin to describe how much I've missed it. I confess, I was wholly stunned by the Keepers' reaction. I should have expected it. How can they stand by and no nothing when they have the power to do so much good? Who is Professor Rackham to tell me what I can and cannot do with my ability? The audacity of all of them- judging my work without any real understanding of all that I've accomplished as the 5th Eagle. I do have some hope though- the Headmistress seemed somehow to understand what I was doing. When the time is right, I shall go to her. She may be able, and willing to help. Until I know otherwise, I must continue my work alone. For now. But I will find someone to help me. I will find someone else who understands the gift that we've been given- and our obligation to use it. I will store what I learned safely away for the moment. One day, I will be able to share it with another who is like me.' 

"Isidora was here?" Sebastian asked. 

"It looks that way." Sarah answered while a thought had occurred to her. "Sean? Didn't you say that Isidora and pain-?" 

"Yes." Sean answered. He already knew how that conversation between Isidora and Fitzgerald ended. Not great. And Isidora slipping into insanity. And Isidora removing the pain from Fitzgerald without permission. "It's what I saw in the Memories." 

"What memories?" Sebastian asked. "What happened?" 

"Isidora attempted to remove the pain from Professor Fitzgerald. She removed it without permission. And then, she started absorbing the power. As if she was becoming mad with it." Sean explained. 

"She could remove pain?" Sebastian asked. 

"Apparently." Sean answered. "But there was something else..." 

"Huh... That's good to know..." He murmured.

An-ru had climbed up a ledge looking for any more journal entries. He also kicked down a crate for the others to follow. "Coming?" He asked as he journeyed up the stairs. 

"Right behind you." Sean answered as he climbed up the crate and onto the stairs with Sarah following. 

"From the sssssound of thingsssss, I can only guesssss that it didn't end well for Issssidora." An-ru commented. 

"We'll know soon enough." Sean replied as they climbed up all the stairs to another floor. With Metal Knights inside the corridors as if they were guarding something. And that led to another flight of stairs.

"Why are there so many stairs?" Sebastian asked. "And who would build a place like this in a mountain along the coast of all places? I know I'm no architect, but..." 

"Um... this is a problem." Sarah commented as the room they had entered was a dead end now. 

"Oh, that's perfect." Sean grunted. "Well, there's got to be a way forward. Or a journal entry for that matter." 

"Found one!" An-ru pointed to a table and grabbing the paper with Accio. "Here." He gave it to Sean for read.

"You won't read?" Sebastian asked. 

"I don't undersssstand the way that Humanssssss write." An-ru answered. He preferred Print. 

Sean took the letter and read it: 'I feel more and more capable each day. My sense of purpose- knowing that what I am doing is precisely what I was meant to do- have never been clearer. The number of souls I have able to help grows by the day. So much pain. And I have discovered that this magic itself somehow confirms that what I am doing is right. Each time I breathe in the haze, even a little, it's as though I become more capable. I am being rewarded for my wisdom. Reward for using this magic the way that it was meant to be used. I fear, however, that I must find a way to store what I cannot use in the moment. I do not yet understand its power and do not want to leave it to chance. I have an idea. It is not without risk, but I feel that the risk is worth it.' He folded it up. The journal entry sounded worrisome to Sean. 

"Does it say more?" Sarah asked.

"No. That's it." Sean answered. "There must be at least another journal entry around. Let's keep looking." He saw another pile of boulders that looked like it could be blasted with Bombarda over on their right. "Bombarda!" He shot. That created a new entry way to the next floor, hidden behind a pile of barrels. 

"What risk was Isidora talking about anyway?" Sarah asked.

"It didn't say." Sean answered. "But this place couldn't have belonged to Isidora." 

"It was most likely a tower she had found and just set up shop or something." Sebastian suggested. "Whatever the reason, the Triptych led us here."  

Sean had run up, but had nearly tripped over a chasm. 

"Leviossssssa!" An-ru quickly shot letting Sean's feet fall on surface. 

"Thank you." Sean thanked. 

"Who's just charging in now?" Sebastian smirked.

"Shut up." Sean said as he pulled himself back up. And even Sarah had to chuckle at that. 

The next floor contained another Rune Door. "Another rune symbol- I feel as if I should be fluent in runic language by now." Sebastian commented.

"But you're not." Sean replied. "Hm." He looked around. "I think if we launch a spell at the same time on all three Runes, the door will open. Sarah, An-ru. Look for the other two runes." 

"Found them." Sarah said. She had a spell pointed at one of the runes. An-ru got the other rune. 

"We'll cast at the same time." Sean informed. "On 3. 1... 2... 3..." And the all casted on the Runes. And the door had opened.

"Us and our teamwork." Sebastian grinned.

"Funny. I don't remember you doing anything." An-ru pointed out to Sebastian.

"I'm here on emotional support or whatever that's called." Sebastian clarified. "Beats being a reptilian yes man." He thought. 

The Door itself opened to another chamber, it looked more organized. More stocked up. A table in the center. With a bunch of supplies. "Now this looks like a place that Isidora would be around. This must be where she honed her Old Magic." Sean commented as he casted Revelio all around him. The hall lit up. And Sean could see one last journal entry on the table. "Another journal entry." He said. But then he read the letter. And his eyes opened wide.

"Sean? What did you find?" Sarah asked concerned.

"It's not good." Sean answered. 'How could I have been so terribly wrong? The Headmistress won't help me. I tried to make her understand. She, like the others, is blind to the possibilities of what I can do. I have come to learn that I can rely on no one. Not even fate who tells me that I am not the 5th Eagle. But it's instead this... this Celt! Whoever he is! But I am a more powerful witch than I have ever been. And I know that it's due to the work I'm doing. I shall not allow magic to lie dormant, as the Keepers do. How I despise that ridiculous name. As if "keeping" power all to themselves is something to be lauded. I confess I have begun to wonder if I will ever find another in my lifetime with whom I can share this work. If I do not, then I shall find solace in the knowledge that I have left a trail to follow. A path from which they can learn. They can do what I could not. Heal the World.' 

"I always knew from the memories I've seen that Isidora and the Keepers didn't see eye to eye on the use of Old Magic. But... I don't think I truly knew how bad it got." Sean admitted. "Or maybe I just had a general idea of it." 

"I wish you could see one of her memories." Sebastian commented. "That way we'd get her perspective on how things went down. Maybe something the Keepers say... didn't want to show you." 

"Hm..." Sean thought. While it would be true that it would be nice to see one of Isidora's memories, he didn't know just what would be in it. "Well, maybe we'll get it when we get the final canvas piece-" 

"You mean thissssss one?" An-ru asked holding a piece of the Triptych. 

"The final Canvas Piece!" Sean exclaimed. "This is it!" And he looked ahead of him to see a portal leading back to the Undercroft. 

And Sebastian had just looked at everything. "You know... I don't think Isidora should've kept this all a secret." He commented. 

"There's still one thing I don't get." Sarah said. "Why would Isidora go to such great lengths to tell her story without their knowledge?" She asked. 

"I guess we can figure it out when we've assembled the Triptych." Sebastian suggested. 

"Well, how are we going to get out of here now?" Sarah asked. "We literally had to go through everything just to get here-" 

"We'll go back through the portal to the Undercroft, of course." Sebastian answered as he jumped through the portal. 

"Is this how you guys have been able to... get to places?" Sarah asked.

"Yep. It's very convenient. I once went through a portal with Fig from a Tower in the Scottish Highlands, to Gringotts, to hear in Hogwarts." Sean answered. And he stepped through the portal. 

"Trusssssst me. It workssssss." An-ru said. And he jumped through the portal too. 

"Wizard Travel. Far more efficient than Muggle Travel, it seems." Sarah thought to herself as she went through the portal too. 

Everyone was back in the Undercroft. Sean had walked up to the canvas with the final piece of the Triptych. 

"I cannot believe we finally made it!" Sebastian exclaimed.

"This is the Triptych?" Sarah asked looking at the nearly restored Triptych.

"The very one." Sean answered.

"You have been busy." Sarah noted noticing the pieces that had to be assembled. 

"Don't keep us in suspense. Go on. Place it!" Sebastian insisted.

"Okay. Okay... I'm going." Sean assured as he placed the Canvas piece on. The portrait looked a little worn and teared. But otherwise, empty. 

"Nothing happened." An-ru commented.

"Did you place it right?" Sebastian asked.

"I think so. It all fits." Sean answered. 

"So why isn't anything happening?" Sarah asked. 

Sebastian took out his wand. "Reparo." He casted fixing the Triptych. But still, nothing happened. No person came out from the portrait. No nothing. "That's odd. Shouldn't.... shouldn't Isidora Morganach have come forth or something?" He asked. 

"I don't get it. What was this all for then?" Sean asked. As he stepped back. His back hit something hard. "An-ru? Was that you?" 

"I'm sssstanding right next to you." An-ru answered to his right. 

Sean turned around to see that a Pensieve had emerged. With a glowing energy swirling above it. "A Pensieve?" He asked.

"This is what we've been searching for?" Sebastian asked disappointed. 

Sean looked back at the Triptych. And then back at the Pensieve. "Only one way to find out." 

"Huh. Actually seeing a Pensieve memory." Sarah commented. "This'll be a first." 

"That makessssss three of ussssss." An-ru added.

And all four stuck their heads inside the memory. 

"Woah!" Sarah had fallen on the ground on her face. "Ow! What kind of magic makes you fall on your face?" 

"Oh, yeah. The... Pensieve can do that." Sean said.

When Sarah picked up her head, she suddenly found herself inside a house. The same house of Isidora Morganach. And that of her Father. "Is this...?" She started to ask. 

"This is the house on the hill of Feldcroft!" Sebastian realized. "It's so weird to see this place not look like a box of timbers." 

The party saw Isidora Morganach walk into the room. "And that woman is Isidora Morganach." Sean informed.

"That's Isidora Morganach?" Sarah asked.

Sebastian was taking a notice. "For a 400 year old woman, she's pretty bang up the elephant." He commented. 

Sarah looked indifferent. But then she looked at Sean. "What?" She asked. 

"I thought you'd be jealous is all." Sean admitted. 

"Oh, no." Sarah shook her head. "Sebastian and I are broken up. I really couldn't care less who he thinks is cute." She explained. 

"Issss that what that meansssss?" An-ru asked. 

Isidora had walked into her Father's Bedroom. Her Father sitting on the bed, in silence, while Isidora walked up to the bed and sat next to him. Taking his hand, while all he did was just look at his daughter. "I cannot bring him back, Father. But I can give you peace." She told her Father.

Isidora's Father went back to staring at the wall. Isidora's reaction was disappointment, but not surprise. She immediately stood up walking out the door to the room. 

"Give him peace?" Sebastian asked. "What does she mean by that?" 

"I already know." Sean answered. "She-" 

But the image had shifted again. Now it was in the sitting room of Isidora's House. Right as the Professors walked into her home. Rackham, Rookwood, Fitzgerald, and Bakar. In fact, it was the same memory that Sean had seen before. From Rookwood's trial. "I've seen this before." He said. "This is where Isidora, where she... well, I'll just let the memory explain what happened."  

 "Do come in." She insisted eagerly. "I apologize for all the clutter. I tried to clean it up as best as I-"

"It is no harm done, Isidora." Rackham assured.

"Have a seat." Isidora requested pointing to a round table.

Sean also noticed a glass that was on the table that Isidora had taken into her hand.

"Isidora, we are all most intrigued to hear-" Rackham started.

But Isidora had her back turned. "We're ready." She called out of a door. "I've something to show you." She said to the other Professors.

The door had opened to emerge from it was an older man.

"Father, these are my colleagues from Hogwarts." Isidora explained.

The Hogwarts Professors nodded politely.

Isidora's Father didn't say a word. And once again looked as he did before.

"What is she doing?" Sebastian asked. 

"Don't be alarmed. My Father hasn't spoken since my brother died." Isidora explained. "On my travels, I confirmed that which I've always believed. That we have the power to take away pain."

The Professors remained silent and confused.

Isidora moved towards her Father. He wand touching close to her Father's chest. The Wand tip glowing bright. "Observe." 

"Isidora-" Rackham started to say.

But Isidora proceeded ahead. A large concentration of dark magic was being sucked out of Isidora's Father like metal to a magnet.

Isidora's Father felt a gasp of air.

The Dark Magic was now attached to Isidora's wand. And Isidora carefully examining it.

"Oh my God! What is that? Is that Pain?" Sarah asked.

"It is." Sean answered.

"What have you done?" Rackham asked.

"I took his pain." Isidora answered.

All the pain was gone from Isidora's Father.

Isidora was grinning and turning to the Professors. All the other Professors just looked in shock. But there was no awe in it at all.

"This is uncharted magic, Isidora." Rackham commented as Isidora sealed the pain inside a jar. "You can only see what has been sealed in the jar- and we do not know what power that may hold. But the traces of that magic are different from what I've seen before."

Isidora's Father went up to Isidora. Finally acting like a human being. Instead of a silent glorified zombies. Taking her hand and saying: "Thank you."

"I'm the 5th Eagle, Father. I'll make you proud. I just know it." Isidora said. 

"How did she do that?" Sarah asked. "Ancient Magic?" 

But the image had changed again. It was Isidora's home again. Only the Professors weren't in the room. So it was a different night. A knock was on the door. Isidora went to open it. To answer the door was a Goblin. In Middle Ages attire. And a beard. "It worked?" He asked. 

"It did indeed, Bragbor." Isidora answered. 

"Of course it did. It's Goblin Silver." The Goblin known as Bragbor replied. 

"Well, now I need something much bigger." Isidora informed. 

Bragbor nodded slightly. "Well okay." He said as he entered the house. "It would help if you could tell me more about what it is you're storing-" He then saw Isidora with some jars full of the same strains of magic that Isidora had removed from her Father. She took a jar and showed it off to Bragbor. 

"More pain?" Sean asked concerned. "Just how much did she remove?" 

"What I am storing is Magic." Isidora explained. "Magic left over from a spell I devised to remove pain. But, if used correctly, its power can be used to do even more good." 

Bragbor just looked confused. "Why would you want to store such magic anyway?" He asked. 

"That's none of your concern." Isidora dismissed. "All you need to know is that I only need to keep it safe until I can convince my colleagues of its worth. Magic like this unnerves some."  

"Well... not everyone is ready to wield such power. Of course if House Malfoy knew what you were doing, they would be adamant and inform the Wizarding Council at once." Bragbor pointed out. 

"Let me worry about House Malfoy." Isidora replied. "And perhaps not everyone is ready to wield such power. But I am. And in time, someone else will be. And isn't House Malfoy trying to repair the damage done by Nicholas Malfoy?" 

"His Grandson, Lanius Malfoy is doing all he can to erase the damage, from what I'm told." Bragbor answered. "So... about my pay..." 

"Excuse me!" A man in Lord's Attire had arrived, with short Blonde Hair, and Green Emerald Eyes. "I hope I'm not interrupting." He showed up to Isidora. 

Isidora quickly placed the jar down and out of sight. And then she bowed. "My Lord Malfoy. This is... I didn't realize that you were coming." She said startled to see Lord Lanius Malfoy of all people there. 

"Apologies. I have just come to meet the New Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor myself." Lanius explained. "My Daughter in particular was fascinated in the stuff she is learning in your class." 

"Oh, yes... Natalie Malfoy." Isidora remembered. "She's quite a gifted student. One of my most gifted." 

"I'm glad to hear that." Lanius replied. "Well, I must be off. I have to speak with Headmistress Fitzgerald about donating some of my families wealth to the school. It's all pocket change. Mind you." 

"For what purpose?" Isidora asked. 

"Call it a... redemption for my families wrong doings." Lanius answered. "I understand that my Grandfather, Nicholas Malfoy killed off all those Muggles during the Black Death." He then turned to the Goblin. "Sir." He nodded. 

"My Lord." Bragbor replied bowing his head. 

The Image had ended and all four were back in the Undercroft. Sean was knocked down on his back. But then got back up. "You guys all saw that right?" He asked.

"Wow." Sarah commented. 

"Wow, indeed." An-ru agreed. 

Sebastian had just seen the whole thing. And he was gasping in excitement. "She took away the pain." He said. "She... She took away the pain!" He exclaimed. 

Sean went back to look at the now empty portrait. Still empty. 

"I knew it. I knew there was a way to save Anne." Sebastian said. "Did you see that, Sarah?" 

"I saw... but wait." Sarah replied. She didn't think something was right. And neither did Sean. 

"Something isn't right." Sean said as he looked at the portrait.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked. "You saw what she did." 

"No, no not the memories. The Portrait." Sean clarified as he showed off the empty portrait. "This would be Isidora's portrait, right?" 

"I would assume that." Sebastian answered. "We did go looking for the Triptych, and her journal entries." 

"So why hasn't she appeared?" Sean asked. He looked at Sarah and An-ru. "Could you guys... excuse us for a moment?" He requested. 

"Of course." Sarah said after a bit of hesitation. 

"I need to ssssssee sssssomething myssssself." An-ru said. "To the Room of Requirement!" And they both left leaving Sean and Sebastian. 

"What were you saying about Appearances?" Sebastian asked. 

"I think the reason that Isidora hasn't appeared, is... because she can't." Sean answered. 

Sebastian just looked confused. "I don't follow." 

"We've seen that view before. The abandoned house in Feldcroft. The destroyed painting. It was her." Sean explained. 

"So, someone destroyed a bit of enchanted canvas." Sebastian dismissed like it was nothing. "It doesn't matter. We found the memory. We saw what she wanted us to see. We saw what she could do. What you can do!" 

"What I can do?" Sean asked confused.

"Come on, Sean. You can wield Old Magic, or Ancient Magic like she could. You have the gift!" Sebastian answered. "If you could just do to Anne what Isidora did..." 

"I can't do it!" Sean interrupted. "I don't know how to do what Isidora did." 

"Well then learn how to do it." Sebastian countered. "The Keepers can teach you." 

Sean shook his head. "No. They won't do it. They won't teach me. And I'm not sure they could." 

"You're not sure they would? Or do you not want them to teach you?" Sebastian asked getting all aggressive. 

"No." Sean answered. "The Keepers believed that removing someone's ability to feel pain is disturbing. Not to mention highly complicated and unpredictable. We don't know the risks of it." 

But Sebastian was a charging bull. And he charged ahead. "You've overcome all of their challenges, Sean. You've more than proven yourself. You can wield it. You have the ability." He told him.  

"But there must be a reason why the Keepers wanted this secret." Sean replied.

"Okay... fine." Sebastian had suddenly given up. "Don't use Old Magic. We'll just go to Plan B." He declared as he walked to a nearby counter. 

"Plan B?" Sean asked confused. 

"This Plan B." Sebastian answered grabbing the Relic from the Feldcroft Catacomb. 

"You took the Relic?" Sean asked in disbelief. 

"Yes." Sebastian answered. "I think that if we can learn to control it. We'll be able to control the Dark Magic inside of Anne. And perhaps... expunge it. For good." 

"The relic is a dangerous tool, Sebastian." Sean advised. "I don't think we should use it." 

"Why?" Sebastian asked. "Why should we fear to use it?" 

"We don't know what kind of Dark Power it wields." Sean answered. "It's too risky." 

"Oh... life is full of risks, Sean." Sebastian dismissed. "But fortune favors the bold and the ambitious. I'm nothing but ambition. I'm a Slytherin. If you don't  want to use the Keepers way, we'll do it my way. We'll fight Dark Magic with Dark Magic. You want to put out a fire, you create an explosion. Saps the energy, absorbs the flame." And he could feel a surge of dark energy had passed through Sebastian. "With this power... we can do... we can do so much good."  

And that was when Sean put his foot down. "Sebastian. You can't fight Dark Magic with more Dark Magic. It just creates an even dark magic. Light counters Dark, Dark counters Light. And that's the way it is. Not to mention, we don't even know what kind of power radiates from the Relic. We need to do more research-" 

"WE'VE DONE ENOUGH RESEARCH!" Sebastian yelled angrily as his wand slammed a table from the floor into the far wall and damaging the Triptych. "Anne is coming back! One way or another! With or without your help." 

"Sebastian, put the wand down and calm down." Sean ordered.

"Huh?" Sebastian looked at his own hand. And he realized then that he was holding his wand like he was ready for a fight. "Oh... oh right...." And he looked at the relic. "You're right... Sean. Maybe... maybe I need to keep away from this for a bit. Sean... could you please... could you talk to the Keepers, for Anne. Please?" He requested peacefully and gently. 

"Okay..." Sean agreed. "I'll talk to them." And then he looked at Sebastian. "You'll put the relic back?" He asked.

"Yes. Of course." Sebastian answered. "Back where it belongs." 

"Thank you." Sean thanked. And he ran out of the room. And questions raced through his mind. Why did the Keepers want to keep Isidora quiet? Why destroy her portrait? These were questions that Sean needed answered. "Time for the Keepers and I to have a real conversation." He declared. 

Sebastian took a look at the Dark Relic. Sean wouldn't give him the information he needed to save Anne. He saw Sean leave. A surge of Dark Energy emerged from it. Shadows dancing in front of Sebastian. "You will lose her." A voice echoed around Sebastian. He looked around. "You will lose her." The voice repeated. "And you will be alone. Is that what you want?"

Sebastian breathed in heavy. "You can't rely on him..." The voice continued. "You can't rely on anyone but yourself. Or you will lose her forever. And lose yourself." And Sebastian could see it all. The lifeless body of Anne, resting on a stone. A Tombstone that read: 'HERE LIES ANNE SALLOW. HER BROTHER FAILED TO SAVE HER.' And the ghost of Anne starring at Sebastian. "You did this to me. You failed me. I hate you. I HATE YOU!" 

"NO!" Sebastian yelled blasting everything in his radius and burning everything but the Dark Relic. "I won't let this happen! He looked now at the burning tryptic. And then back at the entrance. "Sorry, Sean. But this is where I cut you loose. Thank you for helping me with this. Sorry I had to use you to get what I wanted. But... you understand that the greater good calls for it." And he started to laugh. In a sinister laugh too. The Dark Relic glowing a powerful red. 

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