Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.

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By timbegs

The Earth Elemental Magic didn't just allow Sean to use for Combat Spells. But he also used his newfound Earth Magic to help construct habitats for his Magical Beasts that he was keeping safe. Constructing out of Rocks, he had constructed pens, massive Earth pillars. And had made trenches for water to flow. And thanks to these improvements, the profits were flowing in more than ever. Business was booming. More so than ever. Especially now that the Room of Requirement now contained a new habitat including a dark forest, swamp like area. A perfect breeding ground for creatures like the Nifflers, Unicorns, and Thestrals.

"You've built all of thisssssss, from nothing." An-ru said. "Rather impresssssive." 

"There are better ways to make a strong business without having to resort to such barbaric methods like the Poachers." Sean had explained. 

"And you have proven that, rightfully ssssssso." An-ru replied. "Creaturesssssss feel jusssssst assssss they would on the outssssside, than in cagessssss. You've created a home for them." 

"And when things get too overcrowded or we can't hold more. Than I've found a person in Hogsmeade who will find them a wonderful home." Sean explained. "For now..." His expression darkened. 

"What do you mean?" An-ru asked.

"It's just a thought that I've been having An-ru." Sean answered. "What happens when I am gone and all these Beasts will leave. It's not like we have a place where Magical Creatures can live peacefully and in harmony." 

"Sssssso build one." An-ru said. 

"Build one?" Sean asked.

"Of coursssssssse." An-ru answered. "If there isssssss one thing that I know about Humansssssss, issssss that there issssss alwayssssss sssssssomeone who will take money for whatever reasssssson. You ssssssshould make your reasssssson a noble one. Why not buy land for Beassssstssss to live in peace?" He suggested. 

Sean could see the logic in it. "That's actually a good idea." He said. "We'd have to find land first, and then buy it. And figure out how much that's going to cost." 

"You can figure it out." An-ru assured. "I believe in you, Sssssean." 

"You'd be one of the few to say that." Sean replied. 

"Where issssss the Dragon Egg?" An-ru asked. 

"Poppy's taking care of it." Sean answered. "For now. But we won't be able to keep it. Especially if it hatches." 

"I take it that Hogwartsssssss doesssn't allow Dragonssss in their hallsssss." An-ru figured.

"The Irony isn't lost of me, especially as Hogwarts' motto itself is Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon." Sean replied. He laughed at that, as did An-ru. 

But that was when Sean noticed a Container on An-ru's belt. It looked like it was filled with liquid. "What's that?" Sean asked. 

An-ru looked at the container. "The Ssssssssacred Water of the Hissssst." He answered as he held the container. "When a Lizardfolk is born. They are born in the Sssssacred Water of the Hisssssst Tree. Thisssss water isssss the duty of every Lizardfolk to protect and guard with their life. The Water issssss our connection to the Great Ancesssstorssss of the World." 

"And what should happen if you lose the Sacred Water?" Sean asked curiously.

"I would live in sssssshame in exile. Unable to return to my clan." An-ru answered. "I keep thisssss, ssssso that one day, I will return. It isssssss rumored that if a human isssss ssssay curssssssssed. It would heal them, and return them to ssssstrength." He explained. 

"Could it... nevermind." Sean shook his head. 

"Could it what?" An-ru asked.

"I was going to ask you if it could remove pain, but... it would not be worth it." Sean answered. 

But then Sean heard an Owl fly into the Room of Requirement. And Sean recognized the Owl as Sebastian's. 'Sean, I've finished deciphering some of Salazar Slytherin's Book. Meet me in the Undercroft. -Sebastian Sallow.'

"Who issss Sssssebasssstian Ssssssallow?" An-ru asked. 

"He's Sarah's ex-boyfriend." Sean answered. "And a man I'm trying to help." 

"Trying to help?" An-ru asked. 

"Sebastian is a complicated man." Sean clarified. "His Twin Sister, Anne was cursed by Goblins. Surely but slowly, the poison will... claim her life. At this time, there's no cure." 

"But Sssssssebassssstian issssss turning to quesssstionable methodssss." An-ru said.

"Exactly." Sean replied. "Just before Samhain, he convinced both his friend, Ominis, and myself that a Scriptorium made by Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts could hold the answers. And from the looks of things, I'd say that he's found something. I'm off to meet with him, right now." 

"And I will come too." An-ru declared. "I am curiousssss to meet thissss Ssssebassstian mysssself." 

"Good to have you with me." Sean replied. 

Sean and An-ru had traveled down to the Undercroft to speak with Sebastian. "Now, An-ru, I'm going to have to ask you not to tell anyone about this place." 

"Very well." An-ru replied. 

And so Sean descended to the Undercroft with An-ru in tow. "Sebastian?" Sean asked. He could see the Undercroft had not changed at all. And Sebastian over by a bench overlooking certain artifacts and the Texts. 

"Sean. Over here. You'll never believe what I've learned." Sebastian motioned over. Until he tilted his head up. "Ah!" He saw An-ru.

"Don't be alarmed, Sebastian. This is An-ru." Sean introduced. 

"Oh. I see you told him about the Undercroft." Sebastian noted.

"He's agreed to keep it a secret." Sean assured. "And believe me. Everyone in Hogwarts is going to stay away from a Lizardfolk." 

"Great. That'll reassure Ominis when we tell him." Sebastian said. "Anyway. Take a look at this." He motioned Sean over to the Spell book. 

"You interpreted it already?" Sean asked surprised. 

"Sure did." Sebastian answered. "He probably made it so that only a Slytherin could use it. And it was difficult to interpret, but fascinating." 

An-ru looked at the Spell book himself. "Thisssss issssss Ssssssssnake language." 

"Yeah. Parseltongue." Sebastian said. "You... speak it?" He asked.

"It issssss a sssssecond language for Lizardfolk." An-ru answered. "Very few Humanssssss can sssspeak it. A rare ability for them. But not for usssss." 

"Impressive." Sebastian said. "Salazar Slytherin himself was a Parseltongue. Evidently, he encouraged teaching Dark Magic at Hogwarts. Neither the Imperious Curse nor the Killing Curse was unforgivable during his time." 

"Aren't those two considered part of the Unforgivable Curses?" Sean asked.

"They are." Sebastian answered. "But Salazar believed students should be prepared to use Dark Magic when necessary- not to fear it. That's why we had to use Crucio to gain access to the Scriptorium. He didn't want his knowledge shared with anyone who was afraid of the power of Dark Magic." 

"Oh, I'm not afraid of Dark Magic, Sebastian. I just choose not to embrace darkness." Sean replied. "Though, I'm surprised that you want to learn more about it. Given with what you did to me." He eyed Sebastian like a hawk. 

Sebastian sighed. "Listen, Sean. I am sorry for what I did to you. I-I truly am. But... I had to do it, see. I couldn't do it to Ominis, and Ominis wasn't going to- anyway, I found something else." He turned back to the book.

"Sebastian." Sean started to say.

But Sebastian was on a mission. He charged ahead. "References to a lost relic which, form what I can tell, grants the holder the power to reverse Dark Magic Curses." He explained. 

And now Sean could see where Sebastian was going with this. "And you think that the 'relic' might be able to save Anne?" He asked.

"Who isssss Anne?" An-ru asked.

"My Twin Sister." Sebastian answered. "And my Best Friend since the day we both were born. She got cursed last year, and she's... dying." 

The Lizard had put down his head. "My Condolenssssessss. I mean. I'm not familiar with the concept of a Twin. All of my people are born from One Egg, and laide at the bassssse of the Hisssst Tree." 

"I plan to search for this relic, but I don't think we should tell anyone. Especially Ominis. He wouldn't understand." Sebastian suggested.

"You gave your word that you would stop looking for more Dark Arts or Magic." Sean reminded. "You gave your word to Ominis. He's the reason we found the book and he deserves to know what you've learned. And he's your best friend." 

"But he won't understand." Sebastian countered.

"You have to tell him." An-ru agreed with Sean. 

"You've seen how he frets about the Dark Arts, okay. Not the Lizard. But you, Sean." Sebastian shot back. "I'll tell him when I've found the relic. And keeping this to ourselves for now is for his own good." 

"I believe that time hassssss come and gone." An-ru said as he turned around and saw a very angry Ominis walk up to Sebastian. 

Sebastian turned to look. And he had an Uh-oh look on his face. "Ominis. Sean and I were about to get some air. Care to join?" He asked innocently. 

"You're a liar, Sebastian. I overheard everything. You swore you'd never engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again." Ominis accused. 

"No I didn't." Sebastian shot back. "I said I understood you wanting that. I'd never swear to giving up on finding a cure for Anne." 


"I know when not to stop!" Sebastian countered. A couple of chests had smashed beyond them. "Leave this alone, Ominis." He warned. "I'll be on my way. Sean. I'll see you outside." 

That left Ominis, Sean, and An-ru on their own. "I am not letting this go." Ominis declared. "And who's making that hissing sound. Is that the Lizardfolk?" 

"Yes. And his name is An-ru." Sean answered. "I brought him down here." 

"Oh." Ominis said. "Is everyone just going to come down here and find out about the Undercroft?!" He asked so suddenly and a little frustrated. 

"Sorry." Sean apologized. "But we can trust An-ru. He's agreed to help keep the secret of this place. And besides. Other students won't come anywhere near a Lizardfolk. So in this case, it actually helps you." He explained. 

"Valid points." Ominis finally said.

"You don't ssssseem afraid." An-ru noted. "Am I not the firssssst Lizard-folk to come acrossss your path?" He asked. 

"No. You're the first." Ominis answered. "I've heard tales from my Grandparents about the mighty Lizardfolk who once roamed the Earth. But I can't... see. I'm blind." 

"Not an eassssy thing to live with." An-ru said. 

"No. But I make due." Ominis replied. "Even though I was born blind. I've never had a problem seeing. I navigate using my magic." He explained. "I guess you overheard that conversation I had with Sebastian, didn't you?" 

"I did." An-ru answered. 

"I appreciate you and Sean telling Sebastian not to keep this from me, but going after that relic is not a good idea." Ominis said. 

"After the Torture Curse, I don't blame you." Sean replied. 

"Sebastian doesn't even realize it, but he's as irresponsible and reckless now as his parents were years ago. It's why they died." Ominis said. 

"What happened to Sebastian's parents?" Sean asked. "I know they died, but Sebastian's Uncle didn't go into details." 

"Oh." Ominis realized. "Right. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Sallow were Professors at Hogwarts. Spent nearly every waking moment in the cellar library- noses buried in books. Anne and Sebastian were upstairs when it happened. They heard a sudden crash and ran downstairs-but it was too late." 

"Dark Wizards?" Sean asked.

"No." Ominis answered. "Their parents had crumpled to the floor. There was a defect in the lamp in the cellar that caused the room to fill with an undetectable toxin. Our Muggle Studies Professor later discovered that the toxin was called... Carbon Monoxide. Anne and Sebastian were helpless. They had no magic yet."  

"How unfortunate." Sean said. It was one reason why Muggle technology and the Wizarding World couldn't see eye to eye. Yet.

"It is unfortunate." Ominis agreed. "That's why I can't understand Sebastian's recklessness. I've practically lost Anne. I cannot lose Sebastian too." 

"I can underssssstand his recklessssnessss." An-ru had suddenly said.

"Oh?" Ominis asked. 

"Sssssebasssssstian hasssss losssst both of hissssss Parentsssss. And he believessssss that Anne issssssss all he hasssss left. If he losssssessss hissss twin Sssssissssster, he believessssss that he will losssssse everything." An-ru answered. "That issssss why he isssss desssssperate. To ssssave the one persssssson he hasssss left in hisssss life." 

"But he's not alone. He has me. And he had Sarah." Ominis countered. "How could he not realize that?" He asked. 

"I don't know. My only guess is that he's so obsessed that he can't even see straight in front of him." Sean answered. 

"And now that he's found that Spell book. I fear that he's only going to get more obsessed." Ominis warned. "We have to avoid anything to do with that Spell book. Everything to do with Salazar Slytherin seems promising, until it's too late. I hope Sebastian pursues this no further. But, if you think he might. Please, let me know."

"We both know he will." Sean replied. He also noticed a letter that Sebastian had left on the desk. 'Sean. I couldn't tell you this because Ominis was there. But... Anne is getting worse. If there is any chance that the relic from the Spell book can help her, I must find it. I'm requesting your help. Meet me outside of Feldcroft, near the Catacomb.' "And from the look of things, he already has." 

"What do you mean?" Ominis asked.

"He's gone off near a Catacomb outside of Feldcroft." Sean answered. "I'm on my way. Perhaps I can persuade him to see reason." He suggested.

"Good luck, Sean. And be careful of the Catacombs." Ominis advised. "Hopefully, you won't go inside that area just yet." 

"Let's go, An-ru." Sean requested.

Both Sean and An-ru had journeyed out by Highwing, who Sean already had in his Nab-sack ready to go at a moment's notice. 

"Don't think I didn't notice that little exchange you all had with each other. Issssss there sssssomething that happened between you three?" An-ru asked.

"Something happened." Sean answered. "We got into a tight squeeze and the only way to get out was to use the Cruciatus Curse. That's the Torture Curse." He explained.

"And he ussssssed it on you?" An-ru asked in disbelief. 

"It was the only way to get out." Sean justified. "I was hoping that Sebastian would see the error of his ways after he used the Curse and that he would shift away from the Dark Arts. Clearly that didn't work." He grunted.

"If he hasssssn't ssssstopped by now. I doubt he ever will." An-ru replied. 

"He can stop. I can see to that." Sean said.

"Why are you ssssso adamant to ssssave thissss one persssssson in paticular?" An-ru asked. 

"Sebastian isn't just one person. He's a good man who I can see there is some good with. But circumstances are pushing him toward a dark path. If there's even a single chance that I can help guide him back to his senses. Then that is what I should do." Sean answered. 

"And... what if he doessssssn't want to be ssssaved?" An-ru asked.

"It hardly matters what one wants and what they need." Sean answered. 

"Maybe sssssso. But did Ssssssebasssstian give hissssss word that he would ssssstop with the Dark Magic?" An-ru asked.

"He did. He swore to Ominis." Sean answered. 

"And hasssss he kept hisssss word?" An-ru asked.

"So far, no." Sean answered.

"I don't underssssstand your logic, Sssssean. But I will defer to your judgement." An-ru replied. "Even it it issssss brutal, if I may sssssspeak freely." 

"I may be brutal. But I deliver rightful justice." Sean said. "And those I kill are those I wouldn't consider humans. But reckless, destructive, repulsive, barbaric animals who seem to enjoy killing for sport. And hunting down your race like animals too." 

"What of Sssssebasssstian? Do you think that he isssss an animal?" An-ru asked.

"No." Sean answered. "He's someone that I can help." 

"And if you... can't?" An-ru asked. "Can you bring yourssssself to do what you musssssst?" 

Sean didn't answer that question. He just rode in silence for the rest of the ride to the Feldcroft tomb. 

By the time he had reached the Feldcroft Tomb, Sebastian was already there. "Ah, there you are, Sean. I see you got my letter. Good." Sebastian greeted as Sean landed Highwing and had her go into the Nab-sack. "I'd been so distracted by the Scriptorium and Slytherin's book that I'd almost forgotten what it was that struck me about that triptych. It's this. This is the view painted on the canvas that was left on it." He explained.

"The one we found in the-?" Sean started to ask.

"Yep." Sebastian answered. "I know this lay of the land very well. And while I was waiting for you, I scouted around and discovered an abandoned mine nearby- surrounded by Ranrok's Loyalists." He added. 

"Of course it is." Sean thought. "You think there's a connection to the Triptych?" He asked. 

"I've no idea. But perhaps they're searching it- the way they did at Rookwood's Castle and Isidora's Manor. How do we want to handle this?" Sebastian asked. 

Sean gave it some thought. It was dangerous to just charge in like a charging bull. "We'll have to stay out of the way for now. We can't take our enemy in a straight up fight or we lose. We'll need a strategy. For now, we'll strike from the Shadows." 

"Very well." Sebastian replied.

"And I still have that Rune Symbol we found on the triptych. If there is a connection, I suspect we'll see that symbol again." Sean added. "But Sebastian, listen-" 

"Hey. This time, I'm playing nice." Sebastian interrupted. "I won't charge in like I did in that other place. After you." He insisted. 

Sean shook his head. "Okay. Both of you, with me." He signaled An-ru and Sebastian to follow him. This is where his Earth Magic would come in handy. They turned towards what looked like the entrance to the Mine. But to Sean, it was a more of a Fort along the bridge. With Smoke rising up from the Camp. 

"What'ssssss the plan?" An-ru asked.

"First. Take cover." Sean answered as they all crouched by a pile of rocks in front of the bridge. "Goblin Mechs." He pointed to 2 Goblin Mechs guarding the entrance to the Camp. 

"Merlin's Beard. They actually dared to build it?" Sebastian asked. "Not just being cursers, but they're also experts in building Constructs." 

"Who figured?" Sean asked. 

"Well, there was this old legend about Daedalus crafting an army of Golems but then it disappeared." Sebastian answered. 

Then Sean felt like his feet was standing on something metal. "Rail Tracks?" He asked.

"Looks too small for train tracks. Oh, let me try something." Sebastian said. He reached down for the rail tracks. 

"What are you doing?" Sean asked.

"It let's me feel vibrations." Sebastian answered. And he could feel it shaking. "There's a Mine Cart coming. From inside the Camp." 

"Quickly." Sean created an Earth Boulder around himself, An-ru, and Sebastian, so that it looked like any solid rock from the outside. And Sean created a hole to see if any Goblins were approaching. 

But there weren't any. Just the cart. Filled with dirt and rocks. And the Cart had proceeded to dump all of the stuff down the cliff. 

"I've got an idea." Sean said, getting out of the rock and taking out the rocks and the dirt. Then climbing into the Cart. "Hop in. We'll ride right into the Heart of the Mine." He explained.  

"A good plan." An-ru said. 

"Yes. Well done." Sebastian said disappointed. He had wanted to take the fight head on. 

Sean also casted the Disillusionment Charm on all of them as the Cart moved back into the Mine. 

"I should warn you guys. There's a rumor that this mine was closed long ago due to an infestation of Spiders." Sebastian added.

"Shut up." Sean hissed.

The Mine Cart had entered the Mine. Which at first glance didn't seem like much. It seemed like any other typical mine to Sean. "Keep silent until the Cart stops." Sean advised.  

"Ssssssso why are you talking?" An-ru asked.

"Starting now." Sean said. He was just glad that the Goblins were too big idiots to notice their talking. 

Suddenly, the Cart had stopped. 

"Oi! Cart is back! Start loading up the Rocks again! Ranrok wants this Mine back up and Running!" A Goblin ordered. 

That was when Sean made his move and took down the Goblins. 

"You know, I like straight up fights, but I would be lying if I didn't say that this wasn't fun too." Sebastian commented as he climbed out of the cart. 

"Well, for better our worse. We're in." Sean said. "An-ru, cover the area, and start making preparations for an extraction point." He ordered.

"Already getting it covered." An-ru replied. And he started to crawl on the rock walls and then on the roof of the Cave.

"Did you know that he could do that?" Sebastian asked.

"No." Sean answered. "But I am not complaining." The two headed deeper into the mine. "This Mine feels more like a Tomb." He admitted as he passed the dark empty halls that were filled with wooden stands, and also Spider Webs. 

"It was closed after accidents were reported. Now, I see why." Sebastian replied. 

"Well, I don't see any Goblins in the Spider Webs." Sean noted. 

"Nah. I wouldn't think so. Goblins are too disgusting even for a Spider to prey on." Sebastian said.

They slid down a ramp, and Sean plowed right into a stack of crates. But unfortunately into a stack of Goblin Workers. And then Sebastian had slid right onto Sean's back. 

The Goblins certainly noticed them. 

"Well, so much for discretion." Sebastian commented. 

That was when Sean noticed Explosive Barrels. "Then let's get loud!" He yelled and he threw a bunch of the exploding barrels at the Goblins. "Sebastian! On your left!" He yelled. 

Sebastian saw a Goblin readying a Crossbow. "Expelliamus!" He disarmed the Goblin, and then launched a flurry of spells at the Goblin and into the Rock. 

Sean had also used his Earth Spell to bury one Goblin into the Rocks. 

"How many of Ranrok's Loyalists do you think are in here?" Sebastian asked.

"Too many." Sean answered. "They definitely think there's something in here they want." He then noticed a large ledge. 

"That ledge is too tall. Got any ideas?" Sebastian asked. 

Sean saw a large metal crate. "Sure do." He answered and casted Levioso at said crate and climbed on it, and jumped onto the ledge. And Sebastian had followed him. "And I understand why people hate Spiders." 

"Could be the hairy legs. Or the soulless eyes. Or the venomous fangs. Any number of endearing qualities, really." Sebastian listed. 

"That's not really helping the case of the Spiders." Sean said as he slid down another slide. 

"We should've thought to conjure stairs." Sebastian suggested with sarcasm.

"Yes, but I just like slides." Sean replied, as they saw a bridge that was all broken down over a lake. Which Sean repaired using Reparo. 

But that was when a Venomous Scurriour came down one of the Caves. But Sean had took care of him. "Arania Exumai!" He shot. 

"Nice, made the right words and everything." Sebastian praised. 

"I'd rather not get overwhelmed by Spiders when I can use a one up shot and kill them." Sean explained. And they moved over the bridge and into the next area of the Mine. 

And also crouching low to their next destination. "We've still not seen a single rune symbol." Sebastian noted.

"It's probably somewhere in here. Be patient." Sean advised. "And I think that we're going to be distracted from Runes at the moment." 

"An unwelcome distraction." Sebastian agreed. 

Sean had followed the path and down a little slide. And unfortunately, the room they were in currently was surrounded by three Goblins. "Keep your head up, Sebastian. We've another fight on our hands." He advised. 

"Why am I not surprised?" Sebastian asked sarcastically. But then he saw the Goblins. "Oh, please. 3 Goblins?" He asked.

The Goblins had noticed them. 

"You take 1, I take 2?" Sean offered. 

"Fat chance. I'll take 2, and you can take 1." Sebastian countered.

"Get them!" The Goblin Commander yelled. 

But Sean had dispatched that Goblin with Ice Spells and stabbed him right in the neck.

"Hey! No fair!" Sebastian yelled as he killed the 2 other Goblins. 

"Actually it's all fair." Sean pointed out. "You said that I could kill 1, but you didn't call dibs on killing the Commander." 

"Curses." Sebastian grunted. 

"Hey, you got 2 Henchmen, Sebastian. So you can't really complain." Sean countered. But then he stopped taking another step. "Though..." 

"Though what?" Sebastian asked.

"Don't you think it's weird that there were only 3 Goblins in this room? There are usually more than this." Sean said.

"Well... that just means that the Goblins aren't as organized as we think they are." Sebastian replied. But he got his hands stuck on a pillar that was made out of Spider Silk. "Ugh." His hand felt the sticky wetness of the silk. He used Incendio to burn the web down. "Stupid silk. I hate it when it gets on me. It's like touching wet cotton."  

Suddenly, Sean heard a hissing sound overhead. And a bit of a shake coming from the Spider Webs. As if to say that something was coming. He also saw a Spider cocoon. "Wait a minute." He casted fire on the cocoon burning it. And out of it popped out a dead Goblin Ranger. All of its blood sucked out and just flesh and bones on.  

"Ah!" Sebastian yelled. 

But right then, the whole cavern shook. Sean turned his head to see a massive Spider. A Huge Spider the size of a full Hungarian Horntail crawl through one of the tunnels and barreled its fangs right at the two boys. "I think I know why there were only 3 Goblins in the area." Sean said. 

The Giant Spider was soon followed by hundreds of smaller spiders. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Arania Exumai could work, but it wouldn't be enough to kill all the Spiders. They would be overwhelmed.  

"Run!" Sebastian yelled as he headed for an open tunnel. 

Sean followed in pursuit of Sebastian. The Large Spider was crawling through the tunnel that the two boys ran through. But at least because of its size, it could not have the same mobility that Sean and Sebastian had. But the little ones did, and right as they crawled through after Sean at Incredible speed. Sean could pick them off though.

But it wasn't to last. They had moved to a dead end. And Sean looked above him to see a massive ledge. "We've got to get up there." He announced.

"We can't jump that high. And I don't think that we can outclimb that Spider." Sebastian pointed out.  

The tunnel behind them had been now filled with the massive Spider. 

"Then we'll go up another way. Hold on!" Sean yelled. He created a massive pillar out of the ground that Sebastian and Sean were on. And Sean rose it up. 

Sebastian got off, and Sean had pummeled his wand right into the heart of the Ground and a massive rock slide cut from the ceiling and descended down on the Spider and splitting both Sean and Sebastian from the Spider and the way they came in. 

"That was close." Sebastian commented panting out of breath.

"You don't say." Sean replied. He turned to the other room that they were in. A smaller room, but there was a Rune Symbol above a door. There were also 2 others on the other sides of the walls.  "I think we've found our rune." And he casted a spell on the rune along with the second and third one. And the Caver Door had opened. 

"How did you know that would work?" Sebastian asked.

"I've seen this type of puzzle before." Sean answered. "Seems they handle all the same." 

"Well, after you." Sebastian led the way. 

Sean had walked down the dark hallway. Only for it to reveal what didn't look like a Mine. Rather. It looked like a Wizard's study. "Imagine that. A Study in the middle of a Mine." He said. Then he saw a note on the table. 'The world floated back to me as if in a watery haze. How long had I been unconscious? I only remember his eyes. Empty. Empty of sorrow, yes, but also- 

I recall feeling a sense of euphoria as I watched the pain vanish. But then everything started to turn. When I fell, I must have hit my head. I neither feel nor see a mark, but the pain is throbbing. I can only hope it is not the Black Death. 

At least he is no longer in pain.'

"What do you have there?" Sebastian asked. 

"A Journal entry by Isidora." Sean answered. "What was the Black Death?" 

"A Deadly Plague from the Middle Ages." Sebastian answered. "Wiped out nearly half of Europe. Hopefully that will help us unravel the mystery. As will this." He pulled out a triptych canvas piece. 

"A Canvas Piece?" Sean asked happy to see it. 

"Our efforts weren't in vain after all." Sebastian grinned. "Still... something about this place feels odd." 

Sean knew that Sebastian wasn't wrong about that. "If the Triptych led us here to find this bit of canvas, we can probably assume that Isidora Morganach was here." He said. 

"She seems to have been everywhere." Sebastian corrected.

"But if she was using the Undercroft- and the cellar beneath her manor in Feldcroft- why would she create this space?" Sean asked. 

"And why hide it behind cryptic rune symbols- and ancient magic that no one but you could see?" Sebastian asked. 

"Technically, Isidora and Percival Rackham- another of the Keepers- could see traces of Ancient Magic too." Sean clarified. 

"Rackham? Who's that?" Sebastian asked. 

"A Hogwarts Professor, years ago." Sean answered. "His are some of the memories I've seen. But from the way things went... I don't think he and Isidora saw eye to eye on how the magic should be used." 

But before Sebastian could say any more, the Massive Spider from before, had burrowed out from the ground. And it hissed.

"Oh great. He's back!" Sebastian complained. 

Sean had taken his wand out. He was ready to fight. But that was when a wall next to the humans had popped out with a whole. And Sean turned to see that it was An-ru. He had emerged from the wall.

"An-ru!" Sean yelled.

"Where did you come from?" Sebastian asked.

"Well... the way wassssss blocked by ssssspiderssssss." An-ru answered. "It wassssn't long before they ssssstarted ssssswarming down a tunnel. The ssssame tunnel that you had gone through. When I followed the Ssssspidersssss, they had followed a Gigantic Sssssspider. I figured that it wassssss going to attack you." 

"How did you know where to find us?" Sean asked.

"Sssssseisssssmic Charm. I ussssed it to ssssssenssssse the vibrationsssss in the Earth. I knew exactly where you were, and I ussssed my Earth Magic to tunnel to you." An-ru answered.

"Ha ha!" Sean declared. He knew those Earth Elemental Magic Spells came in handy. 

"Well, that's good, An-ru." Sebastian commented. "Unfortunately... well... we're about to become Spider food." 

Sean looked around. There was what appeared to be a passageway to the Undercroft to Sean's right. "Guys! This way! This is the way out!" He yelled.

"Another passage to the Undercroft!" Sebastian yelled. "How convenient!" 

The Spider started to charge.

But Sean had blasted the Spider back with a Wind Gust. "Come on! We're gone!" He yelled. "Let's go, An-ru!"  

And all three had ran for the portal to the Undercroft. 

When Sean touched the ground. He was no longer standing on dirt or other rubble. But instead, the stone floor of the Undercroft. 

"Boy. That was an even closer one." Sebastian commented. "I hate those things. Too many eyes. You know?"

"Did you two find anything?" An-ru asked.

"We did." Sean answered. "A piece of the portrait." He pointed to Sebastian who had the piece in his hands. 

"And what isssssss that?" An-ru asked. 

"We don't know yet." Sean answered. "But it looks like a piece of the Triptych." 

"Moment of truth here." Sebastian said as he placed the the portrait on the canvas.

But it was a view of a nearby lake. And a mountain. "Does this look familiar to you?" Sean asked.

"Well there's good news and bad news." Sebastian answered. "The Good news is that I do." 

"And the Bad Newsssssss?" An-ru asked. 

"We're in for more trouble." Sebastian answered. 

Sean blinked his eyes. "You want to be more specific than that?" He asked. 

"I know that coast. Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It's the most heavily oppressed region along the Hamlets of Hogwarts. First Pitt-upon Ford, then Feldcroft. And now Marunweem." Sebastian answered. 

Sean looked at the map. 

"Sean? Should we head there now?" Sebastian asked.

"No." Sean answered. 

"No?" Sebastian asked surprised.

"All this time, we've been a step behind Ranrok." Sean explained. "And I may know someone who could help us get ahead." 

"Who is that?" Sebastian asked. 

"An acquaintance." Sean answered. "He asked me not to say his name. Not even to you, Sebastian. But he has no love of Ranrok what so ever." 

"Is this a Goblin?" Sebastian asked. He wasn't stupid.

Sean didn't say anything, but the silence was all Sebastian needed to hear. "Did you forget that Goblins cursed Anne to shut her up. Said she should be 'seen and not heard.'?" Sebastian interrogated. "Have you forgotten Feldcroft? Or your village? Have you forgotten the mine we just went through?!" His voice got even more angrier. 

"I haven't forgotten!" Sean yelled raising his voice too. "And that Goblin is not my friend! I hate them just as much as you do! But the enemy of my enemy is my friend! In this circumstance!" 

"Oh, please. Why should I believe someone so ignorant?!" Sebastian asked.

"You're one to talk." Sean shot back.

"What did you just say?" Sebastian asked holding out his wand. 

But an Ice Wall stood in between Sean and Sebastian. 

"That issssss enough!" An-ru yelled. "Sssssssean! Let usssss leave. While Sssssebassssstian coolsssss hissssss tongue." He suggested in a calm tone. 

"Unbelievable." Sebastian grunted and walking away. 

"Fine." Sean grumbled and walking away. He could now see even more on why Sarah dumped him. 

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