Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.

49 3 0
By timbegs

Sean continued in his training, his studies, and also his business. By the 2nd Week of November, he had managed to juggle all of these with relative ease. Whenever Sean needed something for a subject. The Room would provide him with just that thing. And Sean would take full advantage.  

And Sarah would swing in by and help Sean run operations. They were still waiting for a response from Lodgok, but so far, there was nothing. And for a while, Sarah was also thinking of something. 

"How could she take away pain?" Sarah asked.

"Who?" Sean asked.

"That Girl. Isidora Morganach." Sarah clarified. "How would she be able to take away pain like you said she did?" 

"She did it with some type of Ancient Magic. I don't know the process myself." Sean answered. "From the way I saw it, it was as if she was removing a dangerous parasite from the body. When she did it from to her Father, her Father was... smiling, and thanking her. The whole thing in a way seemed off." 

"Seemed off?" Sarah asked. 

"Isidora had invited the other Professors to speak of her Travels. But when they arrived... Isidora didn't wish to discuss the details. All she said was that she had the ability to remove pain. And then she just did it." Sean answered. "She left... details out." 

"The whole idea of removing pain seems off to me, Sean." Sarah said. "Something like pain. It shouldn't be removed by force like that." 

"You think so?" Sean asked. 

"It was Emotional Pain right?" Sarah asked.

"Yes." Sean answered.

"Then yes." Sarah continued. "The idea of someone removing pain by force like that..." She had started to shiver. "In all honesty, Sean. Emotional Pain should not be removed Physically. It should be emotionally healed. By those close to us. And those that we love. And trust in God to heal us. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." She explained.  

"Hm." Sean commented. "Sometimes, I think that pain can be a part of life. Without pain, how can we find others to support us, to alert others that we need help?" He recalled back his conversation with his Parents at Samhain. That no more should he grieve. That it wasn't his fault. "I won't allow pain to consume me." He declared. 

"Sean. You know that I'll be here for you if you ever need anything." Sarah informed.

"And I am grateful to that, Sarah." Sean replied. "I wonder... now..." 

"What?" Sarah asked. 

"I wonder if Isidora ever had anyone to support her emotionally. Did the Hogwarts Professors ever try to help her?" Sean asked. 

Sarah had thought about that too.  "Other than a few kind words from Professor Rackham... No. There must be more to the story." He answered.

"I guess we'll just have to find more of the Trials in order to see the truth." Sean figured. But he and Sarah had both an internal agreement. That there were other ways to heal emotional pain rather than having it ripped right out of you.

"In the meantime, we'll have to figure out our spacing problem." Sean informed. "It's starting to get a little cramped in the habitat. If we had more space, I'd be much happier." 

That was when Deek walked up to both Sean and Sarah. And carrying more sacks of Galleons. "Sean Cormag. Sarah Parker. Deek has the latest income in." Deek announced. 

"Thanks, Deek." Sean thanked.

"And if it's not too much trouble, Deek has had a thought." Deek added. "He- well with your permission." 

"Go ahead." Sean assured. 

Next to both him and Sarah. A part of the room where there had been a wall had suddenly opened up, to reveal another section that looked like it has been part of the Room of Requirement the whole time. A Whole Section of Stairs leading up to a Second Floor. Still retaining its Celtic theme. And what looked like another habitat for Magical Creatures. Round and glass. With a Gate surrounded by rocks leading to a cave. It opened up to the sound of the seas and the surf of waves. 

"Ah! Seems the Room thinks you need more space for your beasts." Deek informed. "And as Deek was saying- he's had a thought. That Sean might perhaps help an old friend in the process." 

"What do you mean?" Sean asked. 

"A House Elf named Tobbs, works for his master retrieving Leech Juice in a cave near Hogwarts." Deek answered. "Tobbs's master doesn't let him leave the cave, and Deek knows the cave is infested with Spiders.

"That sounds awful." Sean commented. "Couldn't Tobbs just get Leech Juice from the Shores of the Black Lake?" 

"It is and he could." Deek answered. "But Tobbs's master insists that Tobbs get the Leech Juice from the cave. And Deek hasn't heard from his friend in a while now." 

"How long is a while now?" Sean asked. 

"About 6 Weeks. Right before Sean was shown the Room of Requirement." Deek answered. 

"6 Weeks." Sean repeated. "Not sure that I was consider that a while now. But that's just me." 

"We should go investigate." Sarah suggested.

Sean nodded his head. "Deek, you've helped us with starting up this business... now it's our turn to help you. Would you mind taking some of the overflowing Beasts to the new Habitat for me?" He requested as he handed Deek the bag that was filled with Giant Purple Toads. 

"Certainly." Deek replied. "And thank you, Sean Cormag. Please let Deek know what you learn about Deek's old friend." 

"We will." Sean assured. "Come on, Sarah." 

"Um... Sean?" Sarah asked hesitantly.

"Yes?" Sean asked. 

"Um... shouldn't we... isn't the Cave infested with Giant Spiders? How would we-?" Sarah asked.

"It'll be easy. We've got Arania Exumai." Sean assured. "It'll blast the Spiders away." 

"I don't know Arania Exumai." Sarah countered. 

"I'll teach you." Sean assured.

"Thanks." Sarah replied. 

The Location was marked on their Field Guide. And Sean had once again driven his broom to the Cave that was located by the edges of the Forbidden Forest. And Sarah in the meantime was practicing her movements on using Arania Exumai. 

"That spell comes in very good handy when I'm battling Spiders in the Forbidden Forest." Sean informed. 

"Naturally. I wonder if it works on Scorpions too. The Giant ones. I read about them one time in Beasts Class." Sarah replied.

"Giant Scorpions?" Sean asked. 

"They're native to the territories of the Magi. The faction that rules the Middle East." Sarah answered. "Some British Soldiers stationed in Afghanistan reported Giant Scorpions in the Desert Dunes. Most in the Muggle World think they're crazy. But we know the truth. And since... Scorpions are technically the cousins of Spiders, I just thought that it would work." She explained. 

"It might. But I'm in no hurry to engage with Scorpions anytime soon." Sean explained. "Right now, we should focus on helping Deek's friend." 

"Of course." Sarah replied. 

They stopped by the right side of the Forbidden Forest. With a Throwback Scurriour by the entrance. "Try it out, Sarah." Sean insisted. "Arania Exumai." 

"Arania Exumai!" Sarah shot at the Spider and killing it. "Ha! I did it!" She yelled in triumph. 

The two continued to the Cave Entrance. "I hate those things, too many eyes." Sean noted.

"This the cave entrance?" Sarah asked.

"According to the Field Guide. Yes." Sean answered. "We'll have to head inside and find Tobbs." 

Sarah also could see a bunch of wooden signs of danger for Spiders. "Tobbs's Master ordered Tobbs to go in here with a bunch of Spider Signs? No wonder Deek doesn't like that Human Master." 

"Can't say I blame him either." Sean commented. "We'll have to be cautious. And remember. That Arania Exumai is our greatest weapon." 

"Right as soon as the two entered, Sean could see even more danger signs for Spiders. If that wasn't the ultimate danger sign that the place was dangerous, then Sean didn't know what it was.

Sean had also shot Confringo to move ahead as they were blocked by a Spider Web. As soon as they walked in, Sean could see a table filled with a bunch of knick knacks like a typical traveling Wizard would carry. He also saw a letter on the table. 

'Tobbs, you missed your quota by three phials. You know what that means? It means my loyal customers be missing their bottles of Seamus's Shrinking Solution. Because of your foolish mistake, you will be given no food for a week. I also expect you to punish yourself accordingly. When I return for the next shipment, I'd best see bloodied bandages instead of your usual idiotic grin. If you do not meet your next quota, plus five extra phials, you will lose more than your food privileges.' 

"This guy is a bastard." Sarah commented. "How dare he." 

"Tell me about it, Sarah." Sean agreed. He and Sarah looked around. "Tobbs? Tobbs? My name is Sean Cormag. Deek sent me. Are you here?" He asked. 

"No! But they are!" Sarah screamed as two Acromantulas swung down from the ceiling and were crawling all over to them.

"Arania Exumai!" Sean shot at one. 

"Reducto!" Sarah shot and shrinking the Spider. She then stomped on it.

"Nice, Sarah. All I just use is Ancient Magic to do that." Sean said. "Come on. Let's push on into the cave. Maybe Tobbs went deeper." 

"And maybe we'll also find Tobbs' master too, and throw him to the Spiders." Sarah suggested.

"You okay, Sarah?" Sean asked noticing the anger in Sarah's voice.

"I'm okay." Sarah answered. 

A Spider screech had suddenly sounded. Sean blasted that one. It wasn't flashy, but it was the smart way to fight them. 

The continued on through the caves, and Sarah could see Spider Silk on the walls of the caves. "Ugh. Spiders." She squirmed. 

"You never did like Spiders. Did you?" Sean asked. as he saw some Spider Eggs were sitting on the Walls.  

"Um... Sean?" Sarah asked.

"We'll have to burn them quickly before they hatch." Sean instructed. As he shot Fire Balls at the Spiders and burned out the creatures. 

As Sarah shot her own Fire at the Spider Eggs, her foot stepped on something crunchy. Like glass. She looked down to see broken bottles. "Broken Bottles?" She asked. And she also saw by a pillar in the day light shinning through a stack of boxes filled with supplies. 

"Tobbs must've been here some time ago." Sean figured as he walked over to see what the crunch sound was. "He must've headed deeper into the cave." 

"Then that's where we'll go as well." Sarah declared. 

"Stay close, Sarah." Sean advised. "This is a whole Spider Nest, and we're in their turf. I'd rather not be a fly in this case." He shot another Arania Exumai at a Spider that had approached them. 

"The difference is that we're not Flies, Sean. We're humans." Sarah pointed out, and with her wand out and leading the way. 

The duo had traveled deeper into the cave. Across a bridge and had to duck. "Tobbs?" Sean asked. 

"Deek sent us. We're here to take you out of this cave." Sarah had called. But her foot had slipped on a ledge and she fell down a slide. "Careful, Sean. There's a bit of a drop." 

"I see it." Sean replied as he slid down into a bigger room. And that also meant more passageways. 

But they were surrounded by Spiders. And one Gigantic Spider known as a Thornback Matriarch. "Big one!" Sarah yelled. 

"Arania Exumai!" Sean shot killing the Spider. But then he saw a bunch of Spider Webs shoot out at Sarah and trapping her with sticky webs.

"Ah! Get it off me!" Sarah yelled. 

Sean could see where the Spiders were shooting. He quickly jumped in front of Sarah and shielded both of them with Protego. "Arania Exumai!" He shot at both Spiders and they were dead. He could also see a Spider Cocoon above them. 

"Ugh. It even smells too." Sarah squeezed her eyes shut as she strapped off the Spider Webs off of her. 

"It could always be worse, Sarah." Sean assured. He then saw another letter by the desk. Based on the handwriting. It looked like it was written by a House Elf. "Sarah! Over here." 

Sarah had read the letter. 'Master, If you are looking for Tobbs, it seems he has dried up all the leeches here and must move deeper into the cave. Tobbs hopes Master will wait for his return. It's much too dangerous for Master to follow. And please be careful of the Spiders. Tobbs.' She folded up the letter. 

"If Tobbs moved deeper into the cave. Then so will we." Sean said. 

"And it looks like Tobbs's Master didn't wait for his return either." Sarah added. And she started to move. "Doesn't exactly sound reassuring." 

"Oh, Um... Sarah? You've got a little..." Sean started to say. 

"I've got a little what?" Sarah asked. 

"A little spider web in your hair." Sean had reached his hand into Sarah's Red hair and got the Spider Web out. "There you go." 

"Thanks, Sean." Sarah thanked. "The faster we get out of the Cave and find Tobbs, the better."

Sean and Sarah continued on ahead. And Sean had helped Sarah get over a cliff and into another room which held yet more Spiders. And even more dangling balls wrapped in Spider Silk.

"Heads up, Sarah. This doesn't look friendly." Sean advised. 

Sarah looked at all the Spider Webs. "You don't think that Tobbs is part of them. Do you?" She asked taking another step.

But Sean had heard something crawling over him. "Don't take another-!" Too late.

A large Black Spider with Red Eyes, and glowing a strange Red color had jumped in front of Sarah, and used hit her in the neck with the Spiders Stinger. An Acromantula. A really big Acromantula had now emerged before Sean. It also started wrapping Sarah up in a Spider like Cocoon.

Sean pointed his wand at the Acromantula. "Let her go, you filth!" He ordered.

The Acromantula shrieked. It also wagged its pincers at Sean. Hoping to get a decent meal out of Sean.

"Arania Exumai!" Sean shouted and shooting the Acromantula dead.

But it was only one short victory, because some of the other Spiders started grabbing Sarah and dragging her down a cave. "Arania Exumai!" Sean shouted at the Spiders. And casting them all down with his spells. A bunch of Thornback Shooters. "Arania Exumai!" He kept on shouting around him. Then he started creating a Fire Wall around all of the Spiders. And burning them all.

Once the rest of the Spiders had started clearing off, Sean then turned to the cocoon that Sarah was now wrapped in. "Sarah?" He asked. He cleared off the spider webs from Sarah's face. She looked petrified. "What's the charm that Mother always used?" He asked himself. "Oh, right. Enervate." He casted.

Sarah took a gasp of air. "What just happened?!" She shrieked. And then she looked at her body. "And why am I wrapped in Spider Silk?" She asked but then she threw up.

"The Acromantula tried to take your body away." Sean answered. "I killed it."

"Eight legs is simply too many." Sarah commented as she started tearing away the Spider Silk off of her body. "And I feel so sticky now."

"You were lucky." Sean pointed out. "It could've been a poisoned Spider."

"Was it poisoned?" Sarah asked. "Am I going to die?"

"No." Sean answered. He then went over to the body and examined the stinger. "It looks like the Poison was used up before it stung you."

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief.

Sean could then see a ledge leading to a whole large enough to crouch through and move on to the next room. "Come on, Sarah." He insisted. "We've still got a House Elf to find."

"After you." Sarah reluctantly replied. "What's next, giant snakes?" She asked sarcastically.

"You don't want to know." Sean answered having a near encounter with the Basilisk.

Sean and Sarah continued on ahead, and jumped over a ledge and shot down some wooden planks that acted like a barricade. Finally, Sean had seen a whole area of wooden crates, and also a fire pit. With daylight shining through what appeared to be a Campsite. And also a...

Sarah looked sorrow as she looked down at the Dead House Elf that lay with the Campsite.

Sean walked over. He also saw a note next to the body of Tobbs. 'Master, If you find Tobbs's body, the Big Spider was too much. Tobbs has failed you and deserves this punishment. Tobbs feels weak. Sleepy, Tobbs must...' And Sean threw down the letter. "We were too late. He's gone." He said. "His Master made him go off to his death. All for some stupid Leech Juice."

"Sick and twisted." Sarah commented. "Poor Tobbs."

Sean had carried Tobbs's body in his arms. "And Poor Deek. Tobbs was his friend. And he was so worried about him. And not any Leech Juice in here that I observed too." He added. Tobbs's death was in vein.

"You ready to go?" Sarah asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's get out of here." Sean answered.

As soon as they entered the entrance to the Cave, in the same way in which they came from. They could see a really tall and imposing Wizard standing in the way.

"Tobbs! Tobbs!" He shouted. "Where is that blasted House Elf?!" But then he noticed Sean and Sarah arrive. "About time you showed- Wait. Who are you?"

That man was Tobbs's master. And it didn't take a genius to make that correct assumption. Sean looked at the Wizard.

"We're students. From Hogwarts." Sarah explained.

"And just what are 2 students from Hogwarts doing with my House Elf?" The Wizard demanded with his arms crossed.

Sean's blood had suddenly boiled. "Tobbs is dead!" He angrily informed as he laid Tobbs's body in front of the Wizard. "You did this to him! He was trying to get your Leech Juice and he got killed! Because you demanded him to get them!"

The Wizard looked at Tobbs's body. "And I assume he failed to get the Leech Juice! Ah! What a waste! Now my quota is never going to be met now! And my Labor is gone!" It was all that he cared about.

"Your Labor?" Sarah asked. "You don't even care about-"

But the Wizard wasn't listening. "A Master is never responsible for the failure of his House Elf! He died because he was too careless." He countered.

"He died trying to please you." Sean countered.

"Stay out of this you brats." The Wizard hissed. "If you really wanted to be useful, perhaps you could've retrieved the Leech Juice for me." And then he started to walk out. "Now. Get out of this cave! And throw the Body away for the Spiders."

Sean had grit his teeth. Angry that that guy was giving out the orders to Sean now. "Sarah. Leave." He ordered. 

Sarah just stepped outside running past the Wizard to the outside of the Cave. 

"What did you say?" Sean asked. 

"Throw the Body to the Spiders." The Wizard repeated. "They can have him for all I care. Let it be his punishment for his-"

"Diffindo!" Sean shouted aiming for the neck and slicing the head of the Wizard off. The Body collapsing to the floor. "Or maybe we can leave your body to the Spiders." He offered moving the body right into the cave.

Sarah waited outside. And Sean walked out still with Tobbs' body.

"What happened to-?" Sarah started to ask.

"Oh... he'll be along." Sean answered.

"We need to take Tobbs back to Deek. Bring him to the House Elves for a Proper Burial." Sarah suggested. 

Sean agreed. And they took off. 

The trip back to the Room of Requirement was a quiet one. A very quiet one. And Sean could tell. He walked back in silence. With the body of Tobbs wrapped in a white sheet.

Deek could see Sean and Sarah walk in. "We're back from the cave, Deek." Sean informed sadly.

"Wonderful! Deek hopes that gave-" Deek started to say happily. But then he noticed Sean's Blanket in his arms. And his expression changed. "What's in Sean's hands?" He asked.

"It's Tobbs." Sarah answered sadly. "He's gone. He was unable to avoid the Spiders in the end."

"Oh my!" Deek exclaimed as he looked at the body wrapped in the blanket. "Deek was afraid of this. Alone in that cave for so long. Poor Tobbs."

"We need to give him a proper burial." Sean said.

"Deek will speak to the House Elves. They'll see to the body." Deek assured. "Deek and Tobbs once shared the same master. When he- died- we were separated. Deek always wished Tobbs had been sent to Hogwarts too. Deek feels lucky to serve such kind witches and wizards like you two. Deek will miss his friend dearly, and will raise a glass to him with a heavy heart." He started crying.

"I'm truly... sorry about your friend, Deek." Sean apologized.

"Thank you. Sean Cormag is truly kind. Deek could use some time alone to think. If that's alright." Deek requested.

"Of course." Sarah assured. "Just know that we're here if you need anything."

Soon after, Deek had called the House Elves to take the body away.

It was also then that Sean knew that Sarah was right. There were more than one way to heal pain besides removing it physically.

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