Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.

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By timbegs

Sean found himself a very popular figure in the Ravenclaw Common Room. Especially after his success in the Samhain Festival Last Night. He could also hear the groans and complaints of all other students who were stuck with the Death Day Party.  

Especially from Headmaster Black. Who according to him, Sean had interrupted his idea of a Quiet and Subdued Learning Environment with his ideas of Celtic Profanity. 

But to others, they had loved what Sean had done for them. Especially Garreth Weasley and his Aunt. "You know, Sean. I think that just might be one of the very few times that my Aunt hasn't hovered over me." Garreth commented as they were outside the Great Hall. 

"Well, I'm just glad that you and Professor Weasley could enjoy it. All in all, I would say that it was a good Samhain." Sean replied.

"So you're Samhain is our Halloween?" Garreth asked. 

"Pretty much. Yes." Sean answered. 

"Well, I guess maybe we should have a bigger event next year. With more Fires and more-" Garreth started to say. 

"Garreth." Sean snapped his fingers trying to bring Garreth back to reality. 

"And I could even make some wild Potions with that-" Garreth started to say. 

"Garreth, Sarah wants to go out with you." Sean had suddenly said. 

"Does she really?" Garreth asked ecstatic. 

"No. That was just to get your attention." Sean answered.

"Damnit." Garreth grunted. "Well, anyway... I was hoping that you could help me with something." 

"And that would be?" Sean asked. 

"You see. I have an idea for Fizzing Whizzbee inspired beverage, but I'm missing a key ingredient." Garreth answered. 

"Another Potion?" Sean asked. "How do you come up with these concoctions?"

"It's a gift, truly." Garreth answered. "I can only hope that my descendants will carry on my gift for Potions. But knowing my luck, they won't be all that great at it." Then he shook his head. "But nevermind that now. I suspect the key ingredient in Fizzing Whizzbees is dried Billywig stings. I heard there's a store of them in Honeydukes' cellar." 

"And why ask me to get the Concoctions. Why not yourself?" Sean asked. 

"I'd get them myself. But I don't want to attract any unwanted attention from Aunt Matilda." Garreth answered. "I was hoping that you could follow a secret passage to Honeydukes' cellar and grab a few dried Billywig stings for me." He requested. 

"Secret Passage you say?" Sean asked. He pondered it. Garreth had attended Samhain for Sean. And Sean did owe Garreth  for attending. And one never knew when they needed a quick means of escape from the Castle. "Okay, Garreth. I'll get the Billywig Stings for you." He decided. 

"Brilliant. Thank you. Truly, Sean." Garreth said. "But you should know that it's not exactly quick. It's the 'secret' bit that's helpful. The passage is hidden behind the statue of a one eyed witch in the Third Floor Corridor. Just tap it with your wand and say 'Dissendium.'" He instructed. "I'll walk with you to show you the way." 

Sean and Garreth both walked their way up to the Third Floor Corridor. "Can't you have someone buy the stuff for you?" Sean asked. 

"Unfortunately, no. I don't have the funds for it. My Family have always been poor. We've been poor ever since the Norman Invasions nearly 800 years ago." Garreth answered. "Well, when I say that-" 

"Sebastian explained the whole story to me already." Sean assured. 

"He and Sarah haven't gotten back together again have they?" Garreth asked as they descended up the staircase. 

"No. They still broke up. But Sarah still remains on good terms with Ominis." Sean answered.

"You can't trust the Gaunts, Sean." Garreth said not convinced at that. "They're nothing but Dark Wizards who practice the worst of Magic. Call anyone that doesn't agree with them blood traitors. Good thing they lost their power and voice in the Ministry. Though Headmaster Black seems to think they're the Greatest of the Greatest." 

"Weren't they at one point a powerful house?" Sean asked.

"One of the most powerful. Till they fell out of power." Garreth answered. "Families like the Gaunts seem to think they're better than everyone else. Muggleborns in their eyes are abominations. And Muggles a plague upon humanity."

"And what do you think?" Sean asked.

"If it wasn't for us co-mingling with the Muggles we all would've gone extinct." Garreth answered. "I intend to teach my children this, and make sure they teach their children that, and so on and so forth." 

"Hm. And that's not to include the species that can use magic that are not human." Sean said. "Like the Magical Beasts."

"Magical Beasts... and other Sub Species." Garreth added. 

"Sub Species?" Sean asked. 

"Species that can use magic like humans-" Garreth started to say. 

"I know what they are, Garreth." Sean assured. "Species of Creatures that act like humans, have human like society, but aren't humans. Vampires, Leprechauns, Banshees, Centaurs, you name it."  

"And other Creatures too." Garreth added. "But you won't find them on a map anymore. Or wandering around Humans. Orcs..." 

"Gathered up in the Mountains in Strongholds in Europe. They can barely organize themselves into a fighting force." Sean said. 

"And it's not just them. The Dark Elves too." Garreth added. "Though they went Underground a millennia ago thanks to Harald Fairhair and his warriors of Scandinavia." 

Sean remembered tales of that from his Mother as a child. "Born in eternal night. The Dark Elves will shut out the light." He remembered. 

"And of course, the big ones. The Lizard Folk." Garreth said.

"The what?" Sean asked confused. He didn't hear of that species before. 

"The Lizard Folk. They live out in the Jungles of Indochina. And Indonesia too. Very rare to find. Only way to get to them is if you go into that Hellhole and discover them." Garreth answered. "Supposedly they look like Giant Humanoid Lizards. Just imagine if we actually met one." 

Sean pondered that. It would be a sight to see one in person. But that was when they stopped in front of the Right Eyed Witch. 

"Here we are." Garreth commented. 

Sean could see a statue of the Right Eyed Witch. "Wait a minute. I've passed by this statue many times." He noted. "Can't believe I never noticed it until now." 

"Funny how works out huh?" Garreth asked. "Most people don't really pay much attention to it. Which makes it the perfect hiding place for a secret passage." He explained. "All you gotta do is approach it and say the password." 

"Dissendium." Sean said. He then heard a stomping of stone. "Sounds like that opened the passage." He figured and walked down the steps.

"Good luck. Oh, and if you come across any Devil's Snare-" Garreth said.

"Use Lumos. I know how to do it." Sean replied. 

Using Lumos wasn't all that necessary. There were already torches that were lighting up as Sean passed through them. But then he approached a Broken down Lift. "A Lift. Must be how I get down. But it does look broken." He noted. And luckily, he knew the right spell to use. "Reparo." He shot fixing the Lift. 

The Lift was repaired, as was the wooden planks that held it up. And a lever to let him down inside the Lift. 

Which Sean had used to go further into the passageway. Through a whole mess of Caverns, narrow passageways, and what looked like Spider Webs. "If I find another whole nest of Acromantulas, I'm setting everything on fire." He declared. Though, he did set the Spider Webs on Fire, to reveal a dead end. But a large cliff above him. "Time to use the Ice." And he crafted himself an Ice Staircase. Walking up and to what appeared to be a type of Bridge Puzzle in front of him. "A Bridge like Puzzle." He noted. And he looked below him. "And those Platforms down below seem to be a perfect way to get to the other side." He casted Levioso, and a platform had floated up and locked into place, thanks to some latches. Sean found himself jumping on. From one side to the next. Until he stopped at a platform that was being blocked by a ledge that in all honesty looked broken. And then cutting across and locking yet another platform into place. Moving through the caves and then up to some bridges, and then stopping to some stone gate that was right in front of him. And two pyres by either side. 

"Is it that simple?" Sean asked. He shot Incendio creating a ring of fire that lit both pyres on fire. And the Stone Gate opened. "Well. I trust then that the Passageway will be more accessible for the next person who discovers this uses it." 

He was able to walk through the gate to a cellar. And Sean took a whiff. A Whiff of something very sweet. "I've got to be close to Honeydukes." Now he had saw a ladder and so Sean climbed up. He climbed up and could smell the scent of even more sweet. The Chocolate, the Sugar, the Sweets.  

Sean had seen the ladder above him. And a whole storeroom full of even more sweets. "Focus, Sean. Remember the reason you're here." He walked around the cellar and could see some Billywig Stings on the table. And all dried up as well. Sean grabbed them for himself. Now to return to Garreth. And because it would seem very strange to have to go up from the Cellar into Honeydukes, Sean instead went back the way he came in.

Sean had returned down the Secret Passage and came across Garreth yet again. 

"Did you get it?" Garreth asked excited. 

Sean pulled out the dried Billywig stings. "Right here for you." 

"Ha!" Garreth laughed like Christmas had come early. "This is brilliant. Can't wait to get started. Thank you again. I'll let you know when I've brewed my first batch of Fizzing Whizz-beer." 

"Fizzing Whizz-beer?" Sean asked. 

"Just wait till you see it. Maybe if I can show Sarah, it'll impress her enough to be my girlfriend." Garreth insisted. 

"Good luck with that, Garreth-" Sean started to say. 

All of a sudden, Sarah had run up to Sean. "Sean, there you are. I've been looking all over for you- oh, hello, Garreth." She greeted when she saw Garreth.

"Oh, Sarah. Hi. Sean got me-" Garreth started to say. 

"Sean. I've got something to talk to you about." Sarah interrupted and speaking to Sean now.

"What is it?" Sean asked. 

"It's Professor Fig." Sarah answered and she whispered into Sean's Ear. "He's insisted that we meet him back at the Map Chambers to discuss our next step." 

"Yes." Sean agreed. There was much that Sean had to tell Professor Fig himself. "We need to speak to him right away-" 

But that was when Sean suddenly got an Owl that came to him. From Natty. 'Sean. I have learned of a Wizard who is being harrassed by Harlow. He may be able to provide the evidence we need to take Harlow down. His name is Mr. Bickle. We should speak to him together. Meet me at his home in Lower Hogsfield And please do so quickly.' -Natty.

"Oh, great." Sean thought. Now he had to deal with two problems. But if someone was being harassed by Harlow. Then it was important for Sean to stop the harassing. Especially if could bring an end to Harlow and Rookwood.

"Um... Sean? Professor Fig-?" Sarah started to say.

"Stall for me." Sean insisted. "I'll be right back." And he took off.

Sarah still looked like she was giving up in surrender. "Oh, sure. Just leave me on my own." And she took off.

Garreth was just waiting by the Great Hall. "Um... okay... I'll just wait here then." He said awkwardly. He looked at his Billywig. "Well, at least I've got my next thing for Potions. And you know, I think Auntie M should be happy that I'm not doing Pranks. Although, maybe my Potion making can help with trying to lift the Ban on Quidditch. I finally got good at it too." He added.

Sean had departed for Lower Hogsfield. It was around the same place where Sean had helped that one Goblin out with getting his Art back from Goblin Loyalists. And a single Cottage where Natty was waiting for him. 

"Natty?" Sean asked as he flew his broom to her location. 

"Ah, there you are, Sean." Natty greeted. "So good of you to come." 

"Why are we here?" Sean asked. "Is this the home of the man you mentioned. This Mr. Bickle?" 

"I believe so. He supposedly has evidence against Harlow. We need to speak with him." Natty answered. 

Sean looked at the house. "Strange. I feel like I've passed this house so many times, and never took notice of it until now."

"It always feels like that at times." Natty replied. "We come and go by a place and then-" But her words were interrupted by crying and screaming. 

"ARCHIE?! OH WHERE ARE YOU?!" A Woman's screams could be heard. The woman was also pacing around. And it was very noticeable for Sean. 

Sean turned to see the Woman, who was still pacing. "Where could Archie have gone? If anything happens to him-" She kept saying.

"Excuse me, Miss? Are you okay? We're looking for Mr. Bickle." Sean asked. 

"Mr. Bickle..." The woman sobbed. "He was my Husband. And he's- he's dead! He killed him!" And she started sobbing even harder.

"Who killed him?" Sean asked. But he had a hunch of who. "Was it Harlow?" 

"Yes! Theophilus Harlow! I'm sure of it! He's been threatening my husband for weeks!" Mrs. Bickle shouted. "And my son! Archie! He's... oh, where is my son?!" 

"I don't mean to be grim, but- could Harlow have taken him too?" Sean asked calmly.

"Archie's satchel is missing, so he may have left on his own." Mrs. Bickle answered a little more steady now. "Hopefully he's just gone wandering, as he's prone to do. I can only hope he wasn't here when Harlow- when my husband..."  

But Sean knew better than that. A kid would not have gone wandering off. Not after something like that. And he most likely could assume that Archie saw Harlow kill his Father. 

"My husband had been looking into Harlow's dealings and discovered some of what he's been up to. I begged him to leave it alone! I did! But he- he was convinced that-" And Mrs. Bickle started to cry again. 

"Damnit. Do you know which way Archie might have gone?" Sean asked. 

"He um... well, he-" Mrs. Bickle started to say. But she couldn't get her words out. "He has a little 'hideout' in the forest south of here." She finally answered. "He never wanders far, but if he witnessed Harlow doing something to his father-" And she started to cry again. "I'm afraid to leave, if he comes back home. I know I don't even know you but-" And she started sobbing even more that the ground below them was completely covered wet. It was a miracle that there wasn't a flood going on. 

"I'll get your Son back." Sean declared with no hesitation. 

"We'll get your Son back." Natty corrected. 

"Oh, Thank you. Thank you!" Mrs. Bickle threw her arms around Sean. 

"It'll be okay." Sean said trying to comfort the crying woman. 

"Oh, what am I going to do?" Mrs. Bickle asked. 

"We will find your son, we will bring him back to you. And we will kill any bastard that had the audacity to touch one hair on that boy's head. You have my word." Sean declared. 

"Just bring me back my son." Mrs. Bickle begged.

Sean finally removed the crying woman from his grip. "Natty. Let's go." He ordered. 

"I'm right behind you." Natty replied. 

But not before Sean conjured up a box of handkerchiefs for the woman. "Here. This should help for now." And then he took off. 

And so Natty and Sean began the trek to the South of the Forest. And it was also when a new sense appeared in Sean. Anger. Anger that Harlow killed a Father right in front of his son. And that Archie was most likely kidnapped by those bastards. And either going to be sold as a slave. Or killed. 

"Harlow shows no restraint it seems." Sean said. "Natty?" 

"Yes?" Natty asked.

"How did you know about Mr. Bickle?" Sean asked.

"When I took the letter we found to Officer Singer, she told me about Mr. Bickle." Natty answered. "He had been doing the same thing we are." 

"Providing evidence to take down Harlow?" Sean asked. 

"Exactly." Natty answered. "I had hoped to speak with him about what he had found, but- we were too late." 

"That's smart." Sean said with grit teeth. "Harlow must be taking down all eye witnesses so he can look Not Guilty in the eyes of the Ministry." 

"Yes, but there is still one person providing evidence that he will never kill. Me." Natty declared. 

"What did Officer Singer say about the letter you brought her?" Sean asked. 

"Well, after she gave me a lecture about how dangerous it was for me to go into the Castle operated by Harlow, she thanked me. But she clearly felt that one letter was not enough." Natty answered. 

"I wouldn't think so." Sean replied. "One letter is evidence, but it won't be enough to deal with Harlow." 

"It is a shame that Hippogriffs cannot speak. Your friend, Highwing could provide all the evidence against Harlow that we need." Natty said.

"Hippogriffs can speak." Sean clarified. "They just can't speak English. Or the other Human Language for that matter. But we'll need something more." 

"I agree." Natty replied.

That was when Sean noticed something. "Down there! What's that?" What was down there, was a Broken Down Tent. Like it was a camp that was just raided. 

The Tent itself was with a bunch of balloons, pictures and posters of Quidditch Teams, a bunch of knickknacks on the floor, including a teddy bear. And a sign on the top that said: Fort Archie. And another sign that said: 'No Girls Allowed.'

"This is his Hideout?" Sean asked. It didn't look like a Hideout to him. 

"I believe Mrs. Bickle was speaking in exageration, Sean." Natty answered. "Little Kids tend to have Clubhouses where they like to be away from the prying eyes of their parents." Natty had now entered the tent to look for little Archie. "I should know. I used to have one in Africa." 

"Did you now?" Sean asked.

"Oh, yes. I filled it with so many wonderful things I collected on the Savannah. And I... may or may not have put up a sign that said: 'No Boys Allowed'." Natty laughed at that. "Just me being young and dumb. I don't hold a grudge against his sign." 

"We should get back to finding Archie." Sean suggested. He looked around. "It doesn't look like he's here." 

"Archie! Archie Bickle!" Natty called.

But that was when Sean noticed something on the ground. "Natty!" 

Natty ran over. And Sean looked down. "Footprints. Large Footprints." He noted.

"You don't think that little Archie had big feet, do you?" Natty asked. 

"No." Sean answered. "There's a whole lot of them on the ground." He casted Revelio. "And look at the tent. I don't think that Archie left it like this on purpose."  

"I think you're right." Natty agreed very hesitantly. And that was when she noticed a dented tin can. 

But that was when Sean had noticed smaller footprints. And he put it together. "A bunch of Harlow's Forces arrived to kidnapped Archie. Archie had tried to fight back, probably with a tin can. But Harlow's forces dragged him out." He recapped.

"That is not good." Natty gasped. "Do you know which way they went?"

"Revelio." Sean casted revealing a trace of Footprints going down a path. "This way!" 

Sean and Natty had followed the path. "Men like Harlow wouldn't think twice about killing a child." Natty said.

"I know." Sean replied. "He clearly proved that when they attacked my village, or sent that Troll into Hogsmeade." 

But Sean had stopped. He heard a Howling Sound. A sound coming from Dark Mongrels. 

"Dark Mongrels!" Natty yelled. "Prepare for a fight." 

Sean had shot Fire Balls right at one of the Charging Mongrels killing it. The other Mongrel had charged right at Natty. 

Until Sean jumped in front of Natty and casted Protego. The Mongrel ran right into the Shield and fell smack to the ground.  

"Depulso!" Sean threw the Mongrel away. The Mongrel was thrown right into a tree, and then scurried off. 

Sean also saw a Satchel on the tree that Sean threw the Mongrel into. "Is that-?" 

"Archie's Satchel? I believe so." Natty answered. "Perhaps he left it as a trail for someone to follow." She suggested. 

"Then we're on the right path." Sean figured. "Revelio." He casted again.

"They went this way." Natty said in hot pursuit. And Sean was right behind her. Finally stopping by a fork in the road. But that wasn't a problem. Sean just casted Revelio. And it revealed going down straight of them. 

As Sean and Natty continued on the path, Sean stopped when he saw something Dark, Black, and with Wings. Sean had seen the creature before. "A Thestral." He said. And not just one. But a whole sleeping herd of them.

"Thestrals!" Natty claimed. "They are beautiful, are they not?" She asked. 

Sean could see the Thestrals. And saw that they were indeed beautiful. And very comforting. "You can see Thestrals too?" He asked. 

"I witnessed death when I was nine. Saw my first Thestral shortly after." Natty answered. 

"I saw my Thestrals on my way to the School." Sean explained. "After a Dragon killed a friend of Professor Fig's." 

"I find comfort in seeing Thestrals. I found it back then." Natty said. "I think those of us who have witnessed death deserve some comfort." 

Sean nodded. "I'm sorry. That you experienced something like that at so young an age." 

"I was with my Father when he died. My mother was away, and I felt quite helpless." Natty explained. "It was a long time ago in some ways, but in other ways it seems like it was only yesterday. I still see him so clearly." Her thoughts drifting to her Father. 

And it reminded Sean of his own family. "You must miss him." 

Natty nodded. "My Father was a wonderful man. I-" But her thoughts then drifted again. "Let us keep moving. We must find Archie." And she ran on ahead. 

A Thestral had approached Sean. His head nestled next to Sean. And Sean stroked the head. And he remembered his pledge. "I will avenge you, Father. I will avenge you, Mother. I will kill you, Ranrok." He said. 

Sean had followed Natty who was overlooking a cliff. Where there was a Tent. And Ashwinders guarding the place. 

"Ashwinders." Natty sneered. "That must be where they took Archie." 

"Alright. We've got to have a plan to get inside the Tent." Sean insisted. 

"Do you have one?" Natty asked.

"Give me a second." Sean answered. His thoughts coming to him from all directions. "I've got one." He finally said.

"Tell me." Natty insisted. "Because we have to be careful. They can't see us coming." 

"They can't see one of us coming." Sean corrected. 

"Huh?" Natty asked confused. 

"Natty. I'll go down there and distract the Ashwinders. They'll be so focused on me, that you'll be able to slip in, and get Archie out of there." Sean explained.

"Sean? Are you sure?" Natty asked. "It sounds risky-" 

"I know. But this way, I'm the only one at risk. You can slip in there and get Archie while I deal with these bastards." Sean explained.

"How do you know they'll all go for you?" Natty asked.

"Because all the Ashwinders would like nothing more than to kill me. It's a bait they can't refuse to take." Sean answered. 

"Okay. Be careful, Sean." Natty said. 

"Use the Disillusionment Charm to sneak in." Sean instructed. 

Natty used that Charm and snuck away. 

"It'll be a good time for me to use my new Ice Magic." Sean thought. 

And that left Sean to walk down the path. This would have to be precise. He walked down the path of ruffling leaves, and sticks. Making sure that the Ashwinders heard his presence.  

The Ashwinders had seen Sean approach slowly. All pointing their wands at him. But Sean knew they were pointing their wands. Without saying a word. He pulled out his Flute for them to know who he was. 

"It's him. Tell the boss!" One Ashwinders yelled. 

Sean saw Ashwinders approach both of his sides. He knew what he was doing. His hand on his wand. But he still had not drawn it. More Ashwinders had emerged from the Tent. About 20 of them. Sean had counted. And also the lead Ashwinder. A woman by the name of Catrin Haggarty. She had emerged from the tent and faced Sean.  

"Let the boy go." Sean ordered. 

All the Ashwinders laughed. 

"The Boy is just fine where he is. He's getting what he deserves right now as we speak." Haggarty said.

"Where is he?" Sean asked.

"Down in a cage inside the tent. Just waiting to see what the Boss has in store for him when he gets back." Haggarty answered. 

That was all Natty needed to hear. She entered the tent while everyone was distracted by Sean.

"Whatever business you have with me. Have it with me. Leave the boy out of this." Sean informed. "Now hand him over." 

"Can you believe this Son of a Bitch?" One Ashwinder asked. 

Sean quickly shot an Ice Shard spell at that Ashwinder and killed him. "I won't tell you again." 

"Harlow's going to reward us good for killing you, Celt." Haggarty said.  

The Ashwinders all readied their wands.

"If you're not going to be civilized about this." Sean said. And he created a massive air dome around him and blew all Ashwinders away. 

"Kill him!" Haggarty ordered.

And the fight began. 

Shots of spells were flying all around Sean. "Protego!" Sean shouted deflecting all blasts on him and taking cover behind some rocks. He knew he had to move. He could see a rock formation next to him. He moved towards that, but also making quick like Fire Blasts as he moved with his wand. 

"Leviosa!" He also shot at one Ashwinder, levitating him in the air. Sean had blasted Air to jump him forward. Suddenly he heard the sounds of the Killing Curse coming from some Ashwinders. 

"Avada Kedavra!" They shot the green energy.

"Accio!" Sean brought an Ashwinder close to him and had him intercept the spell. "Depulso!" He threw the body back on the Ashwinders. 

Sean then proceeded to blast at a Tree, making it weak to collapse and fall on several more Ashwinders, crushing them. 

"Confringo!" An Ashwinder had shot at Sean. But Sean had created a Water Shield around him and turning the flames into smoke. 

"My Turn." Sean said. And then he created two large Ice Picks, and threw them at the heads of two more Ashwinders. He then saw an Ashwinder trying to flee. "Accio!" He shot at the fleeing Ashwinder and bringing him closer to him. 

"Expelliamus!" Sean disarmed the Ashwinder. And then he threw it into the air, and then using Ancient Magic had caused the Wand to explode and release all the magic that was inside and killing at least 4 of the Ashwinders. 

Now that left just him and Haggarty. 

"You..." Haggarty started to step back and looking at all the damage that Sean had caused. Sean was now walking up to Sean. 

Haggarty started to wave her wand. She blasted a spell at Sean. But Sean had deflected it away. She tried to shoot Depulso at a crate at Sean. But Sean had deflected that away and continued to walk up. And then Haggarty had tried launching an explosive barrel at Sean. And Sean was consumed in flames. But Sean had just walked through it unscathed. 

"Expelliamus!" Sean yelled. His anger now growing inside of him. "You killed a Father!" He shot Depulso at Haggarty slamming her into the tree. "You took a boy!" He yelled. "Did you think that would not go unpunished?!" 

"We were under orders!" Haggarty screamed. "It's Harlow! He's the one you want! Not me!" 

"And you had a hand in it!" Sean reminded. He pointed his wand. "You were going to kill the boy too, weren't you?" 

"It would all be for the Greater Good." Haggarty tried to justify.

"GREATER GOOD?!" Sean asked outraged. He sliced off the right hand of Haggarty using Diffindo. 

"Ah!" Haggarty screamed as the blood from hand had fallen from her wound. "The Greater Good that Harlow and Rookwood speak of! What is one boy?" She asked.

"Leave it to Monsters to say things like that." Sean replied with his voice just as angry. 

"We thought you all were dead." Haggarty said losing her blood even more. "You really think you can win by saving one boy?" 

But every word was making Sean even more angry. "You are nothing. You are no one. Sean Cormag of nothing. You are nobody-" 

Sean grabbed the wand of Haggerty off the ground. "GAH!" He stabbed the wand right into Haggarty's eye. "AND HERE IS YOUR NOBODY!" And he repeatedly stabbed her over and over in pure rage. "GAH! GAH! GAH! GAH!" Finally after about 17 good stabs, he left the wand jammed into the body. Taking a deep breath at all the dead bodies. He finally stepped back looking at all his destruction. And what he saw was the Villagers of his home village. "I wasn't strong enough to save you all." He said. "I should've stayed and fight. I could've done this to the invaders." But then he realized on what would happen if Natty should come back with the boy, and Archie see the dead bodies. He would be forever traumatized by the sight. 

That was when Sean had picked up the bodies with his wand, and put them in a pile on the far side of the tent. "It'll be like you never existed." He declared. And he found some Oil from the fire barrels, poured it on the pile and lit the pile on Fire. "Incendio." And away the bodies burned. Sean then walked away. Turning back to the front of the Tent where Natty and a young boy had emerged. 

"Archie Bickle?" Sean asked. 

"Are you... who is this?" The Boy asked Natty.

"It's okay, Archie. This is a friend." Natty assured. "The one I was telling you about." 

"My name is Sean Cormag." Sean introduced. "Your Mother asked me to come look for you." 

"They had him locked in a cage as if he was a Beast, Sean." Natty explained. "It was real easy to get him out." 

"A man called Harlow." Archie had started to say. "He killed my Father. And those Ashwinders-" 

"We know." Sean replied. "And the Ashwinders won't be after you..." He turned back to the burning pile. "Ever again. Now come on. Let's get you back to your Mother." 

"Thank you. Both of you." Archie thanked.

"You ready to go back?" Sean asked. 

"Yes. I want to see my Mother." Archie answered.

Sean had taken Archie's hand as they both walked away. With Natty following them. 

Mrs. Bickle kept pacing and pacing around. "Oh, what if they never come back? I should just go to Officer Singer and-" But then she saw Sean holding Archie's hand and both walking towards the house. Sean had also transfigured up a blanket for Archie to use. 

"ARCHIE!" Mrs. Bickle yelled. "You're safe! Oh, thank goodness!" 

"Mother!" Archie yelled running up to his Mother. "Oh, Mother!" And both Mother and Son embraced each other in a hug.

Sean was looking at the scene. With a look of pity and sadness. Silence in his eyes. Because it was the one thing he wished he could have. But he couldn't. To feel the embrace of his parents again. But they would never come. No matter how hard Sean tried. He couldn't get it back. 

Natty could see it in Sean's eyes and started to hold his hand. A tear falling down Sean's eye. 

"Thank you." Mrs. Bickle had said to Sean. "Thank you for brining my son back to me!" 

"You're..." Sean was struggling to find his words.

"You are most welcome." Natty said in Sean's place. 

"Mother. Father's friends are in danger. I heard the people who took me talking about him." Archie warned. 

"Which friends, darling?" Mrs. Bickle asked.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rabe, Mr. Philibert. And I think they also said Otto's name." Archie answered. 

Mrs. Bickle took a deep breath. "I shall speak with them. You run inside." 

"Yes, Mother." Archie ran inside. 

But Sean went up to Mrs. Bickle. "Your husbands friends may be in danger?" He asked. 

"Just as he was." Mrs. Bickle answered. 

"How can we help?" Sean asked.

"Sean maybe I should-" Natty started to say. She suspected exactly what Sean did to those Ashwinders and how he dealt with them. 

"You've done enough." Mrs. Bickle interrupted. "My husband was a powerful wizard and couldn't defeat Harlow. The last thing we need is that monster coming after you." 

But Sean turned away at that idea. "Harlow's already after me." 

"Then you needn't anger him further. I assure you, the threat could be a lot worse. Please, please keep your distance." Mrs. Bickle replied. 

Sean sighed. But he did turn back to face Mrs. Bickle. "I'm sorry about your husband, Mrs. Bickle. I know what it's like to lose those who are close to you." He said before turning away. 

"A year ago... Sean's home village was destroyed by Goblins. Sean lost both of his parents, during the attack." Natty explained. "And I also know what it's like to lose a Father. Just know that if you need anything, we will be there for you." 

"Of course. Thank you. Thank you so much." Mrs. Bickle replied as Natty left. 

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