By katherinemarciello

86.6K 2.8K 717

"𝐖𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬...𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭�... More

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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝...
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827 36 10
By katherinemarciello


...Mikaelson Compound...

Freya is at the desk in the study, where she is writing a letter to Rebekah. She seems trouble as she thinks about all the lasts events that followed this past few months.

She was truly happy to finally have a family of her own and her freedom, but the storm at the Compound was livid.

[voiceover] "My dear Rebekah, I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and ask for your advice" Freya says.

Downstairs in the dining room, Klaus and Elijah are sitting opposite of each other at the end of the table, staring at each other silently. Klaus looks amused and seems to be challenging Elijah to say something, but Elijah remains silent, his expression emotionless. After a moment, Elijah stands to his feet and leaves the room, glaring at Klaus the entire time. Just as Elijah is about to walk through the door, Klaus opens his mouth to speak, but decides not to say anything at the last moment.

Not even a single words was shared between both brothers after the night when Elijah decided to fulfill his promise to Rosalind. He comes to the Compound and make sure Hope and Theodore are fine and away from his brother's madness.

It hurts him deeply to see how much the twins misses their mother, but he was determined on protecting those children, more than before.

As for Klaus, it's been incredibly odd this lasts few months. If he once felt alone, now he was truly experiencing it, like never before.

Freya was trying her best not to hate him and do her best for Theodore and Hope. Elijah was acting as if he didn't exist and surrounding the babies as if to protect them from him. Rebekah didn't answer any calls and Marcel's temper was short as a snap of a finger.

Didn't even need to start with Rosalind.

Months, days, hours, seconds...

She's gone but she's everywhere...

He knew about Elijah's little trips to the Bayou, just to see her and take the twins to see their mother.

He knows about Marcel and Davina going crazy trying to find a way to break this curse.


He's been feeling nothing, besides a very large dose of guilty every time he looks at the pleading eyes of their children.

After all, it was his fault that Rosalind wasn't there with them, with him.

Would she, one day, find a way in her heart to maybe forgive him?

Will she really believe that he didn't know about those bloody voicemails?

How would he explain to her that again, his insecurities took the best of him?

God, he hoped with all his life that at least a little fragment of her would still be able to look at him. He wouldn't be able to see so much hate and disgust in her beautiful, alluring blue eyes.

[voiceover] "Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus and Elijah remains in completely silence towards each other. Even I feel slightly guilty by what Rosalind's been through. In one of my lasts conversations with Elijah, he dearly told me how much she means to all of you. It would've broken you to see him so hopeless and in so much pain" Freya continues.

Elijah enters the nursery and sees Hope and Theodore sitting at their cribs, sniffing and looking quite stressed by the mood surrounding the big house.

He walks over them and glances lovingly at them. The more the days pass, more he sees of Rosalind in them.

At the thought of her and how hurt she looks every time he goes to see her in the Bayou, even in her wolf form, despite how flawless her white wolf looks, her eyes seems completely dead.

[voiceover] "as for our brother Klaus...I'm honestly quite surprised by his recent behavior. For someone with an uncountable amount of sarcastic comments and high tendencies on snapping at everyone, he's been oddly quiet and sad" she says.

Klaus is seen, painting another portrait as he wears as distressed look on his face. Looking around, is possible to see that he is in fact at Rosalind's bedroom, where he's been passing most of his days and nights, trying to feel any closer to her.

[voiceover] "Despite my efforts, we are a house divided. Which is not to say I have no good news..." Freya continues.

...St Anne's Church...

A cage made of chain-link fence and reinforced steel has been placed in the middle of what used to be the main room. Inside the cage, Marcel is shirtless and fighting against an unknown man whose skills are not enough to defeat him.

[voiceover] "Niklaus kept his word...Marcel controls the Quarter. There, he has founded a fight gym in the old St. Anne's Church where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community" Freya says.

After Marcel defeats another potential vampire, he looks over at Elijah, who has just arrived at the gym in an uncharacteristic cutoff t-shirt and gym shorts and walks into the ring to join him.

[voiceover] "Elijah has begun joining him for sparring. I believe it helps him work through his anger...and he has much anger, as I never thought it was possible for him to bear"

The other vampires evacuate the ring and move to the sidelines to watch as Marcel and Elijah begin to fight each other.

Weirdly, they started to bond with each other more often. At the end of the day, they share the same 'loss'.

...Mikaelson Compound...

Freya is sitting on the couch in the living room with Theodore and Hope, who are currently crying and fussing. After a moment, Klaus comes into the room and picks up his crying children before rocking them on his hip to soothe them.

[voiceover] "While Hope and Theo continues to flourish, it is clear they miss their mother, very much. Though Niklaus remains the doting father, he hasn't found any resource to help on Rosalind's curse" she says.

...The Bayou...

Night has fallen and the full moon is bright in the sky. The cursed Crescent wolves transform into their human forms, allowing Rosalind to meet up with Elijah, Freya, and the babies, the latter of whom, Rosalind immediately pulls into her arms and embraces tightly with a wide, though weary, smile.

She turns to Freya and Elijah, mouthing a 'thank you', which they nod with a weak smile.

The twins chuckled playing with her hair and she laughs emotionally.

God! She misses them so much.

[voiceover] "Despite my best efforts, I've yet to find the means to undo the spell placed on her and the Crescent wolves, and Rosalind herself continues to struggle, unable to see her children except for one night a month during the full moon. And although we're in no position to ask for outside help, I know Davina's been doing her best too..." Freya says.

...Lafayette Cemetery...

Marcel has just met up with a very tense Davina and are walking through the aisles of tombs together.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do about it?" Marcel asks, sounding desperate.

"I'm sorry Marcel" Davina says as hopeless as he was "I can't do anything on my own and ancestors aren't on my good side lately"

Marcel sighs and rubs his face.

[voiceover] "Davina is, against everyone's guesses, tried her best on finding a possible way to help Rosalind...but who said the witches sympathized with her" Freya says.

...Mikaelson Compound...

[voiceover] "I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal their fractured bond. Until then, I remain your loving sister Freya" she continues.

Freya picks up the letter and examines it for a moment before crumpling it up and gripping it tightly in her hands. She mutters an unintelligible spell under her breath for a moment until the letter disappears, having been magically sent to Rebekah wherever she is, before she smiles.

Freya is in one of the upstairs sitting rooms with Theodore and Hope, they are sitting on a spread out blanket on the floor as they play with the various toys that surround them. Elijah is standing nearby in his usual suit as he watches them.

"They're getting bigger by the second" Freya says with a weak smile "such a beautiful children"

Elijah paces back and forth beside where Freya and the twins are playing.

"Thank you for all of your care" Elijah says eyeing the twins.

"Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help you bring them to Rosalind, if you'd like" Freya says hesitantly "I'd like to see how she's doing"

"That won't be necessary. You deserve a night off" Elijah says softly.

Elijah smiles and kneels on the floor to play with Hope and Theodore, just as Klaus walks into the room to join them and jumps into their conversation unbidden. At the sound of his brother's voice, Elijah instantly scowls in anger.

"I'd offer to accompany you myself, but I doubt it'd be healthy to my children to witness their mother trying rip my head off my shoulders" Klaus says entering the room.

"Yes, I doubt that your presence is particularly welcome anywhere" Elijah says completely annoyed.

"My own brother, greeting me with such disdain!" Klaus also glares at him.

He turns to Freya to discuss Elijah as though he isn't even there.

"What do you think, Freya? Is he still angry for my part in Rosie's curse?" Klaus asks his sister as she too glares at him "or maybe he's refusing my presence so he can continue robbing my children away and playing happy family with their mother"

Elijah spins on his heel to face Klaus and continues to glare at him, and Freya stands in preparation to mediate if necessary.

"Of course, forgive me. So, you would call this an act of heroism even as you bask in her torment? That my amusement resumes itself in bringing those children to their struggling mother once in a month, so she can still manages to not lose her mind" Elijah asks sarcastically, trying to contain his voice as to not scare the two toddlers.

Klaus gulped at this new revelation.

There was this one time where he went to the Bayou to see Rosalind, not in the full moon. He wouldn't admit, but he was afraid of facing her rage and disgust towards him.

He was only able to see her in a form of a white majestic wolf, but looking completely numb and lifeless, almost of she'd gave up of herself.

"Always putting yourself as the calmness in the storm, aren't you brother?!" Klaus snaps.

"Oh, if you two must poke at one another, may I suggest doing it elsewhere?" Freya says after checking that the babies were starting to get scared.

Elijah takes one last look at the twins before he walks out of the room without another word, leaving Klaus and an exasperated Freya behind. Freya goes to follow him out, but stops to make one last statement to her brother before she leaves.

"Nicely done. At this rate, you'll drive the entire family away" Freya says in disappointment.


In flashback, Klaus, who has blood dripping from his mouth, looks down sadly at the man he's just fed on and killed, still gently holding his wrist in his hand. After a moment, Kol comes up behind him and smacks him playfully on the shoulder.

"Who's ready for the next course?" Kol smiles.

Behind them, Finn looks at them and shakes his head exasperatedly.

"You are all filthy gluttons!" Finn says unhappy.

"And you remain ever the dullard" Kol replies.

The Mikaelson siblings have just fed on and killed another five people, though these victims appear to be wealthy and of high status, opposed to the commoners they fed on earlier. Rebekah is crouched over her victim, a woman wearing a blue velvet dress, which she strokes longingly before speaking.

"Such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste" Rebekah says.

Elijah rolls his eyes in frustration.

"Rebekah, we have discussed this..." Elijah sighs.

"You discussed this! None of us had any say in the matter! This lot were traveling somewhere...their cart is full of silks and finery. Five of them, five of us. Wherever they were off to, why could we not simply go in their stead?" she asks exasperated.

"Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know and whose customs we cannot begin to understand? Ridiculous!" Elijah says.

"You saw the castle down the road! It was practically a gala! If this bunch were headed there..."

She gestures at the bodies strewn across the ground around the five of them.

"Look at them! They're not any better than we are. We could live as they do! At least for a time" she continues.

Elijah rolls his eyes and sighs in exasperation, but Rebekah is insistent.

"Think of it! Elijah, we can hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives..." Rebekah says.

Suddenly, Elijah senses something and interrupts her.

"Silence" he says serious.

Elijah focuses his hearing and realizes there is someone nearby whose heart is still beating. He gestures toward their victims' cart, and the others follow him as he goes to examine it. He lifts up a blanket and flings it away, revealing a young, dark-haired man, Lucien, who is terrified to see them. He jumps out of the cart and attempts to flee, but Kol and Rebekah vamp-speed in front of him and block his way.

"Well, aren't you a handsome one?" Rebekah smiles.

"Looks like dessert to me..." Kol smirks.

Kol stalks toward the man, who immediately raises his hands in a non-threatening manner and attempts to stop him.

"Wait, wait, wait! I can help you!" Lucien pleads.

Rebekah looks at him curiously, and the man nervously continues.

"Now, I am...I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel, and the barriers that you just mentioned...? I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs, as well as the Count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you've slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse" Lucien continues nervously.

Lucien looks at Elijah, whose face is emotionless, but Rebekah looks hopefully at her older brother.

"Please, can we keep him?" Rebekah asks expectantly.

"Rebekah, no! What is our most important rule?" Elijah sighs in annoyance.

"Never leave alive anyone..." she starts sounding very annoyed and others chime in and join her.

"Who has seen what we are" Finn, Klaus and Kol joined her.

"Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed" Elijah nods.

Finn grabs Elijah by the shoulder and holds him back before he can kill the man.

"She has a point! He may be of use" Finn points out.

"Ah, a proper family squabble!" Kol smiles.

Klaus raises his hand to silence him and walks over to join them.

"Perhaps we should put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?" Klaus proposes.

Rebekah and Finn raise their hands.

"Those inclined to gut him?" Kol asks.

Kol and Elijah raise their hands. Klaus looks torn.

"Oh, Nik. What shall it be?" Kol asks.

Klaus sighs and pauses for a moment before walking toward Lucien, who still looks terrified.


A blonde female realtor is showing a very fancy apartment to a potential renter, and she walks around the main room as she describes it to him.

"It's a no-brainer, really...this penthouse is equipped with all the luxuries money can buy, and...while the asking price may seem daunting...rest assured that your view of New Orleans will be second-to-none!" she smiles.

The renter turns around and smiles, revealing himself to be Lucien, the same servant who the Mikaelsons found hiding in the previous flashback.

"I do like it. And, as for the price..." he trailed off.

He walks closer to the realtor and brushes her long hair off her right shoulder to expose her neck.

"Now, nothing of worth comes without sacrifice, wouldn't you agree?" he asks rhetorically.

The realtor is clearly overwhelmed and slightly uncomfortable by the intimacy of his touch and laughs nervously.

"Mr. Castle..." she tries.

"Please, call me Lucien" he smirks.

Suddenly, Lucien snarls at her, revealing his fangs and vampire eyes, and the realtor is so frightened that she screams before he bites into her neck and begins to feed.

...St James Infirmary...

Klaus' art exhibition is underway, and though there are no familiar faces, he seems to have drawn a large crowd. One middle-aged man looks at the painting of Rosalind glancing out of her balcony when she was pregnant with Hope and Theodore.

"It is incredibly sentimental..." one of the man says looking in awe.

Nearby, Klaus is eavesdropping on the man's criticisms and watches him walk away. After a moment, Lucien appears out of nowhere and alerts Klaus his presence by speaking to him.

"I wouldn't expect you to host an art show and not compelling them to say gracious of it" Lucien says.

"And I wouldn't expect an uncultured savage to crash such a formal affair" Klaus says.

He smirks at Lucien, not unhappy to see him, and Lucien chuckles.

"Yeah, not my usual scene" Lucien says.

He looks over at the art critic from earlier, who has moved on to another painting.

"Though, that mouthy blood bag does have a point. Your work proves himself completely sentimental..." Lucien trailed off, feeling as if the model at the portrait were familiar to him...

"Oh?" Klaus says amused.

"Degas, I'd say. Although, I happen to know that you compelled Degas to mentor you. I always thought his work improved after your influence" Lucien smirks.

Klaus gestures toward him and smiles.

"Finally! Someone with an eye for art!" Klaus says.

"Well, live long enough and you develop a taste for it...among other things" Lucien says. He lowers his voice and leans toward Klaus.

"Speaking of which, can we please have a drink? I am quite parched" Lucien says.

Klaus laughs joyfully and throws his arm around Lucien's shoulders before leading him to the bar.

...The Bayou...

It is still daylight out near Jackson's RV in the Bayou, where Theodore and Hope are sitting in their stroller next to a picnic table. On the table, Elijah has set up quite a large feast for the Crescents in preparation for the full moon, which includes a meat and cheese platter, bread, sides, desserts and at least a dozen bottles of champagne. The twins coo at their uncle as he continues laying the table, but he immediately becomes tense when he hears the sound of someone approaching. When a truck pulls up, Elijah walks toward the twins protectively and shushes them in a soft manner as he watches a man with an assault rifle strapped to his chest step out of the vehicle and walk toward them.

"Hell of a spot for a picnic" one of the hunter says.

"Yes, if you can tolerate the mosquitoes, it's actually rather serene" Elijah says.

Elijah politely holds up a platter in offering, though it's clear he doesn't trust the men and is not at all happy to be dealing with them.

"Finger sandwich?" he offers.

"Trouble is, you're trespassing. This whole area is now property of Kingmaker Land Development. In two years, it's gonna be golf courses and condos" the hunter says.

Two other similarly armed men join the first across from Elijah, who is not the least amused by this news.

"I take it you're not on the Board of Directors" Elijah says.

"Uh, my team and I are in...animal control. There's been an influx of wild predators. My boss pays, uh, top dollar to wipe them out" the hunter says and Elijah's eyes darkened.

"Wild predators?" The original asks.

"Wolves, if you could believe it. Killed a half dozen last night" the hunter says proudly as Elijah glares furiously at him.

Elijah casually turns the twins' stroller around so it's facing away from the men and their guns, not wanting them to see what's to follow. The hunter holds his assault rifle into the air for emphasis.

"And these babies can take a head clean off" the hunter continues.

Oh no.

He did not talk about the twins...

Elijah smiles fakely at the man, and once he's sure the twins can't see the carnage that is about to ensue, he steps toward the hunters.

"Anyway, I'm gonna have to ask you to clear out ASAP" the man continues.

The man makes the mistake of clapping Elijah on the shoulder, which leads to Elijah grabbing him by the arm and spinning him around, twisting his arm so hard behind his back that the bones snap loudly. The other two hunters immediately raise their guns so they're aimed at Elijah, but he easily vamp-speeds toward them, disarms them, and shoves them so hard they fall flat on their backs on the ground.

Hunter 1, whose broken arm is cradled against his chest, uses his rifle as a crutch so he can stand to his feet, just as Elijah walks back over to him, snatches his gun, throws it aside, and grabs him in a choke-hold. Elijah then stares him directly in the eyes.

"Call off your men. You leave this place. You find another line of work. No more dead wolves" Elijah compels the man.

"I'm just an independent contractor. There are other teams out there. I don't have the authority to..." the struggles to say.

Displeased, Elijah snaps the man's neck before he can say anything more and drops him onto the ground, looking furious about this development. Meanwhile, Theodore and Hope happily play with a small stuffed toy and stares into the woods.

...Maison Bourbon...

Night has fallen, and the bar is packed with patrons who are drinking heavily and dancing to the loud music playing from the stereo. On the bar is Freya, along with several other women, who are dancing and laughing and having a good time. Freya quickly drinks a shot of alcohol, and only stops dancing when her phone rings. It's Elijah, calling from the Bayou as he waits with the twins. She answers the phone, plugging her free ear with her hand so she can hear him over the music.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Did I misinterpret the kind of exhibition you're attending?" Elijah asks from the other side.

"I switched venues! Aren't you the one who said I deserved the night off?" Freya asks back.

"Forgive me. Someone needs to watch Hope and Theodore. I have an errand to run" Elijah says.

Freya smiles and starts bopping to the music as she talks to Elijah.

"How ominous! What errand?" she asks curiously.

"A necessary evil" Elijah sighs.

Elijah looks down at the two toddlers and smooths their hair.

"I would rather my niece and nephew not bear witness" he continues.

"Fair enough. Give me a minute, I have an idea" she says.

Freya hangs up and gets ready to leave.

...The Bayou...

One of the hunters is stumbling quickly through the woods in an attempt to run for his life, but he trips and falls onto the ground. When he looks around, he sees that many of his fellow hunters have been slaughtered and gets so scared he immediately starts to run again. Unfortunately for him, he runs straight into Elijah, who looks furious.

"You will provide me with the precise location of every last one of those vulgar traps, as well as the routes used by any of your other men" Elijah compels him.

"I...I don't know..." the hunters shutters nervously.

Before Elijah can react, a very naked, thin, long-haired woman appears and lunges for Hunter 3, tackling him and clawing him viciously until she either knocks him out or kills him. Elijah looks stunned to see her.

"Rosie..." Elijah muttered stunned.

The girl turns toward Elijah, revealing that she is not, in fact, Rosalind, but actually Hayley who has returned to her human form for the full moon. She stares at Elijah blankly, and he considerately maintains eye contact with her, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Forgive me, I thought..." he was cut off.

"I know who you thought I was" she says.

"Do you know where she is?" Elijah asks worriedly.

"Judging by what these hunters did...the traps they set, and the blood I saw? If she's not with her children..." Hayley trailed off as she gulps horrified "...she's probably..." she couldn't finish her sentence.

Elijah looks horrified understanding what Hayley meant and gulps worriedly.


Elijah and Hayley are walking through the woods, stepping over the bodies of the killed hunters as he does so, until they finally comes upon their truck. Elijah walks around to the truck bed, which has been covered by a tarp. Looking very worried, he hesitates for a moment before finally throwing back the tarp, revealing at least a half-dozen dead werewolves who had been killed before they could return to their human form at the peak of the full moon. The sight of them horrifies Hayley and Elijah so deeply that he begins to hyperventilate as he tries to catch his breath, as Hayley's eyes start to tear up as she gasps terrified.

...Lafayette Cemetery...

In the tomb where Esther once held Elijah captive, Rosalind awakens in her naked human form on the floor to find that she's trapped in a magical circle made of salt and is surrounded by lit white candles. She looks both confused and worried as she looks around to figure out where she is, and she yelps when she hears footsteps approaching her.

"Ugh! Who's there?" she groaned standing up.

Davina appears beside her, looking hesitant as she holds a bundle in her hands.

"D?" Rosalind asks confused "What the hell am I doing here? Why am I trapped?"

Davina sighs and throws the bundle at her, which is revealed to be a blanket for Rosalind to use to cover herself up.

"I used magic to draw you here and to keep you a captive audience" Davina says and Rosalind frowns as she uses the blanket to cover her front and stands to her feet, looking completely lost and desperate.

"Davina, please!" Rosalind says frustrated "I need to see my children"

"I'm sorry, but there's something I need you to do for me first" Davina says apologetically.

"What?" Rosalind asks incredulously "Davina, this is the only time I have with them!"

Davina looks guilty as Rosalind starts to panic, pacing back and forth.

...Lucien's Penthouse...

Lucien's apartment is empty of people now, and he finishes his drink before setting the glass on the table and heading for the nearby desk. He picks up a blank page of stationary from the desk, which is headed with the name Kingmaker Land Development Inc., the company that bought the land in the Bayou in which the Crescent Wolf Clan's encampments are located and who hired the werewolf hunters to kill them. Under the stationary is a straight razor, which Lucien picks up and flicks open. He looks into the mirror above the desk, and it looks as though he's about to shave his face with the razor, but instead, he uses it to slice his mouth open ear to ear, just like the murder victims whose deaths Will, Cami, and Vincent are investigating. Lucien looks at his mutilated face in the mirror and smiles creepily as the wounds healed themselves before his eyes.

...Buddhist Monastery...

A Buddhist monk comes into a large room with a folded piece of paper in his hands. He holds out the note to a woman seated cross-legged on the floor with her hood covering part of her face, and lowers her hood, revealing that it is Aurora de Martel, the Count's daughter who had caught Klaus and Lucien's eye in 1002 AD. She snatches the note out of his hand before unfolding it and reading it. Whatever it says does not please her one bit, and she screams in anger before throwing out her hand and slitting the monk's throat with her fingernails. He falls to the ground and bleeds out onto the floor as Aurora begins to hyperventilate in worry. She pulls out a pendant necklace from under her robes and holds the pendant in her hand before speaking quietly to it as she catches her breath.

"It won't be long now" she says.


Yay! Season three!!!

Don't forget to vote!!!



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