Queen of the Dragons [rhaeny...

By he4vymetal_lover

245K 10.6K 1.1K

What if another family survived the Doom of Valyria? Everyone knows the story of the Targaryens fleeing Valyr... More

The Maltheons
Meet the Maltheons
Lord Lannister
Rhaenyra Targaryen
One Ride
What a Night
The Bad Egg
I Need to Go
Two Years
Quite the Entrance
A Promise
Show Me
Confessions and Revelations
Allies and Betrayal
A Talk with Rhaenyra
The Prince
The Wedding
The Maltheon Children
5 Years
My Children
Dragon Kings and Queens
You Scared Me
Tests of Loyalty
Honor and Tourneys
Rhaenyra and Rhaemont
An Eye for an Eye
Blood of the Dragon
Prince Consort
Maltheon Children (Grown Up)
Maltheon Adults
King's Landing
King Viserys
Prince & Princess of Dragonstone
Rhaenyra's Coronation
Storm's End
Delivering Messages
The Riverlands
Rook's Rest
The Lion's Downfall
The Dragons Rise
Questioning the Enemy
Maekara the Merciless
The God's Eye
Going Mad
A Dragon's Death
A Song of Ice and Fire
Thank You
The Families
Targaryen Kings and Queens
Maltheon Kings and Queens

Ser Richard

3.5K 158 40
By he4vymetal_lover

That night after they had all gone to the Dragonpit, Mae walked the Princess back to her apartment along with her children. They stood outside of her doors as Rhaenyra ushered the boys in and Mae told the kids to follow Ser Richard, who obeyed the command of his Queen, sharing a knowing look with each other.

Rhaenyra stares at them both, feeling the pit of jealousy in her stomach.

She decides to ask Mae something, "Where is Reid? He made quite the scene earlier. I would like to exchange some words with him."

"There is no need for that, Nyra," Mae smiles as she grabbed her hand, rubbing her thumb on the back of it, "I took care of him."

"Took care?" Rhaenyra stared at Mae with a look of concern.

"I did. He deserved it after what he did," Mae bluntly said as she stood proudly leaning on the doorframe.

"I am sure you had a good reason," Rhaenyra says as she stands smiling at Mae, "It is a good thing you dealt with him. Otherwise I would have gotten to him first."

"Really? And why do you say that, Princess?" Mae asked her, a smile creeping onto her face.

"You know why," Rhaenyra gently smacks Mae's hand, looking away, her cheeks turning red.

"I'm afraid I need some clarification."

As they both leaned in, Mae felt a hand tugging on her arm, and it was Jace.

"Will we see each other tomorrow too?" Jace asked, his mouth open wide in a toothy grin.

"You know it, my Prince," Mae replied as she stroked Jace's locks of hair. She could not help but adore the young prince and it already seems as if little Jacaerys has taken a liking to the young Queen.

Rhaenyra raised him right.

Ser Richard came from around the corner, bowing his head at Mae. Rhaenyra turns to the young knight, arching a brow.

"I will see you later, Princess. You as well, Prince Jacaerys," Mae excused herself as she walked with the knight, Jace wishing her a good night and hugging his mother. Rhaenyra watched them go as she ushered her son inside the apartment.

"Everything is taken care of, my Queen. The children are all in bed," Ser Richard informed her as they made the slow walk back to Mae's chambers.

"Thank you, Richard," The corners of Richard's lips rose into a smile.

"I am and will always be in your service, Your Grace," Richard said as he admired his queen from the side, "That includes helping you get rid of that asshole you called a husband. As well as helping with the children."

Mae stops him, "Our children. You helped raise those children better than he ever did."

Richard lets out a short breath, "Do you think things will change when we tell them the truth?"

Mae scoffs immediately dismissing the thought, "No. In fact, I know they will be happy knowing that you are their real father," Mae beams, as she removes Ser Richard's helm, and twists one of his curls on her finger, "That their father is a true man. That he is quite the man to love."

Richard sadly smiled as Mae placed a hand on his cheek, "But you do not love me like that do you?"

"What do you mean?" Mae's brows furrow as she removes her hand from his cheek.

"The times that we have been here to King's Landing, I have caught on to something. Something I have chosen to simply ignore," Richard sighs as he looks down, "You love the Princess."

Mae does not deny it, "I do. I am sorry," She suddenly feels guilty and looks away as she puts a hand on her door to head inside.

"Hey. Don't you dare apologize," Richard quickly told her, "If you love the Princess, then I will respect it. You needed heirs and I was happy to help you in that. I am not special for serving my Queen in the way that she needs me. I would do it all over again."

"But you are more than that. You did not give me heirs," Mae strokes his hair once again, similar to that of Maegon's, "You gave us the gift that is our children. I want you to be able to fully embrace them. You may not think that you are special but you make life special. And I do love you, Rich."

Mae shamefully sighs, putting her hands to her sides, but Richard lifts her chin up, "I do not care if you love the Princess, Your Grace. I will always serve you. Because we are a family."

"You are and will always be one of the most important people in my life, Richard," Mae reminds him, "You are the father to my children, you have served me and my family well. And I will always love you for that."

"That is all I need, my Queen," Richard whispers as he kisses Mae's hand, "I will always be here, Your Grace. For you and the children."

"Our children," Maekora says as she pulls Richard in for a tight hug. Ser Richard rubs Mae's back as he lets out a sigh of relief and takes in her sweet scent.
He may not be loved the way that he wanted to, but he knew that the Queen loved him in such a way that they started a family together. The Queen's heart belonged to the Princess and the knight could not change it. But he would not change a thing, knowing that he created a wonderful family with the woman he would kill the entire country for.

Those children were his honor, his biggest pride, and joy.

The next morning, Prince Maegon woke up to find that his sister was gone. Her bed was empty and he quickly got up to search for her.

Maegon quickly spots her watching the skyline in which the sun was rising. She was gazing at the waves and playing with her fingers.

"Kaela, is something wrong?" Maegon asks as he puts a hand on her shoulder, concerned for his sister.

"It is nothing," Mikaela sighs as she turns to Maegon, "I just want to go home."

"Why?" Maegon asked as he looks up at his sister, trying to read the look on her face but she just looked conflicted.

"I do not feel safe here," Mikaela confessed as she looks back at her brother, "The Queen does not want us here,"

"But Mother is the one that brought us here," Maegon replies as he looks out into the water below.

"Not that Queen," Mikaela retorts, "The one that was talking to Father."

"Oh," Maegon says, "Why would she not want us? What did we do?"

"Absolutely nothing," Mikaela replies to him as they both continue to stare at Blackeater Bay, enjoying the cool summer air and the warmth of the rising sun.

Across the hall from them, Mae slept comfortably curled up in the sheets, mouth hanging open, and sprawled out taking up the entirety of the bed.

She awoke with a jolt, wiping the drool from her mouth, and quickly patting down her hair. She squinted her eyes at the sunlight creeping in through the window.

She got up from the bed and walked over to the vanity. Mae sat down in front of the mirror about to brush through her hair when she saw someone standing behind her.

"What the fuck!?" Mae screamed as she quickly got up and put her fists up in defense. She was only met with the confused face of Mikaela, who simply raised an eyebrow at her mother.

"Good lord, Kaela," Mae sighed in relief as she put a hand over her heart, "How did you sleep?"

She sat back down on the chair and began to brush out and fix her messed up curls. Mikaela put her hands around her mother's shoulders and smiled at her through the mirror.

Mae grinned at her, "Whatever it is that you need to tell me, I suggest you tell me. What is on your mind, sweet girl?"

Mikaela sat on her mother's bed, "Mother, I feel very weird."

"Weird, what do you mean?" Mae's brows furrowed as she got up from the chair and sat right beside her daughter, rubbing her arm, comforting Mikaela.

"I feel like we are not wanted here," Mikaela confessed as she picked at her fingers, "They do not like us."

"And who is they?" Mae asked.

"The Princess's family," Mikaela told her.

"But Jace and Luke, they are nice boys. And Rhae- the Princess adores you," Mae says as she lifts Kaela's chin at.

"I am not talking about the princess. I am talking about the lady that Father was talking to," Mikaela revealed as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Mikaela, sweetheart, if that man and woman said something to you, it is best you tell me now."

"Last night, I heard Father calling us "pawns". And early this morning, the Queen called us bastards," Mikaela tearfully wept as she confessed everything she had heard to her mother.

"Pawns? Bastards? None of which are true, my dear girl," Mae caressed her daughter's cheek, "You are a princess, you are to be a future queen. You are not a pawn or a bastard."

"Why would Father say that?" Mikaela sobbed, "What did I do to him?" The sound of Mikaela's weeping and sobbing broke her heart.

"Mikaela, sweetheart, I am going to tell you something," Mae braced herself for the worst, "Reid is not your father." Her stomach twisted and turned at the confession and she did not know how her daughter would react.

Mikaela thought about it for a moment, but ultimately smiled, "I think I knew that."

"You did?" Mae quirked a brow.

"Yes. My father cannot be someone that hates me," Mikaela said sadly, as more tears fell out of her eyes. She sniffed as Mae hugged her tightly.

"Can I ask you something, mother?" Mikaela whispered into her mother's shirt.

"Anything," Mae replied.

"Is Ser Richard my father?," Kaela asked. In that moment, Ser Richard walked in with Maegon at his side. Mikaela and Mae turned their heads swiftly at the pair. She realized how much Maegon looked like Ser Richard and it seems Mikaela had caught on to that fact on how similar they looked.

She connected the dots. Maegon's hair: was exactly like Ser Richard's. Princess Maia also had his hair color, dirty and pale blonde hair. Ser Richard was once known for being very awkward and kind and Mikaela was the spitting image of her father's character.

"Father," Mikaela said realizing now the truth. She got up from the bed and now stood in front of Ser Richard, smiling at him.

Ser Richard looked to Mae for approval, she nodded her head and he quickly embraced his daughter, the way he has always wanted to.

"I hope you are not mad at me and your mother," Ser Richard says, tears forming in his eyes. He always cared for his children and did not want to push himself onto them in case they were not comfortable. And now here he was embracing his eldest daughter.

"I am not," Mikaela hugged him tightly. Maegon had no clue what was going on, but got the idea right away and followed his sister's lead.

As Ser Richard hugged his two eldest children, he reminisced on the day Mae told him she was pregnant with Mikaela. He was over the moon about the news but feared what may happen if word got out that a Queensguard was the father of the Queen's child. The Queen made sure that it was kept between them, but Ser Richard hated having to deal with Reid bragging and being an embarrassment around his children for five years. He knew it was out of protection of the children but he could not stand it.

But it no longer mattered. Ser Richard was truly a proud father and now he could embrace it with them.

Watching Ser Richard proudly hugging his children, it became clear to her that Maegon was the spitting image of Richard. He was the only one out of all four of them that actually looked like him.

And the thought made her smile. As she watched her family finally embrace each other the right way, all she could see was red upon hearing about what Alicent said about her children.

Ser Richard now oversaw the training of Mikaela and Maegon in the yards with Ser Wyatt as they spoke with other knights of King's Landing.

Ser Criston was overseeing the training of Prince Aegon who was not interested at all.

"Come on, my Prince. Hold the sword tightly and try to strike me," Criston stood in a defensive position as Aegon lazily tried to strike him, but was easily defeated.

Ser Richard kindly walked over and tried to offer some advice to the knight of the Kingsguard.

"Perhaps the Prince needs some motivation," Ser Richard said to Criston, who rolled his eyes.

"What the Prince needs, I will oversee. I will take care of it," Criston argued as he turned back to Aegon who now sat at a nearby bench.

Ser Richard shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to Maegon who smacked the ground with his wooden sword. Ser Harwin was also there with Jace and Luke who sparred with each other using their own wooden swords. Ser Wyatt stood with Mikaela, helping the princess place her hands properly on the wooden sword.

"I am not taking suggestions from the pretender's whore," Criston scoffed to himself and as he walked back over to Aegon, he felt the cold touch of a blade hitting the side of his neck.

"Say it again," Richard clenched his jaw, "This time to my face, you fucking coward."

Criston only smiled to himself, "Seems I hit a nerve, Ser. Why is that?"

"I know you are seeking attention, dog. You hold your tongue when talking about me and the children or this blade goes through your throat next time. Maybe then it will teach you to not bark about things that do not concern you."

Ser Richard sheathed his blade as this time, he walked back to his children and Ser Harwin who glared at Ser Criston.

"Always sniffing around in other people's business," Harwin says as he grabbed Jace and Luke and made their way to another yard.

Criston clicked his tongue and eventually ended up trying to motivate Aegon with a little something and it worked.

Ser Richard thought about Ser Criston's comment, which also brought him back to the conversation he had overheard with Mikaela and Mae. Alicent called his children bastards and now Cole was calling him Mae's whore.

How do they know about his relations with Mae and his children?

That night, Mae sat on the cliff side with Jace and Luke, careful to not let them fall as they watched the sunset.

"Boys, I wanted to show you something. Something that I have been dying to show you, but I was not sure how to do it," Mae revealed as she got up from the ground.

"What is it?" Jace asked excitedly.

"Wait for it," Mae said as she stood on the cliff side waiting. The ground beneath them rumbled and a large shadow cast over them. It could only mean one thing.

The boys were suddenly hit with a strong gust of wind as they were now sitting face to face with a large green dragon.

Jace's face lit up as he helped Luke up, as they stared in awe at the dragon.

"I know I told you boys that I did not bring my dragon with me," Mae says, "But she just happened to come along. And she has been hiding for a while."

"She is beautiful," Luke tells her.

Maxis lands roughly on the rocks beside them as she lays down, purring and puffing out hot air. She made herself comfortable as her large snout leaned over to the Velaryon boys.

Mae trusted Maxis and did not even try to calm her down as she simply grabbed Luke's hand, "Would you like to formerly meet her, Lucerys?"

"May I?" Luke beamed as Mae held his hand and gently placed it on Maxis's nose. Mae turned to Jace and also guided him to pet Maxis. Rhaenyra watched them from afar as she admires the sight. She was currently holding Princess Maia in her arms, who was deeply invested in Rhaenyra's hair.

She babbled nonsense as she played with Rhaenyra's hair and the rings around her fingers.

"Mama," Maia giggled as she twisted her hair and dug her face deeper into Rhaenyra's shoulder.

She had grown to be attached to Mae's children, especially her daughters. They all looked like Mae. She liked to think that her children all belonged to her as well. Her fantasy was fueled even further by the sight of Mae and her boys.

Rhaenyra walked up to the trio, "Boys, it is time we go to bed."

"Mother, but Mae was showing us Maxis," Jace protested as he continued to stroke Maxis's scales.

Rhaenyra chuckled softly, "I see that."

Rhaenyra walked up to Maxis as well, petting her and praising her like she always did, whether it be from afar or up close, she always admired Maxis. She turned to her sons, telling them that it was time to go back inside.

"But we want to stay here," Jace argued.

Mae spots Maia in Rhaenyra's arms and her brows knit together. Rhaenyra quickly tried to explain herself, "I am sorry. She was just crying in her crib and it seemed that she was in need of some comfort."

"It is all right, Rhaenyra," Mae told her as she caressed Maia's pale blonde hair, similar to that of Rhaenyra's, "She seems content in your arms."

She was also thinking the same thing that Rhaenyra was just moments earlier. Maia buried her face into Rhaenyra's shoulder, giggling to herself.

"Where are-"

"Maegon and Mikaela are still with Ser Richard in the yards," Rhaenyra informs her as she rocks Maia.

"Ah, you read my mind," Maxis gave her a slight shove that made her gently crash into Rhaenyra.

"Urnēbagon ziry!" Mae cursed as Maxis growled. (Watch it!) Mae quickly commands Maxis to quickly go back into hiding and to be cautious. Maxis struggles quite a bit to fly off the cliff as she flies further into the dark horizon. Who knew where she flew off to but Mae prayed that she was going to be okay.

"Well boys, your mother is right. It is time we head back inside."

Jace and Luke groan in annoyance and complain the entire way back to the castle. It is there that they unite with Richard and the children and they all head to their chambers for the night.

As Mae settled in for the night, there was a knock at her door. It was what appeared to be one of the maesters and he held a letter in his hand.

"Apologies, my Queen, "The maester said as he took in a deep breath and handed the letter to Maekora, "This just came in for you."

"Thank you," Mae gently shut the door behind her as she sat at the desk, turning the letter over and eyeing the Targaryen seal that was placed right in the middle of it. She wondered who it could be from, so she tore it open and analyzed the unfamiliar handwriting. Her eyes widened at the signature at the bottom of the page as someone else came in through her door unannounced.

Maegor spots Maekora sitting on the desk, reading the letter in her hands. He notices the expression on her and enters the room, the concern now etched on his face.

"What is it?" Maegor asks as Mae gets up not even thinking twice about how Maegor came in here without knocking.

Maekora looks up from the letter, "Maegor, you won't believe what I just received. It is a letter from Daemon, summoning me to Pentos. He claims it's urgent."

Maegor frowns at the sound of his name, "Daemon? That is unexpected. What could he possibly want from you?"

Mae tenses up as all she feels is frustration and skepticism.

"Oh, I don't know, Maegor. Maybe he wants to apologize for nearly ruining my life and Rhaenyra's. Remember what happened at the brothel? I can't help but think this is some twisted prank," Mae says as she cannot help but laugh.

Maegor takes a seat opposite Maekora, leaning forward attentively.

"I understand your concerns, sister. Daemon's actions in the past were reprehensible, but perhaps he genuinely wishes to speak with you. We should consider the possibilities before jumping to conclusions," Maegor tries to reason with her. He had taken a liking to the Rogue Prince when they first met, but everything changed when he heard about the brothel and how Rhaenyra's reputation was severely damaged.

Maekora sighs, running a hand through her hair, her frustration evident.

"Oh yes, the Daemon Targaryen wishes to genuinely speak with me," Mae smirks, "That is ridiculous."

"I don't know maybe-"

"I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt before, Maegor. But after everything that happened, it's hard not to be suspicious. I can't shake off the feeling that this is a trap of some sort," Mae wearily tells her brother.

Maegor leans back in his chair, deep in thought.

"Let's think about it logically, Maekora. What other reasons could Daemon have for summoning you?" Maegor begins to lick his lips, thinking. He snaps his fingers as a thought crossed his mind, then he quickly dismisses it.

Mae grows agitated by her brother's actions, "So you have no idea or reason as to why I am summoned by this man?"

"I do not," Maegor says in defeat. Another thought crossed his mind but he did not want to reveal what it was just yet.

Mae observed the look on his face, "Say it."

"What if Prince Daemon seeks an alliance?" Maegor hesitates, "A betrothal mayhaps?"

Mae slaps her forehead, "Of course. You are absolutely right, brother. A union of Targaryen and Maltheon. It would strengthen both houses, but it seems odd. Why would Daemon decide this now? It feels like a ploy."

Maegor nods, understanding her apprehension. Mae begins to pace and he does his best to calm her down, "We won't know for certain until we speak to him, sister. We'll be cautious and prepared for anything. If Prince Daemon truly seeks an alliance, we will weight the benefits and risks before making any decisions."

Maekora takes a deep breath, determination replacing her initial panic.

"Right. We will not let past grievances cloud our judgement. I'll go to Pentos, but I'll take precautions. I will ensure that Daemon's intentions are clear and that there are no hidden agendas."

Maegor smiles, a mix of pride and concern evident in his eyes. He could not believe that this was the same little girl he grew up with. She had grown out of her shell and had led her kingdom through despair and loss of the previous king. She was able to prove to others that she was just as capable of ruling even at the age of eight.

Maegor was proud of his youngest sister. His Queen.

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