Wicked 🔞

By pmjc88

36.1K 1.3K 105

She chose to work for Stark, knowing that she was the best one for the role. She knew that her life would be... More



301 15 2
By pmjc88

Liv had barely slept, knowing that in a few short hours, Thanos would rain down fire on the compound. She had Tony send every member of staff and agent home the evening before.

Though the team had questions, she had made it clear, they needed to trust her, no matter what. She needed to save her family, by any means. The dead faces of Tony, Nat, Loki and Vision, floated around her mind. The whispers of dust, from half her family disappearing, in the blink of a snap. She couldn't let it happen, and she wouldn't.

She leaned her head against the punching bag, catching her breath. She had to protect her family. Taking a deep breath, she stood, and teleported back to their room, seeing Bucky still asleep, but heard the shower going in the bathroom, knowing it was Loki.

Smiling to herself, she snapped her fingers, making her clothes disappear, and walked in to the bathroom to join him in the shower. This was the last few moments of freedom they had, and she wanted to enjoy it.


Liv felt the air shift, and stood, looking out the window, up at the sky and seeing the ship come into view. She closed her eyes, and shrouded everyone, just as the first shot, hit the south side of the compound. She could hear them all calling out in the comm, and she took a deep breath... 'I got you, you're safe. Remember..'.. She shielded herself, just as another blast, hit right where she was... 'Thanos believes I only have the power from the tesseract, so we have that to our advantage. You focus on his army, and I'll get close. Do you all trust me?..'

Debris rained down on her shield, as she fell to the floor, trying to hold focus, as more shots rained down on them. She heard them all call out, one by one that they did.

Once it had all stopped, she teleported out from under the rubble, and brought everyone with her, as she stood on top of it all, looking down at Thanos sat in the middle of the chaos.

'He's even more ugly than I thought..'.. She quipped, and heard a few sniggers... 'Thor, Tony, Steve, think you three can keep him busy for a few minutes?..'

'Sure, not like I got anything else to do now that this place is a pile of shit. You didn't say anything about destroying the place..'.. Tony snorted it at her, as the other two come closer.

'I told you, to trust me, alright. Now go play tag with barney..'.. She gestured to him, and the three men walked down.

'The rest of you, take out as many of his army as you can. Don't second guess yourself, and focus on fighting, don't worry about anyone else, got it?..'.. She called out, watching the three below, begin to surround him.

'Uh, that's a big ass army. You expect us to fight them all?..'... Sam says, as his wings flick out, looking over at the horde behind Thanos.

'Who said it would just be you lot fighting?..'... The sounds of portals opening up behind them, had the rest of the team turning to look.

'Holy shit..'.. Bucky said, his eyes taking in the dozens of portals, and people, armies and ships coming through.

'This isn't just a fight for our world, its a fight for every world, and they want a piece..'.. She took hold of Loki and buckys hands... 'We need the gauntlet he wears, it hold the other stones..'

'What our wife wants, she gets..'.. Loki brought their linked hands up, placing a kiss to hers.

'Not your wife..'.. She rolled her eyes, and spotted Strange off to the side, and nodded at him, as she spoke telepathically. She saw him nod back, and she took a deep breath... 'Let's go win this..'

She ran down the rubble, heading straight towards Thanos as he fought with the other three. Just as Thor threw his hammer, Thanos moved out of the way, and it flew past him, towards her. Liv caught it, and summoned lightning, striking Thanos in the back, and then threw, Mjolnir at his head, knocking him down.

She teleported to him, sliding on her side, and gripping hold of the two stones as he was dazed. She was just about to remove them, when someone threw her back, and she rolled to her feet, looking over at the Maw.

'Where are the stones?..'.. He floated up some debris, sending it towards her and she smirked at him, before teleporting them into opposite positions. She grinned menacingly, as he was impaled by the very sharp debris, he threw at her.

'Did you say something?..'.. She mocked, and laughed, running off back to Thanos. She needed to end this, now.

Seeing Thor, Tony and Steve fighting against Thanos, as he was making his way to Vision, Liv slid on the ground, between his legs, and gripped the gauntlet... 'Hold him down!..'... She shouted, and saw Thanos get wrapped in Wandas power, grunting out in pain.

She took hold of the two stones, ripping them from him, and rolled away. She could feel the power of them, and her screams echoed all around.

Loki spun, hearing her scream, and he spotted her, rising up from the ground. He had to get to her, and finished off one of Thanos minions. He ran through the battle, and saw Bucky running from the opposite direction towards her.

He saw the power of the stones swirl around her, her face contorting in pain. The screams ripping from her, sent chills though him, it was as if she was being torn apart.

Liv fought to absorb the stones, and she felt them burning in her hands. She wasn't giving up, she was so close. What felt like an eternity, she opened her hands to see that she had done it. The powers mixed with those she already had, and she closed her eyes, summoning the rest.

Being careful, she extracted the mind stone from Vision, as to not kill him, the time stone from Strange, and the space stone from Loki.

Tony panted, looking over to her as three stones flew to her, and she took them from the air, placing them against her chest. He didn't know what was happening, but he trusted her. Looking around, he saw Strange watching her, and he frowned. Strange had a sad look on his face, and when their eyes met, Tony knew. He knew what was going to happen.

Liv held onto the powers, as she stood before Thanos... 'You lost asshole..'.. She snapped her fingers, and the Titan stumbled, dropping back onto a large rock of rubble, panting.

'We both lost..'.. He sighed out, as he turned to dust.

Bucky got to her side, as she dropped to her knees, and he saw Thanos, and his army all disappear, specks of ash in the wind... 'I got you, I got you Liv..'.. He heard her whimper, as she leaned into him, bringing her hands back to her chest, pulling the stones from her, and they dropped to the ground, all six of them.

'I'm tired..'.. She panted out, wincing in pain... 'Its over, you're safe..'.. Loki dropped next to them, taking her hand in his, as the others all began to come over.

'You will be fine pet..'.. Loki looked up, as Strange knelt down in front of her, and both men saw the look on his face... 'She will be fine. Tell us, she will be alright..'

She held onto Lokis hand, and placed her other hand over Buckys, a small smile on her lips, as tears fell... 'Can you hear her?..'

Both Loki and Bucky sucked in a breath, hearing a voice... 'Mommy! Come on mommy, it's time to go home..'... They saw the little girl, dressed in white as she skipped closer, holding her hand out to Liv. She was the spitting image, her eyes big and bright, like her smile... 'Its ok mommy, we can go home now..'

Bucky broke down, buring his face into her neck from behind, knowing what was happening. He could feel a hand to his back, and from the soothing touch, it was Loki.

'Its alright pet, you can go..'.. Loki couldn't control his voice from breaking... 'We will be fine..'.. He kissed the side of her head, hearing her breathing becoming ragged.

'No, we have to help her..'... Tony stepped out of his suit, coming closer to them... 'Friday, scan her. Strange do something..'

'I can't. This is how she wanted it to end..'.. Strange stood and moved to the side... 'She changed the outcome, to save everyone..'

Wanda burst out crying, as she saw what the two men saw in their minds... 'We have to let her go..'

'Its ok Liv. Go with her, we'll see you again someday..'.. Bucky sniffled, feeling her body relax in his arms. After another minute, she stilled, taking her last breath and he broke completely, hugging her to him, as Loki wrapped his arms around them both, crying.

The whole team fell silent with the others, knowing that she gave her life to save everyone. No one knew what to say, their friend, sister and hero, was gone.


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