9. The Sevestar Prince

By HungjuiChiu

22.9K 772 63

Ash is being betrayed by the world, but this time, not only his friends and the world, his Pokemon, and his m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 85

111 7 0
By HungjuiChiu

Word is spreading among their friends about Ash, Alice, and Trenor's upcoming race in Pewter City, and they all decide to gather at the sidelines to watch. The Rapidash Racers display impressive skill in the initial rounds, employing various strategies to maintain their lead. However, their joy is tempered by the Dark Raiders, who resort to underhanded tactics to secure victory in each race. While it's clear that the race's referee and MC disapprove, they are bound by their duty and unable to intervene.

In the area designated for racers' preparation, Ash and Alice tend to their Rapidash. Alice turns to Ash with a concerned look and asks, "Ash, are we prepared to confront these cheaters in the race? What if they try to attack us?"

Ash reassures her, saying, "Don't worry, Minami and Golly are up in the stands. They'll be recording the race, providing us with evidence to have them held accountable." He then turns to Trenor, who seems nervous.

Trenor admits, "I'm anxious... it's my first time coming this close to winning. I can't afford to mess this up."

Ash smiles reassuringly and offers encouragement, "It's natural to feel that way, Trenor. Just remember, don't give up until it's over."

Currently, they find themselves in the final round of the race, facing off against their formidable opponents, the Dark Raiders. Eve expresses her disdain, saying, "I really can't stand the Dark Raiders. Rumor has it they resort to dirty tricks to win, but the lack of evidence keeps them from being disqualified."

Minami sympathizes, saying, "That's just not fair. I hope Ash and the others can defeat them and show they're not as innocent as they seem."

As they watch two groups enter the stadium, they eagerly cheer for Ash's team. The two groups exchange handshakes, though it's clear that one side is trying to squeeze the opponent's hand harder.

Unbeknownst to them, a certain doctor watches from the sidelines, noticing the resemblance between Trenor and Ash. He's keen on observing how the race unfolds.

As the race commences, Trenor takes the lead by leaping onto Mudsdale, while his opponent rides Arcanine. Both Pokémon charge forward as soon as the referee fires the starting signal.

"Wow, they're equally matched," Elline observes in awe.

Dawn agrees, saying, "That's what makes this race so thrilling. Right now, it's a tie."

To their surprise, Trenor's opponent abruptly commands Arcanine to use Flame Charge, causing it to surge ahead of Trenor and pass the second trainer.

Trenor maintains his composure, saying with a smile, "Just as expected." He continues to push Mudsdale forward even as his opponent changes the flag. Trenor then hands the flag off to Alice, who's mounted on her Galarian Rapidash. Her opponent is riding a Starmie.

"Wow, Alice is closing in on that Starmie," Helen remarks.

"Indeed, Rapidash is incredibly fast," Serena adds. But their excitement is short-lived as the opponent clenches her teeth and shouts, "Water Gun!"

To their astonishment, Starmie fires the attack at Rapidash, startling the horse and causing Alice to tumble to the ground.

"Hey, they're cheating!" The crowd voices their disapproval, showering the Dark Raiders with boos. Brock notices how Yuma growls with anger, reminiscent of Ash's own reactions to injustice.

Alice, holding her arm in pain, mounts Rapidash again and quickly resumes the chase after the Starmie. Although they fall behind for a few seconds, Alice eventually passes the flag to Ash, who rides his Fire-type Rapidash. Meanwhile, the last member of the opposing team is racing with their Steelix.

"Alice, you need to take a break. Don't worry about the race; I'll make sure we win," Ash assures her before urging his Rapidash forward. His opponent notices them closing in and retaliates, saying, "I won't lose this race. Sandstorm!"

A swirling sandstorm engulfs the field, obscuring Rapidash's vision. Ash clicks his tongue in frustration and says, "Dirty tricks... Although attacking the Pokémon is against the rules, using weather effects isn't. Rapidash, stay calm and follow my lead. Use Flame Charge, then Agility."

Rapidash accelerates, creating a gust of wind that blows away the sand, allowing it to catch up to Steelix.

"Frustrating... Steelix, Iron Head!" The opponent attempts an attack, but Ash reminds them, "Attacks are against the rules, Rapidash! Double Team! Confuse them!"

Rapidash obeys and splits into multiple copies, causing Steelix to miss its target. Ash crosses the finish line first.

"Alright!" Eve and Flora cheer, hugging each other. "Rapidash Racers are the best!"

Ash quickly rushes to Alice, who is still on the ground, with Trenor supporting her. Worriedly, he asks, "Alice, are you okay?"

Alice replies, "I'm fine, but I think I may have a broken bone..."

"No one messes with my wife and gets away with it," Ash says with anger as he turns to face the Dark Raiders, who are clearly upset about losing the race. The referee intervenes, stating, "Considering the Dark Raiders also broke the rules, it's only fair to declare the Rapidash Racers the winners of the horse race."

The angry team attempts a coordinated attack with all three of their Pokémon simultaneously. However, Trenor quickly reacts, shouting, "Mudsdale, use Earthquake!"

The powerful tremor shakes the ground and causes the opposing Pokémon to faint. Just then, Officer Jennys arrives on the scene and promptly arrests the team for their misconduct. The referee offers an apology, saying, "I'm sorry that everyone had to witness this, but with the Rapidash Racers as the winners, please come to the stage to receive the trophy."

After a while, Trenor steps forward to accept the trophy on behalf of the team, while Ash and Alice stand to the side. Alice, with limited mobility due to her injury, speaks up, saying, "Ash, we need to get an X-ray to assess the severity of this injury."

Ash, concerned, asks, "Can you guide me on how to heal this type of injury?"

Alice replies, "We need to have an X-ray to properly diagnose it... I have to understand how serious it is."

At that moment, they are surprised to hear a familiar voice. They turn around to see Brock, one of Ash's former traveling companions, who speaks with a reassuring tone, "It's really you, Ash and Alice. Don't worry; I can help with this. I'm a doctor, and I have the necessary equipment."

Ash, both surprised and a little irritated, questions, "Brock? What are you doing here?" as he continues to assist Alice with her injury.

"I was called here as part of the medical team," Brock explains while conducting a thorough examination of Alice. "You don't need to worry; your wife just has a minor bone fracture. It will take some time to heal, but she'll be perfectly fine."

Ash nods in agreement as he assists in applying a cast to Alice's arm and carefully securing it with a bandage. Shortly after, Eve and the others arrive on the scene.

"Eve, I'm relieved to see that you're okay," Alice says, though she refrains from hugging her sister due to her injury. "I'm sorry for causing you all worry. And thank you, Brock. Although I could have managed it on my own..."

"Don't mention it. You're my best friend's wife," Brock replies with a warm smile. "I'm glad he has someone like you to look out for him."

Ash, initially taken aback by Brock's presence, soon realizes that Brock isn't his usual flirty self with the girls this time. He turns to Brock and says, "I thought you were going to flirt with my students here, but it seems like you've changed?"

Brock laughs and replies, "What do you take me for? I got married eight months ago."

"Wait, what?" Ash responds in shock. "Why wasn't I invited to the wedding?"

Brock frowns, explaining, "Well, you kind of distanced yourself from us after what Team Rocket did, so I assumed you wouldn't want to be involved. You pretty much ignored everything I sent you, especially during that first year..."

"I suppose you have a point, but it's been a long time since all of that happened," Ash sighs. "Anyway, who's the lucky girl?"

"Do you remember Holly, the one who traveled with me back in Hearthome City?" Brock asks. "We crossed paths again after one of her Pokémon got injured. We started talking, and eventually, we began dating. After that, we got married. It's hard to believe that I've settled down, considering my past."

Ash responds, "No, I mean, congratulations, Brock."

"Thanks," Brock acknowledges. "Anyway, I understand why you distanced yourself after that incident. It was a tough time for all of us."

Ash nods, saying, "I appreciate your understanding, Brock. It's been a long journey, and I've learned to be cautious about certain things. But I'm glad to see you doing well."

Delia offers her advice, saying, "Alice, due to your injury, it would be wise not to strain yourself too much. I suggest we pause the training until you're fully recovered."

Alice sighs and replies, "I suppose you're right. With this injury, I don't think I can even pull off my disguises..."

Eve chimes in, "If you'd like, I can take your place. We are sisters, after all. How hard can it be to impersonate my own sister?"

Ash considers the idea and adds, "That sounds like a good plan. But we do have a challenge: the Colors Concert is tomorrow. And Eve, you're tone-deaf. How do we handle that?"

David proposes a solution, saying, "We can use science to work around that issue. What I mean is, we can have Alice sing in the background while Eve lip-syncs."

Alice nods in agreement, saying, "That might work. We've come up with so many inventions; a special microphone shouldn't be a problem."

Brock inquires, "So, I've heard from Dawn and the others that you've been using a lot of disguises for various activities, is that true?"

Ash confirms, "You're absolutely right. Some of those disguises are actually inspired by my Dad and Alice's mother. We're just carrying on their legacy. By the way, would you like to come with us to Sevestar Island?"

Brock, his face showing a hint of embarrassment, responds, "I'd love to, but I need to get back home with my wife, especially now that she's pregnant."

Ash and Alice both blush a bit at the mention of pregnancy. Ash congratulates Brock, saying, "Well, congratulations on becoming a father."

Curious, Alice asks, "Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl?"

Brock answers, "It's going to be a boy, but we haven't decided on a name for him yet."

Ash offers his well wishes, saying, "I'm sure you'll find the perfect name for your son."

They continue to chat for a while before heading back to Sevestar Island to rest. Ash is particularly concerned about Alice's well-being, given her injury. Tox is there to assist with medical care and checkups, ensuring that Alice is on the path to recovery.

Holly, lying on the bed with her prominent belly, asks with curiosity, "So, what's the good news?"

Brock grins and replies, "It turns out I was just being paranoid... Ash has moved past that incident, and he doesn't hold any grudges against me."

Holly's face lights up with relief and joy. She smiles at her husband, and they share a tender hug, being cautious not to apply any pressure that might discomfort the baby growing inside her. It's a heartwarming moment of connection and reassurance for the expecting parents as they look forward to their new addition to the family.

In this new chapter, you may be surprised to find out that Brock has a wife and is about to become a father. Of all the potential pairings for Brock, I personally favor the one with Holly. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and stay tuned for the next one, which will focus on another instance of forgiveness from a Champion.

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