The Cursed Love

By Youngwriter_25

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"To all those who were born with luxuries but living a cursed life...." - Kanishka Tyagi ( Writer) ... More

CHAPTER 1 The Meeting
CHAPTER 2 The Destiny's Game
CHAPTER 3 The Reunion
CHAPTER 4 Grace in danger ?
CHAPTER 5 Finding Grace
CHAPTER 6 confessions ?
CHAPTER 7 Proposal
CHAPTER 8 Accepted ?
CHAPTER 10 Goodbye!!!
CHAPTER 11 The Clue
CHAPTER 12 The strange encounter
CHAPTER 13 Who is James?
CHAPTER 14 Nostalgia
CHAPTER 15 The Search
CHAPTER 16 You are safe!
CHAPTER 17 Pookie πŸ’—
CHAPTER 18 Nightmare
CHAPTER 19 Dilemma
CHAPTER 20 The letter πŸ’Œ
CHAPTER 22 The Curse
CHAPTER 23 James Past - I
CHAPTER 24 James Past - II
CHAPTER 26 The Plan
CHAPTER 27 The Code
CHAPTER 28 Successful
CHAPTER 29 Secret Meeting
CHAPTER 30 Lineage
CHAPTER 31 Bad Omen
CHAPTER 32 Betrayal
CHAPTER 33 The Truth
CHAPTER 36 The Jet
CHAPTER 37 Alban Vèrany
CHAPTER 38 Better!
CHAPTER 39 Forgive
CHAPTER 40 Satan
CHAPTER 41 Surprises
CHAPTER 42 Speechless
CHAPTER 43 Hopelessly in love
CHAPTER 44 We are ready!
CHAPTER 45 The only way
CHAPTER 46 Beginning of Quest
CHAPTER 48 First Triumph
CHAPTER 49 The Green Stone

CHAPTER 35 I am coming !

33 1 0
By Youngwriter_25


I slowly opened my eyes, still groggy. I was in a small room which seemed to be connected to the large living room of a hotel with a single window overlooking a dense forest, I heard the sound of a distant river, and I could smell the faint scent of pine.Where was I? I tried to move my arms and legs, but I was bound tightly to a chair. Fear and panic gripped me as I realized I was captive.

I heard a loud thud, followed by a deep voice echoing "good evening princess" I froze in shock, my heart racing as the reality of the situation sank in.

Blue eyes, blonde hair, muscular frame, deep voice....

I was so weak I didn't realize when he came closer and his bodyguard pulled a chair in front of me where he sat, his expensive suit gliding across his skin.

"How are you feeling princess?" he asked me while adjusting his cufflinks. I looked up at him, my eyes wide with fear. His eyes were intense, and I felt a shiver run down my body. He leaned in closer and I held my breath, waiting for what he was going to say next.

" Welcome to my world dear!"

" Who.. are you?" those were the only words that made it through.

he leaned closer and rub his fingers on my cheek I shrugged my head away from his touch. He smirked and said those two words that made me immediately conscious of what trouble I was in.

" Alban Vèrany "

Godfather of the French mafia world.... I heard his name but never seen him. He's so powerful that nobody dares to cross him. Rumor has it that he has connections with some of the most influential people in the country. His name alone is enough to bring fear to those who know him.My heart ache, sweat ran down my neck, and I felt an eerie chill when I heard his name. He was a mysterious figure shrouded in shadows and whispers.

He gave a mischievous smile as he saw my anxious state. "Don't worry princess, I won't do anything to you." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt a dread run down my spine"I heard you were beautiful, but you are...absolutely breathtaking".

" stay away! " I shouted " what are you up to? "

He smiled again, and leaned close to me. I leaned back. "Well, there are many things I would like to do. However I am supposed to fly you to France, but I can change my plans for you. You are worth the risk."

My fear and anxiety increased tenfold. I tried to move but being tied to the chair it didn't move an inch. I realized that one of his arms had stopped the chair moving. He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Control yourself princess, we'll leave soon."

His breath was cold and his grip was tight on my arm. I knew I was in trouble. I was scared and my body trembled. I wanted to scream but my voice was muffled. He then left me with two bodyguards standing at the door frame and three scattered around the room. I knew I had to stay calm and find a way to get out of this situation. I closed my eyes and all I could see was James.

Hazel eyes, dark hair, looking at me as If nothing exist other than me. Ughh I miss him so much. " Where are you my love? I need you", I said to myself.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. I looked around me and saw strangers, walking their lives with no knowledge of my pain. I could not tell them, I could not tell anyone. I was all alone, my heart heavy with the thought of never seeing him again.

" Pookie, this time you're not alone I am with you. We'll fight everything together."

" No matter what the circumstance I will always love you. If you forget me I will make you remember us..."

" In my dark world you are my only light Grace. I Love you..I love you more than anything else in the world. I love you the way I never loved anyone."

These voices were the only thing I could hear. As I thought about him, I craved him so much. I wished I could see him and touch him just once. I wanted to tell him how much I wanted to be with him. I wanted him to be mine forever. This was what I always scared of. My life is hell, but why.... God, you let me fall for him? I made him in trouble, I was afraid of what they would do, Will he find me ever?"

The faint smell of his cologne was dripping down my cheeks. Life is unpredictable. In the morning I was with him and wished to stay like that forever. Now it seems like that was the last conversation I had with him, the last hug, the last kiss, the last touch.. I felt a lump in my throat as memories of us together came flooding back. I could feel my heart breaking as I reminisced about the afternoon he left for the palace. He kissed me and said he'd come soon. I wanted to hold on to the faint scent of his, as if it were my last memory of him. I was missing him so much that it felt like a part of me was missing. I was missing his touch, his embrace, his presence and his voice. I was missing all the moments we spent together, all the conversations we had, all the walks we took and all the smiles we shared. I wanted nothing more than to be with him again, to hear his voice and feel his comforting embrace.

" Pookie, we have to stay strong. You have to trust me. I will protect you. I would change from a gentle prince to a fucking psychopath villain to save you my love."

His deep voice echoed in my head. Trying to encourage me, "Stay strong my love, I am on my way, I won't let you go away from me." This was all I could do to stay calm and hope that He would be here soon. I could feel my heart rate slow down as I thought of his warm embrace. I smiled, knowing that I was safe in his hands.
" I am waiting for you my Mr. Prince charming , come soon...."



We entered the conference room where Ellion, the technical team, and Swarf, the head of the intelligence team, were already sitting. I sat next to my dad.

Ellion gestured towards the laptop and said " Your majesty as we know last night the cameras were switched off but Laurent died before that time."

I and dad exchanged glances.

Swarf then spoke "we haven't seen any evidence of Adverd being there yet we have seen Loraine leaving the palace just after the death. So it is very evident that Loraine is involved. But now we know something else as well."

Dad raised his eyes in a gesture to continue, " Just a few minutes ago, one of our royal guards came and informed us that they were ordered more blackmailed by Adverd for security at an apartment in Edinburgh. Today Adverd met them there and offered them drinks after which all the guards collapsed. He was safe as he had gone to make a call. When he returned he saw all of them lying on the floor and the apartment was open and empty. It is unusual and Adverd's involvement is strange." 

"What ?"

Apartment, Royal Guards, Adverd. A chill ran down my spine as his words sank into my gut. Grace....

No way, I stood up abruptly and made it halfway to the door when I turned as everyone was shocked. I told dad I knew what he was talking about. " It was me who instructed Adverd to bring our guards for Grace's protection and now it seems she is in trouble. I need to leave. I'll tell you everything afterwards."

He nodded and loudly commanded Ellion to send some of our guards to me.

I was on my way in no time, and the familiar ache returned. I wish all of this was a dream. I won't forgive me if I am unable to save her. I hoped she was safe, Jesus. The worst of scenarios swept through my mind as my calls went unanswered.

When I got there..... she was missing.

No, Lord, no please. "Grace !"  I yelled in the air, hoping for a miracle. I looked everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. I could feel my heart breaking with each passing second. I felt a wave of despair wash over me as the reality of the situation sunk in. I had to find her before it was too late. I began to pray desperately for a miracle to happen. Dad and others were on call that the guard was handling. I felt helpless and sat on the couch in the living room trying to be brave, thinking about everything. "No James, stay strong. You have to stay strong to save her", was what I told myself continuously.

Then I remembered about the secret camera that I had put in to check her safety earlier. They were connected to my phone. I pulled my other phone out and checked the last few hours' footage.

She was sitting in the living room studying books and researching documents. First Adverd stepped out and then after a few minutes he returned with other bodyguards.... Those were not ours. He betrayed me. He was the only one in the palace I believed, and he betrayed me quite hard. Grace tried to fight, but eventually they dragged her away and tied her up....

No I couldn't see her like this. My eyes became blurred with tears and rage burned inside me after seeing her like this.

Adverd you made a huge mistake... 

I promised myself that I wouldn't spare anyone who touched her. She's mine and I don't like anyone harming what is mine.

I then checked the outside camera recording and saw the cars he used. I quickly took a screenshot and sent it to Swarf to check their details and their location. Within minutes, Swarf replied with all the information I needed. Immediately, I set out for my destination. I just hoped I was not late. And she was fine. " Grace stay strong love, I am coming."


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