𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x Read...

cypherMar által

27K 2.3K 373

- Looks like daddy didn't create the perfect killing machine, did he? The monster pulls from the brunette's c... Több

[ First hit ]
[ And my CDs? ]
[ The BTS we know? ]
[ A possible challenger ]
[ Taurus ]
[ Let's meet ]
[ Not Taurus... ]
[ ... But Alpha ]
[ Business partners ]
[ Team work ]
[ Handshake ]
[ Innocent and sick intentions ]
[ Hurt egos ]
[ An eye on them ]
[ Law Firm ]
[ Trip ]
[ With my thug ]
[ Next step ]
[ Taking some time ]
[ Who you work with ]
[ Don't ruin it ]
[ Particularly worried ]
[ The 28 ]
[ Jack ]
[ Not the original plan ]
[ Get it back ]
[ To know yours ]
[ A little touched ]
[ The forgotten ]
[ Duties ]
[ Demon and I ]
[ Stand for myself ]
[ Srong men ]
[ Following him ]
[ Not first time ]
[ Mission completed ]
[ Strawberry cake ]
[ Growing links ]
[ The Jones ]
[ Can handle him ]
[ Gross ]
[ To mess up ]
[ Missing memories ]
[ Doctor ]
[ Something vicious ]
[ The pawn ]
[ New puppy ]
[ Where have you been ]
[ In danger ]
[ Maths ]
[ Fallin' ]
[ Numb ]
[ Mental mess ]
[ Physical mess ]
[ Odd reunions ]
[ After party ]
[ Unfadable ]
[ His first kill ]
[ Her first death ]
[ Green ]
[ The main topic ]
[ Lion's cage ]
[ Date ]
[ Houndog ]
[ Something special ]
[ Solo ]
[ Second death ]
[ The other side ]
[ Poor you ]
[ While you sleep ]
[ Chitchats ]
[ Real evidence ]
[ A step closer ]
[ Pericolo ]
[ Tutto quanto ]
[ Non ricambiato ]
[ House of broken hearts ]
[ Good Dogs ]
[ London Bridge ]
[ Last straw ]
[ Reassigned ]
[ Akai ]
[ Gotta have it ]
[ Good-good bad things ]
[ Sayonara ]
[ Off my face ]
[ Bare your soul ]
[ Shared likings ]
[ Whatever you want ]

[ First new meeting ]

158 25 5
cypherMar által

I was the one who drove like a maniac towards our headquarters, not Beta nor RM.

I poorly parked in the underground parking and chose the stairs to arrive at the clinic we had in there.

I opened the door with a tud to find a sleeping woman and two men talking comfortably between whispers.

Omega is asleep in one of the hospital-like beds, and Haruka is sitting on another. Seokjin is sitting beside him in a chair, talking effusively with my brother.

— Ru! — I can't help but shout his nickname as I run towards him, hugging him tightly. He sneaked an arm around my back as the other supports our weights so we don't collapse over the bed. — I'm so glad you're okay, bastard.

The pit of my stomach has that horrible sensation of a hard cry, but my eyes can only close tightly, no tears running down my cheeks.

— I missed your little bossy ass too, little queen.

He goes to kiss my temple, and I take it as a sign to let go of him.

— What was damaged? — I asked him.
— My leg. — He points to the bandaged thigh of him, a little red spot peeking from it. — My mind, I guess. And her. — He pointed to the asleep girl.

— Was she sedated, or...
— Yes. — Seokjin, who sat beside the bed, clarified. — She couldn't stop crying when she woke up in the middle of our ride back here, saying she left her brother to die in Ivanov's hands. — Haruka and I exchanged looks. Bet "the brother" thing was about him. — I needed to make her stop hurting herself. — He pointed to her bandaged arms.

— Thanks, Commander. — I nod at him.
— I'll leave you to catch up, and I'll wait for a later report on the eventful night. I'll have my team to prepare one, too.

Seokjin left the place, dragging his brother with him since he was peeking from the doorframe beside Sanzu.

Once the Bangtan leaders left, Sanzu made his way towards us after closing the door, making sure to greet Haruka with a loud handshake.

— I'm glad you're alive, brother. — Haruchiyo smiled at my brother, his diamond-shaped scars twisting in the process.

— Thanks for taking care of the little bossy queen. — My brother smiled back.
— Always a pleasure. — Sanzu said, this time smiling for me.

— What happened there, Ru?
— I was kidnapped, obviously~ — His goofy self showing now that he felt safe. — They kept me captive in a dark room, no question, no food, nothing. That was maybe for a whole week, not sure. — I placed a hand over his knee in a reassurance gesture. — I'm okay, thank you. — He smiled at me before continuing. — Then they got me on a weird cage. Like the one for a bear. This time, they fed me but with little amount of food, and after three days, they brought Omega in front of me. In a cage similar to mine, but we were always guarded in case we exchanged any information.

— Did you? — I asked.
— No. Well, partially.
— How come?
— Alexei Ivanov. That kid of your first ever mission is the one hunting Alpha. — He confirmed what we already knew. — That bastard asked from time to time things about our family and our organization. He apparently thinks our father is Alpha and that he is keeping you captive somehow. He's paranoid.

— Alpha keeps me captive? — I asked. Haruka nods. — I'm Alpha.

— I know. I told him he got the information wrong, but he hit me instead. — Haruka says with a hint of laughter. — He threatened to sell Omega as a prostitute, I would've liked to stop him, but, you know, organization's ethics... I let him be, and he used her as one of the presents he'd offer in his "big night" that somehow got ruined. — He wiggled his eyebrows. — That same last day he said he'll kill me in front of her so she would finally talk... I thought I'd die that night...

He said lastly with a fear-stained tone.

— I'm so sorry, Ru. You're safe now.
— I know, thanks for saving me.
— It was... well, your friend, actually.
— Seokjin?
— Yes... He apparently missed you.
— I already talked to him, and he seems to like you. — He gives me thumbs up.
— What's that supposed to mean?

He shrugged it off.

Faint coughing from behind us snapped me out of thoughts.

— Omega! — I almost jump to the contiguous bed. — Hey, Makayla, do you hear me?

I force myself to call her by her real name as she wakes up slowly from slumber. When her eyes finally focus on me, they fill with tears, hugging me tightly from the neck.

— Alpha. — She cries on my neck. — I'm so sorry, Ma'am, I let your brother die, and I was so dumb to get caught, I'm so-
— Shhh... — I cooed. — He's okay, I'm okay. You're safe now. — I signal for my brother to get closer. — Look who's here.

Makayla meets Haruka again, and a new wave of tears fall this time over my brother's shoulder.

They hug each other tightly, murmuring chants of apologies. Sanzu and I just stare from afar.

— Young love, right?~ — He jokes, putting an arm around my shoulders.
— You're not funny.

— Makayla. — They break the hug. — I'm glad you are okay, but I really need to know what happened there.

She narrated a similar story to Haruka's, with the extra of her being forced to dance for some of the Ivanov's team and that fateful night inside a cage.

I held her hand as she told the story with a shaky voice.

— And what about Seokjin-ah and his buffy friends in here? — Haruka asks once Makayla has calmed down.
— Oh well, — I scratch my neck. — That's a long story...

I narrate it as short and informative as I can our current situation and then ask Haruka to company me to the next informative session, taking place later tonight.


I sit at the head of the large rectangular table. Sanzu is sitting on my right side and Haruka on my left. Beside Haruka are Caín, Abel, and Lambda. Beside Beta are Epsilon and Omega.

Across from my seat, at the other end of the table, sits RM, the Commander on his right, and Suga on his left. Beside Suga sit J-Hope and V. Beside the Commander are JK and JM.

— Let's start the informative meeting. — I clap my hands together. — As the first topic of tonight, I'd like to introduce you to Omega, — I point at her with my hand. — My next successor... And Haruka, my advisor and... brother.

My brother frowns for a second as I call him "brother" out loud. We usually don't do that, but due to the current situation and Seokjin knowing this, I needed to be honest about this.

— I thank you all for helping me get them back from Ivanov's claws.
— I'm glad you could reunite with them again. — RM said as his face was stoic, but his eyes revealed a hint of feelings. I nod back at him.

— Next, we would like to recapitulate all the people and things we got to know last night. — Seokjin said. — Starting from the fact that we never saw someone who proclaimed himself as Alexei Ivanov.

— The party must've been a trap. — I pondered.
— Maybe, — Suga said. — but I'm sure they weren't expecting the police to arrive too, that was a big problem.

— How could police break in? — JK asks. RM turned to me, forcing the rest to eye me, too.

— I don't know about that... But, there's this detail about how I survived that, unfortunately, you need to know. — Bangtan exchanged suspicious looks. — Caín, Abel, please.

An image, stolen from the Metropolitan Police Agency's files, was projected in the wall behind me, with the help of a small device in the twins' possession.

— That man there is the chief inspector of the International Affairs Department of Korea. His name is Kogami Shinya, the man who rescued me last night. — I didn't dare to look at the picture, but I saw each one of the Bangtan boys' faces morph in surprised, uncomfortable features.

— That dude, with an angry dog face, saved you? — Hoseok frowns.
— He looks like the one that would shoot first before helping an injured woman, honestly. — Seokjin said.

— Well, believe it or not, he did so. — My tone sounding angrier than it was supposed to sound. — He was...  Well, I used to study in the Police Academy, and he was a classmate I made my internship with. He recognized me and picked me up, but he'll investigate deep inside this case and we'll be fucked.

— Just bewitch him, you're good at it. Make him leave us alone.

JK, who has just insulted me, received a kick under the table, me not knowing who kicked him.

— Really out of place your comment, Boxer. I'll ignore it.

— Are you sure he's gonna spill the tea? — V asks.
— He migt be investigating me right now.
— But he's your old friend, he must have a certain consideration for you, right? — JM tried to confirm.

— That's the problem. I know him. His only one rule is to respect the sense of justice. He is like a fucking houndog... He'll do whatever he needs to unreveal the case and kill the responsible.

— Wait... Kill? Isn't police supposed to guard people's lives and take the bad guys behind the bars?
— That's what I'm trying to tell you. — I point to the image behind me. — This man is not an ordinary cop. He really takes the issue in hands and finishes it for once and all.

The looks in Bangtan go from surprised to worried, though, when I try to suggest a plan for us to follow, my phone rings in my pocket.

I slowly bring my phone to my ear, signaling them all to keep quiet.

— Hi?
Hey, are you busy? — His voice contrasts a song and the roaring engine sounding in the background.

— A bit, actually.
Damn... Well, we're talking tomorrow, okay?
— Talking... tomorrow? — I frown and Beta makes an "x" with his arms.
Yes. I have some questions about your life after death, so... What about picking you up at 3 tomorrow? Is that okay, or do you prefer the night to talk about it?
— Night.... It'll be better around eight.

Amaizing. — I hear his car parking. — Then, see you tomorrow, lady.

He cuts the call, and my hand tightens around the mobile. Everyone inside the room eyes me expectantly.

— This is going faster than I thought... — I shake my head. — We'll need to double up security around this HQ and keep a low profile with all of our business, even  the legal ones. That applies to yours, too, Bangtan. — RM frowns, but I don't allow him to interrupt. — The law firm needs to be guarded all the time. If any cop visits, only Seojoon would talk to them. Sanzu, Haruka, — I turn to both males. — You won't be out in a while, not while this man is ruminating around here. Let's not make any precipitated moves and wait for Ivanov to give a sign of life.

Everyone was confused at my fast orders, I saw it in their eyes; but nobody dared to doubt my orders, not even the allies.

— You're dismissed. — I concluded.

Little by little, they left the room until it was only Haruka and me inside the room.

— A police officer? Falling for a police officer was all you did while I was gone and you in college?! — That's what he yells firstly.

— Falling for- Where do you get that from?
— You wouldn't be talking to anyone unless it brings a benefit to you... or unless you have feelings for them.
— Well, your suspicion is wrong.

He laughed humorless.

— I'm not stupid, Y/N.
— So then shut it, Haruka. You weren't there, so you have no word in this.
— I do have a word if we're talking about our father's business.
— You really don't know what you're talking about, Ru. Let's not fight and just follow my order-
— Shut it and follow?! — He stands up. — Y/N, are you fucking stupid? Father made it really clear: love only brings the ship to wreck! What were you-

My body acts first, I wouldn't be able to deal with whatever he plans on saying, so I push him back to his seat with all the force I have left. He looks up with an angered expression from his new position.

— I didn't call that man "Father", just "Boss". I was a kid trapped in a routine college life, and he was the only one who saw me as a person, not an object. I know he means problems today, but back in those days, he was there for me, including those times where you weren't.

I turned around and chose to leave him in the meeting room. My feet dragged me ever so fast towards my room that I didn't realize the one freneticly calling out my name until they pulled from my arm a little.

I instinctively reacted, pulling back from that hand and turning them around so their face and body ended up plastered on the nearest wall.

There I was, holding RM in a painful position.

— Shit. — I cursed before setting him free. — Sorry.

— I wanted to talk to you, but I see you are... unwell right now. — I see him rubbing his hurt shoulder.

— What is it? — My voice comes out listless.

— I was curious about the inspector... but I've just heard is a delicate topic for you.

I pintch the bridge of my nose stressed. He heard the argument.



So sorry to keep you waiting for a new part but I've never felt an end of a semester as hard as the one I just passed. I swear to you I fell sick just after my dermatology exam. BUT now I'm here and I promise you all my inspiration would flow on this story's direction. You won't regret reading it. Please vote and comment xX

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