Queen of the Dragons [rhaeny...

By filmenthusiast_05

151K 7.3K 572

What if another family survived the Doom of Valyria? Everyone knows the story of the Targaryens fleeing Valyr... More

The Maltheons
Meet the Maltheons
Lord Lannister
Rhaenyra Targaryen
One Ride
What a Night
The Bad Egg
I Need to Go
Two Years
Quite the Entrance
A Promise
Show Me
Confessions and Revelations
Allies and Betrayal
A Talk with Rhaenyra
The Prince
The Wedding
The Maltheon Children
5 Years
My Children
Ser Richard
Dragon Kings and Queens
You Scared Me
Tests of Loyalty
Honor and Tourneys
Rhaenyra and Rhaemont
An Eye for an Eye
Blood of the Dragon
Prince Consort
Maltheon Children (Grown Up)
Maltheon Adults
King's Landing
King Viserys
Prince & Princess of Dragonstone
Rhaenyra's Coronation
Storm's End
Delivering Messages
The Riverlands
Rook's Rest
The Lion's Downfall
The Dragons Rise
Questioning the Enemy
Maekara the Merciless
The God's Eye
Going Mad
A Dragon's Death
A Song of Ice and Fire
Thank You
The Families
Targaryen Kings and Queens
Maltheon Kings and Queens


5K 225 12
By filmenthusiast_05

After about a week of sailing back across the Sunset Sea, Lord Jason finally arrived back at Lannisport where the guards welcomed him back and would escort him to the Lannister stronghold.

The guards began to ask him questions about his trip and if he uncovered anything in his pursuit.

No words left his mouth as a screech and a roar came from the sky. Everyone looked up and were met with large dragons flying dangerously close to the city.

The Maltheon siblings flew overheard as the audience of people stared at the massive beasts.

Jason turned to one of his guards and said, "I won't be going to Casterly Rock. I'm riding for King's Landing today."

"Are you sure, my lord?" The guard asked him as he continued looking back at the dragons above them.

"I'm sure... I think we have encountered a major problem with these people." Jason muttered.

"Are they not Targaryens?" The guard asked him confused.

"No! Which is exactly why I must tell the King."

"I mean do we really need to tell him? We can use these people to our advantage you know."

"Exactly," Jason says, "The King will reward me by bringing in these bastards, maybe then I could marry the princess. And marrying the princess brings me closer to being king."

"Sounds like it's all planned out, my lord. We will send some ravens to King Viserys to prepare for your arrival."

And with that, Jason Lannister and his guards began to ride out to Kings Landing.

The Maltheons followed along and flew low. They rode at night with almost no stops as Maekora grew desperate to meet these Targaryens.

The dragons flew high above the clouds so they would not risk exposure since Jason told them it would be best to lay low.

Maekora thought it was impossible to lay low with 8 large dragons flying and free to roam. But she and her siblings obliged and remained out of sight as best as they could.

When they finally arrived to Kings Landing, Jason grew nervous. As much as he wanted to use the Maltheons for his own advantage, he was afraid of what may happen if his plan were to backfire.

Jason and his group of guards were escorted to the throne room where the Iron Throne stood tall and intimidating.

King Viserys sat upon it with his daughter Princess Rhaenyra standing below the steps. Jason was also met with the blank stare of the Rogue Prince who also stood beside his niece.

The Kingsguard was also present standing beside Viserys.

As he walked through, his name was announced. His announcement always giving him a sense of power.

As he now stood in front of the King, the nerves began to kick in.

"Forgive me, my lord. I am a bit confused as to why you have come. Have you come to voice your opinion about my chosen heir again?" Viserys said as he sat up in the chair.

"I apologize for the confusion, Your Grace. And no I am not. Rather I have something to show you. Something that I think you really must see. And your family as well." Jason said as he looked between the king and Rhaenrya. Viserys stared at him in confusion.

Rhaenrya was confused as well. Whatever it was that Jason wanted to show her father, he could have brought it with him.

Just then, screams from the outside broke out. It sounded like people were screaming in absolute fear.

Rhaenrya looked up at her uncle who began to make his way out of the throne room.

Rhaenyra followed after him as Viserys was being told to stay put by the Kingsguard.

When she reached the outside that looked out onto the entirety of King's Landing, she found her uncle staring at the sky clutching Dark Sister.

She looked at the clouds as a dragon swooped down.

People ran and hid in fear as dragons have  never flown so close to the roofs of their homes before.

Rhaenyra's mouth was agape as she stared on at the dragons. Her amazement was then met with more confusion as she caught a glimpse of the riders.

They all had bright silver hair like any Valyrian would.

Her uncle, Daemon, was speechless and suddenly began to make his way out of the Red Keep.

Knowing her uncle was about to take matters into his own hands, she fled right behind him.

Viserys also had made his way out and began to spit out orders at his Kingsguard.

They all rushed to contact the defensive forces fearing they may be foreign invaders. But Jason was the one to tell him to stand down.

"I am your king! You do as I say!" Viserys commands.

"No, Your Grace! They do not mean to invade us! I brought them here!" Jason spits out as another dragon flew above them.

Then, all of the dragons and their riders all flew higher disappearing into the clouds.

Viserys was left dumbfounded at the sight of the large beasts that he very well knew were not claimed or ridden by any of the Targaryens or Velaryons.

Then a guard came up to him, "Your Grace, it seems they are landing on Rhaeny's Hill. Near the dragon pit."


Rhaenrya made it to the dragonpit where she was met with Daemon and the City Watch, who all happened to be loyal to the prince.

They surrounded the foreigners who had landed right on top of the hill.

Their riders were still mounted on top of the dragons.

Rhaenyra could see now that all the riders had silver hair and menacing purple eyes that glowed brighter than the sun.

One of them began to descend off their saddle and climb down the reins. Rhaenyra could see now that it was a young girl no older than her. And the girl was slowly approaching them.

She wore an all black suit for riding and a long green cloak that matched her dragons scales. And a small makeshift crown sat on her head.

Rhaenyra pushed her way through to her uncle but he shoved her away.

"You should not be here right now, Nyra. We don't know what these people can do or who they are."

"If they were going to raid and ransack this place, they would have done it by now. Let me handle this one, uncle." she told him.

"Fine. If they try anything, I'm shoving this sword through their eyes." Daemon muttered as he sheathed his sword.

He turned to the City Watch who also all did the same and sheathed their weapons.

Daemon trusted Rhaenyra but he was hesitant to as this wasn't some local threat but rather a foreign one. And the worst part was that they had dragons bigger than their own.

The girl now stood in front of them and she let out a loud sigh.

"Forgive me and my siblings, Princess. We were just looking for a spot to land, you know," She lets out a laugh but receives silence from her audience, "We are sorry for the intrusion and scaring your people. Where we are from, the people tend to like that."

"And where are you from if I may ask?" Rhaenrya asked.

"We are from a realm across the Sunset Sea. We came because the Lannister man said he could take us to you." Maekora responded politely.

"To us?"

Maekora nodded.

"Yes. I mean it is absolutely crazy how much you Targaryens have invaded our lives without ever having known we existed." Maekora said as she locked eyes with Rhaenrya.

"Look, I know you are probably all confused about this. We'd be happy to explain it all."

Rhaenyra looks between her uncle and Maekora.
She really didn't know what to say. Where was her father? He was the bloody king and he was nowhere to be seen. But she made a decision to confront these "threats" and she was the heir.

She served the realm in any way she could, including confronting these dragon riders.

"We'd be happy to listen. I promise to not use my father's forces against you. You can trust us," Rhaenrya said to the young girl as she got closer. "You can trust me."

Maekora's heart fluttered at the Princess's kind words. Not only was she enamored by her beauty but her voice was a breath of fresh air. It was soft and confident.

Rhaenyra held out her hand for Maekora to shake. She hesitantly shook it. There was no backing out now.

One of the men of the City Watch rode to inform the king of the Maltheon's official arrival.

She turned to her siblings who were now all standing a few feet away, hands on their swords. They all nodded at her and begin to trail behind her and the princess.

They all followed Rhaenyra with Prince Daemon walking beside her. Letting her take the lead.

Maegor took notice of the large sword, Dark Sister, that Daemon held onto.

He couldn't help himself and began to walk alongside the Prince.

"You can let go of the pretty sword, you know. It is not going to fly away." Maegor let out a small chuckle as he continued to trot alongside Daemon.

"Why are you talking to me?" Daemon muttered in annoyance.

"It is a free world. I may do as I please. Learn to lighten a bit, lad." He said as Daemon clenched his jaw.

These people were annoying him already. He should driven Dark Sister into them as soon as he had the chance.

Maekora walked behind the Princess. She took in the Princess's appearance from behind and her sister, Marissa, took notice.

"Don't tell me, you are interested in the princess," Marissa spoke in High Valyrian, "We have only been here for 20 minutes, little sister."

Maekora shoved her away, "I am not! I just...just think she's kind."

"Oh yes, last time I checked we totally checked out people's asses when we thought they were kind." Marissa laughed as she bumped her sister's shoulder once again.

Maelora joined in on the teasing and began making kissing noises towards her sister.

"I swear to the gods that I will have you idiots executed when we get home." Maekora said to herself as she continued to walk behind the Princess.

A smile spread on Rhaenyra's lips as she heard the sister's bickering. when they reached the large doors of the throne room, she turned around to the Maltheon siblings and her uncle

"Well, here we are. The King will speak with you in there. It will be a private meeting so no one will bother you in here. I'll see that some chambers are set up for you should you wish to stay for a while." Rhaenrya informed them.

"Thank you, Princess." Maekora said as she bowed her head.

The large doors opened to reveal the king who sat upon his throne at the end of the room. But now there were was another man standing next to him. A tall man wearing green with a pin placed neatly on his tunic.

And another woman also dressed in green who proudly stood next to the king.

The Maltheons were not announced, but instead just ushered inside.

As the siblings all walked up close to the throne, Maecerys could not help but laugh as he got a closer look.

Maecerys did not find him intimidating at all but rather thought of him as a man playing dress up with a shiny crown.

Viserys sat up and adjusted Blackfyre in his hand. He stared down the first girl, Maekora. He observed the crown on her hand and quirked a brow at her.

"You wear a crown on your head. Are you a queen?" Viserys asked her.

"Hello to you too, Your Grace." Maekor replied as the rest of his siblings laughed.

This was going to be a long day.

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