Wicked ๐Ÿ”ž

By pmjc88

23.5K 844 72

She chose to work for Stark, knowing that she was the best one for the role. She knew that her life would be... More



374 15 0
By pmjc88

Bucky woke up, gasping as though he had held his breath for too long. He sat up, looking around, seeing he was in the med bay, and Loki was sat across from him, smirking. He rolled his eyes and stood up, stretching his aching body. Glancing at the clock above the door, he noticed it had been 3 hours, since he had fallen asleep.

'Friday, any updates?..'.. He calls out, not daring to look at Lokis smug face.

'Not at the moment Sergeant Barnes..'..

'Why hide it from her?..'.. Bucky dropped his head, giving himself a moment before he turned... 'You know everything about her, as she does for you, except that..'

'Its not your business to know Loki. Now shut up, and stay out of her head...'.. He stormed out of the room, heading towards the main area. He was hungry and in serious need of a drink.


Steve had Nat pressed against the wall, nipping at her neck as drove into her, again and again. He could feel she was close, as her nails raked along his back, her walls clenching around him as she whimpered. He knew she needed a distraction, and he was more than happy to satisfy her needs.

'Steve..'.. He heard her gasp, and he thrust harder, as he lifted his head to look into her eyes, seeing she come apart for him, and pull him over the edge with her. He felt her milk him completely, and he caught his breath, resting his forehead against hers. He couldn't put her down, not yet.

'I needed that..'.. She panted out, her arms around his neck, kissing him slowly. She could feel him twitching inside her, his grip on her thighs biting into her skin. She knew she would have bruises, but she didn't care, she was his and she loved it when he marked her.

Steve chuckled as he shifted, moving from the wall, and putting her onto the bed. He grinned when she whimpered at the loss of him pulling out of her, and he moved to her bathroom, to get the shower on. Coming back in with a wet cloth for her, he watched sas she leaned back on the bed, enjoying his care.

'You really know how to take care of a girl, don't you Rogers?..'.. She sighed, contentedly, as he cleaned her up.

'I know how to take care of MY girl..'.. He threw the cloth into her basket, leaning over to kiss her again... 'Shower Romanoff, then food..'.. He stood back up, pulling her with him.

'Have I ever told you, that I love it when you're bossy..'.. She winked at him over her shoulder, and he slapped her ass.

'I love you too, now move it..'.. He didn't get the chance to say anything else, as the two of them were thrown off their feet by an explosion. They hit the floor in the bathroom hard, tangled mess of limbs, as the windows rattled.

'Friday! What just happened?..'.. Nat shouts out, stumbling into her bedroom to throw on some clothes, and Steve following suit.

'An altercation between Tempest and Mischief in the med bay. She awoke, and began fighting him. From her words, I deducted that she remembers only to the battle of New York. She panicked and her powers took over. I already informed Boss and the others..'..

Steve finished getting dressed... 'Where was Bucky?..'..

'Sergeant Barnes was in the kitchen when the explosion occured..'..

Steve let out a breath of relief that Bucky wasn't injured, but he was worried for Liv, and unfortunately Loki too. He looked across to Nat, seeing the worry in her face. Once she was dressed, he grabbed her hand and the two ran from the room, heading straight for the med bay.


Tony climbed through the rubble, trying to find the both of them. He was terrified for her, wondering what happened. As far as they were all aware, Loki was helping to fix her memories, even Wanda had told them so... 'Barnes, you see anything?..'.. He called out, trying to be careful as to not step on anything, in case one of them was underneath.

'Over here, I got Loki..'.. Clint called out, as he and Sam moved the rubble off of him, helping him to his feet.

'Eveeyone stop, I can get this moved..'... Tony watched Wandas eyes go red, and the rubble begins to lift off the floor, and they spot Liv over in the corner, near the office. Tony goes to get her, but Pietro shoots over and back in a split second, holding an unconscious Liv in his arms.

'Friday, is my lab compromised?..'.. Tony asks, watching the cut in her head heal.

'Yes boss, but Dr Banners is still operational..'..

'Take her there. Helen, Bruce, go with him. Barton, Wilson, get him there too. I want to know what the fuck happened..'... He nods to the two men, who help Loki stumble through it all

Tony heads back out into the hallway, just as Steve and Nat run up... 'Glad you two were able to come up for air. When I said rest and train, I didn't mean that..'.. He gestured to their held hands, and they quickly break apart. Tony chuckled, seeing them both look like blushing teens... 'Wilson owes me $20..'.. He turns heading to Bruce's lab... 'Move it love birds, and the rest of you..'.. He calls back to them.

Bucky smirks at the two of them, as they were caught out... 'So, who's the boss in the bedroom?..'.. He teased, clapping Steve on the back... 'Im guess Nat..'.. He sniggered and followed Tony, but not before hearing Steve grumble.

'Does everyone really think I'm naive?..'..

'Not me, Captain. I just do as I'm told..'.. He heard Nats whisper and he whipped around, seeing her grin at him and he shook his head. He didn't want to look at Steve, knowing his best friend would probably be smug right now.


Bucky walks in, seeing Tony and Bruce huddled over a monitor, and Loki was off to the side, leaning against a station rubbing his head. He marched over and grabbed him by the shirt... 'What the fuck happened?..'.. He growled out, before Thor pulled him away.

'She woke up not minutes after you left and she saw me. She began to panic and her powers took over her. She attacked me, hitting me as to why I threw her from the tower. I tried to tell her it was years ago, and that we were friends now, but she didn't believe me. She started throwing things at me, screaming things, wanting Stark. I called for Friday to inform you all, and she saw herself glowing, screaming in fear when it erupted from her, causing the damage..'.. He sighed, looking over to her.

'Hes right..'.. Tony turned to the others... 'We just saw the footage. I-I don't think she remembers anything since then..'.. He frowned at Loki... 'I thought you were fixing her memories. You were in her head before it happened..'.. He looks over at Bucky... 'And what is it you were supposed to tell her?..'

Bucky glared at Loki, shaking his head... 'Nothing important. Is she goin-..'.. His words were cut off, hearing her groan and he rushed to her side, as she sat up, holding her head.

Liv scrunched her eyes, her head pounding from the explosion, and winced as she turned her head to look around. She saw the team, with new faces, and then she spotted Loki... 'You didn't die?..'.. She hissed out at him.

'Liv?..'.. She looked to her left, seeing a man with a metal arm, but he looked sad and broken, but a little familiar. She wracked her brain, before it came to her... 'James Buchanan Barnes, but you're dead..'.. She frowns at Steve... 'How is your friend alive? Your file said he was dead..'

'Liv, what's the last thing you remember?..'.. Steve asks, coming closer to her.

'That prick, throwing me out the fucking window, why?..'.. She could feel something pulsate in her as she glared daggers at him.

'Liv, that was three years ago..'.. Her head snapped back to Steve.

'What? No it wasn't..'.. She didn't want to believe it, and shook her head... 'No, no no..'... Her eyes sought out Tony, seeing it in his eyes it was true. She felt herself panicking again, and her hands began to glow.... 'Make it stop, someone please make it stop..'... She shook her hands, trying to make it go away, when she felt arms come around her. Turning her head slightly, she saw it was Barnes holding her. She didn't know why, but her body instantly calmed, and she leaned into him, needing the comfort.

'Fine, ok, it's been three years..'.. She said, taking a breath... 'Someone want to tell me why he's here, and why I haven't killed him yet?..'


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