Wicked πŸ”ž

By pmjc88

36.8K 1.4K 118

She chose to work for Stark, knowing that she was the best one for the role. She knew that her life would be... More



628 26 0
By pmjc88

The team gathered in the main room, with Maria and Helen back in the med bay, watching over Liv. The others had arrived back, and Wanda was seriously pissed off. She paced back and forth, wanting nothing more than to tear Sharon Carter apart from the inside out. 

Wanda had grown close and fond of Loki during their mission, he had confided in her about his past and she had understood. She knew he had feeling for Liv, and that he would never intentionally harm her.

'It could work..'.. Sam shrugged, looking around at everyone... 'I mean, they are powerful and can do it..'

'And if Loki is rendered unconscious..'.. Steve turns to Loki... 'Can you still keep the illusions up?..'

Loki shifted on the couch, sucking in a breath from the pain in his side... 'That, I do not know. I have never been in a situation where I had to test that theory, but I believe it is worth a shot..'.. He quirked a smile.. 'Pun intended of course..'

Thor watched his brother, as the image of his parents smiles, and their words come to mind. This is what they meant, they knew Loki would fall in love with Olivia. He shook his head, fighting back a smile... 'Something amusing brother?..'.. He looked up, his eyes finding Lokis. He saw his brothers eyes go wide, and he pushed himself to his feet.

'They really believe that? Is that why they let me come here? Because they think I would fall for some mortal?..'.. Loki was angry, clenching his fists... 'Did they plan this?..'.. He looked around at the others... 'Were you all part of their plan?..'

'Loki, I do not-..'.. Thor came to put his hand on his brother's shoulder but Loki shrugged him off.

'And what of her? You are both close, is she a part of this game too? To make me feel guilt over my actions, and then drawn me in?..'.. He spat in anger, his magic pulsing through him.

'If you really believe that, then go home..'.. Loki spun to Bucky, as he stood there, his arms folded... 'You've been in her nightmare, been in her mind, seen how she is. She opened up to you about things, and apologised for her anger to you..'.. He stepped closer to Loki... 'She kissed you, because she wanted to. She has never shown interest in anyone else, for the past few years, but you she let in. She would never, manipulate, or play around with someone's feelings or their mind, especially someone she cares about..'

Loki took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He turned back to Thor... 'What games are they playing brother? What do they hope to gain from this?..'

'I do not know Loki. But the smiles they wore, were ones of pride and happiness, for you. Once this is over, we will go back and find out what they know, I give you my word..'.. Thor pats Lokis back gently, knowing how much he hated the force he usually did it with.

'Ok, so moving on..'.. Tony drops into an empty chair... 'We have to assume that Carter knows we've been in her place. Friday is running through all cameras, for facial recognition. We need to find her, and bring her in. Bruce..'.. He turns to him... 'Can you work the laptop?..'

'Yeah, it'll take me a little while to break through, but I'll get into it..'.. Bruce nods at him.

'Stay close preferably in the compound, until we know more. Take turns in getting some sleep and training while we're waiting. We need to be ready..'... Tony tells them all, before standing back up.

'I'm staying with Liv..'.. Bucky says, heading for the door. He pauses and turns to Loki... 'You coming?..'

'Is that the only reason you are, what was it you called it Stark? Chummy?..'.. He looks to Tony, then to Bucky... 'Because I can fix her?..'

'You really are a fucking idiot..'.. Bucky shook his head and left the room, going back to the med bay, to be with Liv.

No one else said anything, as they all departed to do their own thing, leaving Loki with Thor... 'Brother, she needs you, needs your help..'

Loki sighed, dropping his head as he ran a hand through his hair... 'I know. But do not take my assistance for anything more than what it is. As soon as this is all over, I'm returning to Asgard..'.. He strode fromt he room, following after Bucky.


'You have no idea how much we need you right now..'.. Bucky sat next to her, holding her hand... 'The team is falling a part, and Loki believes this is all a game. If he goes into your mind again, you need to show him the truth. I know you don't want to, but he is a good guy, just acts like a kid sometimes with the way he throws a tantrum..'.. Bucky chuckled... 'I'm surprised him and Tony aren't best friends by now, they're both childish idiots..'

Loki hears his words, as he watched from the doorway. Buckys back was to him, and the other women were not present. He walked in further, coming to her other side and sitting down... 'Do I even want to know the truth?..'.. He asks, his eyes on her face.

'If you didn't, you wouldn't be sat here right now..'.. Bucky let her hand go, and sat back... 'I hope she heard me..'.. He looks across to Loki... 'She does need you, just as much as you need her. You can try to deny it all you want, but I can see it, you care about her, more than you'll admit..'

Loki said nothing, but took her hand in his. He placed his other hand in her head, and closed his eyes, falling into her mind once again.


He stood in the room, smiling slightly as he saw more of her memories were fixed, the room now almost white. He could not see little Olivia, and he wondered if she was there. He called for her, looking around, and being mindful of the remaining shards, scattered across the floor.

'Why am I not surprised to find you in my head once again?..'... He heard her sigh behind him. Turning, he noticed she wore her uniform, her hands on her hips.

'Are you alright?..'.. He asked, stepping forward to her.

'Im fine. I just need to pull myself together a bit more before I wake up. How are the others? I heard what was said, but trust me when I say, if anyone is going to take a swing at Sharon, it's going to be me..'.. Loki chuckled at her words.

'I do not doubt it. I know what happened, when you were taken. We know of their plan, and I can tell you, everyone is working to make sure that it does not happen, they will not allow you or Barnes to be taken..'.. He watched as she moved closer to him, frowning as she reached out, pulling his shirt up and seeing his wound.

'Why did you do it? Any of it?..'.. Her hand covered his wound, and she healed him. He could feel her power, it was warm and calming. She pulled her hand away, and he looked down, seeing nothing, not even a scar.

'Thank you..'... He pulled his shirt back down, turning to look at her... 'Why did I do what?..'.. He watched her intently and she turned, walking away. He didn't know why he followed, but he soon found himself at her side, as they kept walking, towards what looked like the couches from the compound. She sat down, gesturing for him to do the same.

'Why did you save me? Come into my mind to help me?..'.. She gestured to his side... ' Take a bullet?..'

'I-I do not know...'... He looked away from her, and she sighed.

'I'll be fine Loki. I won't be much longer in waking up. You can go..'... She said, and he turned back to her, seeing her rest her head on the back of the couch.

'You want me to leave?..'.. He saw her close her eyes, shaking her head slightly.

'Yeah, I want you to go. Let the others know. And tell Bucky I'm sorry, for getting him involved with Sharon. It's my fault..'... Loki heard sadness in her voice... 'Loki, please go..'.. Her voice trembled and he didn't want to leave her. He moved closer, reaching out and pulling her to him. He held her close, stroking her back, as she let her tears fall. He felt that ache within him again, feeling a need to comfort and protect her.

He had admitted to Wanda that he cared for Liv, and desired her, but was this more than what he believed, he didn't know. He felt her calm in his arms, and she pulled back to look at him, her eyes searching his.

His hand came up to her face, seeing her lips part... 'Kiss me..'.. She whispered, and he succumbed to her command, kissing her with everything he had, needing to feel her lips against his again.


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