Wicked ๐Ÿ”ž

By pmjc88

36.8K 1.4K 118

She chose to work for Stark, knowing that she was the best one for the role. She knew that her life would be... More



753 29 2
By pmjc88

She sat in the meeting room, not daring to look across at him, as Tony briefed them for the mission. It would be for a few weeks, with her and Bucky being newlyweds, moving into their new place near the Riviera country club, while Wanda and Loki were the rich couple, moved from the UK, to LA.

A high profile target is meeting clients at the club, in a bid to sell illegal and black market weapons. All they had to do, was scope out the place, find their target and the buyers, making sure they don't get made.

'Sounds easy enough, why two couples?..'.. Bucky asks, dropping the file back on the table.

'Because Loki and Wanda can be the couple flashing the money drawing attention to them as potential buyers, while you two can scope the place, and check out the staff, and locals..'.. Tony says, as he sits down... 'Your identities, cards, keys and everything else are in your files. Memorise it all, and please don't fuck this up..'

Liv rolled her eyes at Tony... 'Im a singer, really? Ellie Fowler..'.. She read her alias, and looked across to Bucky... 'Aw baby, we missed our honeymoon..'

Bucky chuckled at her, shaking his head... 'You're really going to play into this aren't you?..'

'Damn right I am. Think you can handle me as your wife?..'.. She battered her eyelashes at him, resting her chin in her hand as she smiled.

'Dont really have a choice. Come on then wife, let's go get packed..'.. He stood up, grabbing his file, and held his hand out to her.

'Hang on, what's going on with your arm?..'.. Bucky grinned at Tony, and pulled up his sleeve to show him... 'Liv made me something, to make my arm look normal..'

'It helps for missions like this..'... She shrugged, standing up next to him... 'Wanda, I'll see you in a bit babe..'... Liv blew her friend a kiss, still ignoring Loki as she left the room.

Loki sighed to himself, wondering if they would ever talk about last night. Grabbing the file in front of him, he stood, holding his hand out to Wanda... 'Shall we then my dear? We need to prepare..'.. He gave her a smile as she took his hand and stood, leaving to follow after Liv.

Wanda could feel the tension in the room, and she tried to see into Lokis mind, but he had shut her out. She wanted to know what had happened since last night, wondering what Liv really meant.


Liv felt herself get swept up, as everything blurred around her. Knowing who's arms she was in, she giggled as he came to a stop outside her room... 'How was your date?..'.. She asked, opening her door and letting him in her room.

Pietro followed her in, looking as though he hit the jackpot... 'It was amazing. She's so smart, and beautiful and funny. We had a great time, and we're going out again tomorrow. I'm taking her to Tavern on the Green, walk around the park and then stop at the zoo. She loves penguins..'.. He sat at her desk, watching her as she began to pack.

'I told you to take your shot..'.. She looked up at him, smiling at his enthusiasm... 'I got a mission for a few weeks, so I expect a full report when I get back..'.. She looked over at her door as she heard a knock... 'Come in..'

Clint enters, and she sighed... 'I know I know, but I promise, as soon as the mission is over, I'll be there..'

'Not what I was going to say, I just wanted to check that you're ok, after last night..'.. He leaned against the side of her closet, his hands in his pockets.

'I know you've heard what was said, everyone pretty much gossips when there's no missions..'.. She shoved more clothes in her bag, before heading to the bathroom to get her personal things... 'Im fine, I'll behave, and he'll still be alive and breathing when we get back...'.. She comes out of the bathroom, putting her thing in her bag and zipped it up... 'Can't guarantee he'll be in one piece, but he'll be alive..'.. She waves her hand, teleporting her bag to the main room.

Clint and Pietro chuckle... 'You know you can talk to any of us, right?..'.. Clint says, watching her.

'And find that what I have said goes around like Chinese whispers? No. Don't take this the wrong way, but there's a reason why Bucky is my best friend out of everyone..'.. She grabs her jacket, putting it on... 'He doesn't talk about me behind my back, or tell anyone anything I've confided in him about..'... She walks past Clint, hearing him sigh and heads towards the main room. If they wanted to talk about her, then hopefully Clint will pass the message on while she was gone.


Liv and Bucky got into their rental, that was waiting for them outside LAX. She had gotten very little sleep on the plane, but she didn't care, she was thankful for Tony's private jet, knowing she wouldn't have to fly commercial.

'So, what do you want to do Elle?..'.. Bucky asks her as he drives out of the carpark, heading to their 'home'.

'Well Nick, I feel like I need some food and sleep, but we still have to play the happy couple. Think you can handle kissing me?..'.. She pokes him in the side, making him twitch. He shoos her hand away, smirking at her.

'We've kissed before, I can do it again. I'm not sure you can keep your hands to yourself though, I am hot after all..'.. He pat's her leg and chuckles.

'I don't know, it's taking all my restraint not to have you right here, right now..'... She replied sarcastically... 'Its going to take us roughly half hour to get to our house. Wanda will send me photos of their place when they get there, so I can teleport us over when needed...'

She pulled her sunglasses on, hating how bright the sky was... 'Ive already spoken to Sharon, after my shower, I told her that nothing would happen. Aside from minor PDAs, for the mission. Have you spoken to her?..'

'Yeah, while you were packing. I pretty much said the same thing, and promised her a date anywhere in the world, when we get back..'.. He glanced over to her, grinning... 'Told her to pick where ever she wanted to go for a weekend, and what she would want to do...'

'Aw, my buttercup is definitely a smitten kitten..'... Liv leaned over poking his cheek as he blushed... 'Be honest, if it was still the 40s, how long after the first date, would you have proposed to her?..'

Bucky shook his head... 'We'd already be married..'.. He scrunched up, as she squealed in her seat, excited.

'I call best man, Steve and Sam can fuck off, it's my role..'... Bucky burst out laughing, giving her a quick look, knowing she was giving him the hard stare until he would cave.

'If we ever get to that stage, fine by me. But you can tell them both..'.. He turned into their street... 'Lets see them try to argue about it with you..'

Liv checked her ring on her finger, and looked out at their 'house'... Deal. Now, let's put on a show babe..'.. He got out of the car, and rushed around to open her door. Liv did a big squeak, throwing herself into his arms, grinning... 'Oh babe, it's perfect, I love it..'

Knowing that there were a few neighbours outside theirs, enjoying the weather, Liv made sure to make herself heard. Wrapping her legs round his waist, she kissed him lightly... 'Welcome home Mrs Fowler..'.. He smiles at her, shifting to hold her bridal style, and jogged to the front door, making her giggle loudly, drawing attention.

'And we have an audience...'.. She whispered in his ear, as she reached with her keys to unlock the door, and he carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind him. Putting Liv down on her feet, he high fived her, chuckling as she headed off to begin taking pictures of their house, for Wanda and Loki.


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