Wicked 🔞

By pmjc88

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She chose to work for Stark, knowing that she was the best one for the role. She knew that her life would be... More



998 35 2
By pmjc88

Liv heard her name being called, and she didn't know where she was. There was a low hum of voices, along with rhythmic beeping. She couldn't seem to move, or open her eyes, like the voice was telling her to do. She wanted to scream out that Loki had the cube, he was at the tower, but she couldn't make her body listen. Feeling frustration build up her her, she felt the fire burning in her.

'Everyone out now!..'.. She heard someone shout. She couldn't stop the fire, and began to panic. Her body didn't feel like her own, and she didn't like being trapped. The fire took over, and she felt as though her body exploded, and pain ripped through all her joints. She screamed out, not realising that she was actually screaming.

When the pain subsided, her eyes snapped open, and she stared up at the ceiling, finding that the lights were quite bright. As if someone heard her thoughts, they began to dim.

'Summers?..'.. Her breath hitched, hearing that voice. Turning her head she saw Tony stood over in a corner, realising that she was in a hospital room. His face showed some cuts and bruises that were healing, but he mostly looked exhausted.

'Stark..'.. She croaked, her throat dry. She wiggled her fingers and toes, letting out a relieved sigh, before pushing herself to sit up. Her body ached, but she didn't feel pain. She pulled the air tube from her nose, and the clip off her finger.

Tony rushed over, grabbing the glass at the side and pouring her some water. He helped her to drink, as she gulped it down... 'You have no idea, how glad I am that you're ok..'... He put the glass down, and pulled her in for a hug.

'Loki, he..'.. She sniffled into his shoulder... 'He has it, he had a machine on the roof, I thi-..'

He pulled back from her, holding her shoulders... 'Its all over..'... His hands slipped down, taking hers in his... 'Its over. You've been in here for 2 weeks Summers. The fight is over. We stopped him, but..'.. He sighed heavily... 'At a cost. He opened the portal, brought an army, and the city became a war zone.. '

Liv sniffled again, seeing the pain in Tony's face... 'Are you ok?..'

Tony peered at her, giving her a confused look... 'I should be asking you that. He threw you out a window. How are you alive? Witnesses say they saw you fall, and you hit the ground so hard, you created a small crateor..'

Liv rocked back, trying to remember what happened... 'I-I fought some guys that were trying to get in. I took them down, but still got shot. I followed some others to the roof, and saw the machine. The cube was in a case close to me so I took it. I was heading back down to the platform, for jarvis to suit me up so I could get away, when I got shot again, in the back..'

She focused as hard as she could, as the memory slowly came back... 'Loki wanted it back, but I wouldn't give it up. I pissed him off and he held me by the throat. I-I remember my body feeling as though it was on fire, and I knew he was going to kill me, I didn't care. I just didn't want him to have it. Stark, what happened?..'.. She looks at him, feeling a pulsing sensation within her, and she noticed he pulled his hands back.

'He threw you from the window. You should've died on impact, but somehow you survived. No bullet wounds, no scars, no broken bones. You were just unconscious..'.. He took a deep breath, and began to pace... 'Me and Bruce ran some tests on you, and we found that they're consistent with the energy readings, from the tesseract..'

'No..'.. She saw where he was going with it, and she ripped out her IV and cannula. Standing up, she felt a head rush, and she wobbled on her feet... 'Don't you dare say it Stark, no, no..'.. She clutched her chest, feeling her anxiety kick in. Glancing to the window, leading out of her room, she noticed Fury stood on the other side, with a few other agents.

'NO!..'.. She shouted out, causing them to burst into her room.

Tony threw his arm out, trying to stop them from getting closer to her. He could see her hands were starting to glow, and he doubted that she knew what she was doing... 'I said to let me handle this, get out..'

'You don't give orders Stark..'... Fury looked over to her... 'Miss Summers, you need to come with us, now..'.. He nodded to the two agents, who came closer to her.

Liv took a defensive stance, trying to catch her breath... 'No. How about you fuck off back where you came from..'

With that, Fury and the two agents disappeared, and she rocked back on her feet stunned. She looked over at Tony, seeing the same look of shock on his face... 'Wh-what the fuck just happened?..'.. She stumbled forward, gripping the edge of the bed, trying to calm herself. She saw her hands were glowing, bringing one up to her face.

'Stark, what's happening to me?..'.. She burst out crying, feeling overwhelmed.

'Summers, look at me..'.. She did as he asked... 'We got some idea, but we need you to keep calm and take a few breaths, can you do that?..'.. His voice was calming, and she focused on him, taking deep breaths in and out.

'Ok, so I think you sent them where ever you wanted to send them. What were you thinking about?...'.. He asked her.

'Their HQ in DC. I remember seeing the outside of the building, and it flashed in my mind..'.. She gestured to her head.

'I'm guessing thats where they are. Look, we think somehow you have bonded with the tesseract or its somehow given you powers, but I need you to come with me and we'll see what we can find..'... She watches as the glow disappears from her hands and she stands up straight, nodding at him.

'Please don't let them take me. They wanted me on their side for a while and now this..'.. She waves a hand to herself... 'Is the icing on the cake for them. I don't want to be their lab rat Stark..'

'I won't let that happen, I promise..'... He held a hand out to her and she took it. She felt him pull her in for a hug, rubbing her back... 'Besides, do you think Pepper would let them take you? She's a force to be reckoned with when she's pissed off..'... She giggled, feeling much calmer than before.

Pulling back, she ran a hand through her hair... 'You wouldn't happen to have any clothes for me, would you? I ain't walking out of here like this..'.. She held her arms out, looking down at the hospital gown, then back at him.

'Pepper already packed you a bag. She went to get coffee, but I'm sure she'll be happy you're awake and back..'.. The two turned to the door, hearing someone enter the room. Hill raised an eyebrow at them both and folded her arms.

'Just got a call from Fury. Said he was in here one minute, the next, he was stood in the flowerbeds of the Triskillion. He said he thinks you did that..'.. She nodded at Liv.

'Apparently so..'.. She scoffed, as Tony handed her the bag for her to get dressed. He turned his back, but wasn't leaving the room. He knew she wouldn't feel safe alone with anyone from SHIELD... 'I'm not going with you Hill, I'm going with Stark. Between me, him and Banner we can do all the tests, and reseach needed. We're the three smartest people in the world, theses no one at SHIELD that can do any better..'

'Fury wants you in. You don't know h-..'..

'Fury can get fucked for all I care. And if any of you so much as attempt to come for me, I'll release every file I took from SHIELD, and make them public. That's not a threat, its a promise..'... She growled out at the woman... 'I'm going to the tower. You are welcome to come and watch, that's fine, but do you really think caging me, in a place I don't feel comfortable in, is a good idea? I panicked and sent that asshole with the two dipshits somewhere else. What do you think will happen, if I'm feeling panicked again? Afraid? Overwhelmed?..'

'She's got a point Hill..'.. Tony shrugged... 'We can do whatever tests are needed, and yeah you can be there, but it's best done somewhere where she feels safe and calm..'

Tony watched her sigh, dropping her head... 'I'll talk to Fury. Go ahead and go back, I'll catch up with you back at the tower..'.. She nodded at the two of them, and left.


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