𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 / BTS (OT7) x Read...

By cypherMar

27K 2.3K 373

- Looks like daddy didn't create the perfect killing machine, did he? The monster pulls from the brunette's c... More

[ First hit ]
[ And my CDs? ]
[ The BTS we know? ]
[ A possible challenger ]
[ Taurus ]
[ Let's meet ]
[ Not Taurus... ]
[ ... But Alpha ]
[ Business partners ]
[ Team work ]
[ Handshake ]
[ Innocent and sick intentions ]
[ Hurt egos ]
[ An eye on them ]
[ Law Firm ]
[ Trip ]
[ With my thug ]
[ Next step ]
[ Taking some time ]
[ Who you work with ]
[ Don't ruin it ]
[ Particularly worried ]
[ The 28 ]
[ Jack ]
[ Not the original plan ]
[ Get it back ]
[ To know yours ]
[ A little touched ]
[ The forgotten ]
[ Duties ]
[ Demon and I ]
[ Stand for myself ]
[ Srong men ]
[ Following him ]
[ Not first time ]
[ Mission completed ]
[ Strawberry cake ]
[ Growing links ]
[ The Jones ]
[ Can handle him ]
[ Gross ]
[ To mess up ]
[ Missing memories ]
[ Something vicious ]
[ The pawn ]
[ New puppy ]
[ Where have you been ]
[ In danger ]
[ Maths ]
[ Fallin' ]
[ Numb ]
[ Mental mess ]
[ Physical mess ]
[ Odd reunions ]
[ After party ]
[ Unfadable ]
[ First new meeting ]
[ His first kill ]
[ Her first death ]
[ Green ]
[ The main topic ]
[ Lion's cage ]
[ Date ]
[ Houndog ]
[ Something special ]
[ Solo ]
[ Second death ]
[ The other side ]
[ Poor you ]
[ While you sleep ]
[ Chitchats ]
[ Real evidence ]
[ A step closer ]
[ Pericolo ]
[ Tutto quanto ]
[ Non ricambiato ]
[ House of broken hearts ]
[ Good Dogs ]
[ London Bridge ]
[ Last straw ]
[ Reassigned ]
[ Akai ]
[ Gotta have it ]
[ Good-good bad things ]
[ Sayonara ]
[ Off my face ]
[ Bare your soul ]
[ Shared likings ]
[ Whatever you want ]

[ Doctor ]

200 22 1
By cypherMar

— One of you needs to go and identify the woman. JM would be the one asking the questions.

Seokjin, the Commander, sits in front of four individuals: RM, Beta and Alpha, who participated in the last mission, and JM doctor who would be in charge of interrogating the woman in the hospital.

— Beta won't go. — RM looked at Alpha, waiting for her approval.
— You can't go Sanzu. It is too easy to identify you.

He rolled his eyes. — I'm staying here because you ordered it, not because he said it.

— Fine, then one of you needs to go. — Seokjin points at the leaders.

— You're still injured, I should go. — RM again talks to Alpha. Sanzu is looking at her too, but that's to avoid the other man seeing how he imitates his words funnily.

— Let Alpha-ssi go. — JM speaks. — I can get her inside the hospital in a wheelchair. Easier than taking you with me and risking the mission because the woman recognized you.

Nobody was sure about that, except...

— Okay. That sounds like a safer option. — Alpha, who likes to risk her life as if her title was a superpower and not just a nickname.

— Boss. — Beta looked at her. — Your wound's still healing, remember?
— It's okay, Beta. Plus... There were some points I didn't tell you that night because it got a little out of control, but she might know where they keep the girls they buy from "The Cage". She mentioned something about "The new girls will visit here to learn some moves"... Things like that, so I'd like to be there and hear what she has to say.

— It is decided, then. — JM stood from his seat and extended a ha for Alpha to take. — May we go now, boss?


This enclosure in front of them wasn't a simple hospital. Multiple buildings stand before them, each with a different medical specialty written big in white letters.

— I sometimes work over there. — JM pointed to a building with the "Psychology & Psychiatric" sign over the big doors. — But my job is mainly private attention.

— I see. — Alpha is seated in a wheelchair being pushed by Jimin, in formal clothing and a white coat. She's wearing a pair of blue jeans and an oversized white t-shirt; her left leg wears a splint to simulate an injury. This is the most normal outfit all of the teams have seen her wearing. — And she's in Internal Medicine. She's been monitored there since she woke up from the induced coma.

— But she can answer questions and all?
— Yeah. Colleagues say she's lucky the bullet nor the broken bone didn't touch important blood vessels. Now she's as good as new.
— Wow.

She has never heard the side stories of the people that survived the storm Alpha brings to people's lives. She decided to leave her alive, yes; but when she hears this story from a more humanistic perspective, it becomes a hard pill to swallow.

— I bet your face might trigger some memories in her, so I'd prefer to leave you resting on the contiguous bed so you can hear it all without bothering the woman. Is that okay with you? — He has bent from behind the chair to her shoulder, where she can clearly hear his words and additionally smell that sweet cologne and refreshing breath.

— Yes. Let's do it.

The IM building has a particular smell, not totally disgusting but either enjoyable. That's a smell only the ones working in the healthcare industry know how to tolerate. That's something Alpha learned once her nostrils came in contact with the ambiance.

— Good afternoon! — JM greets politely the nurses at the reception, the same ones answer with a dreamy greeting.

They didn't even ask for an ID card or some patient information. They just put on their biggest smiles for the handsome doctor kindly pushing a wheelchair.

During all the way on the lift and throughout the hallways, everyone happily greets the doctor. "That's a great pretty privilege there", or that's what Alpha thinks.

— Okay~ This is the hall. This is the file for patient in bed 420, see the picture... Is that her? — JM gave Alpha the document held outside the room.

— Yes, This is definitely her. 

— Fine, then I will leave you in bed 419, so you can hear everything.

They enter the hall with only two patients, one sleeping and the other enjoying the window view, that last one is Kim, their target.

— I'm gonna leave you here, Ma'am. I'll come back for you after I get your test results. Is that okay with you? — JM crouched in front of Alpha. She nodded lightly. — Fine, then let me place you on the bed real quick~

One of his arms went to hug her back while the other was placed behind her knees; with one single push, Jimin lifted her and placed her so delicately on the hospital bed.

— I'll come back for you, then. — He winked cutely after performing such an act of force, leaving Alpha with an amused look and a burning face.

The doctor pulls from the blue curtain that is supposed to divide beds and leaves Alpha alone. He stands beside the contiguous bed, in front of the target.

— Hello, Miss Kim! I'm Doctor Park, and I'm here to check up on you for today.
— They've already paid visit. — Kim said in a harsh voice.

— Oh! No, no! Those were my IM colleagues, I'm Dr. Park from the Psychology & Psychiatric department. I was told you went through hard stuff these past days, so I was wondering if you could talk with me about it...
— If you come from the police, I won't say a word, I promise!

This is gonna be hard... Alpha thinks as she caresses her leg over the jeans fabric, where the stitches are.

— I definitely not~ — He chuckled — Look at my ID! — The man offered his card for the woman to see. The card said he belongs to the hospital side, not the police one. — I came here just to know if you're alright... mentally. And to offer you some help in case you feel like you need it... May we talk a little?

There was a prolonged silence in the room as Kim was thinking, but after those minutes, the target sighed.

— The things I can tell you are limited since my job is dangerous, but... I guess I can talk to someone out of this mess...

She's willing to talk to him that easily?! Well, Alpha has to admit it, that features he has inspire trust.

— I'll hear everything you wanna tell me. No pressure... — He got a chair closer to the bed and sat, like a friend, ready to hear his best friend story.  — What happened that night that brought you here?

— As you might know, Doctor, I was the pimp in that strip club... I used to be the best stripper but years went after me, and I ended up leading the business. I know the girls that work for me and that woman that night...

— A woman? — Jimin sounds interested.

— Yes, a woman came all dolled up and entered my main act's room. It was weird since Hanna doesn't have replacements, and whenever she is absent from work, she does notify me. She didn't do that night. That was wrong, so I called all my girls to a quick meeting. I told them new workers would be joining and stuff, but it was just to get to see that intruder.

— How was she?

— I don't know! She wore sunglasses all the time, and when her act started, I was behind the curtains, I couldn't see her completely... And when I asked her about Hanna, she said Hanna was sick... Then I remembered the one that bought my club was visiting, he'd realized Hanna's absence, and he did immediately! I thought that once he killed her it all would be alright but then I realized about two men acting suspiciously, I tried to stop them but one of them shoot and then it all went black for me.

— So you don't know what happened to the woman or your boss?
— No, I bet the woman died, but the boss might be injured... I heard multiple shots before going unconscious.
— Can you imagine who could've act against you and your club?
— No idea, Doctor.
— The newbies?
— Why would you think that?
— Imagine, they were going to visit your place and learn some things from you... Isn't there any possibility of them trying to steal places or recognition?

Kim thought deep about it.
— Maybe... I've never seen them, so you might be right... I don't know their real intentions.
— Where do those girls come from?
— A private club. The boss of my boss would bring eight girls and pick them back up after a week, though, I would never get to meet the one behind all of that. But rumors have it they were the prettiest and youngest from the biggest brothel in the country... I can't really imagine who they were.

— I see... So no clue on who tried to hurt you.
— Not at all.

That's not good for the investigation.

— But, Doctor.
— Yes?
— I'm afraid of my safety... I was specifically chosen to be the one training those girls, and if my business went downhill... They'll look for me and-

— No need to worry too much, Miss Kim~ — The doctor smiled sweetly. — I said I was here to help you, right? You won't be found here. This is the safest hospital in the country... On the other side, about those new girls... I can't do much for them if I don't have any information.

— The only one that can help you contact the girls would be my boss, but he's a dangerous man. I suggest you don't look for those girls. 

— I'm sure all those girls are innocent souls, but if you don't give me a contact, I bet I can't help them.

— He's dangerous, Doctor. You better not chase after him... — The saddened eyes of Jimin melted little by little Kim's stubbornness — But if you were to, you should try to look for Anton in the gym two blocks down the strip club. His name is the only thing I know... Oh! And the owl tattoo on his neck, that's the only thing I can say. But it is better to give all those girls for lost.

The doctor pressed his lips together, looking troubled.

— If you say he's that dangerous, I trust you... So bad for them, though... — JM stood up. —Thank ypu for the help, Kim. I'll talk with the directors to ask for extra security for you.
— Really?! Thank you so much, Doctor!

— It's nothing, as long as our patients feel safe and sound. — JM smiled brightly. — I'll be taking my leave, lady. I have couple more visits to do so I'm leaving  for you to have some rest.

Dr. Park left the target amid words of thanks. He stopped in front of Alpha, tilting his head a little to indicate silently that they were leaving now. Jimin, as delicately as he did when arriving, placed Alpha back on the wheelchair and only then, the couple left the room.

Though, the gentleman pushed the wheelchair all the way to the outdoor cafeteria at the end of the hospital.

— What are we-
— Talking about what we've heard with a coffee. Let me help you sit on one of these stools.

— No. — She stopped him with a single hand sign. — I'm healing a cut, I didn't lose my leg. — She slowly stood up as Jimin chuckled.
— Then I'll go ask for some drinks.

He came back minutes later with two cups on hand. One black coffee for him and a tea for her.

— Tea? — She asked, confused.
— Yeah~ Someone told me you don't drink coffee... Do you?
— No, I don't... Thanks. — He smiled for her as an answer
— So... — He tasted his drink. — You killed that Anton man?

— Imma be honest, I don't remember seeing an owl tattooed on his neck...
— Damn. You got the wrong man?
— Maybe.
— We gotta look for that Anthon man as soon as possible because that man I killed might get us in trouble.

— But do you think she was telling the truth? — He looks at her intensively. Is he testing her?

— Yes. All she said was exactly what happened. She tried to identify me, but I covered myself, and she worded my exact phrase so... She's being honest. What do you think, doctor?

— She was honest, indeed.
— Fine, then let's talk about this with the others.

They went silent.

— You look cute in your patient disguise.
— "Patient disguise"?
— Like a common girl... I've seen you all dolled up for all the jobs that now that I see you like this, I can realize about your jaw-dropping  natural beauty.

She's shocked. Did he just compliment her?

— No...
— Oww~ — He giggled — Don't get shy, Alpha! Better just say "Thank you".
— Thank you, I guess?

— How old are you, though? Like this, you look like 18.
— Oh God! — She laughs. — I'm definitely older, Doctor.
— How old?

This is a very personal detail. She has never told her age to anyone but her main team; for the rest of the people around her is just a myth. However, she has already opened her mouth.

— I'm 25.
— Wow. I'm 26! We're still young, aren't we?

— Yeah... Young and dumb... — She's covering her face in embarrassment. Did that information spill from her mind just like that?

— Dumb in which aspect? 'Cause being the lady boss means you're not dumb...
— C'mon! Being a boss doesn't mean too much. There are so many sides of one same person that you can't get to know someone just by the position they occupy in a team.
— That's partially true, but...

The next two hours, they shared different points of view of people's lives and their lights and shadows. Jimin's psychological point of  view was totally envolving that Alpha found herself enjoying the way Jimin expresses his mind.

So once they went back to the HQ, she opted to bid JM goodbye with a handshake, something so personal but respectful from her point of view.

I'm on (a 2 days) vacation! Enjoooyy.

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