Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Prologue: The Night of Fire.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.

191 8 14
By timbegs

Sean found himself now sleeping not on the wet and muddy ground, but rather a soft bed in a strange room he knew nothing about. He also found himself wearing a nightgown and wasn't sure about where his clothes had been. "How did I get here?" He asked himself. He then began to think about his situation. The last thing he remembered was... disappearing from his village on fire. And then... seeing the blurry faces of two people above him. Did they take him somewhere? Sean assumed so. It would explain the new clothes and the roof over his head. Which was of a far different shape than back home. There was the sudden opening of the door.

And he found himself looking face to face with a young red haired girl with blue eyes. "Oh, you're awake. Father and Mother will be pleased." She greeted with a smile.

Sean wasn't sure how to respond to that. He just sat on his bed.

"There's nothing to fear. We're not going to harm you. We took you back home after you were in the rain on the mud." Sarah explained.

"Why'd yeh save me?" Sean asked indifferently.

"You were in trouble. I simply had to help." Sarah answered.

"Well... thanks... yeh didn't have to help me, yeh know." Sean thanked remembering his manners.

"It's in my nature." Sarah replied. "Father always tells us that it's always the nature of God to help those in need."

"God..." Sean repeated. He looked at Sarah.

"My name is Sarah by the way. Sarah Parker." Sarah introduced herself. "And that must make you... Sean Patrick Cormag."

"It is." Sean replied.

"Well, it's nice to officially meet you Sean." Sarah held out her hand.

Sean didn't take it. And Sarah pulled back the hand as if nothing had happened. "Well... when you're ready, get dressed and then you can speak to Father. He's the one that rescued you last night." Sarah explained to Sean. And she closed the door.

Sean was not sure what Sarah was talking about. But he did see some new clothes that were sitting by Sean's bedside. They were strange clothes. Not like the ones that Sean was used to. Not at all. But nevertheless, Sean not wanting to be a ungrateful guest, put them on. It wasn't like he had much choice considering that he didn't know where his other clothes went.

Before Sean did though, he found himself feeling the heat of flames still on his shoulder. And the screams of his villagers, the roar of the Dragon, and his Father and Mother telling him to run. Who would dare have the nerve to attack his people? And why? Those questions ran through Sean's head like wildfire.

Sean also saw the Flute. All that he had left of his Mother. He blew on it. It still played music... but without the lure of the Forest, and inside a house... it didn't feel the same.

As Sean walked down the stairs of the house, he came upon William sitting on a chair and eating his Breakfast.

"Ah... so you finally wake." William said. He had just finished eating. "Come... we saved you a plate."

Sean stood there not moving an inch.

"It's not poisoned." William assured. "Best to eat it while hot."

Sean sat down by the table. He looked at the silverware around him. William sat at the end of the table as Sean took a bite of food.

"That was quite a wonderful flute sound." William said. "I don't believe I've ever heard something more beautiful."

"Thank yeh." Sean replied. "It was my Mother's." He looked around him some more.

"You are in Liverpool, England." William informed him. "Probably as my Daughter, Sarah has informed you, Sean. We rescued you last night in the mud." He explained.

"I don't remember." Sean replied.

"Of course." William said being patient. "I never told you my name yet, have I? William Parker. At your service." He introduced. "And that woman over there, is my wife: Mary."

Sean turned to see a Woman with grey hair by the Piano and stroking the keys. "Hello, Sean." Mary greeted.

"Nice to meet yeh." Sean replied.

"You gave us quite a fright last night, Sean." Mary said. "But praise God that you have recovered."

Sean still had hardly said a word as he ate his food. "This is England?" He asked. "How did I... how did I get here?"

"We were hoping that you could tell us that." William said. "Your voice sounds Irish-"

"It is... but... we prefer to ourselves as Celts." Sean replied.

"Celt then." William corrected.

"It's all a blur, really. The last thing I remember was fallin' down a hill and then like a black wave crushing my lungs, I was... here..." Sean explained trying to recall.

"You were lucky that William and Sarah found you on the road when they did." Mary said. "Your parents must be worried sick about you."

And a knot formed in Sean's stomach. "My parents..." He said. And then he remembered the screams. 'RUN!' "My village... we were attacked."

"Attacked?" William asked.

Sean nodded. "We were attacked. They came in the night. Hundreds of them. We had no warning, we were not prepared..."

The Room had fallen silent. "Dragons... and... and... Goblins... and Wicked Men. They were setting everything on fire... My Parents-" Sean had said.

That was all William needed to hear. "I am so sorry my boy." He said to Sean.

"I still don't know who it was." Sean added. "Who attacked me. And Why." Then he noticed something. "Yeh... Yeh believe me just like that?"

"We know what Dragons and Goblins are, Sean." William assured. "Our own Daughter is one of you."

"As in... a Magic User?" Sean asked.

"A Witch. Yes." Mary corrected.

"Then you would be a Witch and Wizard too. No wait..." Sean corrected himself.

"We're Muggles." William clarified. "That's the word you're looking for."

"Right. That." Sean nodded.

"It at least explained some of the abnormal things in our life with Sarah being around." Mary explained. "Strange and unnatural things happened with Sarah. One day, when she was 10, a Man came in front of us. He said that he was a Professor at a School that Sarah had been accepted into."

"At first, we thought that strange. But the man said that Sarah had been granted a gift from God himself. It was at that moment that we learned that she was a Witch. And that the Professor himself was a Wizard. Sarah had been granted the gift of Magic. And at this school, Hogwarts, Sarah could learn to control her powers." William added.

"And it'll be my 4th year, tomorrow." Sarah said coming down the stairs and sitting down the table.

"Hmph." Sean grunted at the name of Hogwarts. He was told by his Parents that Hogwarts was built for Witches and Wizards who the British could brainwash and forget the true teachings of Magic.

"Have you not attended Hogwarts, Sean?" Sarah asked.

"Never needed to." Sean answered. "All the magic I learned was from my Father and Mother."

"Oh... you're Homeschooled." Sarah figured. "Well, that's a pity... Hogwarts is a wonderful school."

"Depends on the definition of Wonderful." Sean thought.

"They teach classes like Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures, and my personal favorite is Charms. Though... my Dormmate, Poppy Sweeting will argue that the best is Care for Magical Creatures." Sarah went on.

"Mother would teach me of Magical Creatures... especially the Fairies who live in the trees." Sean said.

"Oh, they're so beautiful." Sarah commented.

"Well..." Sean started to stand up. "Thank you all for yer Hospitality... but I should be moving on."

"Moving on where?" William asked.

Sean paused. The truth was that he wasn't sure. His home was destroyed, his family dead, his people scattered. He didn't have a plan, he didn't know where to go from here. "Maybe go back? Head for Ireland? Rejoin another Celt Tribe? Try to find answers about who attacked me?" He answered. "I cannot stay."

"I don't think that's a wise decision, Sean." Mary said.

Sean paused. Mary was right. And Sean knew this. But he didn't really see another option at that moment. But what happened now? What would he do next? His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

William opened the door to reveal a woman in a Black robe and a Black Top Hat. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes." The Woman answered in a business voice. "Sarah Parker?" She asked.

Sarah stood over to the door. "Yes?"

"May I come in?" The Woman asked.

William nodded.

The Woman turned to Sarah. "My name is Officer Ruth Singer of the Auror Department. The Ministry of Magic has received intelligence, that at 8:54pm last night on the Road outside of Liverpool, that an Apparation Spell was performed and in your-"

"That was me." Sean interrupted. "It was not my intention to Apparate. It happened by accident."

Singer turned to face Sean. "And your name is-?" She asked.

"Sean Patrick Cormag. Of Clan Cormag of the Celts." Sean answered.

"A Celt?" Singer asked stunned. "You're not part of the Sacred Clans of Ireland, are you? No. That can't be right."

"It is right." Sean answered. "My Family is... or they were... part of the Celt Clans of Ireland."

"They were?" Singer asked.

And Sean explained the attack, just as he had to the Parkers.

"You have my condolences, Mr. Cormag." Singer started. "The truth of the matter was that a large concentration of Wizard and Goblin kind were converging on Ireland. A shame we could not intercept them in time. And... you Apparated... from Ireland all the way here?"

"Yes. That's correct." Sean answered.

"We took Sean home with us and he has rested up here." William explained.

"I see." Singer made notes of that with a Quill in her hand. "Well, Mr. Cormag. It's a miracle that you didn't get splinched. I came here expecting to have to speak to Miss. Parker about using magic in the presence of Muggles, but instead, I find myself speaking to a Celt."

"So... what happens now?" Sean asked.

"Now... we find ourselves in a irregularity." Singer answered. "I will have to report this to the Ministry. If your Clan, I am sorry to say was destroyed... and now you find yourself in England, then you are an unregistered Wizard." She informed.

"Which means what?" Sean asked confused.

"That would depend on the Ministry of Magic." Singer answered. "Ordinarily, we would be taking you into Ministry Custody. But this is... not an ordinary circumstance. Is there... a place... where you can take refuge until we can sort this whole mess out?"

"No." Sean answered. Then he looked around. "Well... maybe the Parkers, I suppose. If they'll have me."

"It would be our pleasure." William said. "Not to worry, Officer. I understand that it's not standard for Muggles to take Wizards off the streets but-"

"These are not standard times, Mr. Parker." Singer replied. "Very well. Sean Cormag will stay with you and your wife for the time being. I must return to the Ministry at once. Good day." And then she left.

Sean looked at William. "Sort this whole mess out..." He repeated.

"Well... I don't know myself what it means. But, we'll see soon enough. In the meantime, Sean. You'll have to stay with us." William informed.

Sean sighed. His only other option was to leave without a sense of direction and no plan. "Well... I guess I'll have to play by the Ministry's rules for now." He said.

"You don't have other ideas?" Sarah asked.

"Several." Sean answered. "And the conclusion in each one is worse than the one I'm with at the moment."

"Well... maybe the Ministry can also help you in finding whoever was responsible for the attack on your home." Sarah suggested. "And maybe they'll also send you to Hogwarts."

"Maybe." Sean replied.

"Well... Tomorrow... we head for London to take Sarah to Hogwarts School. Sean, perhaps you should come with us for the time being." William suggested. "You are our responsibility after all."

Sean nodded his head. "Okay. Will I be... attending this Hogwarts too?" He asked.

"It's not looking like it. No." Mary answered.

Sean thought something. "How did I get into this situation?" He asked himself. He was really hoping the Ministry could figure something out. Because Sean didn't have an idea.

The Next Morning... Sean and The Parkers had taken the Train to London. It was a bit of a ride, but nothing that Sean couldn't handle. What did interest him was the difference of the Woods and the Countryside being replaced by Industry and Factory Workers. Progress they called it. But to Sean, it didn't feel like Progress. It felt more like... Destruction.

"Is this how Muggles travel throughout England?" Sean asked.

"It is. Back in the old day... everyone would ride Horse Back." Mary answered. "It would take days to go to and from London."

"There it is, Sean." William announced. "Welcome to Jolly Old London."

Sean looked out the window. He could see a City alright. It looked Old certainly. But to call it Jolly, was a stretch. "It looks hideous." He said.

"It's not for everyone." William admitted.

Sean continued to look out the Window. He could see the Carriage going on a bridge over a River.

"Down there is the Thames River." Sarah told Sean.

Sean could see a murky water underneath him. He didn't think that they would see Merpeople down there.

A bell had suddenly rung. 'Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong!'

"What in the-" Sean asked.

"That would be Big Ben." William answered. "Right up there."

Sean looked out the window to see a massive Clock Tower. "Big Ben?" He asked. "The Clock Tower is named Big Ben?"

"We're not entirely sure." Sarah answered. "I don't think even Muggles know why it's called that."

Finally the Train stopped in front of a building. "Here we are. King's Cross Station. Built nearly 40 years ago." William informed Sean.

Sean got out of the Train Car, and he looked around the city streets. He had been in Liverpool for only a day, but there was something about London that made it different. Sean looked down on the road below the stones on his shoes. He also looked at the smoke clogging up the air. The crowded houses and all the people walking around. And on some Houses, Sean could see the same flag flying on over the houses.

"Try not to stare, Sean." William said.

"Sorry." Sean replied.

He could see Sarah getting her things and putting them on a Trolley. "Give us a hand with this, Sean." William requested.

"Of course." Sean said. And he helped Sarah with the Trolley, and they all walked through the Train Station.

"How did it feel to ride, Sean?" Sarah asked.

"Different to say the least." Sean answered. "I've never seen an object that can drive without something to pull it."

"The Train pulls the carriages. It's all with Coal Power. One of the wonders of the Industrial Age." William answered.

Sean had walked past groups and tours of people who were coming off the Train Station. Sean bumped into one man. "Oui! Watch where yer Goin'!" He shouted to Sean.

"Sorry." Sean replied. He decided to stay close to the Parkers. "Where are we headed?"

"Platform 9 and 3/4." Sarah answered.

"Platform 9 and 3/4?" Sean asked looking around. "I don't... see that anywhere."

"It's hidden so the Muggles can't find it." William explained. "Wouldn't want a Muggle to find it and expose Wizard Kind."

"They don't want to end up in another Massacre." Sean translated.

"There it is." Sarah said looking at the wall between 9 and 10. She then looked and gave her hugs to her Mother and Father. "Goodbye. I love you."

"And we love you too, Sarah." William replied.

"Goodbye, my dear." Mary wished Sarah goodbye.

Sarah also turned to Sean. "Goodbye, Sean. I hope things work out well for you."

"Thank you. And Good luck in Hogwarts." Sean nodded.

Sarah then ran for the Platform barrier and disappeared entirely.

"I'll never get use to that." William commented. "I've been taking Sarah for... what? 4 years now... and it still gets me to jump."

"So... Sarah will be going to Hogwarts now?" Sean asked.

"Yes, she will. There's a Special Train that leads directly to Hogwarts." William answered.

All of a sudden. There was loud shouting from outside the Train Station.

"What's going on?" Sean asked.

"That's what we're going to find out. Come on." William answered.

As Sean and William walked outside. They could see a massive crowd gathering. And a person on a standing block bellowing out things. "Good people of London! The Devil walks among us!" The Person on a Standing Block was saying. And he was surrounded by people waving the banners of Jesus Christ and also banners of hands snapping wands.

"Who are they?" Sean asked.

"Fanatics." William answered. The Anger in his voice was rising. But it was also controlled.

"Living among the Good people under God are Abominations! Hidden in the Shadows and disappearing without a trace! These abominations are known as Witches! They are everything that God does not stand for! Sworn enemies! Servants of Satan! Magic is against God's teachings!"

The whole crowd of people were standing around and listening.

"We must stand together! For the sake of our children! And the good people of this world! We must fight these abominations who have no faith! No love to God!" The Person declared.

"And just as I thought." Sean commented. Just when it seemed like the Parkers were giving Sean a different idea of the Church. There just had to be that one faction that reminded Sean of why his Clan didn't join the British. Their Religion hated Wizardkind. They saw them as abominations almost immediately without giving them the benefit of the doubt.

He remembered now hearing after the Golden Age of Magic ending, that the Church had moved in and made Magic an abomination. And that anyone who practiced this power, would be put to death. A Cleansing of the world. But Sean knew that it was not a good idea to go up to the Preacher and tell him different.

"Come on, Sean. Let's get out of here." William insisted.

Sean agreed and followed William and Mary.

Sean remained silent for most of the trip back to Liverpool. "Magic is against God's teachings." He remembered those words in his head.

William sat in front of him. "Sean... what you heard today... that was not-" He started to say.

"I should've known. They hate us, Mr. Parker." Sean said. "I guess the world hasn't changed its view about us. The Muggles hate us simply for existing. It's against the will of your God-"

"No it isn't." William interrupted. "What you saw today was not what God stands for. It's what he never stood for."

"So why were there people who claimed to be doing the work of God who said those things?" Sean asked. "Forgive me. None of my clan, nor I follow the teachings of God because of people like them. We still have our faith to the Tuatha de Danann. And the things I do hear of the Christian God... well..." He didn't finish that sentence.

"If God truly wished death and destruction upon innocents, then he is evil. But God is not Evil. And he certain doesn't death and destruction on innocents. Rather, it is people who justify their actions by doing it in his name." William informed.

"That doesn't stop people who claim that they are doing Gods work, by burning, lashing, hanging, finding other ways of killing people like us." Sean pointed out.

"I am not those people." William countered. "What does God have to gain from killing people who have been given abilities that others simply do not understand? Good, innocent people, I will add."

Sean pondered that. "That doesn't sound like the Religion I heard about. How ironic is it, Mr. Parker... that the Christians call everyone who doesn't agree with them: Pagans. And yet, they brought their religion to our borders, come into Foreign Lands and tell us that we are Pagans?"

"It is ironic, I know." William agreed. "Perhaps it is a method for the Church to show its power over others."

"Do you think I am Pagan?" Sean asked.

"No." William answered. "You have your faith in your Gods. I have my faith in God. As do Mary and Sarah. I'm not trying to convert you if that's what you think I intend to do. I'm just saying these things to help you understand."

"Understand what?" Sean asked. "That not all Christians are butchers?"

"Exactly." William answered.

Sean went to sleep that night in Liverpool. He couldn't exactly leave. The Ministry of Magic wouldn't let him now. Now that he had inadvertently found himself in England and in a whole new world. And what would happen to him? Would he be forced to go to Hogwarts? He didn't know what would happen to him in all honesty.

The Room had suddenly gone darker. Sean sat up on his bed. There was suddenly something that had emerged out of the window. A Presence as it were. A Glowing Presence. "Hello?" Sean asked.

The presence moved again. Around the room. Sean got up now. "Who's there?" He asked. He looked around the room. A creak had emerged from the closet. Sean looked at it. He reached out for the door. And he opened the door to find... nothing.

Sean shook his head. "It's nothing." He said to himself. And he then turned around to see a Bright White Wolf in his room.

Sean looked at the Wolf. It was not an ordinary Wolf. He quickly could tell that it was a spirit. Based on its transparent appearance. And its bright glow. Its yellow eyes. It looked like a Patronus. Except it wasn't.

"Greetings, Sean Patrick Cormag." A Soft voice greeted in the air.

Sean looked at the Wolf. "You're a spirit." He said.

The Wolf nodded. Sean was not afraid of the Wolf. For he knew that the Wolf would help him. Wolves to Sean's culture were powerful healers, guides, and symbols of transformation. "Well, I could use some Guidance right now." Sean admitted.

"Your Clan was thought to be destroyed, and yet you live. The Motions have already begun." The Voice said.

"What motions?" Sean asked.

"Yours." The Voice answered.

And the Wolf's eyes glowed a bright yellow. A powerful glow that filled the entire room, covering everything in a bright light. And then the wolf howled.

When the Glow died, Sean soon found himself in the middle of the sky. The Clouds around him moving fast. He didn't fall. He didn't move. The Wolf just staying where it was. The Voice had spoken again. "You have suffered a tremendous blow, Mr. Cormag. To your home, your family, and yourself."

"Why has this happened to me?" Sean asked.

"Forces of Darkness have attempted to rewrite a Prophecy. That's why they came after your family." The Voice answered.

The Wolf started to run. Sean assumed that the Voice was coming from the Wolf.

"A Prophecy? My family?" Sean asked, as he followed the Wolf. "I don't understand."

"You are important, child. Your destiny now begins. It has already been set into motion." The Voice answered.

Suddenly Sean found images in front of him. Images of Goblins and other Dark Creatures and Wizards. "As we speak. Those same Dark Forces that attacked your home, seek an Ancient Power in the North. If they succeed. The World will be covered in a great darkness. A Darkness that you must stop." The voice informed.

"Why me?" Sean asked.

"Because it was foretold that you would." The Voice answered. "A Prophecy was made, many years ago. That your enemy would be defeated by a Celt Druid who would emerge from the ashes like a Phoenix Flame. But your Enemy learned of this Prophecy. And he sought to make sure that this destiny would not come true. That is why he attacked your Clan."

"The Clan will never be destroyed." Sean replied. "That's what my Father always told me."

"You have sought to avenge your family, have you not?" The Voice asked.

"Yes." Sean answered. "Only... I do not know where to begin."

"Go North, Young Cormag. That is where your path lies. To Hogwarts." The Voice commanded.

"Hogwarts?" Sean asked confused. "Why there?"

"It is your destiny." The Voice answered. "You must seek additional training there, if you are to stop your enemy. Walk the path as others have done, protect the Source, that is your mission."

Sean was made even more confused. "What path? What Source? What Mission?"

"If you wish to avenge your family, and stop the Dark Forces from tearing apart the world, then you must go to Hogwarts." The Voice said.

"Okay." Sean replied. "But what do you mean by-"

"Fear not, Sean. For you will have guides to help you. Friends. You have your intelligence, creativity, and wit. Your destiny awaits. And you will build your Legacy." The Voice informed. "This is a path that you must walk now. And you will have to find what it is. Good Fortune to you."

Sean the emerged back into the bedroom. "It was a dream." He thought. "Or was it?" He asked himself. Then he looked out the window. And he swore that he could see that same Silver Wolf outside his window. "My Destiny lies to the North." He said.

A Week later, and Sean was visited by Officer Singer, and another Man who was with her.

"Officer Singer?" Sean asked.

"Hello, Mr. Cormag." Singer greeted. "I apologize for keeping you waiting so long. The Ministry took a lot longer to figure out things than expected. But they've decided that you will be staying here in England. And you will attend Hogwarts." She informed.

"Attending Hogwarts..." Sean said remembering his vision from the Spirit the week earlier. And how it was his 'destiny' to attend Hogwarts. Then he noticed the man. The Man had a grey Wizard Robes, and a dark blue scarf, and grey hair.

"Sean Cormag... this is Eleazar Fig." Singer introduced. "He's one of the Professors at Hogwarts."

Eleazar Fig approached the young Celt. "Nice to officially meet you, Mr. Cormag." He greeted.

"Same... to you." Sean replied.

"Now, I understand how strange and foreign this must be to you. But rest assured, I will see to it that you are made comfortable with your future at Hogwarts." Fig assured. "And I see that you have taken refuge with the Parker Family." He noted.

"I have." Sean said. "They... kind of told me I had to." He pointed to Singer.

"Hello, Reverend Parker." Fig greeted William.

"Professor Fig." William greeted back. "How is Sarah settling?" He asked.

"Quite well." Fig answered.

"Do you two know each other?" Sean asked.

"Of course. It was Professor Fig here who told us that Sarah was a Witch in the first place." Mary answered.

"Thought so." Sean figured that given the way that William and Fig talked to each other.

"And now I find myself here to confirm that you are indeed a Wizard." Fig informed.

"You doubt that I'm a Wizard?" Sean asked.

"I have faith that you are one, Mr. Cormag." Fig answered. "But... Headmaster Black wants me to confirm that you are a Wizard before he allows you into his school. Do you have a wand?"

"No. I've always had Wandless Magic." Sean answered.

"May I see?" Fig requested.

Sean performed a simple spell. A Levitation Spell. He lifted a spoon off the table. That was all Fig needed to see.

"Yep. That pretty much proves it." Fig confirmed. "And at Hogwarts... we will help teach you how to control this magic, and how to perfect it, and teach you new spells. The School Governors would not normally accept an older student as a new student. But this is a special case." He explained.

"So when do I go to Hogwarts?" Sean asked.

Fig sighed. "I'm... afraid that will have to wait until next year. Because the Year of Hogwarts has already started, that you aren't allowed to attend this year." He informed.

"What?" Sean asked. "But it's just started and its only been a week. Surely I can catch up."

"And I agree with you, 100 Percent. But the Headmaster refused. He said that a week was far too late. And his word is final." Fig replied. "So... you will have to wait until next year."

Sean grunted. He should've known that the powers above him would try to pull a stunt like that.

"Well, Mr. Cormag. I will leave you here under the protection of the Parkers. I must return to the Headmaster at once and inform that you are indeed a Wizard and will attend next year. Until we meet again." Fig bayed goodbye and he left with Officer Sing.

"Good day to you." Sean replied.

William also waved goodbye.

Fig left the house and down the streets of Liverpool. A Celt Wizard. Here in England. And a child of a Clan that had just been attacked and destroyed in a Goblin Attack. He wondered who Sean was himself. And what role he would play. He wondered if it related to the Celtic Prophecy. He also decided that it was a good idea not to tell Sean that Headmaster Black hated Celts and called them unwashed zealots.

But another thought came onto his mind. His Wife, Miriam. Who had disappeared some time before and Fig did not know where.

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