Sean Cormag and the Legacy of...

By timbegs

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Before Harry Potter saved the world from The Dark Lord Voldemort. Before Ethan Bauer Broke the Cursed Vaults... More

Chapter 1: A New World and a New Life.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Turns.
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts.
Chapter 4: The First Lessons.
Chapter 5: You don't make Friends without making Enemies.
Chapter 6: It just has to be Restricted, doesn't it?
Chapter 7: The First of Memories.
Chapter 8: Of things that Grow.
Chapter 9: Hell on Earth.
Chapter 10: Tomb of the Jackdaw.
Chapter 11: Taking Flight.
Chapter 12: Whatever you Require, you shall Receive.
Chapter 13: Road to Victory.
Chapter 14: The First Trial.
Chapter 15: Hippogriffs, Demiguise Moonstones and where to Find them.
Chapter 16: The Helm of Urtkot.
Chapter 17: It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Chapter 18: Hassle at the Castle.
Chapter 19: Light among the Dark.
Chapter 20: The Other Side.
Chapter 21: The Wolf Protects the Pack.
Chapter 22: Have Fun Storming the Castle.
Chapter 23: The Second Trial.
Chapter 24: A Friend in Need.
Chapter 25: Strong as Oak.
Chapter 26: Fire and Vice.
Chapter 27: Stand your Ground.
Chapter 28: The Shadow of Discovery.
Chapter 29: Dragon Egg.
Chapter 30: Gaining Respect.
Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.
Chapter 32: Buried Past.
Chapter 33: Impersonation is a funny thing.
Chapter 34: Dark Morality.
Chapter 35: The Third Trial.
Chapter 36: The Olive Branch.
Chapter 37: Blackmail and Business.
Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.
Chapter 39: What does it mean to suffer?
Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.
Chapter 41: A Bird in the Hand.
Chapter 42: The Final Trial.
Chapter 43: Shadows and Blood.
Chapter 44: An Offer he could Refuse.
Chapter 45: I need your help.
Chapter 46: Leave them Underground.
Chapter 47: Legacy.
Chapter 48: At the End of Things.

Prologue: The Night of Fire.

883 9 13
By timbegs

The Ancient World. For Thousands of Years, Human Civilization has advanced from the depths of Primitive Forms and have built massive and advance civilizations all throughout the World. Each that are admired thousands of years later. From the Valleys of the Mighty Indus and the Chinese Dynasties of Asia, to the Egyptian Deserts of the Sahara, to the Greek Isles, to the Colossal Roman Empire in what is now known as Europe.

Each Society has dedicated their lives to the teachings of their Gods who have given a select few of humanity a power of the Gods. Or what the Humans to this day refer to as Magic. This wave of power sets off a wave where Magic users known as Witches and Wizards live in peace and harmony with their fellow Mortals. This era is known as the Golden Age of Magic.

But this Era of prosperity was not to last.

Following the Collapse of the Roman Empire in Western Europe... the Religion of Christianity has swept over Europe like Wild Fire. And soon... many now flock to this new religion, abandoning the faith of the Gods. The Church, the head of the Christian Faith also declares magic a sin. And Witches and Wizards are deemed heretics and satanists who disgrace the Teachings of God.

The Golden Age of Magic comes to a close.

On the British Isles... the Roman Empire after 4 Centuries of Rule leaves... and the Islands are left to the mercy of Anglo and Saxon invaders who establish the kingdoms of England. While to the East... the Scandinavian Vikings lay pillage to Europe. They have not abandoned the teachings of their Magic; their Seior and use it to pillage Europe as they so choose.

While to the West of England lies the land of Ireland. A land full of Deep Magic and Mystery. Ruled by and inhabited by the Celts. These Clans learn and protect the ways of the Ancient Magic through the Druids. As it was given to them by The Tuatha Dé Danann.

But as Britain grew its power... Ireland was officially forced into the United Kingdom of Great Britain which had united England, Scotland, and Wales into its banners. Celtic Tribes are absorbed under the British Flag. As for its teachings of magic... Many Celts abandon the Druid Faith in favor of learning the British Wizarding World... and taking up posts in the Wizarding Government... the Ministry of Magic. All students are sent to learn at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A School operating in Scotland.

But some Irish Clans... do not abandon the faith of the Celts. Some clans survived the Great Purge. And that is where our story takes us.

Deep in the heart of Ireland. In a land surrounded by the Pastures of Green Grass, and Oaks as strong as the Gods who built them. Lived the Druids of the Clan Baiscne, said to have descended from the Great Hero: Fionn mac Cumhaill. The Air was clean and crisp, the wind blew without a care. And Young Wizards and Witches all gathered together. In a meadow in the Forest, a Woman played on her sacred flute around the mighty Oak Trees.

It was also in that time that a Boy was running into the Forest. And it was also at that time that he swore that he could hear fairies in the trees of the Forest laughing at his expense. The Boy ignored them.

Finally the Boy approached the Woman. The Woman still had her eyes closed while still playing on her flute. The Boy stopped and stood respectfully.

"You are late, Sean." The Woman said.

"Apologies, Mother." The Boy replied. "I was... delayed."

"Pray tell..." The Woman said.

Sean took a deep breath. "Everyone in the village wanted to speak with me. Wish me the best of luck in the future... I was simply trying to tell them that I wished to be with you for the day. While I still could have time." He explained. "Perhaps you could make an exception this one time, Mother. It is an important day."

The Woman smiled. "Very well, Sean. I will make an exception." She agreed. "It is not every day that your young Druid turns 14." She then turned to look at her son. "You are looking more like your Father everyday now."

"He might not see it that way." Sean said.

"Probably not." His Mother agreed. "Which reminds me... I wanted to give you this for your Birthday..." And she handed Sean the Flute.

Sean looked at the Flute in awe. "Mother... I-I can't accept this." He tried to give the Flute back.

"It is yours now." His Mother insisted.

"Mother... this Flute has been in the possession of Clan Cormag for generations." Sean pointed out. "Father gave you this Flute for your marriage-"

"And it was given to him by his Mother before as a symbol of marriage by your Grandfather and so on and so forth. Now I give it to you." His Mother told him as she placed the flute in Sean's hands and Sean knew that he was not going to be able to say no. "Go ahead... play it."

And Sean pressed his lips to the Flute. And in one fell swoop, the Flute felt like it had connected with the nature. Sean could feel its power, its spirituality, the thoughts of nature all around him. The rush of the wind in his hair. He felt as if he was at peace and could fall into his magic roots. Sean's mother in the meantime pulled out her wand and let the grass grow green. The roots of magic swirling around both Mother and Son.

By the time Sean had finished playing the Flute, he turned back to his Mother.

Sean's Mother looked at him. "The Flute connects to your spiritual side. A true Druid possesses the Magic whether that would be spiritual or physical. Which would you choose?" She asked.

Sean looked confused. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Spiritual or Physical? What would you choose?" Sean's mother repeated again.

"Both." Sean answered. And then he looked around him. "I truly believe that one must find a balance of both to achieve peace. Father preaches Physical, and yet... you preach the Spiritual Side. How do I know which is better?"

"How indeed?" His Mother asked.

"Is it not more simpler to find Balance in both?" Sean asked.

"Once again... you say the Logical answer." His Mother said. "Now them... let us return home. And prepare for tonight."

"Yes, Mother." Sean replied. And they both left for their home in the Village.

As the Moon rose over the Sky, the Celt Village was alive and full of glow in the atmosphere. Many in the Clan had come and gathered to celebrate the 14th Birthday of Sean Patrick Cormag. Sean sat by the great fire in the center as the world danced around him. And playing music. All the while, Sean looked at his flute.

"So..." Sean turned to see his Father looking at him. "Your Mother has given you the Flute."

"Yes, Father." Sean replied.

"That is a special gift, Sean." Sean's Father informed. "Protect it well." And he and son both raised a Pint of Ale. Both drinking. "Look around you, Son. One day..."

Sean looked around him. And he saw the villagers all of them cheering and clapping for their friend. "...this Village will be yours. They will look to you. Your Wisdom, your knowledge... that is a quality that all leaders must possess." His Father said.

"Yes, Father." Sean replied.

"You will be wise in judgement." His Father said.

"Yes, Father." Sean replied.

"You will be wise in strength." His Father said.

"Yes, Father." Sean replied.

"You will be wise in ruling." His Father said.

"Yes, Father." Sean replied.

His Father nodded his head.

Sean still held his Mother's hand. "Mother..."

"Yes, Sean?" Sean's Mother asked.

"Father... he tells me all this..." Sean said.

"You are still young, Sean." Sean's Mother assured. "A wise leader also knows what his strengths and weaknesses are. And even if he does not know them yet..." Sean looked at his Mother. "...he will learn them."

That was when his Father now stood before the entire crowd gathered. "Druids, Friends, Clansmen!" He called out. And all eyes now stood over him.

"On this day... we mark a period of great transition! Since the Invaders to the East arrived, bringing with them, their ideas, their Gods, and forcing their beliefs on us... we Celts were given a choice. To turn away our values, our traditions, and our lives... or to keep our faith. And our Clan has made the wise decision... that we would not abandon the teachings of The Tuatha Dé Danann. That Clan Cormag would keep the values of Ireland. And that will continue. Through my Son who is now 14 years of age on this day!"

"Hail!" The Clan chanted.

And Sean raised his mug.

"14 years ago, I had first laid eyes on my son." Sean's Father announced. "And he already was wise beyond his years! To his wisdom!"

"To his Wisdom!" The Clan chanted.

Sean raised his mug again.

"And that one day... you will look to him as Tribal Chief. As you have looked to me!" Sean's Father announced again.

"Hail!" The Clan chanted again.

Sean once again raised his Mug.

"To Sean Patrick Cormag! Long may he live!" Sean's Father declared.

But before the Clan could chant again. All the happiness in the world... faded.

The sky suddenly was filled with reigning fire. And Dragons roared over the skies. And it landed on a nearby house breathing fire at all the villagers.

"Dragon!" A few villagers yelled.

Sean's Mother and Father drew their wands. But it was at that moment... that there were Apparating Spells all over the place. They were taller than Elves, but not as tall as Dwarves. They all had very powerful armor.

"Bombarda!" One shouted. And the table where Sean was blasted back with Sean collapsing to the ground.

"Sean!" Sean's Father ran for him.

Sean struggled to get up. Dragons continued to yell and breathe fire on the Villagers who were trying to fight back against the Dragon.

"Don't just stand there! Kill that thing!" Some Villagers shouted. But they were the ones getting killed by both the Dragon, and the Goblins. Sean couldn't see... he was too blocked off by rubble.

Until he lifted his eyes and could see the shape of the figures now. "Goblins?" He asked. The Goblins were not usually known for attacking Celtic Villages. Why would they attack now? Sean could also see the Spells not working. "They must be wearing Goblin Armor." He figured. "But why?"

He didn't have time to figure that question. The Dragon flew again. And Sean couldn't help but notice the strange glow that was around it.

"I've got you, Sean!" Sean's Mother picked him up to his feet. And they both started to run.

"Incendio!" More Goblins apparated in and started torching the houses.

"Don't leave a single one alive!" One of the Goblins yelled. He must've been the leader to Sean.

"You will not take this village!" Sean's Father declared engaging the Goblins. But the Goblins were one step ahead of Sean's Father. As they all shot a multitude of spells at Sean's Father.

Sean's Father fell to his knees. "FATHER!" Sean yelled.

He could only watch helplessly as his Father looked to his son and yell out: "RUN!"

Sean started to run and through the burning homes that were now being set on fire by the Goblins. All the while Sean's Mother followed and protected him. She shot a multitude of spells to protect her son.

"Mother... what is this?" Sean asked.

Sean's Mother looked around her. "I don't know." She answered. "The Goblins to strike like this... there has not been-"

"Accio!" But this didn't come from a Goblin. It came from a Human. A Human wearing some type of Dark Robe. It grabbed the clothes of Sean's Mother.

"Protego!" Sean's Mother yelled back. She created a Shield Charm around her. And she was shooting her own spells at the Invaders.

"Mother!" Sean's screams could be held. He tried to be ready to fight. He didn't have a wand. He didn't want it. He always had wandless magic by his side.

Sean's Mother continued to fight back. But she was simply fighting to both protect her son. And also to counter the monsters who would dare attack her home. She looked back at her son. "You must run, Sean!"

But Sean stood there helpless. He tried to fight back, but when he did. More Goblins arrived, apparating out of nowhere. And they turned their magic to Sean.

"Bombarda!" One of the Goblins shouted. And Sean was blasted back.

"SEAN!" Sean's Mother screamed horrified.

Sean soon found himself rolling down a nearby hill. The pain of every tumble. All he could think about as he was rolling down the hill was who would attack him and why?

Finally, he fell flat on his back on the dirt in the ground.

"Ah!" Sean struggled to get up. Every inch of him hurt from the fall. And he could hear the sounds of screaming and although his vision was blurry, he could see the orange glow over the hill. And he came to one conclusion. His home was burning... and his people were being killed. And Sean had to assume that included his parents.

And all Sean could do was keep the anger inside of him. "I will avenge you, Father! I will avenge you, Mother!" He yelled. "I will kill whoever is responsible!" He made this vow to himself. And he made this vow to his parents, and to the Gods and whoever he was faithful to.

"This way! I think one went this way!" Sean could hear the ruff voices of Goblins coming in his direction.

Sean breathed heavy. And suddenly as if he could not feel a thing. It was as if something else had radiated in his body. But it felt like he was going into a black void. The powerful space crushing his body. As if it was being teleported.

Outside Liverpool, England.

A Lone Carriage trotted through the rain that was falling down a winding road. It was nightfall near the city. Britain had been undergoing a rapid change. Under the Leadership of Queen Victoria, The British Empire had underwent a significant technological leap. It's lands were industrialized, cities now became the main hub to go to, and British Flags flew over much of the world.

To two people inside the carriage, this had always been the life they had known. They lived in an ordinary world, in an ordinary house, but they were not ordinary people. Well... one of them wasn't at any rate.

"The rain is really falling down today." A Grey Haired Man who was known as William Parker commented to his 14 year old daughter. His Red haired, blue eyed Daughter, Sarah just sat in the carriage looking at the rain outside.

"At least the plants will enjoy it." Sarah replied making small talk.

William sighed. "Sarah... you shouldn't listen to what they said-" He tried to say.

"Father, they won't even accept people like me!" Sarah interrupted. Her Father was a member of the Church. And William was a Priest... well liked and well accepted in the City of Liverpool. William led services on the teachings of God to the people in the community. Which was rather interesting as his Daughter, Sarah was... in her way a Witch. Meaning that she was gifted in Magic.

"They will in time." William assured. "Sarah... God has granted you a wonderful gift. Your Mother and I could not be more proud of you."

"He's granted me a curse." Sarah countered. "You and Mother had to lie about where I go at the start of school."

"I have told them the truth." William corrected. "I have said that we have sent you to a School in the Highlands of Scotland. And that is where you have gone."

"It hasn't been easy... to control my abilities, Father." Sarah pointed out.

"No... but we've made it work." William replied.

It was true that Sarah had extraordinary powers. Powers of Magic. William remembered the day when it was all revealed as to why strange and abnormal things happened around his young daughter. A Man who had come to the Parker family had claimed that he was a Professor at a School who specialized in people like Sarah. He explained that he was a Wizard and he explained to the Parkers of the Wizarding World. And how Sarah was a Witch and would come to the School of Hogwarts where she could learn to control her powers properly.

Sarah was slated to be going back to her 4th year in September. Which meant a trip to England that they had just returned from to pick up Sarah's School Supplies. She had been sorted into the House of Hufflepuff. A house that valued hard work, determination, and loyalty. And Sarah was all of those things. And he already had an assortment of friends. But she never really could be able to see them all in the Summer time for reasons.

Sarah continued to look out the window. And something caught her eye. Something strange. A boy who was face down in the dirt near the road. "Father? Is that a person?" She asked.

William looked out the window too. And he saw through a flash of lightning that Sarah was correct. It was a person. "Stop!" He yelled to the Driver. "Stop!"

The Carriage stopped. The Horses Stopped. William got out of the carriage to inspect the boy. The boy had Mustard colored hair. A mixture of green, brown, and yellow. And he was face smack by the side of the road. William put him on his side. "Sarah! Get out here!" He yelled.

Sarah also ran over to her Father and the young boy. "He's still breathing." William explained. "Thank God."

The Boy felt very weak. He tried to move his arm and his eyes lifted.

"You're alright son, you're alright." William assured.

"Do you have a name?" Sarah asked.

"Sean Patrick Cormag." The Boy answered in a thick Irish Accent. He sounded very weak and in pain. And he looked like he crawled out of a battlefield.

The Lightning above them crackled.

William looked around to see if there was anyone. But no one was there.

Sarah examined parts of his features and some markings on his torn up arm. "Father... he's Celtic." She informed.

"Well that's interesting." William replied. "Where did he come from?"

"We can't leave him here, Father." Sarah said. "He needs help."

"Yes. You are right." William agreed. "Come. We'll take him back home at once."

Both he and Sarah grabbed Sean and put him in the carriage.

The Driver continued onward. "Hyah!" And the Carriage set off again for Liverpool.

As Sean was now dry and warm in the carriage, he swore that he could see beyond the rain and the lightning... a Silver Wolf that stared at him, and then howled and trotted away through the air.

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