Where's my date?

By Apulu14

184 49 5

Allysa was already 14 but never experienced the essence of romance. She read in books about love and was curi... More

Character introduction
Chapter 1: How is it going with him?
Chapter 2: Who would you choose if three of us were guys?
Chapter 3: She caught us!!
Chapter 4: Sisters are good, not always
Chapter 5: He knows how to cook
Chapter 6: We love food!
Chapter 7: What is love?
Chapter 8: Who is MY brother?
Chapter 9: Science and Maths Exhibition
Chapter 10: This can't be true!
Chapter 11: Another chance
Chapter 12: He's messing things
Chapter 13: Why me?
Chapter 14: Exhibition day
Chapter 15: Am I late?
Chapter 16: Waffles won't work
Chapter 17: So we end here
Chapter 18: Unique hands
Chapter 19: A complain to 'brother'
Chapter 20: Do you hate me that much?
Chapter 21: We will protect her
Chapter 22: I moved on
Chapter 23: Her musical hints
Chapter 24: Let's go different ways
Chapter 25: Wipe my tears with money
Chapter 26: Apologise your dad
Chapter 27: Do you recognise me?
Chapter 28: Painful memories
Chapter 29: Creating Masterpiece
Chapter 30: Patrick is an obstacle
Chapter 31: First day
Chapter 32: Distributing work
Chapter 33: Venting out
Chapter 34: You lost a great guy
Chapter 35: Stacy, I am a loser
Chapter 37: Slumdog celebrity
Chapter 38: Jealousy
Chapter 39: But?
Chapter 40: Where's my date?
Chapter 41: He's my date
Bonus Chapter: Interview

Chapter 36: Someone who cares

4 1 0
By Apulu14

(Later, the same day)
Allysa went straight towards the music lab after hanging out with Stacy because the lunch period was nearly over and all the keyboardists had to gather in the lab for further practice. Her eyes were still red and puffy when she entered the lab. She came 10 minutes earlier so she expected that she would be the only one in the lab, but she was wrong. Seom, her partner was there, playing the keyboard. She was a bit taken back but realised that Seom also had almost all the parts like her, after all he's playing the part of body back up.

Allysa: You're early today.
Seom: Well you're also early.
Allysa: Well, I needed to practice that Conquest of paradise part. I haven't covered that yet.
Seom: Same with me, let's cover the song together. I'll cover the chords and you cover the notes, it'll make things faster.
Allysa: Right let's do that.

They both covered the song in 3 minutes, this ability to catch things early is why Nolan gave them the toughest parts. They still had some time left to kill and decided to spend it in silence because they would be spending next few hours in complete noise of imperfect playing of other players.

Seom: So what's the matter?
Allysa: What do you mean?
Seom: Why is your face so puffed up?
Allysa: I was sleeping in the classroom instead of going for lunch.
Seom: Doesn't look like that but I'll take it. Wanna go for lunch with me? I also pretty much skipped my lunch.
Allysa: What about the practice?
Seom: Well, I want you to trust me with my pace, I can finish my lunch really fast. Do you have any idea what's for lunch today?
Allysa: White sauce pasta with some side dishes I guess.

The whole cafeteria was empty, few seniors were scattered around and the hall was filled with their giggles. Seom and Allysa were eating in awkward silence. However Allysa was playing with her fork more than eating. To break this thick atmosphere, Seom thought of starting a conversation.

Seom: We're lucky our Pasta is still warm and not soggy. The seaweed is pretty fresh and crunchy too. I guess they added Oregano in Pasta this time, it's is more savoury this way and goes well with seaweed sheets.
Allysa: Yeah, it tastes good this way. How do you know so much about food?
Seom: Well, I'm mostly alone in home so I look up for food tutorials online and try them out. I know enough to cook a full course meal with many side dishes by now. What about you?
Allysa: Well, I know enough to satisfy someone if I'm told to cook. I can cook well after watching a tutorial but seems like I can't remember the ingredients for long and end up forgetting the whole process.
Seom: Seems like your parents stay at home often.
Allysa: No, I'm another lone wolf like you. It's just that I don't like eating something which I prepare. I prefer eating food made by someone else, it makes things more exciting.
Seom: Call me over, I can always cook for you. I would love to feed someone who eats well like you.

Another guy who is good in cooking, a trait which makes Allysa weak.

Allysa: By the way, are you close with Ethan? Seems like you two wished to be partners.
Seom: Yes, we both are best brothers since we were 6 years old, or when we met in this school but I like you as a partner as well. More than Ethan because you're more professional and use your time productively.
Seom and Allysa were 4 minutes late. To their relief, Nolan wasn't there yet but few students were already inside, including Patrick.

Patrick started interrogating Allysa as soon as she entered. Seom clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes as he asked his first question.

Patrick: So, greatest pianist, where were you? I thought you would be the first person I would see when I enter the lab.
Allysa: I went for lunch with Seom.
Patrick: I see, so you prefer eating lunch with a random guy after having a fight with your friends? Nice. I overheard your group in lunch period.
Seom: What are you talking about? She was sleeping in her classroom. Stop disturbing her with your slippery tongue.
Patrick: No, I clearly remember watching her argue badly with Sheden, another fellow classmate of ours.

Seom looked towards Allysa, not with disbelief but with concern. Allysa looked down being embarrassed by the situation.
He just exposed me!

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