Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscan...

By enterthesubtext

123K 7.7K 3.3K

Cynatra Allen, an aspiring entrepreneur inherits her uncle's gym in the wake of his death. With an unfinished... More

The Line Up
1 x The World is Yours
2 x In Need
3 x Being Vulnerable
4 x Back in Business
5 x Practice
6 x Charge it to the Game
7 x Know the Sign
8 x Proved Her Right
9 x The Dynamics
10 x Fire & Desire
11 x Touch Me, Tease Me
12 x Say It
13 x Do It
14 x Show It
15 x Prove It
16 x All Along
17 x The Foundation is Falling
18 x Babysitters Club
19 x Jealousy is
19.5 x Jealousy is Powerful
20 x Love is.. Overbearing
21 x What Does This Do?
22 x Reveal Me
23 x Part of it All pt. 1
24 x Part of it All pt. 2
25 x Possibly That
26 x The P Word
27 x Too Much Truth About Cynatra
28 x Give Back
29 x Thankful
30 x Face Your Fears
31 x The Brokenhearts Club
32 x Anything for You
33 x Rockefeller
34 x Home for the Holidays
35 x The First Christmas
36 x Happy Birthday James
38 x Effort Pay Off
39 x What It All Means
40 x My All-Star pt. 1
41 x My All-Star pt. 2
42 x My Cherie Amor
42.5 x My Cherie Amor Pt. 2
43 x Type of Way
44 x Identifying Love
45 x The Sun Will Come Out
46 x Been Here Before
47 x And We're Here Now
48 x The Greatest Gift
49 x Push & Pull
49.5 x Pulled into Place
50 x The Moments That Matter
50.2 x Moments in Miami
50.4 x Moments in Charlotte
50.6 x Moments in Philly
50.8 x Moments in Boston
51 x Ball in Beantown
52 x Take it Seriously
53 x Cling to Me
54 x Anderson Interlude
55 x Meet the Andersons
56 x Meet the Andersons pt.2
57 x I Want You
58 x I Got You
59 x Memphis Mending
60 x Mentality
61 x On the Docket
62 x They Have Their Reasons
63 x Mamba Within
64 x Amongst Men
65 x Avery's Interlude
66 x OTB
67 x Wild West
68 x Lady Allen
69 x Trying Times

37 x Dr. Seymour's Interlude

1.3K 97 34
By enterthesubtext

"You're sure about this?"
"Yeah, I'm sure Doc. I'm ready to do this."

Tuesday January 4th, a week after her father's birthday and Cynatra would be in the hospital in a white gown.

"I'll have you sign these papers and then we can get you prepped."

A knock at the door shifted her focus. "Hey hey!" Audi greeted. "How's my favorite patient?"

"I'm a little nervous but I'm okay."

Cynatra agreed to the procedure that could possibly change her life. Because of her paranoia, she didn't tell anyone she would be doing this. Only the two people in the room currently knew.

"I'm taking you home after this. And I'll stay with you for the first few hours. You're probably gonna keep it a secret so you can tell everyone your period is on, they'll be cramps and some spotting. Totally believable." Audi stated.

"I appreciate that, you're so sweet."

Juan scanned the market for the items he needed. He planned on surprising Cyn with a romantic dinner.

He called her, but she didn't answer. He called again, not liking that she didn't answer.

"Damn, what is she doing?" He asked going to call Ricki.

"Hello Toscano, what's up?"
"Have you spoken to Cynatra?"

"Umm, no? I assumed she was at work. Let me check her location." Ricki checks the location, seeing that it was unavailable. She didn't want to alarm Juan so she came up with a quick fabrication.

"She's fine Juan, Probably in class on Zoom. You know that virtual bullshit. I don't know how she does it"

"Well, if you talk to her first, let her know I'm looking for her."

"I will."

Ricki ended the call, putting on her shoes. She would check the house first and then search elsewhere.

"Cynatra!" Ricki yelled entering the family home.
"She's upstairs!" Audi yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Audi girl, how you doing?" Ricki gave her a quick hug.
"I'm good. How are you?"

"Trying to see why this girl's phone is turned off."

"Shit, that's my fault. I was supposed to remind her to turn it back on. But she's laying down, she should still be up."

Ricki watched as Cynatra struggled to get comfortable in bed. "What's wrong with you? Why is your phone off?"

Walking over to help, Ricki hooks her arms under Cyn's legs to place them on the bed.

"I'm cramping bad. I was at the doctors so I had to turn my phone off. Audi came back with me to help me out."

"Well your man is looking for you. He sounded pretty concerned."

Cyn lightly smiled at the fact. She quickly turned on her phone to see messages from various people, having quite a few from Juan.

Roro ❤️
Don't make any plans, I'm coming over tonight to make dinner.

Garlic and herb potatoes or cheddar broccoli potatoes?

Not texting me back is criminal Amor.

I hope they lock you up for your crimes.

Call me back when you get this, I'm actually worried.

She let out the nastiest cackle because he was being absolutely ridiculous.

"Juan Ronel, why would you ever play on my phone like this?" She giggled as he stared at her over FaceTime.

"I thought you abandoned me, I missed you!"

"I'm sorry," she playfully pouted. "I still hope the dinner offer is on the table?"

"Yeah. I'll be there soon."

By the time he arrived, Audi and Ricki were gone. He used his key to get in the house, making sure to lock the door behind him.

Dropping off the food into the kitchen, he made sure to walk upstairs quietly incase she was sleep. Surprisingly Cynatra had been waiting up for him. "Hey babe!" She smiled.

"I missed you girl, don't do that to me again." He quickly stripped, climbing into bed next to her to kiss her.

"It wasn't intentional. I'm sorry." She kisses him back, wincing when pulling away.

"You okay?" He noticed the discomfort on her face. "Just cramping is all."

"It's that time?" She nodded. "You need anything?"
"Just for you to kiss me again daddy."

"Girl, you know you ain't right. Don't call me that right now." He kisses her nose, her cheek and then her lips.

"Why not?"

"Cause I was planning on dinner, a movie, eating some pussy and going to sleep." He shrugged. "Now we gotta skip a step."

All Cynatra could think about was, did it work? How long would it take her to heal? Would she want to risk having sex in the next month, or six months?

Dr. Seymour said it all depends on her body and how well she takes care of it. It was experimental and the chances were naturally high for the procedure working. She had to wait and see.

She watched as Juan cut her steak for her. He didn't want her doing anything to make her uncomfortable. His muscles flexed as the knife and fork worked together to slice through the meat. Watching him didn't help because Dr. Seymour warned her about how imbalanced her hormones would be over the next few weeks, Instead of handing Cyn the fork, he fed her.

"Mhm" She moaned as the garlicky buttered meat danced on her tongue. "You did good Roro."

"Thank you." There was some butter on her chin, he takes a napkin to wipe it off before going back to cutting more steak. "You want some mashed potatoes?"

"Yeah, which ones did you decide on?"

"Broccoli and cheddar. The plate needed balance and all that garlic was going to have you mad. I didn't have time for that."

Juan was right. Cynatra hated when people cooked and every dish had the same ingredients to cook it. The meat, the vegetables and the starch did not all need to taste the same.

"You really know me huh?"

After a few days Cynatra felt back to normal. Today she would be attending the home game against the Bucks. It would be their last home game for awhile.

She also would be doing traveling of her own, Atlanta was on her line, and needed her to come in person to handle school and Taquan business.

They weren't looking forward to the time apart.

As Juan entered his bedroom to prepare for a shower, Cynatra watched as he took off his clothes. She wanted to jump on him. For some reason he looked extra good today.

"I feel you staring at me, we not going there today." He said not looking at her.

"Babyyyyyy," he ignores her, grabbing a new towel. "You just out here swinging and expect me not to look?"

"I never said you couldn't look. Worry about getting ready with yo horny ass. I'll be in the shower."

Juan disappeared into his bathroom. Cynatra got up and decided that she would join him in the shower. To speed up the process of course. Opening the door to the shower, she steps in behind him, wrapping her arms across his torso.

Lightly caressing her hands, he unwraps her arms, turning around to look at her. "Now what are you doing in here?"

"Sharing a shower, hand me my rag please."

Instead of handing over her rag, he uses the hot water to moisturize it, adding her favorite soap to it. With the rag and his hands, he massages her breast. She moans in delight as he tweaks her nipples.

He slowly washes her body, heating her skin in the process. She watched him intently he lathered the soap onto her legs. After washing her and letting the water rinse them off, his hands are holding onto her thighs before his fingers grazed her core.

"You got in here to be nasty. You not slick Amor."

"Yes I am," with her own hand, she began to touch her lips, collecting everything that was forming. "See? Slick." She placed her hands in front of his face.

"You're such a fucking smart ass." He took her fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean. Standing from his last position in the shower, he kisses her passionately before pulling away. "C'mon, I gotta go. If I didn't, I would have you plastered on this wall."

Cynatra shuddered at the thought of her back against the tile and her legs over his shoulders. She was the first to dry off, but she didn't feel like getting dressed so she laid comfortably in a robe.

Juan sat on the bed with his briefs on as he watched videos on his phone. "You're gonna be late if you don't get off that phone."

He heard her but he had been looking at hoodville tweets, chuckling to himself. Kneeling next to him, she took his phone out of his hand.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because, I'm still over here naked and you're not touching me. So lift up."

He complied, awaiting her next move. She pulled the briefs down, smiling as the head hit his stomach. Lowering her upper half to his pelvis, she gave the tip a kiss before taking her tongue out, giving him a long lick.

Her plump lips separated to find a home around his shaft. Sensually toying with him as he bit his lip, Cynatra smirked as continued pleasuring him.

Juan was late. Luckily no one had been worried about his delay in arriving to practice but it wasn't unnoticed. He would've been on time had Cynatra not went in for round two. It was like she tried paralyzing him because it took him a half an hour to recover, after releasing twice.

"I see yo ass was late again." Gary chuckled as he tossed Juan a water bottle. "I just know you were up to no good."

"He definitely was, he ain't ever late. I think he was one other time. But he balling like a new man in the new year." Wiggins joked.

"The list for All Star weekend comes out today. Who y'all think going?" Moody asks taking a seat on the gym floor.

"We all know Steph going." Damion pointed.
"Probably Dray." Gary added.

"They dropped the list!" Klay yelled running back into the gym.

Everyone grabbed their phones to see who made the 75th anniversary roster for Rising Stars, The Dunk Contest and the All-Star Game.

The 2022 NBA Slam Dunk Contest will feature Orlando Magic' guard Cole Anthony, Houston Rockets' guard Jalen Green, New York Knicks' forward Obi Toppin, and Golden State Warriors' forward Juan Toscano-Anderson.

"Oh shit!" Jordan yelled as he read the dunk contest contestants. "TWIN YOU IN THE DUNK CONTEST!"

"Congratulations JTA!"

"That's crazy bro, congratulations!"

"Congrats Juan!"

"Good shit Toscano!"

Juan wasn't sure how to feel but shock was written all over his face. "Damn. Thanks y'all." Was all he could muster up.

Incoming FaceTime call...
Future Wife ❤️
Remind Me Later | Message
Decline | Accept

He accepted the call almost immediately. The smile on her face radiated through the screen. "Well hello beautiful."

"Hey there Mister 2022 Dunk Contestant, how are you feeling right now?"

"Sheesh, how you know?"

"I know everything." She rolled her eyes, "I've been waiting for the list to drop all day. Also tell Steph, Dray and Andrew I said congratulations."

"Thanks sis!" Wiggins yelled.
"Yeah Cyn, thank you." Steph humbly smiled getting into frame. "That means you'll be at all star weekend right?"

"Damn Steph, let me ask her first." Juan pushed Steph away.

"Thanks Cynnie! We got a bottle of Lobos for your boy to celebrate with."

"Draymond Jamal Green, he better come back tonight in one piece!" Cynatra scolded.

"No promises." Draymond shrugged.

"So," Juan started.

"Are you coming to all star weekend?" He hoped she would say yes, he really needed her support.
"You know it's the 11th through 13th right?"

That's more of a reason he wanted her to be there. He already had a million thoughts on how they were gonna celebrate her birthday.

"Yes. Are you going to allow me to plan things for your birthday?"

Cynatra thought about it for a moment. What's the worst that could happen? She would be in Vegas with her friends, her boy toy and she'd also be able to network. It sounded like a win win situation.

"Yes Roro, you can plan my birthday."

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