Where I Belong

By SummerKisses

236K 3.3K 411

I am editing this book! Santana Rose has no clue about her secret past; only her 'parents' know. She has... More

Where I Belong
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86 (The End)
New Update!

Chapter 81

2.7K 30 4
By SummerKisses

Okay, so here it is! I'm really tired right now, and wanted this to be written as it's been bothering me for sooo long. I kept rushing so I could get to this part, ugh, finally!

I didn't have the last part planned, but decided to change fate! hehe....

Vote, comment, fan..



Lizzy's POV

Lizzy twitched her nose at the scent of blood. Her fangs exploded out of her gums, causing her to gasp. She hadn't had her fill in almost ten years. Animal blood was what kept her surviving. Out of all her siblings, only one understood how she felt. Her older brother James had been married to two humans in his vampire life until they died of old age. He'd refused to turn the women into everlasting killing machines. Over the years, he began using his power to get animals to come forward, for them to trust him. It was a win/win situation. James was a very kind-hearted man, and would never kill the animals he drank from. He was also the only brother she'd actually discuss personal topics with. If he wasn't a recluse, living in the same house he'd lived in with his dear beloveds, she'd actually move in with him. But of course, he preferred solitude which she didn't.

Looking around her surroundings, Lizzy noticed rusted chains connected to the rock wall. It also had old dry blood coated around the cuffs that she could only guess was from someone who had been tortured while wearing them. A loud roar could be heard further into the cave. Using her sensitive vampire hearing and speed, she listened for the sounds, directing herself towards the cry for help. Reaching a corner, she stood still for a moment, listening. Remembering what she planned to do, she reached into her pocket and grabbed out her phone.


"He's had enough, Daniel!" a woman's voice yelled.

"He will be the new 'Revenge'! If you hate this so much, join him yourself!" Lizzy guessed it was Daniel who answered because of the English accent.

"Just do it, I'm tired of the both of you fighting!" another unfamiliar man's voice groaned lividly.

"You'll pay for this!" Lizzy's heart hurt painfully at the man's distressed voice.

Lizzy listened patiently, sensing there were about fifty or more people in the room by their breathing and the humidity in the cave. Werewolf scent was everywhere, smelling like wet dog. She didn't know why Edward liked Rosalie so much, considering she was also a mutt. But then she thought of Nova and Santana, feeling heartless for thinking of them that way. They were her friends, and she knew it was horrible to think of them as dogs. She'd learn to accept their kind one day...

"Do you smell that?" the woman asked about the room.

"That...What do you think it is?" one of the rogue werewolves' asked.

"It smells like a..."

Before they could realize what it was, Lizzy stepped out from the corner with a smirk plastered on her face. She wanted to laugh her head off as they never smelled her from ten minutes before. Were they that stupid or had messed up senses? Didn't dogs have great noses?

"A vampire?" Lizzy replied, coughing down the laugh that tried to explode out from her voice box.

Everyone in the room gasped. Looking around at them, she saw a bald man sitting down on a lazy boy chair, oddly enough as they were in a cave with nothing else in it but mangy wolves. His appearance fit Morgan, Santana's kidnapper's description. And then she saw the raven haired beauty standing next to a blond haired man with a bit of an evil look to his eyes.

"Well well well, if it isn't Casey and Daniel," Lizzy smirked as their eyes darkened in anger over her disrupting their torture of...

Lizzy's mouth dropped open at the man who they had been trying to make the next 'Revenge.' His ankles had steel cuffs locked to them, along with his wrists. His body was massive, nothing on but boxers that looked too small for him. She could clearly see that he worked out lots due to the fact that he had a hard chiselled eight pack and arms that looked like he could crush anything with them. Her eyes travelled down to his legs once again where she noticed that they too were long and toned. Everything about the man said he was dominant, rough, and beautiful. Her hands longed to wrap them in his dark brown hair that looked to be covered in...his blood.

She snarled angrily, the first person she looked to was Daniel. With her wicked speed, she had her sharp nails digging into his throat. He gasped but before she could officially kill him, he lifted his hand and used some sort of force to throw her against the wall. It didn't even bother her; all she felt was anger for these people hurting the beautiful man who actually screeched angrily over her being thrown.

Lizzy laughed as Daniel backed up slowly. His hand reached for his neck and when he found she wounded him, he freaked. Raising his arm quickly, he chanted some sort of spell and a black light blasted towards her from his hand. At the last minute she teleported behind him and stabbed her hand through the back of his torso. He cried out, shocked over how she was able to escape his attack. And then that was when the screaming started. She wanted to tear his ugly black heart out, but decided to leave him to suffer like he did Nova. During their fight, the others stood defensively in their wolf forms, all but Casey and the bald human named Morgan.

"Come and get me," Lizzy motioned with her index finger, making a couple of the braver ones run forward. Her fangs exploded out of her gums at the smell of blood in the air once again. It was going to be a tough fight if the bloody temptation floated throughout the air like a freshly baked pie going into the nostrils of a person on a diet. As a couple of the wolves approached her, she used her power to escape them. It was a tactic she used, to turn up behind them and successfully rip their hearts out. The move did turn out to be pretty useful, saving her life many many times in the process.

"Casey, Morgan, don't worry, I'll save you guy's for last," she smiled at them while dropping one of the hearts' she just ripped out of a rogue's chest. Both of their faces paled, making Lizzy feel a drop of sweet revenge. When the time to kill them came, she'd feel the whole taste of it. Revenge was sweet when you did it yourself! She thought to herself just before twenty of the werewolves came forward. Did they think that more of them could take her down? The beautiful man cried out for her to run, but she ignored his plea.

"Guys, really? You think that's going to work?" she somersaulted in the air, tackling two at once, ripping their throats out with her nails. Each kill got harder due to the fact that they kept coming at once and the blood got worse. All she wanted to do was use her fangs to drain each life out of them. After ten years of being basically sober, it was very very tempting.

Once she killed every rogue in the cave, the only one's left alive were Morgan, Casey, and a barely living Daniel. The beautiful man stared at her proudly; his brown eyes filled with...love? She could tell he thought her amazing, even though she just killed fifty rogues of his own kind.

Walking towards Daniel, she threw him across the room to where Casey and Morgan stood. They tensed as his body hit the ground with a thud.

"Now, who's first, or do I have to pick myself?" Lizzy smiled evilly, her bluish green eyes sparkling with hunger for their blood.

"They planned all of this; I had nothing to do with it!" Morgan screamed, eyes showing fear.

Lizzy looked inside her pocket to see if the recorder on her phone was still recording. It was. She wanted everything to be documented, so that in the future she could show Santana and Nova what really happened and what was said between the three people who made their lives hell. And to think she'd got there just in time to stop them from creating another disaster!

"What?! I did come to you to join this army you had here, but I never planned to do what you did!" Casey yelled at Morgan who glared at her in return.

"I am a human. How could I get werewolves on my side then?" Morgan retorted.

"You had Daniel! He hates werewolves because they killed his parents. All you had to do was persuade him to help you take down all packs and he most likely accepted because he knew his powers were potent. What, did you promise him money or their deaths?!" Casey started crying, hating the fact that Morgan turned against her so easily. She knew from the start that he was a horrible, evil man but she wasn't used to that with a leader.

"I think it's about time to shut up. How about this, whoever kills each other first, I'll let free," Lizzy said while raising an eyebrow. The look on their faces showed realization that one of them could go free, and that was all that needed to be said on Lizzy's part. She looked over at the chained man, winking at him. His eyes widened but then relaxed, flashing the same proud and puppy-dog look. He knew what she was planning by the smirk on his face.

Casey stood up from the ground, her pants dusty and ripped looking. Morgan did as well, with his mouth set into a grim line. The one to most likely win was Casey, but Lizzy knew what hope could do to a person. She felt it the night she had been turned into a vampire...

Morgan swiped at Casey, trying to knock her out in the head but to no avail. She dodged his attack and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned mouth quivering as the pain traveled up and down his nerves.

"This is for everything that you've done that's harmed another person!" Casey kicked him in the chest, making him land on his back. His face had become bloody after she repeatedly kicked and punched him. When the time came, he finally breathed his last breath until his heart stopped beating.

She looked down at the ground as Casey stood up, her back turned away from her. It was awkward, as Daniel was surprisingly still alive and his rugged breathing filled the cave, echoing.

"This, Daniel, is for when you beat up Nova, making him loose his wolf!" Casey screeched. She then extended her claws, and plunged them into his chest, ripping his heart out.

"You know, everything that happened to Nova wasn't just Morgan and Daniel's doing, you did it to. Do you even realize how much darkness was in his soul?!" Lizzy yelled.

"I-I'm sorry," Casey cried, tears pouring down her face.

"Don't say sorry to me! You should apologize to the families' that were separated during the battle through death. You should apologize to Nova and Santana! I don't even know if I should let you live!" Lizzy yelled angrily, her body shaking. She then realized that Elle's vision was probably this moment. Maybe it was because she had to make a decision, one that was important.

"W-Will you kill me?" Casey asked quietly in almost a whisper.

Lizzy thought about it calmly. Many lives depended on her answer, and she didn't want to choose the wrong decision and regret it later. After five minutes of deep thinking she finally knew what to do. Looking up, she met eyes filled with fear.

"It's not my decision to kill you. So, I'll take you back to the Star Pack where they'll settle on what to do with you," Lizzy nodded her head. Yes, killing her wasn't her job. The others were fine as nobody in the Star Pack was related to the other two men but Casey...Damon would always wonder what happened to his dear sister. And if he knew that she killed her, then he might grow to resent her. Alpha Troy would know what to do.

"I-I understand," Casey nodded her head solemnly.

"Alright, stay where you are, otherwise I will kill you," she emphasized the last part, meaning she was serious. Turning her head, she walked towards the beautiful prisoner. She wondered how he couldn't get out of it but realized it had been made with the ferrum herb, as in the Latin name for iron. It wasn't even made out of it but just because the herb was so strong, it's named was produced. Well, not for her kind or any other supernatural beings. The only species not able to tear the bloody chains off once it had been made with ferrum were werewolves! Of course, the stupid species just had to be that weak...

"I'm going to rip this chain out of the wall," she told him before doing so. He nodded, his brown eyes sparkling with hunger for her. She blushed, her face turning crimson. Why did he have to look at her like that? It only made her flustered and distracted and a bit paranoid.

"Can you stop that?" she finally said after she tore the first chain.

"Stop what?" he asked innocently.

"J-Just stop it," she muttered, barely able to think up something smart or sarcastic to say. He laughed at her expression and lifted his face up closer to hers.

"You want me so bad," he whispered huskily. The chain immediately dropped from her fingers, crashing down to the ground with a clank. Lizzy couldn't believe it; she wanted to hit him in the chest repeatedly for bugging her and basically reading her thoughts exactly. All she wanted to do for the past hour was jump his bones. He was just way too enticing for her tastes, too much of a sexy man.

"I can smell your arousal," he breathed, his eyes turning black and mouth flashing his canines in a predatory way.

"Don't flatter yourself, I've seen better," she retorted, smirking as he roared loudly in anger, making Casey flinch as she stood watching them nervously.

"Oh, and I've been with better," Lizzy pretended to yawn but gasped as he screamed louder than ever, shuffling in his spot. His legs that had been un-cuffed scurried to run at her but thankfully his wrists were still cuffed.

"I'll kill anyone who touches you! Who were they?!" he screeched, his eyes black with bright white specks popping out in the dark orbs. She wondered why the specks hadn't been there earlier. Was it because he was angrier than before?

Lizzy felt her rebel side surface, feeling overly confident in herself. She couldn't help but chuckle as his arms ached to reach her. The chains rattled as he moved them forward to try and break them but to no avail.

"I can do whatever I want. I'm my own person and free. What, just because I saved you, you're all clingy now?" she sighed while walking around the cave slowly, kicking rocks with her combat boots that were covered in blood. She then realized her outfit and hair was too.

"Not anymore, babe. You're mine!" he roared making both Casey and Lizzy gasp.

"Did you hit your head or something?! I don't belong to anyone!" Lizzy cried out, stomping towards him angrily. She stood before him, fighting the urge to both hit him and throw herself into his arms to kiss his sensual sexy lips. With her index finger, she prodded it into his chest, hard.

"You're mine, babe. Whether you like it or not, you'll never get away from me," he smirked, flashing his pearly white teeth.

"What's your name, babe?" she laughed inwardly at the nickname.

"Grayson O'Neil, Alpha of the Crimson Hollow's pack. What's yours?" Grayson smiled before giving Casey a glare. He didn't like the way they took him. The raven haired beauty distracted him, saying she needed help. Of course he followed her and killed a bunch of his pack members who came along with him. His heart ached at the thought of their deaths.

"I'm nobody," she replied making him groan in frustration at her attitude. "And babe, I can get away from you in a blink of an eye," she winked at him walking over to Casey and grabbing her by the hand.

"Don't worry, I'll send someone from your pack, just to be nice," she almost burst into a fit of laughter at his angry expression.

"Don't you dare," Grayson warned, hissing out his words through clenched teeth.

"Oh Grayson, haven't you listened to anything I said? I don't take orders!" she yelled, smiling like a Cheshire cat; before he could retort, she teleported back to the Star Pack village within a blink of an eye. While in the portal, she swore she could still hear him screaming that he would find her and that she was his. "Fat chance buddy, even though you're attractive and all..."she thought to herself.

The pack house came into view as they stepped out of the portal. Casey's mouth opened and looked as it would drop to the ground. Lizzy shook her head before pulling the 'criminal' towards the pack house. Loud gasps could be heard around the village, seeing Casey for the first time since winter. The sun was just setting down; telling them it was going to be a very long night.

"Lizzy!" Elle yelled with Santana, Nova, and Damon and Scarlett following behind her. Derek and Landon ran out of the pack house at that moment, still chewing food that they were just munching on.

Right when Santana saw Casey, the world felt like it began spinning. Lizzy stared at the two females rolling on top of one another. Shaking her head she teleported herself into the training field to get the Alpha and Luna. Once there, she saw them talking and ran up to them making herself look as desperate as possible to gain their attention. Usually nobody listened to her half of the time, saying she was too immature and overdramatic for her 'old age.'

"I have Casey, I think you should come and handle this," she told Troy whose eyes widened at her bloodied appearance. Chloe nodded as well as they held onto Lizzy's body, she teleported them back to where the fight was.

From the looks of it, Santana was winning. Maybe her training had been working over the past couple months. Troy pulled them apart and grabbed Casey by the arm roughly, growling in his alpha voice he yelled "You will be punished for your actions!"

Everyone watched their retreating figures with determined looks in their eyes, even Damon. They all knew she deserved death. Prison was too good to be true for a woman like that and she needed to be dealt with by experienced wolves.

Lizzy pulled away from everyone, still lost in thought over Grayson. Her heart beat rapidly, feeling a bit paranoid. Would he be able to find her?

"Oh shit, I have to get someone from his pack to go get him!"

After asking help from Chloe, she agreed to call his pack and tell them Grayson's whereabouts. It made Lizzy feel a whole lot better, knowing that the problem was lifted off her shoulders. Running into the woods, she found a doe and tackled it down. The warm blood filled her mouth, making her want to gag as it wasn't the human blood she constantly craved ever since she had been turned into a filthy bloodsucker. Once she was finished, she dropped the dead doe to the ground and then wiped the blood off from her lips.

Something then fluttered in the woods, about a mile away.


Ohohoh, so what do you think?

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