I Didn't Know • Tomboo •

By dsmp_k404

97.4K 3.8K 14.3K

Book Cover By: @sootroyal Soulmates- You'll either hate or love the idea of them. In this alternate universe... More

• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 •
• Chapter 36 •
• Chapter 37 •
• Chapter 38 •
• Chapter 39 •
• Chapter 40 •
• Chapter 41 •
• Chapter 43 •
• Chapter 44 •
• Chapter 45 •
• Chapter 46 •

• Chapter 42 •

1.1K 57 161
By dsmp_k404

Ranboo POV

We entered the hotel room. It was pretty nice. It felt...familiar, but thats probably cause it's just like any other hotel.

"Uh, there's two rooms with beds and then there's the pull out sofa here in the living room." Tubbo said then added, "Honestly Ranboo, you should take a room. You are visiting and all."

I smiled, "Thanks Tu-"

"I call a bed!" Tubbo yelled and ran to a room with his things.

I looked over to Tommy, "Take the other room, I don't mind taking the couch."

He smiled, "If you insist!"

He went to the second room with his stuff, leaving me unsure on where to put my things. So I just set my suitcase down by the couch. Then I sat down waiting for Tubbo and Tommy to finish unpacking.

A few minutes and Tubbo walked out, "Jeezus- I give up. I'll unpack later." He softly laughed, "Like wise."

I laughed, "You really are lazy."

He rolled his eyes then raised a brow, "Tommy took the bedroom, again?- Why that little-"

"I told him he should...wait, again?" I was confused.

He thought then said, "Y'know, cause he's just....like that." I nodded and he smiled, "Perhaps you should ask to share the room? Y'know, bunkmates!"

"Well- why can't you and I share?" I asked.

He laughed, "I've told you Ranboo, I need my space, mkay?"

I rolled my eyes, "Jeez- okay."

"You're soulmates anyways, so go on." He said pulling me up onto my feet.

He picked up my suitcase and shoved it into my hands. I gulped, "Uh- Tubbo I really don't think this is one of your greatest ide-"

"You'll thank me soon enough." He shoved me into the room and slammed the door in my face. I took a deep breath and looked over at Tommy.

He raised a brow, "Need something?"

"Y- Yeah so uhm...I was wondering if like-" I was nervous.

He smiled, "Ofcourse we can share. You are my soulmate after all. And...sharing is caring, no?"

I blushed and nodded. I walked over with my suitcase and he closed the drawer as I opened my suitcase.

He walked over to me, "Need help?"

I shrugged, "If you'd like to."

He took out a bunch of my shirts and went over to the dresser, "I didn't fill up the dresser or closet, so we can split both."

I nodded and then grabbed my pants and shorts then put them in another drawer. Tommy went and took out sweaters and hoodies, hanging them up on hangers provided by the hotel. Then he hung them up in the closet. I put socks in another drawer too. It felt....familiar. Though I suppose it is 'routine' when staying in any hotel room.

Tommy giggled and turned around holding my boxers, "Oh Ranboo~ Large, eh?"

I blushed and snatched my boxers from his hands, "Oh quit it- What're you- a small?"

"Medium." He smiled, "But you knew that."

I blushed brighter, "I wasn't actually asking Tommy....wait- how would I know?" 

He shrugged and ignored me, then took my shoes out and went to set them on the closet floor. I ignored it too then took all my boxers and set them in the drawer with my socks. Once we were done Tommy took his suitcase to the bathroom and unpacked all his hygiene products. After him, I went and did the same.

Tommy plopped down onto the bed and sighed looking up at the cieling, "I hate doing things over and over."

I went and lay down beside him, "Same- though I'm not sure what your talking about."

He smiled, "You wanted to see my mark?"

"How did y- I mean, yeah." I said ignoring it once again. He put forward his right wrist. I ran my thumb gently across it, "Huh..."

"What is it?" He asked sitting up, "Will you tell me this time?"

I sat up too, "Nothing important- what do you mean, 'this time'?"

"Nothing." He said dismissing it, then
grabbed my hand and looked at my left wrist. He smirked, "I think you like me more Ranboo- Mines darker than yours."

I blushed, "Oh whatever."

He frowned, "Ranboo..." He seemed to hesitate, then he asked, "Are you disappointed that you got a guy?"

I scoffed, "No. I like men too, Tommy."

"Okay yeah, but aren't you disappointed that you didn't get a romantic mark?" He asked me, "Or...do you think it could be something else?"

He thinks we're platonic?....or does he have hope that we're romantic? I can't get a good read on him...

Then again, I've never had feelings for Tommy other than him being my friend. So...we must be platonic. There's no way we're romantic.

"...I guess I was sorta wishing for a romantic soulmate." I sighed.

He laced our fingers, "Well- I think it's cool you and I are soulmates. Definetly intresting too. And who's to say if were platonic or romantic? We dont know for sure. We could be...something, completely- unexpected."

I smiled and nodded, "I like that."

Tommy yawned, "Its kinda late, huh?"

I checked my phone, "Uh- it's 7:58pm."

"Ofcourse it is." He kicked his shoes off and then took his sweater off. He tossed it to the floor and hugged my torso, "Goodnight soulmate."

"You're going to....sleep?" I awkwardly laughed confused.

He softly breathed and snuggled closer. He was now asleep on me, I believe. Though I had to check, "Tommy?"

No reply. I ran my fingers through Tommy's soft blonde hair. I stared at him as he slept....He looked so peaceful and comfy.

I kissed his head and saw his mark get brighter. Then I whispered, "I hope we're not platonic."

He shifted and looked up at me, "That's an odd thing to hope for, innit?"

I blushed, "I- I thought you were-"

"I didn't say anything, thought it'd be funny." He shrugged, "And, may I say....I hope the same thing."

I was flustered...by Tommyinnit. How in the world. He giggled, "I know your hungry, let's go eat."

I nodded and we got up, heading into the kitchen, Tommy.....He's changed.

1,033 words
Thanks for reading!
Later update today sorry :(
Love you all, bye! <3

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