Just Not Lovers

Von Confusedsoul97

457K 29.7K 1.9K

There's no bigg boss. They met normally and just proceeded with their story. Mehr

Did Beer Made You Blunt?
Who Invited You? ;)
Boring And Fun
Date And Google
Invisible Feelings
108 VS 1
Author's Note
Momos And Attitude
Chinese Over Laddoo
Thank You
Perfect Happiness : Exists??
Sharing Is Caring ;)
Author's Note
Confusions And Reminders
It's All Messed Up, Once Again :)
Whiskey + WisheS
Time, Please Slow Down :(
Awkward?? Tea Is The Solution ;)
Alexa, It's A Secret.
Love, Do or Drink
Damaged But Hopeful
Unofficially Official = Nothing
Enough To Survive
Waves, Rocks And Serenity
Perks Of Being Vulnerable
Damn, It's First Time.
Half Confession
Clumsy & Careful
Mine? Yours :) - Exclusive
Hopelessly In Love
Rolls Royce & Sukoon
You Love Her, For Real.
Nawashein Karam Meharbaaniyaan
Can We Just Grow Old Together?
Quora : Whats's A Normal Day?
Conspiracy And Suffering
Chaos : For Once And All?
Arriving At The Terminus
Chivalrous And Grateful ♥️
Blame The Hormones
Till The End....
Just Not Lovers
Wrong Timing !!
Being Someone's Constant
You + Me = Us : Missing?
Treasuring The Forever
Deal Or Proposal ? Deal It's ;)
The Reckless & The Needy
Thank You ❤️
Countdown For A New Beginning.
Imperfect & Surreal
Netflix & Hypnotize ??
Injury Or Heartache...
Lovers To Strangers
Jealousy & Abstinence
Unwanted Turmoils
Playlist And Poha...
All That Matters..
Mechanism Of Mismatch
Warm And Fuzzy..
A Week Of Agony
Hushed - Hangovers
Memories And Resentment..
Imperfectly Perfect...
Strategic Management... Cutee?!
Wishful Thinking...
Weirdly Special
Formalities & Facts : Sorted?
"Back To Square One"
Thank You
Bickering Is Healthy..
Back And Forth...
Blissful & Cozy....

" The One "

3.8K 432 37
Von Confusedsoul97

Note : it took me so long to write... Just bear with it..

P. S. - I'm sorry if it's not what you're expecting...


She got up and dragged herself downstairs for coffee.. Her mom was making something.. She sat in the kitchen table just keeping her head down..

Her father came took a water bottle... Her mother continued her work.. The house help kept cleaning.. They all were used to it... Somedays she slept like there's no tomorrow and woke up like a zombie.

She could hear the clattering of utensils and some gossip between the house help and her mom.. When the sizzling sound came when tadka was mixed into the curd she moved her head, keeping her left palm under chin for support..

She recalled yesterday's events.. She had gone to his place in morning just to spent sometime with his parents since they were starting for Shirdi on a two days trip with their relatives.

She had met the girl Isha there..  His mom had introduced Isha to her as Karan's cousin's friend.. She had tried to play it cool until she had learned that he had met the girl day before.. He had met to discuss the arrangement for her birthday surprise.. He had asked her to visit his place that particular day when his parents would be there.. Mostly because he was busy and it would be difficult for him to stay back just to accommodate.... His mom was aware enough to keep it a secret..

The girl was sweet, trying to chat with her but It didn't just sit well with her that he met his cousin's friend and didn't inform her. The fact that she knew he got a message from the same girl anddidn't want her to see that, just added to her set of gut feelings . The friend was close enough to visit his parents in his absence.. Yet she wasn't aware of that friend..

In the heat of the moment she left the set of house keys she had at his place.. Not on the dining or bed side but in the cupboard second row where his watch collection was there. on the corner.. Just because he would notice.. If he looked closely then he would...

He had waited for her after the rehearsal of her award show dance practice. His part was over but he had stayed back cause she had denied to go back to his place citing that she had some plans.. When after work she found him waiting she thought he would try to convince her to come with him.. Only it was opposite, she got to know later through the drive.. He was waiting so he can drop her home and go back... She recalled the brief conversation they had..

" I had my own car.. And I had plans today..I told you." she told after sitting in the car after acting a bit reluctant..

"what are you mad about exactly.." he had asked cause at this point it was obvious.

"I didn't say I was mad.. I just don't like when you try to decide for me" she had made sure the irritation was visible..

He sat there unfazed just with a furrowed brows listening to her..

"you've been working for more than 11 hours.. Probably what you need is to lie down to rest.." he told her calmly not willing to aggravate her more.

"you just didn't want me to join them.. That's it." she was adamant on that..
If he can meet people without updating her then she can as well..

"you had plan with a bunch of strangers.. And you expect me to just let you go." he said without caring how it sounded. Her well being was his concern so he didn't shy away from stating if something bothered him.

"I'm seeing them everyday during my practice.. I know them.. And you can't decide for me. " she had said raising her voice a bit.

"if I feel it's not needed then I'll.. You can join them tomorrow since you would've 4 hours of shoot. Start a bit early may be instead of night 1." he said patiently..

Halfway through she figured they weren't going to his place.. She wanted to throw a fit but was a bit disappointed that he would just let her go for the day..

He had dropped her and gone back.. He hadn't got out to open the door or anything but before she could get out he had planted a kiss on her cheek.. It was gentle, soft yet firm... She hadn't been able to cover her surprise.. It was more tempting for her to just cave into his arms and demand all the cajoling.. The smug cool expression stopped her from doing so.. She hadn't wish him and just came inside..

She noticed her mom mixing hot water, honey and lemon juice for her.. She looked up with a smile feeling glad..

T : what would you make me for my birthday Maa...

Ma : you would be here?

T : where would I go.. You didn't plan anything..

She was little child when she was upset.. She stirred the hot mixture with spoon unenthusiastically.

Ma : this would be your first brithday with karan.. How can I interrupt..

She didn't know he had had ask her mom some of her childhood photos..

T : is it odd if he doesn't plan anything..

Maa : wouldn't it be?

She watched her mom being sure about it.

T : do you think we would work.. Like his parents.. Like you both..

Ma : only time can answer it.. But you got to hold onto this..

T : why you're just telling me.. Who would tell him to hold onto me?

She was a bit cranky...

Ma : his mother would say that to him just like I'm saying it to you..

Her mom lightly hit on the back of her head for that stubborn attitude she had early morning. It didn't hurt but being the dramatic she's she left a wincing sound.

Ma : let me be honest.. He's quite attentive of you..

T : what does that mean?

Ma :  In simple terms he treats you the way a woman craves to be treated as.. 

T : that's offensive considering we're in 21st century..

Ma : It might just be his way of expressing.. Still couples lack mutual respect and crave to be treated rightly..And the best part is he's kind...

T : who do you think is more into it.. Me or him?

Ma : do I have to answer...

Her mother avoided that... There's no reason to give her a reason

T : you think it's him? Just because I'm a bit cautious doesn't mean that only he cares...

Ma : why are you on the edge all of a sudden.. This isn't a competition...

T : if you must know sometimes he also had done things that had pissed me. Actions indicate a lot of things..

Ma : don't jump into conclusions without listening properly..

Her mother kind of told her in a stern way.. She knew how at times her daughter assumed things on her own..

T : why everyone are after me.

She was exhausted due to too much of thinking...

Her mother walked upto her and caressed her back..

Ma : we should return every bit of affection and trust... These are precious..

She nodded at her mother.. The woman didn't had any idea of quotes, sayings or anything but she knew how the world worked.. Sometimes you need to stir a conversation with your near ones to get to a point, without trying there's no cure.. Same she would need to do with her man.

She went on with her day... In between she received a call from him.. He only asked her if she wanted to meet his parents before tbey went to Shirdi in night. She answered as yes, anyway she needed to have a conversation..

She was browsing through her phone when something she noticed.. The same girl named Isha in a group pic, the background had some decoration.. She carefully observed it and concluded it was a 25th marriage anniversary function.. She noticed the insta handle name and figured out she worked for a event management or planner..
She opened the page and noticed it was followed by both Karan and omi.. She was able to connect the dots.. Ofcourse he was planning something..

Since a few ppl from her following list had liked few posts as per insta algorithm it had popped up.. She locked her phone and covered her face...

How foolish of her to think he didn't think it's not important to inform.. Obviously he would try to hide.. The rest of the time she just wished would pass quickly so she can actually escape.. She hoped he hadn't noticed the key she had kept in his left cupboard...

She reached around 7... She tried to be her normal self but she noticed his silence.. She tried to sneak in between towards the bedroom to check but wasn't successful... It was one time when she actually got to look around and didn't find it.. When she turned around he was there leaning on the door..

K : looking for this..?

He moved it in his hands.. It had a key chain that had a small doll...

T : I left it here.. I thought I lost it here..

He didn't say anything for few seconds..

K : we both know where it was... So I would like an answer, what are we fighting about..

T : you didn't inform me..

He was confused... She briefed him a bit why she felt it but carefully didn't mention how she got to know the truth on her own.

K : you want me to explain it?

He actually wanted to tell her, there's no point of all this if she's just going to overthink..

T : no.. I got it.. I mean i understood.. Don't ask how though..

He watched her with a "I don't understand you" expression when she jumped to deny..

They came out to sit with his parents for the food they would be having.. She just moved her spoon feeling a bit awkward due to the grumpy look.. When they left she came up with him and once the door was locked she watched him get to the freeze... Take a chilled beer...

She muttered a "sorry" softly yet loud enough so he can hear.. He chuckled sadly at that..

He walked towards the balcony.. She followed him.. For a while both were silent... He sipped it looking at the view.. She stood near the gate not knowing what she can say.. He broke the silence first..

K : not your fault... People usually take me as a careless type... There must be  something with me..

At a young age the industry had manipulated him for a bit.. Letting him think that a committed relationship is just an orthodox way.. Later on when it continued he got the image of a player even though he hadn't been nothing but clear about his intentions everytime.

T : I didn't think like that.. I was just offended that such a important friend or family and I wasn't not informed..

She tried to keep her pov.. He didn't reply..

She sighed and slowly walked upto him and hugged from his back..

K : is it hard to put trust in me?

T : no.. It's not like that...

She got to the other side from the gap he had between the balcony railing and his body... She got caged herself between the railing and his body where as both his hands stayed on either side of her body.. She had to force him to look at her by moving his jaw downwards..

His eyes remained same passive... He still looked hot in his black tee and a shorts.. She forced him to look into her..

T : I'm sorry.. I do mess up but you can't blame me.. Things were just too ..

K : I did say it's not your fault..

He didn't try to move away.. It felt good to have her stand between him at the railing..

T : what others thought or think doesn't matter to me..

He stayed silent..

K : you tossed the house key and went.. 

That means It meant nothing to you.. He wanted to add but didn't..

When he found it there it felt odd.. He had noticed it because of the small doll key chain. For a second he thought she had left it but after thinking a bit he knew she had kept it there so he would notice.. When he found her searching the exact spot he knew he had guessed it rightly..

T : just to get your attention.. You know that...

K : one day you would toss everything and just..

It did hurt a bit when he said it like that.. She pulled him close finding it offensive..
She had to constantly look upwards considering her height in comparison to his..

T : Everytime you can't say it same...I can't just toss everything.. You are aware of it... how much this matters..

His brows squeezed seeing her getting worked up..

K : what am I exactly to you..

What she can answer... A bf, a partner, soulmate?? She knew she can't answer any of it...

T : you meant a lot...

K : what am I...a Sun in your sky..

He said in a a teasing way Since she seemed to be out of answers... She watched him with the same hurtful eyes..

T : you're not a sun.. You're a moon..

She said it confidently in her quivering voice. She thought it in her head, trying to figure out how to answer..
He searched her eyes for any kind of bluff or joke  but didn't find it..

K : poetic... Are we??

T : no.. I'm not a poet anyway.. So no.

K : no..!?

T : well.. With the morning sun we're just too hopeful, until it becomes noon..

Before continuing She gave him few seconds to take her words in..

K : so why I'm not the sun!

He asked her in a very chilled tone.. It was like we've a lot of time so we'll continue this in depth,whatever is in your mind..

He was cool like a cucumber and occasionally got angry... Like her mother said he was a soft soul that just easily believed in people, helped as much as he can... He came like a beautiful

T : then with afternoon we know how tiring it's under a blazeful sun.. But we get used to the light.. So when it becomes dark at times we don't know how to cope..

She meant it in a real life situation.. Until things are going good, everything is moving smoothly, people take it all carelessly... Once it becomes tough they try to get out and when they get out suddenly there's no other way to keep going.. She compared that phase to darkness.. By now he knew what she meant... His eyes become more serious...

T : In those times you need a moon to keep you calm and to become your savior..

K : the moon hardly makes any difference to remove the darkness

T : the one who has walked in dark, knows the value of it. Atleast a sky full of stars with a moon gives hope..

K : it has scars..

T : still it's beautiful..

He assessed her from head to toe... The small girl in her cute little one piece looked genuine..

The ones who have had spent their time meeting wrong people, when they find the right one it means the whole world to them..

K : there are days moon doesn't even appear in the sky Tejasswi... The same would happen to you..

T : I would wait..  just like I do...

The thoughts and the literal meaning behind the question made her tear up... She didn't want to..

She meant it.. She had waited when he was upset, letting him to come back on his terms.. She had given him the time to adjust around..

When he held  the back of her neck lightly so she wouldn't be able to look down she answered...

"I would wait..I don't have any other option... since  there's only one of you in 7 billion people."

His silence scared her... She closed her eye feeling a bit down though she could feel his gaze on her and his right hand under her neck.. There was no turning back and she knew that but she didn't care if she looked vulnerable, weak, clingy.... Who else she would show her emotions...

When she opened her eyes she found him towered over her.. His forehead touched hers...

If she needed to bend her neck upwards for their foreheads to touch then he needed to bend his face downwards... Without both of their efforts it was impossible..

Currently both their faces were angled at a similar way just from opposite side... In real life also they would need to bend a bit to understand each other, to make their lives less complicated...
It was something so silly yet precious..

K : what's it that you want from me?

T : you..

Her answer came immidiately.. She said like a petulant child who was tired of explaining.. He chuckled...

K : what can I give or do to keep you as mine.. ..  Name All the materialistic things since I'm a human..

He teased... She gave it some thoughts before answering...

T : a bedroom to share with you, where I can get to sleep keeping my head towards the east..

He watched her amused but nevertheless smiled brightly at her answer... He recalled the story from her dad how she hated window side bed and always kept her head towards east..

T : chocolates and your perfumes.. A lot of date nights...

Her hands moved to drag him a bit more from his collar..

T : 1/2 of your cupboard to keep my things...

Last part she said it like a order.. She named all of it and bit her lip innocently...

K : that's all?

T : And I should be informed about all the details for life long... 

K : for exceptional situations?

T : that can be considered..

He laughed... They stayed in the same position as he grabbed her waist in his other hand..

T : can you change the direction of the bed here?? It's towards west..

He didn't answer just caressed her cheeks... He found her so adorable at that moment...

T : I don't think I can keep all my things here..your cupboard is full... May be I would left half at my parent's....

She said thoughtfully assessing these in her mind.... He kissed her cheeks... He needed no more confirmation that she had prepared herself for a life with him..

K : I'll get a new cupboard, new bedroom..if that's what you want..

T : I said so many things  but you didn't say any of those..

K : what do you want..

T : am I going to be enough for you? From a long term presepective.. You know..

He shut her up by giving a peck on her lips....

K :  I'm not going to weigh anything, cause you're going to be my only one..

He kissed her on her forehead... She went on her tiptoes and kissed him on the forhead.. He kissed her on the right cheek... She went on her tip toes again to kiss him..

He smooched her skin on her neck... She planted a simple kiss on the same spot..

T : every bit of affection and trust should be returned..

He captured her whole body in his arms as her front crushed with his chest.. She held onto his biceps..

K : who said..

He said being curious..

T : my mom..

K : this only should be applied in case the person is me..

T : she didn't say that..

K :oh... I'm saying it applies only for me..

She laughed as he dragged her more to him exploring a little more of her body..
She hissed in slight pain as he bit her earlobe... They both were breathless..

He saw her flushed face, the limp body that clung to him expecting to be picked up...
He picked her up by her waist... She faced him as she wrapped her hands around his neck.. The desire in his eyes made her feel like an ice-cream under the heat, ready to melt...

When around 11 they were in bed tangled with each other along with the sheets he grabbed her from her back snatching her phone away and kept it on the side...

"you're never getting rid of me.." he whispered in her ear as if it was a dirty little secret..

" can't comply.. I had already promised my guy... In new year... Right here... "

She brought her face close to him and whispered. He surpressed the smile recalling that day..

"what have you promised.." he asked..

"to never give up on us.." she said... The fact that she remembered made it even more beautiful.....

"you better keep that promise.." he spoke in his horase voice and closed the gap between their lips...


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this story started from TTF dragon task. And their fights ,this is fully imaginary but some bigg boss scene is used.
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its a Tejran story...from their meet in ladies vs gentlemen till bb15 and forever.... its the story from their start ❤