Fields of Gold; Daniel Riccia...

De Lieke4043

152K 3.2K 376

Skylar is a F1 fan and her favorite driver is Daniel Ricciardo. After a traumatic experience she gets an ama... Mais

The beginning.
Is he perfect?
No more.
It's Friday then!
Papaya team
Good food and good company.
On our way.
Daniels pov.
Pizza time
Tension rising.
Good girl
Good morning.
Sight seeing.
All the way.
What a view.
Mystery woman.
It's out.
Open Mic
What a night.
Wakey wakey.
Breaking point.
Going live
Testing the water.
Smells fishy.
Let's go!
Mile high club
Just the two of us.
Will Buxton.
So much support.
Back on track
Quali time.
Sexy surprise
Race sunday.
Back in the UK
Goodbyes aren't easy.
Destination unknown.
Meeting Blake
She's everything.
This is me!
Rising star
Back home
Grace and Joe
I'm not!
Guess what..
Points again.
Disaster strikes.
Hold my hand
Fix you.
Together with Lewis
Good enough
We're good
Honey Badgers birthday
I did something
Letting go
Endings and possibilities
Ranch life
Ranch life 2
Be happy
Wake up!
Road to recovery
Best friends.
Signed, sealed delivered
Never have I ever.
It's a bug...
Just a perfect day
You're getting lucky tonight.
So much for my happy ending.
The big day
I've loved you for a thousand years.
Down Under
Perth is full of surprises.
The best family
Not again
Crazy Christmas
New year
Oh Love
We're halfway there
Swiss Chocolate
An 'innocent' game of pool.
Not sharing
Race of Champions
Get ready for the launch
New York, New York
You and me
Bahrein Testing
First Friday
You got this
The whole world is watching
Birthday girl
Party and goodbye
Not today
I'm coming
Race against time
Boy or girl?
Make her proud
Her first flight
Meet the team
Bahrein curse
My champion
Everything changes
Looking back

Punched in the gut.

1.2K 20 1
De Lieke4043

The next morning we wake up quite early so Daniel can have some breakfast before him and Michael leave for the circuit for media day.
Me and Kelly are supposed to meet at about 10 to go shopping and have lunch before we will also go to the paddock.

"Did you receive the schedule for the press conference yet? Who are the other drivers you're combined with?" I ask him while we are having breakfast.
"I think Max and Lewis. And we are scheduled around 3 this afternoon." He checks his phone where he has the planning for the day. "Yeah 3 o'clock. Before that we have some PR stuff, so we have to shoot some video's. Plenty to do. But after the press conference I won't have to stay much longer. At least I will be able to introduce you to the team and my engineer."

"Sure, I would love to meet the people you work with. It will be fun seeing Lando and the other guys again as well." We finish breakfast and Michael comes up to get Daniel.
"Hi good morning Skylar, will we be seeing you at the track today?" He asks me when he gives me a hug.
"Yeah I will be there after me and Kelly are done with shopping and lunch." I really like Michael, he's such an amazing friend for Daniel and he is genuinely a great person.

"Awesome, if you need me to come to the entrance to help you find the way let me know. Don't forget your Paddock Pass." He says.
"That's sweet, but Kelly is also coming so she can show me where I have to go." I let him know.

"Ok cool, but still if you need anything, let me know, because this guy here will be crazy busy, so I'd be happy to help you out in any way you need." He points at Daniel. "Ready to go mate?"
Daniel nods, "sure, give me a minute to say bye to Skylar and I'll come with you."

He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. "I can't wait to see you in a few hours. Have fun with Kelly and tonight you will have to show me everything you got ok. I love you baby." He kisses me and I put my arms around his neck to prevent my legs from failing me.
"I love you too honey badger. I will see you in a couple of hours." He gives me a final kiss on my nose and I crinkle my nose a bit.
"God I love it when you do that." He smiles.
They both leave and I clean up the breakfast cart before I put it in the hall again.

I get dressed and put on some light make up. I decide to let my hair down, because if I'm going to try on clothes it's going to get messed up anyways.
I'm glad Kelly has been here before, because she will know where to go. We can also use a car the team has rented, so that's really nice.
A couple of minutes before 10 I grab my bad and phone, I head down to the lobby where I'm supposed to meet Kelly.

"Skylar! Hey I'm here." I hear her call me when I get out of the elevator.
"Hey Kelly, how are you?" We give each other a hug.
"I'm good, I'm really looking forward to today. I'm glad we get a change to get to know each other better." She says and we make our way to the car.

"You can drive, because I really have no idea where we have to go." I tell her and we get on the road.
"I know a really nice shopping center nearby, they have pretty much everything. What are you looking for exactly?" She asks me as she smoothly makes her way through traffic.
"Sounds good, I'm not really sure what I want. I I've always been a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. So I would like some nice jeans. And maybe some nice tops that are not just simple t-shirts." I shrug, I've never been into fashion that much, but with my job as a veterinary nurse, you really can't wear any fancy clothes.

Before I know it Kelly parks the car and she practically drags me to the first store.
"I think you'll like this one, they have the best jeans that will be perfect for you."
As soon as we get in somebody comes up to us to see if they can help us. I'm not really used to that, normally I just go through the racks and find myself clothes I want to try on.
"She needs some amazing jeans that will accentuate this fantastic body." Kelly takes the lead and I just decide to let her for now.

"What type of jeans do you prefer? Skinny or maybe bootcut?" The lady asks me.
"I usually wear bootcut, but I'm open for anything." I reply.
They both go on the hunt for some jeans and I am directed to a dressing room to wait.
After waiting for a while they come back with their arms filled with jeans.
Ok this will take a while I'm afraid.

One by one I try them on, how they guessed my size I don't know, but almost all of them fit me.
Eventually I choose on pair of skinny jeans with lace details on the sides and 2 pairs of bootcut jeans. One that has a worn look and one that has some sort of detail on the back which makes my butt looks amazing.
When we go to pay for them I'm pretty shocked by the prices. I should have known Kelly wouldn't take me to really cheap stores.
I'm glad I've always been sensible with my money, so I can afford them now.

In the next store we eventually leave with some different tops, some off shoulder ones and a sort of cowgirl blouse which I absolutely love. And then some spaghetti strapped tops, but also a strapless top which is tied around my neck.
I'm already carrying 3 bags and then Kelly decides to take me into a lingerie store.
"Let's find you something to surprise Daniel with. We're going to make his jaw drop to the floor." Kelly grins as we look through the racks.

I find a dark purple corset with black lace details, it comes with a black, almost see through hipster and also stockings.
I've never worn anything like this, but I'm going to try it. It feels a bit weird showing it to Kelly, but she looks me up and down and nods, "oh yeah you look freaking sexy, he won't know what came over him."
We leave the store with that lingerie set, but I also found something red which is comparable with the purple set.

"Ok I need to go to this jeweler, I want a new necklace and maybe a ring." Kelly says, so we go to the jeweler she pointed out and she asks the man behind to counter if she can see some engagement rings.
"Did Max propose?" I ask her surprised.
"Oh no, but I'm going to try some on and take pictures to show him. Maybe he will understand the hint." She laughs and so do I.

"Good one, who knows it might help." I chuckle.
"Yeah we'll see, he is not the most romantic kind of guy, but I love him anyways. Now come help me out, which ones do you like?" She holds one in front of me with a huge diamond. "How about this one?"
"Well that one isn't really my taste, I would prefer one a lot more modest. I would be terrified I would get stuck with that thing." I point out a much simpeler one, it also has a few small stones in it.

"Put it on, I would like to see it on you." Kelly insists, so I put it around my finger. "It's a bit too big."
To be honest, it's still too much bling for me, so I tell her that.
"I love Keltic symbols and knots, so that would be my perfect ring, I don't necessarily need diamonds on it. But maybe like an Amethyst or something like that." I try to explain.

Kelly nods, "yeah I already expected that you wouldn't want anything to flashy. It's not you is it?"
"No not at all. But we're not here for me, what do you like?" I ask her and Kelly does pick something a lot more shiny and with a massive diamond.
It does suit her, she is so glamorous and beautiful, a massive diamond ring would definitely be more her thing.

Kelly asks the shop owner if they have anything that would sort of match my description.
He nods and goes to the back. I'm pretty curious to see what he comes back with.
When he puts the ring in front of me I fall in love with it.
It doesn't have an Amethyst in it, but he says they can put it in.

"Try it on, let's see how it looks on you," Kelly holds it out in front of me.
"Oh fine, but we were still here for you ok." I put it on and this one fits a lot better.
"See, this is so pretty. It's not so massive and heavy." I put it back in the box and Kelly tries on some more flashy rings. I wander around the store a bit while Kelly is taking pictures of the rings.

When she is finally done we find ourselves a nice little cafe to sit down and have lunch at.
Even though she is so different from me, we have a lot of fun. She even apologizes for how she acted the first time we met in the elevator.
"You don't have to say sorry. I get it, you were just looking out for Daniel. And I'm glad he has such great friends that look after him. But I really love him, more than I could ever imagine." I explain.

She smiles when she sees my face light up, "I can tell, you're glowing when you talk about him."
I can feel my cheeks get warm, so I'm sure I'm blushing.
We talk about her little girl and I ask her how she combines everything. It almost seems like she would need more hours in a day to do all the things she does and still be a great mom for her daughter.
"With a lot of help. I'm not doing it alone. I have amazing family and people around us that are always there when I need them." She says and she looks so proud talking about little P.

"So how about you, do you want to be a mom someday?" She asks me.
"I would love to, I would really like two. But you never know if you'll be given that blessing I guess." I tell her.

"I think Daniel would love to be a dad as well won't he?" Kelly sips from her coffee.
"He does yeah. We talked about it the other day. But you know we are far from that point in our relationship." I sigh and decide to tell her about my possible struggle to ever become pregnant.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but you never know and besides there are so many possible options to help you get there. But you are right. You're still so short in this relationship. It's something to get deeper into when the time is right." We both finish our meals and drink and decide to head to the track.

During the car ride Kelly asks me about my relationship with Shane and everything that happened after I broke up with him. I don't really mind talking about it, but I would also like to leave that behind me and look forward to my future with Daniel.
When we arrive at the track we both put our passes around our neck and head to the entrance of the paddock. Kelly know exactly where to go so I just follow her.
It's crazy, yesterday it was so quiet and now the teams are busy working and there is so much press and media walking around.

She walks with me to the McLaren garage and I can see Daniel talking to somebody from the team. He hasn't seen me yet, so I just wait for a bit, but then I hear somebody call my name and I see Michael walking over to me.
"Hey Sky you made it! Come with me I'll take you to Daniel." I follow him inside the garage and I feel a bit shy. There are so many people here and they all look at me a bit weird at first.
"Daniel! There's somebody here for you!" Michael shouts.
Daniel turns around and sees me standing next to Michael.

"Baby! You are here!" He jogs up to me and scoops me up. I wrap my arms and legs around him in a tight embrace and he starts kissing me all over my face.
I laugh out loud, "Stop you idiot, give me a proper kiss."
I don't have to tell him that twice and he shows me how much he missed me when he presses his lips on mine.
I cup his face and kiss him back.
Suddenly we hear people cheering and whistling. We break apart and look around. A lot of the guys from his team are cheering us on.

My cheeks turn bright red instantly and Daniel puts me back down on the floor.
"Guys let me introduce to you, Skylar, Skylar this is part of the team. I will introduce everybody to you over time."
I wave at them, "Hi everybody, nice to meet you. I really hope I can get to know each one of you."
The guy Daniel was talking to comes up to me. "Hi Skylar, I'm Tom, Daniels race engineer." I shake his hand, "Hi Tom, Daniel has told me a lot about you. So nice to meet you."

"Yeah he hasn't stopped talking about you either. Let's hope you can be his lucky charm. We could use one." He looks behind him, "Zak, come over here for a sec."
I see a figure getting up and when he turns around I recognize Zak Brown.
I'm a bit intimidated by the big boss himself, but he gives me a welcoming smile.
"So we finally meet, Daniel hasn't shut up about how amazing you are all day. So it's nice to see who he has been gushing over."

"Hello Mr. Brown, I'm very honored to meet you." I shake his hand.
"Please call me Zak, if everything Daniel told us is true, we will be seeing you a lot around here, might as well welcome you to the McLaren family straight away." He smiles and then somebody else comes up to Daniel.
"I hate to break this up, but we need to go to the press conference now." She says.

"Right ok, Skylar are you coming? I'm sure we can find you a spot somewhere." Daniel asks me.
"Sure, but I'll just stand somewhere at the back or something." We walk towards the press room and I spot Lando in his garage.
We wave and he quickly comes running towards me.
He gives me a tight hug, "hey little brother, how are you?" I quickly ask him, because I can see Daniel and his assistant are walking on.
"I'm good, you go we'll talk later." He runs back into his garage and I quickly follow Daniel again.
I can see him holding out his hand for me so when I'm caught up I grab it and we intertwine our fingers.

There are so many camera's here already I can't imagine how much there will be inside. But I know for sure a lot of pictures are already being taken just while we walk towards the press room.
Daniel gives me a quick kiss before he has to go take his seat. I find a spot against the wall all the way back. Kelly also makes her way in so I wave at her and she joins me.

Max, Lewis and Daniel are on a sort of podium and they have microphones. There are some general questions being asked about how they look at the coming weekend and what they expect their chances to be.
Suddenly a reporter stands up and he says he wants to ask Daniel a question.
Daniel gives him a friendly smile and the reporter says,
"Daniel how do you feel about the story that your new girlfriend has killed her ex boyfriend?!"

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