Night of the Living Bitches...


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Two girls finding their way through the apocalypse....what could go wrong? Started: July 7th, 2022 Ended: Oct... Еще

Chapter 1: New Friends?
Chapter 2: Blood-Soaked Jacket
Chapter 3: You Can't Die
Chapter 4: Never Be Alone
Chapter 5: Calum
Chapter 6: Shopping Center
Chapter 7: Back at the House
Chapter 8: Promise
Chapter 9: Handyman
Chapter 10: Trust Me
Chapter 11: The Barn
Chapter 12: Strictly Platonic
Chapter 13: Annoying Little Sister
Chapter 15: Train Car
Chapter 16: The Crowbar
Chapter 17: Nialls Backpack
Chapter 18: Rabbit
Chapter 19: Tensions Rising
Chapter 20: Truth or Dare
Chapter 21: Taken
Chapter 22: Field of Wildflowers and Stone
Chapter 23: Blender
Chapter 24: Clifford
Chapter 25: Jackpot
Part 26: Party Time
Part 27: Barbie Mobile
Chapter 28: Tea!
Chapter 29: jealousy jealousy
Chapter 30: Leaving Him Behind
Chapter 31: Eggs Smush Wonky
Chapter 32: Crumbing Ground
Chapter 33: Manhattan
Chapter 34: tomatoes
Chapter 35: Uno
Chapter 36: Axe
Chapter 37: The Letter
Chapter 38: Deciding
Chapter 39: Dead Inside
Chapter 40: Love and Loss
Chapter 41: Time
Chapter 42: Grieving
Chapter 43: supply run
Chapter 44: unexpected relations
Chapter 45: Badass Status
Chapter 46: the truth
Chapter 47: Erica vs. Luke
Chapter 48: fighting back
Chapter 49: friends with benefits
Chapter 50: Anniversary
Chapter 51: eyes
Chapter 52: Two Weeks Late
Chapter 53: pinky promise
Chapter 54: Zombie Killer
Chapter 55: Him
Chapter 56: Any Day Now
Chapter 57: Seven Years Later
Chapter 58: Brown Leather Jacket
Chapter 59: Hunting
Chapter 60: Airborne
Chapter 61: hospital
Chapter 62: Turned
Chapter 63: Taking Charge
Chapter 64: Backlash
Chapter 65: Blood and Guts
Chapter 66: Decisions
Chapter 67: Petty
Chapter 68: Lower Your Weapon
Chapter 69: A Strange Encounter
Chapter 70: Haunted
Chapter 71: Grieving
Chapter 72: Cabin in the Woods
Chapter 73: rambo
Chapter 74: Duffle Bag
Chapter 75: Reunited
Chapter 76: A Week
Chapter 77: Glamorous Living
Chapter 78: Hot Chocolate
Chapter 79: Missing Jewlery
Chapter 80: A Dream
Chapter 81: Staying In Position
Chapter 82: Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chapter 83: the final era

Chapter 14: RIP Wawa

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Vote. Comment. Enjoy!




-Kyleigh's POV-

When I first open my eyes, I completely forget where I am. I groggily lift my head to see Ashton sleeping next to me and Michael next to him. I then fully sit up and look to my right to see Erica and Luke sleeping.

I can't help myself as my eyes linger on Luke's face for a few seconds. He looks really peaceful right now, and I'm glad. Despite him being an asshole 99% of the time, I recognize it was really hard for him to finally leave his childhood home last night. I don't fully know what made him change his mind, but I'm happy he did. Being away from the four boys for a few hours with the mindset of possibly never seeing them again was honestly heartbreaking.

I rub my eyes and stretch a little as exhaustion washes over me. I consider going back to sleep since everyone else is still sleeping, but when I look outside, I can tell the sun is already up. I quietly move to stand up and tiptoe around everyone. I walk over to the door and push it open before shutting it behind me. I immediately see Calum sitting where we had the fire last night. He waves as I walk over to him.

"Morning," He smiles.

"Good morning," I offer a tired smile back, "Where's Niall?"

"He went to take a piss," Calum gestures to the bottom of the hill before asking, "Is anyone else awake?"

"I don't think so," I reply as I sit down across from him.

He nods before asking, "How'd you sleep?"

I shrug, "Considering everything, I slept pretty well."

"That's good," Calum comments, "I was sleeping like a baby until fucking Michael accidentally stepped on my leg while trying to wake me up for my shift."

A foggy memory of waking up to Calum whisper-yelling to Michael springs to mind and I laugh, "Ohhh. That's why I heard you cursing so much last night."

Calum shakes his head, "Yeah, sorry about that by the way."

I hold my hands up, "No, it's a totally understandable reaction. If someone woke me up by stepping on my leg, I don't even know what I'd do."

I'm distracted as I hear footsteps running up behind me. I turn around to see Niall approaching us with a bright smile, "Morning, Kyleigh."

"Hey, Niall," I smile, "How was your shift?"

"With this guy?" Niall smiles and jokingly slaps Calum on the shoulder, "Bloody fantastic. I see why Erica was so smitten with him now. She's a lucky girl."

Niall winks at Calum which makes me laugh but also grimace. All of a sudden, Niall's face lights up and he excitedly adds, "We made up a new handshake, do you want to see?"

"Sure," I say. Niall happily walks over to Calum and the two of them do a series of fistbumps and high fives. When they finally finish their handshake with a fake explosion sound, I clap and give a small cheer.

"That was amazing," I admit which earns two wide smiles.

"We know. We spent almost an hour perfecting it," Calum laughs.

"Geez, an hour?" I repeat with a laugh, "Was there not a lot of activity then?" I ask.

"Not really. We heard stuff from far away, but I only had to kill two walkers," Niall replies.

I nod, "That's good. That means we're not surrounded by the herd yet, but it's not going to stay like that for too much longer. We should probably wake everyone up soon."

"You're right. The longer we stay here, the more danger we're putting ourselves in," Calum acknowledges.

I stand up and say, "I might go wake everyone up now actually. The sun is already up and we don't want to waste daylight."

Niall nods, "Sounds good."

I turn back towards the barn and go through the door. When I walk in, I see Erica is already awake.

"Hey," She smiles, "I was wondering where you were."

"I was just talking to Niall and Calum. I haven't been up for too long though. Did you sleep well?"

"Actually yes. Who knew a barn floor could be so comfortable?" Erica says.

I laugh before asking, "So how was your shift with Luke?"

"Not that bad actually. We talked for a little, and there were no issues with zombies. Luke's actually kind of a cool guy. He might not act like it all the time, but I can tell he has a kind heart," She tells me, glancing over to Luke who is still sleeping.

"Well that's news to me," I curtly reply as I walk over to pick up my bag. I briefly think back to when Luke helped me when I was sick, and I know Erica is probably right. But I have convinced myself that him helping me was just a moment of weakness. Why else would he be so rude and argumentative every other time I have talked to him? I shrug away the mixed feelings I have about him and turn back to face Erica.

"We're planning on leaving soon," I inform her, "Niall and Calum are ready, I just came in to wake the rest of you guys up."

She nods, "Luke and I were talking about leaving behind unnecessary supplies so the extra weight doesn't slow us down. Do you, Niall, and Calum want to start that while I wake everyone else up?"

I slightly groan at the idea, but I know that it's a smart move, "Sure. We'll meet you guys outside in ten."

I meet the two boys back outside and we start going through our bags. We struggle on deciding what's useful and what's not, but we end up taking out a few items that we felt might weigh us down. About ten minutes pass when the barn door opens and everyone else walks out.

"Ugh. It's so bright out," Michael complains while shielding his eyes, "Why are we leaving so early again?"

"It's smart to travel in daylight. Every minute counts while the sun is up," Luke replies. I try to hide my surprise by his response. I feel like his attitude on travelling has completely flipped in the last 24 hours, but I'm glad he seems to understand my perspective now.

"Exactly. If we start moving now, we can try to find somewhere to settle down for the night before it gets dark out," I further explain.

Michael sighs, "Makes sense. I just wish it wasn't so damn bright outside."

Niall bends down and picks up a pair of sunglasses from the discard pile we just made, "Would these help?"

Michael's mood instantly flips as he takes the sunglasses, "See, this is why Niall is the best. You actually just made my day, dude."

Michael slips on the shades and Niall laughs. The sunglasses being useful makes me temporarily doubt every item we took out. I speedily scan through the other items we discarded, but I decide that everything else should stay behind.

"Is everyone pretty much ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah," Luke says, responding for everyone else. The entire group grabs their individual belongings and we do a sweep of the barn before heading down the hill. I take out the map and start following down a road. I kind of hate being the one who directs us, but someone has to do it.

We walk for about an hour, and the sun is merciless. I wipe some sweat off my forehead and wince at the thought of my scalp getting burned. Right now, Erica and I are walking side by side, with Niall, Michael, and Ashton in the middle, and Luke and Calum in the back.

"I cannot wait for it to be fall. I hate how hot it is right now," I say to Erica, breaking the silence.

"DUDE, I was thinking the same thing. It should be cooling down soon," She states, "Hopefully."

"I'm really excited for fall, but I'm a bit nervous for winter. I don't know if we should stay here during the colder months, especially without a reliable base, or if we should try to leave the state. New York winters are absolutely brutal, and I don't want any of us to die of hypothermia or some shit like that," I voice.

"Fuck, I didn't think about that. Should we be moving South then?" Erica asks.

"I don't know," I groan, "I wish there was an obvious destination to go to. Somewhere we knew there would be food and supplies and safety."

"If only," Erica agrees.

I look back at the map and see that we're approaching a gas station of some sort. I turn the map to show Erica, "I was thinking we should stop here."

"Sounds good to me," She agrees. We walk for another fifteen minutes before I see it; the gas station. I nearly gasp as I realize the gas station is attached to a Wawa.


"Me too," I agree. I suddenly feel emotional thinking about all the times Erica and I went to Wawa before the apocalypse. I miss those days.

"My day will be made if we find even a single water bottle in here," Ashton comments.

"I would kill for a breakfast sandwich right now," Niall adds on in a daydreamy tone.

"I don't know about the breakfast sandwich, but we are definitely going to have to kill to get in there," Calum says, referencing to the zombies aimlessly walking in front of the store, currently oblivious to our existence yet.

"We can take them," I say, counting only eight zombies, "But we should try to be as quiet as possible so we don't gain the attention of anything nearby."

"Calum, Ashton, Michael, and I will attack from the left, and you, Erica, and Niall will attack from the right. It shouldn't be a problem," Luke announces, increasing his pace.

No one argues with his plan, and we reach the Wawa a few minutes later. We follow through with Luke's plan, and we take down the zombies with ease. I wipe my knife on a ripped up piece of cardboard box before looking up at the Wawa in all its glory. My eyes drop down to a cardboard sign taped to the front windows that read: KEEP OUT. We Will Shoot.

I also notice blood splatters painting the front window, as well as dried blood near the entrance. Everyone nervously looks at each other as a wave of unease washes over us.

"Should we go in?" Michael questions awkwardly.

"It's probably an empty threat," Ashton shrugs, but his eyes linger on the blood.

"I think we should go for it," Calum convincingly says.

Luke peers in through the glass, "It looks empty, but keep your guard up," Luke says quietly before pushing the door open.

We walk in and it's darker than you would expect, considering how bright it is outside. I have never seen a Wawa this large before. There are several aisles, which raises my hopes that we might find something useful. The seven us thoroughly scan the store and we're relieved to find no one living or dead. We disperse throughout the store and start searching for supplies.

After a few minutes, Calum says, "It looks pretty picked over already," from across the store.

"Yeah, I don't see too much," Niall agrees.

I try to not let the disappointment set in, but I think they may be right. I walk over to the refrigerator section and scan through the rows. Whoever decided to hit up a Wawa at the beginning of the apocalypse was smart. I don't see anything, and I'm about to walk away when something catches my eye. I walk forward and open the refrigerator door. I peer between the shelves and spot what must be the storage room. I try to push the shelves backwards, but it doesn't budge.

"What are you doing?" Luke asks as he walks over to me.

"Did you happen to find a door to the back room?" I ask.

Luke shakes his head, "No. But it's probably down that hallway."

I follow him as he directs me behind the counter and down a hallway. We turn the corner and there's a sign hanging on a door that reads: Storage Room - Employees Only.

I glance over at Luke before reaching for the handle and trying to open the door, but of course, it doesn't budge.

"Ugh, why can nothing be easy," I complain.

Luke rolls his eyes, "You're a girl. Don't you have a bobby pin or something? Can't you just pick the lock?"

"How would I know how to pick a lock?" I roll my eyes back at him, "And no, I don't have a bobby pin."

Luke's eyes narrow at me a little, and he's about to reply when we both hear loud shuffling from inside the room.

"Shit," I whisper as I think back to the warning sign hanging at the front of the store. I look up at Luke with wide eyes, mentally asking him what we should do. All of a sudden, there is a full body slam into the door, which makes both of us jump back. Luke defensively puts an arm in front of me, shielding me from the door.

"Luke? Kyleigh? What was that?" We hear Ashton call from down the hall.

"It must be a walker. Why would someone living throw their body against the door like that?" I say.

Luke nods and we walk back to the main part of the store. Everyone is already standing together.

"We were trying to get into the storage room. We think there's a walker in there," Luke explains.

"Is the door locked?" Calum asks.

"Yeah. Does anyone have anything that can open it?" I ask.

"I have a hammer?" Niall offers.

"No, that would be way too loud," Ashton says, "We need something that can quietly pick the lock."

"Erica, do you have a bobby pin by any chance?" Luke questions.

"No," She says and throws her bag over her shoulder, "But I think I have...Ah, here it is." She says and holds up a paper clip, "This should work, right?"

"That's actually perfect," I say with a smile, "Now, does anyone know how to actually pick a lock?"

"I got this," Michael says confidently. He takes the paper clip from Erica's hand and unfolds it so it's straight. The whole group walks down the hallway and Michael gets down on his knee to unlock the door. I stand by the entrance with my knife up, just in case it's actually a living person who was stupidly planning on attacking us.

The six of us hold our breaths as Michael goes to work trying to open the door. It only takes a minute or two until we hear a small click.

"Michael, you goddamn genius," Luke smiles.

"It's nothing," Michael grins as he stands up.

"Everyone ready?" I quietly ask. Everyone nods and backs up a little. I count down from three with my fingers before turning the knob and pushing the door open. We were right. One zombie comes sprinting out, but Ashton stabs it in the head before it can do anything.

Ashton then bends down and picks a gun off of the dead body, "It looks like it wasn't a totally empty threat."

The group slightly shudders at the thought before Ashton slips the gun into his bag. I then peer into the room, immediately scrunching my nose at the smell. I take a few steps in and look to the right to see the cause of the revolting smell and my heart feels like it's going to shatter.

On a small blowup mattress lies two bodies: a woman and a child no older than 10. I glance back to see the zombie that Ashton killed and notice it's a man that looks roughly the same age as the woman. All three bodies look like they died recently.

"It must have been a family," Erica says in shock.

Michael picks up a note from beside the mattress and his hand immediately goes to cover his mouth as he reads it, "Oh my God."

"What?" I ask.

"It's a suicide note. The mother killed herself and their kid," Michael states.

"I might throw up," Niall says, immediately leaving the room.

I glance down and notice that there is a bloodied knife in the woman's hand. My eyes flicker to the gash in both of their heads and my mind feels numb, like it can't fully comprehend the information.

"That's so fucked up," Erica says, looking away from the bodies.

"Let's just look for supplies and then leave as soon as possible," I say and drag my eyes away from the rotting bodies. I keep walking through the room and push through another door. My jaw nearly drops as I come face to face with at least 40 bottles of various drinks and 30 cans of food.

"Fucking jackpot," Ashton says as he walks in from behind me.

"Guys! You have to see this," I call out. The rest of the group, including Niall, pile into the room. The seven of us are slightly stunned at all of the supplies.

"This could last us weeks," I say incredulously. I walk in further and pick up a bottle of Coke. I immediately feel guilty considering the family that previously had all these supplies is dead in the next room, but I try to stifle all those uncomfortable thoughts. I unscrew the top of the bottle and take a sip, before chugging about 60% of it. It's warmer than I would like it to be, but it's more than I could ask for.

"Everyone grab a drink. There's more here than we could even carry," I say.

No one hesitates. Everyone grabs a drink and basically downs it.

"I forgot how good Sprite is," Erica nostalgically says as she finishes the bottle.

There's a murmur of agreement as everyone drinks another bottle or two.

"We should pace ourselves. We don't anyone to vomcom, especially since we have had nothing but water for the last few months," Calum says.

Erica and I burst into laughter, which causes Calum to chuckle and say, "What?"

"I cannot believe you just said vomcom," I say with another laugh.

"It's catching on," Erica says proudly.

"It shouldn't. Vomcom sounds disgusting," Luke replies, but he has a small smile playing on his lips.

"It's better than the word vomit," Erica scrunches her nose.

"That's fair," Luke caves, which causes everyone to laugh.

We decide to take a small break and to rest in the storage room for a little bit. Luke reminds us we're wasting daylight, but he doesn't fight it too hard. We all deserve a break, especially after travelling for so long.

"What was your Wawa order?" Erica randomly asks Calum.

"I was a classic ham and cheese guy," Calum answers.

"What kind of cheese?"

"American," Calum replies.

"Wrong," Erica states matter-of-factly.

"Wrong?" Calum laughs, "Why is that wrong?"

"Why would you pick American when you could pick Provolone or Swiss or even Mozzarella?"

"She's got a point," Ashton says.

"Thank you," Erica smiles at Ashton.

"Fine, what was your order?" Calum asks back.

"Depends on the day," Erica shrugs, "One day it could be a turkey breakfast sandwich or a turkey and cheese hoagie or even just a mac and cheese."

"YES. The mac and cheese was so good," Niall comments.

"It was iconic," I smile.

"I never really got hoagies," Michael admits, "I usually got one of the pretzels or the mozzarella sticks near the register."

"Hmmm," Erica squints her eyes at him, "Solid, yet questionable choice. How about you, Luke? What was your Wawa order?"

Luke just shrugs, "I didn't really go to Wawa."

"WHAT?" I gasp in pure shock.

"I'm sorry, but that's such a red flag," Erica declares.

"That's a bit dramatic," Luke scoffs.

"I didn't make the rules," Erica replies, raising her hands in defense.

"Uh, except you kind of did," Luke retorts.

"Whatever," Erica laughs, "I just can't believe you didn't like Wawa."

"It's not that I didn't like it. I just didn't go enough to have an 'order,'" Luke defends himself, "If it makes you feel any better, I would order from Wawa over Sheetz any day."

"You may have redeemed yourself a bit," Erica says which causes me to laugh.

We talk for another fifteen minutes about random topics before Luke stands up and says, "We really should get going. We don't want to get lost in the dark."

He's right, so I stand up and say, "Try to fit as many drinks and cans in your bag as possible."

We all start packing and I look over to Erica, "It was smart of you to suggest clearing out our bags."

She smiles, "It was Luke's idea."

I make eye contact with Luke and awkwardly say, "Nice job."

"Thanks," He smiles.

My heart rate picks up at seeing Luke genuinely smile, but I ignore it and go back to filling my bag. We somehow pack everything, and our bags are heavier than they should be, but it's always nice to have more food and drinks than we need.

We start to leave, but my eyes land back on the mother and child as we walk into the first room. Everyone ignores it and keeps walking, but I abruptly stop. I don't want to leave them like this. I notice a sheet sitting in the corner of the room, and I walk over to pick it up. Luke notices my action and stays back to help me. He silently takes one side of the sheet and helps me gently place it over the bodies. We stand back and I suddenly feel like I could cry.

"How could she do this?" I ask softly, "How could she kill herself and her child? I mean they had all these drinks and the food and they had each other. I just...I don't understand."

"Try not to think about it," Luke replies, "There's so much we don't know."

My shoulders sag a little, "You're right. I don't know why this is hitting me so hard. I just think I forgot what was happening outside of our own little bubble," I say. My voice betrays me by cracking slightly at the end.

Luke takes me surprise by turning towards me and wrapping his arms tightly around me. I freeze for a second before returning the gesture and wrapping my arms around his torso. The gesture alone makes me want to burst out into tears but I take a deep breath instead, trying to compose myself.

"I know you might not believe me, but I'm really glad we followed after you before it was too late," Luke says, pulling back from the hug and looking me in the eyes, "And I'm sorry for being such a dumbass. I was caught up in my own head and I wasn't thinking about anyone else. I suck at apologizing, but I just want you to know that I am sorry."

I feel my entire mindset towards him soften in that moment. "It's okay. I was a bit harsh too. I know it was really hard for you to leave your house. It took a lot of courage, and I know you might not believe me," I say, repeating the same phrase, "But I'm really glad you guys found us."

Luke gives me a lop-sided grin, and my stomach involuntarily starts doing flips. I quickly mask my nervousness by saying, "We should go. Everyone is probably wondering what we're doing."

"After you," Luke says and holds the door open for me. I walk through and he shuts it behind us. We then walk back outside where everyone is waiting for us.

"Fucking finally," Michael says as he fans himself.

"What were you guys doing in there?" Ashton curiously asks.

"Nothing," Luke quickly dismisses everyone, and I'm also quick to change the subject. Nothing dramatic happened obviously, but it still feels weird to tell everyone.

"Alright. We spent a bit too much time in there, so we have to figure out what our next move is," I declare as I pull the map out of my back pocket. I bend down and place it on the floor so everyone can see it, "I say our best bet is to keep moving East and we can hit this train station, or we can go South and reach the motel. The motel is a bit farther, but it could offer us more protection at night. On the other hand, the train station isn't too far, and we would have more time to settle down."

"I say we head for the train station," Erica says, "How fucking cool is that?"

"Let's take a vote," I say, although I agree with Erica, "Who thinks we should go to the train station?"

Erica, Calum, and Luke are quick to raise their hands, and everyone else soon follows suit.

"Train station it is," I say as I stand back up. I put us on the right track and we fall back into the same positions we were in before. Erica and I distance ourselves a bit from everyone else before she asks, "Uhhhh, so what just happened between you and Luke? I know something happened."

"What do you mean? We were gone for like two minutes. How could something have happened?" I reply.

She narrows her eyes at me and then she says, "There was just a vibe. I know that sounds dumb, but I know you know what I mean."

"He just apologized for being an asshole and said he was glad he found us... and we hugged briefly but it was nothing," I inform her.

"AWWWW," She says loudly and I widen my eyes.

"Shhhh. There's nothing 'awwww' about that," I laugh but I can feel my cheeks heating up.

Erica moves over and links her arms with mine, "I ship it already. What's your ship name? Kuke? Lyleigh? Luleigh? I kind of hate them all," She laughs and I laugh with her.

"Yeah, that's pretty bad. But there's nothing to ship. Nothing's going to happen," I say.

"Mhmm, okay," She brushes me off.

"Weren't you just shipping me with Ashton like an hour ago?" I remind her.

"I was always team Luke from the beginning," She confidently replies.

"There's no way. How?" I ask.

She smiles at me, "I can tell he was your type. Plus, I knew he wasn't as much of an asshole as he was coming off to be."

I just shake my head, "Nothing is going to happen with him though. He doesn't like me like that."

"I will actually beat you up," Erica says in annoyance.

"Why?" I laugh.

"Are you dumb? He obviously likes you. Why else would he leave his house and follow after us?"

"Maybe he came for Niall," I half-joke, "Or the other three boys convinced him most-likely."

"They had months to convince him, and they couldn't," Erica says, "But you did."

"I don't know, dude. What if it was just another moment of weakness? Like the night he helped when I was sick? What if tomorrow he goes back to being a terrible person? I shouldn't let myself get wrapped up in that," I say self-consciously.

For the first time, Erica seems stumped.

She takes a second before saying, "You might be right. Orrrr - hear me out - or you're helping him to change and evolve into a better person. Maybe he's coming out of his shell, and you're helping him to remember what life can be like."

I grin over at her, "I have no idea what I'd do without you."

We then decide to slow our pace so we can walk with the rest of the group. We walk for another hour and my feet are starting to kill me. We should only be a few miles away, which is the only thing that's keeping me going. The combination of the sun beating down on us, plus the extra burden of carrying the supplies we got, is weighing heavily on all of us.

"How long until we're there?" Niall questions from the back, "And please tell me we're like two minutes away."

"It's a bit longer than that," I sigh, "I would guess we have another hour and a half."

"Fuuucckkkk," Michael draws out.

"I'm just glad we picked this over the motel," Calum voices.

"Me too," I agree.

"My legs actually feel like death," Erica complains.

"Do you want a piggy back ride?" Calum offers.

"Um, yes? But I don't want to break your back. There's no way you can carry me plus our bags," Erica states.

Calum flips his backpack so it's on his front, "There. Hop on."

"No. I'll kill you," Erica says.

"No you won't," Calum rolls his eyes, "I got you."

"I can take your bag if that makes you feel better," Ashton offers.

"I feel bad for saying anything now," Erica laughs, slightly embarrassed.

"Trust me, if Calum offered me a piggy back ride right now, I'd jump at the chance," Ashton laughs.

"You're right," Erica laughs as she hands Ashton her bag, "Thank you."

We all momentarily stop as Erica hops on Calum's back. We continue walking and Erica must ask Calum if he's okay at least fifty times over the next ten minutes.

Awhile later, Ashton increases his pace so it's just us in the front.

"Hey," He smiles, "How are you doing?"

"Kind of dying inside, but other than that I'm good," I reply, "What about you?"

"I'm honestly glad we finally left the house. I never thought we would," He says.

"I'm happy we left too. I just wish I knew for sure that I was leading us to the right place. It's a lot of pressure being the one with the map," I say honestly.

"You're a really good leader. We all trust you," He tells me reassuringly before adding, "Even Luke, although he might not admit it."

"Thanks, Ash," I smile. I glance behind us and see Calum and Erica are now walking side-by-side, talking to Michael and Luke. I send a smile at Niall who looks like he wants to keel over.

"We're almost there," I say in the attempt to raise everyone's spirits, "It should be down this hill and to the left."

"Woooo," Niall weakly replies.

I can't really see anything through all the trees, but I'm praying that the train station is there. We walk down the hill and turn down another road. My mood instantly improves as we see a sign for the station, but then immediately plummets when we see what looks like 40 zombies swirling around the tracks.

I can sense the fatigue coming from everyone in the group. No one wants to do this right now, but Luke steps forward.

"Let's get this over with," He says, pulling out his knife.

We're too tired to come up with an actual plan, so I just take a deep breath before following after him. We stealthily come from the side and start taking out whatever walks our way. I take out the first few easily, but one walker comes from behind me, taking me completely off guard. I stumble backwards, but regain my composure quickly. I thrust my knife, lodging it deep within the front of its head; however, panic washes through me as I can't pull the knife from its skull.

I feel a hand on my back, sending my anxiety through the roof. I whip around to face Michael, who's handing me another knife.

"Get it after," He tells me before turning to kill another walker.

"Thanks," I say breathlessly. We keep making our way down the track, and I swear more and more zombies are spawning out of nowhere.

I hear Erica let out a small squeal as a zombie grabs her arm, but Calum is already right next to her, helping her. My mind goes into autopilot mode after that as I stab zombie after zombie.

Minutes later, Michael finally kills the last walker. I look around to see the blood that now stains all of our clothes and the dead bodies that now litter the tracks. We all stand where we are, catching our breaths.

"I can't tell if that was terrifying or badass," Niall says.

"Definitely both. I have never been more glad to be in a group though," Erica says, trying to wipe the blood off her hands.

I walk back down to where my knife is, attempting to pull it from the zombie's skull. It takes more strength than I would like to admit before it's finally free. I think I could actually vomcom as brain matter spills out of the zombie's head.

"I think it's safe to say that no one living has been here in awhile," Ashton comments.

"Yeah, which could potentially be a good thing," Michael says.

"I think there's a train down there," Luke points to something about a half mile away, "We could clear out a train car and sleep in there for the night."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I say. We follow the tracks with Luke leading us. I feel like we're moving slower than usual as it takes another ten minutes for us to finally reach the train. It looks pretty sturdy and relatively untouched, which is a good sign that no one has been here in awhile.

I just really hope we made the right decision coming here.

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