Fast Love

By AlyssaWonder

537K 16.9K 2.5K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 18

9.7K 311 59
By AlyssaWonder



I woke up this morning feeling very anxious. I was excited for the day to quickly be over so I could be with Amber again. Our first time was amazing and I knew it would only get better.  As if she knew I was thinking about her, my cell rang with Amber’s name flashing on the screen.

 “Morning babe.” I smiled as I answered her call.

“Bad news.” she began and it made me sit upright.

“What do mean bad news? What’s going on?” I ask trying to get a grip before panicking.

“My grandparents are leaving today and since my mom has to drop them off at the airport so she wants to take me to school.”

I blow out a sigh of relief; that wasn’t so bad. “Babe, you had me worried. It’s cool we won’t ride to school this morning. There’s always tomorrow. I’ll just see you before first period.”

“I know but riding to school together is just our thing.” I can tell by the tone of her voice that she is pouting on the other end of the phone.

“One day isn’t going to kill you. I’ll see you later okay. I love you.”

She says it back and we disconnect. I get out of bed, head into the bathroom and shower for the day. After I dress in a white tee, jeans and a Matix black and grey vest, I go downstairs and join Shannon and her parents for breakfast.

“Have you talked to your parents about helping pay for our class trips and prom?” Shannon asked me as I sat down at the table. Her mother sat a plate down in front of me.

“Oh, yeah. I talked to my mom Monday night and she just said to send her and my dad a bill.” I tell her as I begin eating.

“Where are you all going for the trip?” Shannon’s dad asks.

“Puerto Rico!” Shannon exclaims excitedly.

“You kids don’t know how lucky you have it. Back in my dad we didn’t have class trips. Hell, prom was a luxury, now it’s a necessity.” he rants.

I chuckle and almost choke on the bite of food I had just taken as I watch Shannon mouth the exact words her father had said.

“You okay son?” he asks me while patting my back.

I just nod and take a sip of my orange juice. Shannon and I get up from the table once we’re done eating and head outside. Garrett is outside in his car waiting for Shannon. I wave to him as I get in my car and head to school.

Garrett pulls into the parking lot a few seconds after I do. I park and as I get out I see Amber getting out of her mother’s car. I call her name and she spins in my direction. She gives me a large smile and rushes over.

She hugs me and places a kiss on my lips. “Ready for tonight?” she asks me with a sexy smirk playing on her lips.

Did this girl realize what she’s doing to me? It rhymes with ‘goodie’. I groan as I will down the sudden swell and nod at her question before giving her a small kiss.

“Let’s go inside.” I tell her and take her head, leading her into the building.

I walk Amber to her locker and leaned against as she opened it.

“So, I will meet you at my car at the end of the day.” I say very lowly since Shannon and Garrett are passing us to head to his locker.

She looks to me with a smile. “I can’t wait.”

I give her a kiss and when I pull back I throw her a wink. I turn and head to the senior hall. I am all smiles as I head to my locker but my smile fades when I see someone very familiar. No, my eyes were playing tricks on me. What the hell was she doing here?

Walking in my direction was an old flame. We were together on and off for three years but I wouldn’t even call her a girlfriend; friends with benefits was the box I would put Noelle Martin in. She travelled a lot due to her getting a teen modeling contract at thirteen which she easily got with her exotic looks due to her French and Chinese heritage.

She was chatting with Toby Springer; I’m guessing he was assigned as her ‘tour guide’. I gulped when she looked away from Toby and her eyes landed on me.

“EMERY?!” she yells so loud that some people look in her direction.

She rushed to me and jumped on me. I had no choice but to grab her because her arms flew around my neck. It definitely caused more looks our way.

“You go here?” she asked when she pulled away.

You go here?” I asked back still in complete shock that she was standing before me.

Toby came over before she could answer. “How do you two know each other?”

“We met about four years ago in our home state of Georgia.” Noelle stated and I pulled her away before she spilled the beans that we had been together.

“What are you doing here?” I ask her still astonished.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” she smiles up at me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “What are you doing here?” I ask once again.

“I was hired for a five month campaign for this hot new designer here in Florida. I didn’t want to be homeschooled anymore so I enrolled here. This is a sweet coincidence that you go here to! And here I thought this school would be boring.”

She licked her lips at me as she spoke. I sighed with relief when the bell rung; saved by the bell. I told Noelle we would talk later and I jetted off to my first class.

As I sat down I nearly shit my pants when Noelle entered the room. Of course she would have a few classes with me! She nearly ran to the seat once possessed by Felix; which was right next to me.

She smiled and waved to me as our teacher came in. She announced we had a new student and asked Noelle to stand and introduce herself.

This girl loved the spotlight so she stood and told everyone her name and her job-which fascinated the girls and the guys when she told them she would be modeling swimwear while here in Florida.

When she sat down she winked at me and I said a silent prayer that her arrival would not affect what Amber and I had.


I was pissed as the last bell rang. Everyone was talking about this chick who had been hanging on Emery all damn day! I heard she was pretty and had the ‘Asian persuasion’.  Who was this girl and I hoped Emery told her he had a girlfriend.

I gathered my things and told Shannon I would call her later that night as I left the building. I went into the parking lot and got to Emery’s car. He wasn’t there so I leaned against the passenger side.

Five minutes later Emery came waltzing out of the building with a girl on his arm. My eyes widened as she was looking at him like he was her long lost love. What the fudge?

Emery met my eyes with a sad expression and he removed his arm from this girl’s grasp. She shouldn’t have been touching him in the first damn place.

“You have got to come by my place tonight. My dad would be so thrilled to know you’re here!” she said to him, completing ignoring me leaning against Emery’s car.

I cleared my throat to get their attention, mainly this chick’s because Emery’s eyes were glued to me. The girl turned to me and offered me a smile. Okay, so she was pretty but Emery loved me so he wouldn’t go for her. Would he?

“Hi Amber.” Emery finally stated and looked to his ‘friend’ to make introductions. “Umm, Amber this is Noelle. We went to school together in Georgia. Noelle, this is Amber.”

“Hi!” she screamed at me, waving her hand wildly at me.

Um, was Emery going to tell her I was his girlfriend? He better in the next five seconds or I was going to do it for him.

“Umm, Noelle, Amber is my girlfriend.”

I hoped neither of them saw the breath I exhaled. Noelle looked shocked as she looked between Emery and I.

“Girlfriend? What...when…how…I gotta go.”

The girl ran off like a bat that was just released from the pits of hell! What was that about? I looked to Emery with the same question looming in my expression.

“Can we talk about it later?” he states and unlocks the doors to his car.

“Emery, did you two use to date?” I ask not moving to get in his car.

He sighs. “No, she wanted to be my girlfriend. Remember I told you I wasn’t a virgin…”

A pain hit me in my chest. “She took your virginity? What the hell is she doing here? Stalking you?”

Emery shushed me. “No, she moved here for a job. She’s a model and it’s just a coincidence.”

I wanted to cry. His supermodel ex-girlfriend was now going to our school. The way she was looking at Emery when they walked to his car spoke volumes. She was in love with him.

“Amber, are you ready to go?” he asks, snapping me from my thoughts.

“Umm, Emery I want you to take me home.” I tell him as I get in his car.

He gets in and has a shocked expression on his face. “Baby, please don’t let this ruin our plans. You have nothing to worry about with Noelle. She’s my past; you’re my present and future.”

I wanted to believe him. I needed to trust him. I tell Emery to take us to his old house. He leans over me and kisses me before he starts his car and drives off.

We arrive at his old house and Emery opens my door for me after he gets out. We go inside and head straight to his room. Once we enter Emery pulls off his vest and shirt and then pulled off his shoes. He hugs me to him and kisses my lips and neck in an anxious manner.

“Slow down babe. We’ve got plenty of time.” I tell him as I feel his hands on the bottom of my shirt.

He stops his actions and pulls away from me. “I’m sorry for rushing. I just have been looking forward to this all day.”

I smile at him and peck his lips. “I have too. But we can take our time okay.”

He nods and we slow down a bit. I pull off my shirt and shimmy my jeans off my hips. I sit on Emery’s bed and pull off my shoes so I can get my pants off.

“Do you mind if we try a new position?” I hear Emery ask me.

I stare at him and watch him pull off his jeans. I look into his face and nod at his question. He approaches me and pulls me off the bed. He turns me so my back it to his front. I feel his hand on my back and he unsnaps my bra and slowly pushes my torso to the bed.

My heart is pounding as he pulls my panties down my legs. I then hear his boxers drop and he grabs something from the nightstand. I hear him fumbling behind me and then he spreads my legs a bit with his knee.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous.” Emery whispers behind me.

I feel his hand caress my backside and then I suck in a gasp of breath as I feel him push into me. He grips my hips as he thrusts into me slowly, letting me get accustomed to him.

I grip the edge of the bed and hiss at the semi-pain from this new position. After a while it starts to feel so good! Emery begins a faster pace and I scream out each time naked flesh hits naked flesh.

He moans behind me and whispers over and over that he loves me. I scream out that I love him too when my body begins to convulse. Emery belts out as I assume he reached his peak as well.

He leans forward, resting his body on my back. I feel his lips on my shoulders and then he moves us onto the bed. We lay down and he pulls me against his body. He runs his fingers up and down my arm, causing a slight shiver from me.

“When was the last time you slept with Noelle?” I blurt out as I throw my arm over his torso.

“What? Why do you want to know that?” he asks while staring down at me.

“Just humor me please.”

He clears his throat and looks away from me. “Two days before I moved down here.”

Was he serious? Two freakin’ days before he moved down here? No wonder Noelle had that look in her eyes. He was probably her most recent hook-up as well! Wow.

“Is she going to be a problem for us?” I ask him as I push myself away from him a bit.

He pulls me back to him. “I already told you: she’s my past. I love you okay.”

I sigh and nod.

“You love me?” he asks as I didn’t say it back.

I nod.

“Say it then.”

I smirk at him. “I love you boy.”

He leans down and places a kiss on my lips. When he pulls back he tells me we have to get up so he can take me home. I look at the clock and notice it’s four thirty.

“We still got an hour.” I tell him as he gets out of bed.

My eyes are glued to his nicely toned ass as he moves around to get his clothes.

“Yeah but it will take me half an hour to get you home.” he reasons.

I agree with his logic and Emery gathers his and my clothes. He then grabs my hand and leads me into the bathroom. After he disposes of the condom we shower together.

When we’re done we dress and head outside and get into his car. He drives me home and I make a move to get out of his car. I stop when Emery grabs my arm. I spin to look at him.

“You’re not mad, right? About Noelle and all?” he asks me.

“No, as long as she knows she will never have you in her bed again then I’m cool.” I state and offer him a smile.

“Okay. Well, text me later.”

I agree to and make a move to get out of the car. Emery grabs my arm once again. I turn to him and stare at his hand on my arm. I look back into his face.

“No kiss?” he pouts.

I lean into him and give him a quick kiss and jump out his car before he can grab my arm again.

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