Someday Soon (wlw)

By sanitx

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1.3K 36 2
By sanitx

A l y s s a

early morning, i was up pretty early as i was making my way into the school. i was pretty exhausted to say the least, i would've called off but why? all i had was a few hours.

the school year went by pretty fast if you asked me. obviously the first few weeks are slow but aren't they always? but i did this for a living, the years naturally flew by.

sitting my things down onto my desk, i straighten up my area as i began to get situated. suddenly, my door flew open and in walked Mr. King.

"morning beautiful," he stated with, a wide smile forming on his lips. arms folded as they were resting behind his back, he seemed tense. "how are you doing?"

i frown my brows, smiling dully, "im—im fine, how about yourself, Mr. King?"

"im well," he says with a seemingly not so noticeable nod. stepping closer, he extended his arms as he spoke, "uh i was wondering—"

"im not interested," i cut him off, shaking my head.

"you—you don't even know what i was gonna say," he tilts his head, slight frustration written amongst his face.

"okay," i nod, eyeing him. "go on, tell me what you'd like to tell me, Mr. King."

"you've slept with Miss. Lance," hmm, have i?

"hmm, is that so?" i question, my brows slight raised. arms folded, i stood still. "what gives you that assumption?"

"i see you two together all the time. sure enough if you're not sleeping with her, you two are seeing each other."

"mhm, okay. well if that's what you came to tell me, thank you i guess? would you like a high five? a round of applause?"

"drop the sarcasm," he demanded, causing me to cut my eyes at him.

"im sorry but you're just gonna walk up into my classroom and demand i do something?" i scoff, shaking my head. "you're a teacher here just as i am, exit my classroom, please."

not letting up, i soon felt an uneasy grip upon my bicep as he pulled me closer to him, "listen Adams, i know you and Alexandra have something going."

yanking my arm from his grasp, i shoved him as my brows frowned, "that's an amazing assumption, i appreciate that i guess. would you mind exiting my classroom, as i asked before, because i have a class to teach," i grin dully, pointing towards the door.

"i would actually," he smirks, stepping closer.

as i was about to speak, the door flung open and several students walked in. thank goodness.

"leave," i fold my arms, eyeing him closely.

backing up slow, he ran his hand over his face, "mm, sure. ill be seeing you after class, let's hope Alex don't interrupt us."

threats? again? lord, these people.


sitting in the edge of my bed, i sunk into the mattress just slightly, taking in my old bedroom atmosphere. it looked exactly as i left it, though the paint was chipping off. it was old.

i sat there, in silence, my legs crossed as my thoughts ran through my mind. i couldn't stop thinking but who ever could?

reaching over, i slid my hand down into my purse as i aimlessly looking for the picture of Alexandra and i. crazy place to keep it, i know but i didn't want to leave it just anywhere. pulling it out from my purse, i held it down in front of my face, my eyes studying it. i ran my thumb over it slow, feeling a rush of emotions hit me.

why did bad things always have to happen? why did i even allow myself to get close to her?

what was the big issue here?

alone with my thoughts, her absence made life seem meaningless, painful. not having her by my side seem to tug at my heart.

maybe when she finishes school, we'd have a chance but that chance stood at a standstill and was always as small as now. maybe.

but why did Ella have to ruin it? then Mr. King?

why did they hate us so much? well that's obviously but why did going off about it in ways like that satisfy them?

the pure pain and anger her body held when Ava was missing hurt my soul. why did Ella do that to her?

so many questions and never enough answers drove me more insane. i just couldn't help but think. i was sitting here with my thoughts. which didn't help at all.

stuffing that picture back into my purse, i leaned off onto the wall behind me, resting my head back. closing my eyes, i relaxed immediately as the soft Rhythm of my heartbeat steadied.

i didn't want to jinx's anything but at least Ella was in jail, at least she was not longer one of our nanny problems. yeah Ella had her people but now king stood out. great.

as i pulled myself up from the wall, my phone began to ring, indicating someone was calling me.

pulling it out, i seen matt's name flash across the screen and immediately i answered, "Alex's in the hospital again..uh—it's uh not bad but she's dealing with a minor injury and a few more scars." he pause suddenly and my heart began to thump rapidly, my breathing hitched as i tried to calm myself. "i don't mean to scare you but if you're not busy, i was wondering if you'd stop by. again, it's nothing big."

i could feel something inside of my chest tighten as his words echoed through my ears. realising what he had said, i quickly replied, "im on the way, give me 15 minutes, twenty tops."

quickly, i gathered my things as i made my way down the stairs and out of the door. practically throwing myself into my car, i turned my engine over and wasted no time as i pulled off.

i tried my best to not let my thoughts get the best of me but with Alex it was harder than usual. she was always a thought, even in the smallest ways.

i needed her to be okay, if anything, please.

feeling the wave of fear wash over me, it seemingly took over as i flew down the street. uncomfortable in my seat, i took a breath as i desperately tried calming myself again.

relax, Alyssa, please relax.

hitting the corner, the hospital quickly came into view as i hit more of the gas. pulling up into the parking lot, i instantly found a spot as i parked. dragging myself from the inside of my car, i made my way over into the hospital. immediately my eyes landed on Matt, watching him sit off in the waiting room, his attention glued to the television.

that was his way of making sure he was calm, classic Matt.

approaching him, i tapped his shoulder lightly, "are you okay? you're doing your thing again."

his eyes fell upon me as he sighed, rubbing his face, "thank you for coming, really thank you, Alyssa. but yes, im okay, i just—i don't know what happened."

i nod, rubbing his back, "that's okay, that's okay, i promise. what i need you to do is relax, can you? that'll be the last thing, Alex wants and you and i both know that."

he chuckles lightly, rubbing his beard, "yes, she wouldn't want that."

"mhm," i nod, folding my hands inside my lap. "now could you explain to me what happened?"

"yes," he starts with, nodding slow. "she explained to me how it happened. someone crashed into her and she explained how she felt as though it was on purpose which made me question. but she goes on and tells me that the car behind her kept riding her and as she watched it closely, she moved, time after time and the car just followed..and when she went to stop, it crashed into her hard, not even braking."

my mind instantly raced, every thought i could think of running through my brain. who would ever want to hurt Alex? and for what?

who would want to kill her..?

"is she okay?" i questioned.

he nods, "yes, it just a few bruises and cuts. nothing serious as the doctors told me. she'll probably have a few more stitches and we'll get to see her."

i nod, "that's good, that's good."

"yeah. how are you though? how've you been?"

Matt could probably tell right through my lies but this wasn't a conversation him and i needed in this moment.

"ive been okay," i grin, rubbing my leg. "school year is coming to a close and i couldnt be more happier."

"ah, really?"

i chuckle lightly, "yes, it's been kicking my ass but you know me, i always manage."

"how's Alexandra and you? i know you both started off rocky."

"we're okay, honestly. she's an amazing student and i cannot wait until she graduates, she's been amazing."

before he could reply, the doctor came back, "Mr. Lance?"

Matt stands, "that's me, yes."

"you're welcome to come and see her now, though she's almost out of it, she's holding up amazing."

"thank you," Matt says, shooting him a smile.

nodding, the doctor walked off and left us alone again.

"you can go see her, im gonna head to the bathroom really quickly."

i nod, not bothering to say anything back as i walked off to the back, going over to her room as i stepped inside.

"Adams," she greets me, a warm smiling appearing on her face. "what are you doing here?"

"i should be asking you that," i tilt my head, softly shutting the door behind me before stepping closer to her. "i mean i know why you're here, huge father explained it to me but are you alright?"

she nods, trying to pull herself up, "slight pains but nothing i can't handle."

rushing over to her, i held her up, helping her, "relax and lay down, you're just gonna hurt yourself more."

she scoffs, holding onto my arm, "im okay you big baby, don't be worrying about me."

i shake my head, grinning widely, "you know what, Alex.."

"what do i know, Miss. Adams?"

i sound myself standing here, entertained by the woman whom lay beneath me. standing over her body, i watched as she lay her, almost in my arms.

how did this happen? i asked myself for the millionth time. so many people were on our heads yet her and i weren't panicking. why?

my eyes travel across her face as they danced over her, admiring her in a whole. she was so much and i couldn't help but find myself blown by it. artwork at its finest.

my heart fluttered as her eyes flickered to mine, our eyes dancing in one another's, not bothering to leave.

"you look beautiful tonight," she mumbled, stroking her thumb over the back of my hand.

"thank you," tucking my bottom lip, i chewed on it softly as a grin appeared upon my lips.

"can i have a kiss?" she questioned in a whisper, wrapping her hand into mine as she gave it a squeeze.

"no, Alexandra," i tilted my head, backing away as i sat down in the chair that resided on her bedside. "i have something id like to talk to you about though."

"you sound like you're about to give me a lecture on not doing enough work to pass the semester," she says jokingly, giving me her full attention. "but uh what is it?"

"Mr. King," was all i could say.

"mhm," she nods, her brows frowning as her face was drawn in confusion. "what about him, exactly?"

"put two and two together, Alex."

"well," she scoffs, tiling her head as she began to think. "all im getting is him trying to get with you again."

i shake my head, "think."

she sighs, "we have another Ella situation, don't we?"

i nod, desperately wanting to disagree, "sadly. before classes, he came into my classroom going on about how he knew we were a thing and i was pulling the sarcasm out of my ass, playing with him. he grabbed me and threatened know the usual."

"when will all of this bullshit just stop..? Ella goes to jail and you'd think we'd get rid of the headaches but one more comes back and causes more bullshit."

i shrug, "it's okay, you graduate soon. let me worry about him, he's not really a bother."

"you scared me saying that, shit"

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