Fast Love

By AlyssaWonder

537K 16.9K 2.5K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 11

9.6K 338 23
By AlyssaWonder

Author's Note: Video of Destiny's Child's Emotion sets the mood for this chapter. Enjoy :-)


I was so happy when the final bell rang. Emery had practice today so I had to wait for him to get out. Garrett offered me a ride home but I wanted to wait for Emery so I politely declined.

I went to the soccer field and sat in the bleachers to watch the boys play. I didn't see Emery but he hadn't gotten a jersey with his last name on it yet so he could've been in the crowd. I worked on homework and when the coach dismissed the guys after a great practice, I got up and rushed to the parking lot.

There were a few cars parked in the lot and I headed for Emery's car. I noticed it wasn't in the spot he parked in this morning and wondered if he had went off campus for lunch. I was a bit surprised when I approached his car and saw that he was inside.

I moved around to the driver's side and tapped on the window. He looked so sad as he opened the door and stood before me.

"Hey, you weren't at practice?" I ask. "And why do you look so sad?"

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. Okay, he was scaring me. What was going on?

"Babe, you're scaring me." I whisper as I hear him crying.

"My mom couldn't convince my dad to let me stay here until I graduate. I'm leaving for New York in the morning." he whispers.

WHAT?! NO! He was so sure he would be staying and now he was leaving me? This could not be happening!

"If you're playing a joke on me, this is not funny." I mumble.

"I wish I was joking. God, why did this have to happen? I was so sure that we would be together."

He was talking like we were breaking up. I mean, I hated the idea of a long distance relationship but  I  didn't want to give up on Emery. I pull back from him so that I could look in his face.

"Hey, we'll still be together. We can call, text, skype...the whole nine yards."

"It's not the same. I won't be able to kiss you, hold you."

"But you can right now." I sigh.

He takes the hint and pulls me back close to him. He kisses my lips and I throw my arms around his neck. He pulls back as he feels me attempt to deepen our kiss.

"I want to give you something to remember me by." he says while taking my hand. He raises it palm up and drops his car keys in my hand.

My eyes bug at the action.

"You have your driver's license right?"

I nod but I push the keys into his chest. "I can't take your car."

"I won't need it, I have the Camaro. Please."

I couldn't believe this! I finally agree and we get into the car. He drives us to his house and takes me inside so I can say good-bye to his mom. She hugs me once she comes into sight.

"I wish we had more time to get to know one another but my son has taking a fast liking to you so I know you are something special. We'll be back after six months and maybe Emery will go to college around here so you two can be together again."

I nod and then I keep my fingers crossed that it might be a possibility. But then I remember that I planned to go to Georgetown so if Emery came back for college I would just leave when I started college. This was like a roller coaster and already I wanted to get off.

"I'll leave you two alone for a moment." Evelyn states and gives me a hug before disappearing down the hall.

Emery pulls me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much."

I sniff back tears. "Please don't. You'll only make me cry."

He nods and places a kiss on the side of my head. We just stand there hugging each other for a few minutes before Emery tells me to head on home.

"Just a few more minutes." I sigh while clutching him so tight.

"We can't stop the inevitable. I will call you in the morning and when you get out of school. I want to skype with you tomorrow night and I'll make plans to come see you on Sunday. We'll spend Valentine's Day together."

I smile at the effort he's making. This will work out. It will.

I look into his face and pull him down to me for a kiss. He kisses me on my lips, on both my cheeks and my lips again.

I leave his home and get into his...well my car. I drive home and park in the driveway. I see my mom peek out the curtain and her eyes bug when she sees me get out of the car. I go in the house and she immediately questions me.

"Emery is leaving!" I cry. "His parents are moving to New York for six months and he has to go with them!"

"Oh baby." my mother coos and rushes to me. She hugs me as I cry on her shoulder.

I tell her through sobs that Emery gave me his car and promised we'd still be together. She leads me to my room and helps me into my bed.

"It'll be okay baby. Trust me." she whispers and kisses my cheek before leaving.

I grab my pillow and clutch it to my chest as I think of the short time I had with Emery, but I was happy. Even though I was young I knew that I would consider him my first love.


I couldn't let Amber see me cry twice in one day but I did once she left. I wished my dad would just let me stay. What benefit would he have if I moved to New York. Yes I was still a minor for the next two months but I was responsible. My parents could've trusted me to be alone for four months!

I was finished packing after only an hour. I only had to pack up my clothes since my mom told me my dad would buy new furniture for the condo he rented.

I was going to make the best of this because I knew Amber and I were meant for each other. We would just have to endure this separation.

The next morning when I woke up I called Amber. It was six am but I figured she'd be up to get ready for school. She answered after the third ring.

"Hello?" she answered a bit groggy.

"Hey baby. Good morning." I whispered.

"Hey Emery!" she perked right up. "What time does your flight leave?"

I sigh. "Eleven o'clock. We'll be at the airport by nine."

"I'm going to miss you." she cries a bit.

"Hey, we'll see each other Sunday and this is just a temporary setback for us okay. Trust me, we'll be together physically sooner than you think."

"I trust you."

"Good. Now go on and get ready for school. I'll call you when you get out and we'll skype later tonight. I love you."

"I love you too." she says back. That makes me smile.

We hang up and I get out of bed. I change into some sweats and meet my mother in the living room where our luggage is. She has her arms wrapped around herself like she is hugging herself. I ask her what's wrong.

"I just hate to uproot you like this. There's no one you know who will let you stay with them until you graduate? If you has adult supervision, your father wouldn't mind you staying down here."

What? I though the move was set. Why didn't she mention this yesterday? There were really only two people I could think of: Amber and Shannon. Amber's mom would castrate me before she let me move in and live with my girlfriend-her daughter.

I really didn't know Shannon that well but her house was huge so it wouldn't hurt to ask her. I rush back to my room and call Shannon.

"Yeah?" she answers, also groggy.

"Shannon? It's Emery. I've got a huge favor to ask you."


"Honey, you missed school yesterday. Come on get up."

I shove my mother away from me. "No, I'm not showing my face in that school again. She embarrassed me and now no one likes me!" I cried.

"Oh honey, it's only high school. You'll forget all about this once you go off to college."

"I said I'm not going!" I scream at her and tell her to leave me alone as I pull my covers over my head.

I hear my mother snap her fingers. "I've got an idea. Why don't you go stay with your aunt in New York? You can have a fresh start at a new school and I'll have your father stop payment on those checks paying for those trips and prom. That'll show those kids they were mean to the wrong girl!"

I remove my sheets from my head and look at my mother. She has a devious smile on her face and I mimic it.

"That sounds like a plan mommy!"

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